The Reluctant Exhibitionist Ch. 05

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A beautiful coed is forced to exhibit her body in public.
22.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 12/10/2008
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Author's Note: Although this story occasionally refers to earlier events I believe it works well as a standalone story for those who haven't read previous chapters.


By Seahawk76 and Falcon


Traffic grew progressively heavier as I stared out the passenger side window at other cars and their inhabitants. People of different sizes, shapes, ages, genders, and ethnicities on their way to somewhere in their busy lives. I'm sure each of them had their own set of problems and challenges yet I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for all of them. You see they all possessed something in common that I currently lacked. Clothes.

Once again I found myself in the company of Nancy Johnson, Assistant to the Dean of my college, and without a stitch of clothing on or even any access to any. If you're not familiar with my story or how I ended up in this situation don't worry, you'll be up to speed soon enough. Let's just say that spending my college years under the control of a crazy woman who holds the power to force me to exhibit my nude body in public at her whim wasn't exactly my idea.

As I stared out the window I wondered how many girls in the world were in my predicament. Oh, I don't mean riding around naked in a car or exposing their bodies in public because I know there are women who do that for fun or profit. God knows that Nancy had showed me enough photos and videos of nude women in very public settings during my initial "training" (while gleefully telling me I would someday do all of that and more) to know that this wasn't totally uncommon. I guess I was wondering how many were being coerced to do it against their will. Was I the only one? Probably not. Hell, there might be a relatively large fetish for this type of thing for all I know. Maybe it's common enough for some fortyish women to want to live their naked in public fantasies vicariously through a younger woman that there's even a slang term for them. You know, like a Cougar except less common and with a nastier, more predatory image. Jackal maybe? Still, it sometimes feels like I'm the only one in the world experiencing this and that's a lonely feeling, especially since I can't talk about this with friends and family.

Every now and then I'd catch someone in a nearby car sneaking glances over at me. I doubt they could see much more than bare shoulders but maybe it was enough skin to make them wonder what I was wearing. Or not wearing. I knew if Nancy caught me slumping too far down in my seat she'd force me to flash my breasts out the passenger side window, so I sat up straight in my seat with my arms at my side and hoped the people in the other cars couldn't see too much.

Today we were doing something Nancy liked to call "hit and runs." We would take off without any real plans and Nancy would drive around until she found some random spot she liked where she would force me out of the car to display my naked charms to whoever happened to be in the area at the time. Then I'd jump back into the car and we'd drive somewhere else and do it again. Rinse and repeat until Nancy had had her fill. Today, judging by the direction we were headed, that "random" spot was going to be right in the middle of downtown.

I stared nervously at the office buildings up ahead as our destination began to become obvious and the usual mixture of fear, excitement, and arousal began swirling through me. My body began exhibiting the tell-tale signs as my nipples began to swell and I felt the dampness between my legs in anticipation of what I knew was about to happen. I know these sensations are the reason that some women are into public exhibitionism, but for me it was utterly humiliating. Yet the more humiliated I felt the more sexually aroused I became, and the more sexually aroused I became the greater the humiliation. Nancy, of course, loved this and the more humiliated and aroused I became the more she got off on it, and the more she got off on it the more she wanted to make me do it again and again. It's like being trapped on a roller coaster ride with no way off, and as we pulled into a vacant parking spot right in the middle of downtown I knew I was about to take another steep and scary plunge.

"Yeah, Nancy, downtown at five o'clock on a Friday afternoon," I said sarcastically as she shut the engine off. "I'm sure this is totally random."

Nancy smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I'll admit this has been a long-time fantasy for me but I really hadn't planned on this today when we left the house. It's just that it's such a beautiful day and you were going to do it sometime, so I started thinking why not today?"

I could think of about a million answers to "why not today?" but I knew better than to try to talk her out of it. It was an argument I would lose and was more likely to make things worse. This was going to happen and the mental image of me walking naked through downtown city streets made me squirm in my seat. Nancy shut off the engine and sat silently for a minute, probably waiting to see if I was going to argue or plead with her. I kept my mouth shut, though, and after a bit she began giving me my instructions.

"You see that street down at the end of the block, Wendy?" I nodded. It was nearly a full block away. "I want you to walk down there and cross the street at the light. Then take a left and cross the next street. Keep doing that until you circumnavigate the intersection and get back to the sidewalk on this side of the street. Then you can return to the car and we'll be on our way. Piece of cake, right?"

I simply nodded. It sounded like anything but a piece of cake but my latest tactic was to try to pretend that this no longer really bothered me. I figured that if she believed I was becoming jaded about public nudity that maybe she'd lose interest after a while, although I didn't really hold out much hope for that. Anyway I knew my body was constantly betraying how nervous, excited and aroused I really was and there was little I could do to control that. And even though Nancy tried to play it cool, as if this was no big thing (just a little naked stroll, piece of cake) her eyes also betrayed the excitement and anticipation she felt for what was about to happen. I knew she hungered for these moments and as long as that was the case the roller coaster ride would continue. I took a deep breath, pulled on the handle, opened the door and stepped out of the car.

No matter how many times I do this, the first few moments of public nudity feel incredibly surreal. I guess it's like the initial shock of diving into a pool of cold water; it takes your mind and body a minute or so to adjust to the new environment. As I stood completely naked on a busy sidewalk in the middle of downtown during rush hour a sense of unreality washed over me, as if my mind couldn't quite grasp what I was doing or why. I was no longer a novice at this type of thing and although each experience is different I had a general idea of what lay ahead of me. The only way out of this was to put one foot in front of another and get through it. I began to walk.

I was right in the heart of downtown and the sidewalks and streets were packed with people and traffic, many of them business people pouring out of the office buildings surrounding me to get a start on their weekend. There was just a hint of chill in the fall air and I felt the scrape of the sidewalk beneath my bare feet. I tried to silence my mind, focus on the ground in front of me, and block out the stares, whistles, and laughter that had already begun. That worked for maybe a minute or so until an inadvertent glance into a mirrored office window provided me a glimpse of my nude body and the full reality of what I was doing hit me. "Are you nuts, Wendy? You're walking naked downtown!" my mind screamed at me. So much for the quiet mind approach.

I reached the end of the block just as the light turned red which meant I'd have to wait to cross the street. If there's anything worse than walking naked in a crowd it's standing naked in a crowd, and the inevitable crop of smart phones popped out to record my adventures. Once upon a time when a person did something stupid or crazy in public they only had an audience of whoever happened to be present to witness it. These days it would probably end up on the internet, sometimes within minutes.

"Why are you doing this?" someone asked.

"I lost a bet," I replied and this seemed to satisfy the crowd. That was my standard response to this question and it always struck me as odd that this was usually accepted as a reasonable reason to be stark naked in a public place. I waited nervously for the light to change as my heart thumped heavily in my chest.

"Hey can we get our picture taken with you?" a woman wearing office attire asked and I nodded. She handed her phone to a man to snap the shot and she and another woman put their arms around me, giggling like schoolgirls. I put a smile on my face and pretended I was enjoying the attention. Posing with people was something else I found to be a frequent request after I began my naked outings and once someone broke the ice more requests were sure to follow. Fortunately the light finally changed just as I finished posing with the two women and the crowd began crossing the street.

The wait was shorter at the next corner as the lights were now synced in my favor and the crowd thinned out slightly as I crossed the next street and then began another wait for the light to change. A couple of cars honked as they passed and one car almost got rear-ended as it slowed down to get a look. I guess I'm lucky I haven't caused an accident yet.

I was now as far from Nancy as I was going to get on my journey and her car was out of sight, so the feeling of being alone and naked right in the heart of the city began to overwhelm me. I took several deep breaths to calm myself and was almost grateful when a couple of guys asked to pose for pictures with me since it helped to break the tension. Two more green lights and two street crossings later I finally found myself back on the sidewalk where I'd started. I began to relax a little even though I still had a full block to walk back to Nancy's car. When I finally crawled back into the passenger seat of the car Nancy beamed at me with excitement.

"Wendy, you are getting so good at this!"

I shrugged my shoulders in response, continuing my jaded act. "It's nothing I haven't done before."

Nancy laughed and reached over and tweaked one of my hard nipples. "Well, it's good to hear this is becoming so easy for you, dear, because we're going to find another spot and do it again. And maybe again after that!"


It was twilight by the time I reached the parking lot of my apartment complex near campus. I was fully clothed now since Nancy hadn't yet required me to drive nude to her house, although she hinted that day might be coming. Mentally I was drained but my body felt electrified after my nude strolls around three different downtown intersections. As much as I was horrified and humiliated by what Nancy was forcing me to do, I had to admit that it had awoken sexual feelings in me that were more intense than anything I'd ever experienced before. And since my life as Nancy's naked plaything made it difficult for things like a normal social life or a boyfriend I knew my night would end with an intense masturbation session. My last sexual experience had been with Cindy after the big college party where I'd spent the night nude in front of many of my fellow students and I guess I was still trying to process how I felt about sleeping with another woman.

As I walked up the steps to my apartment I noticed a light on inside. I didn't think much of it since I occasionally forgot to turn one off, but when I entered the door I was startled by movement in the kitchen.

"Mom!" I cried out in surprise as I recognized who was in my kitchen.

"Hello, sweetheart," she said as she walked up and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry if I startled you."

"Um, no, I was just, um...I didn't know you were coming. How did you get in?"

"Well, my name is on the lease so I just asked the apartment manager to let me in."

"Oh yeah, of course," I said as I hugged her again. "I guess I was just surprised to find you here. It's good to see you, Mom!" And it was good to see her again, although her sudden appearance was a little unsettling considering what I'd just been up to. Did she know something?

"I just made myself some tea, hon. Would you like some?"

"Sure," I responded, thinking I could probably use something a little stronger right about now, though.

We sat down in the living room and exchanged some small talk and I admit I was still wary of her reason for showing up out of the blue, but she showed no signs of anything being wrong. After a few minutes I began to relax as we caught up. She filled me in on what was going on back home and I talked for awhile about school, leaving out the part about my naked escapades, of course. She just smiled and nodded as I talked about my classes.

"Well, Wendy, I have to say I'm really surprised by how well you've been doing lately," she said. "Better than you ever did in high school."

"Yeah," I nodded and then remained silent, but that remark set me on edge again knowing that my grades had little to do with hard work or study.

"So what were you doing this afternoon?" she asked and now alarm bells were really going off in my brain. When I was growing up Mom would often ask us questions that she already knew the answer to in order to see if we'd lie about it. I knew I had to tread very lightly in my responses.

"Um, I was just downtown. Walking around."

"Doing some shopping?"

"No, not really. Just walking around."

"That's nice. Did you go with anyone?"

"Just someone from school," I responded as my sense of foreboding increased. So far she didn't show any visible signs of being anything other than a mom curious about her daughter's activities, but I couldn't shake the feeling she knew a lot more than she was letting on. I hadn't actually lied to her yet, I was just leaving a whole lot out.

"So what was her name?" Mom asked.

"Um, Nancy."

"Nancy Johnson?" she asked and I just about fell out of my seat.

"Um...yeah. How do you know her?" I tried to keep my voice steady but I was nearly in a state of panic now.

"Your father met her at the honors dinner last spring, remember? He said she was taking a special interest in your academics."

"Oh, yeah. Yes, she has been," I nodded hoping that would be the end of it. I tried to read her face but she just looked at me curiously as if I might have more to say about it. "She works in the Dean's office," I added, hoping that would be enough to satisfy her.

"Well, Nancy must be doing wonders for you because your grades have really come up. How did she choose you to put under her wing?"

Oh my god, she knows something! She has to! I pondered for a moment how to respond to this. "Well, I kind of knew her from seeing her around campus and I guess she read a term paper I submitted and that sparked her interest in me." Mom just nodded and smiled and took another sip from her tea. And then she stabbed me with a verbal dagger that went straight to my heart.

"So tell me, Wendy, when you were walking around downtown today with Nancy were you wearing any clothes?"

My head began spinning and I struggled to calm myself. I pondered for a brief moment about lying to her but I knew that would be futile and stupid. My mouth opened several times but no words came out. Finally I managed to speak. "Y-you know?" was all I could mutter.

"Not everything, Wendy. Not yet."

I looked into her face searching for signs of anger, disappointment or shame but all I saw was that same calm look. I tried to speak again but was overcome with emotion and I began to cry like I hadn't cried since that first naked car ride. I cried out all of the pent up emotion that had been inside of me for so long and I hoped and wished that my Mom would come over and hug me and tell me it was all going to be alright now. Instead she patiently waited for me to cry myself out in a way that was eerily similar to how Nancy had handled my crying jag in her car that first day. It was only after I finally began to compose myself that she spoke again.

"Are you ready to talk now Wendy?" she asked. I sniffled and nodded my head. "Then I want you to tell me everything. From the beginning."

And I did. Everything. All the way up to my nude walk downtown that very afternoon. She asked an occasional question but she mostly just let me talk.

"Thank you, Wendy," she said after I'd finished, still looking amazingly calm and composed. Then she looked me in the eye.

"Now you're going to introduce me to this Nancy Johnson. Right now."


For the second time that day I found myself on my way to Nancy's house, this time in the passenger seat of Mom's car. Unlike my previous trips, though, I knew this one wouldn't end with me being naked. In fact, I knew that this was probably going to be the last time I made this journey. For better or worse my life as Nancy's naked show toy was about to end, I was certain of that.

I probably should have been relieved but my stomach was tied up in knots as I nervously pondered what this might mean to my future at the college and my relationship with my mom. I'd kind of come to terms with how my life would be until graduation, but now my future was uncertain and I felt more than a little scared.

I should probably tell you a little about my family. My father is a wealthy and successful businessman - the chairman of the board of a large corporation that he'd helped to found - but in many ways it's my mother who is the power behind the throne. When it comes to his family, my dad is a softy who would spoil us silly if given the chance. My mom rarely gave him that chance. She was determined that her children weren't going to become entitled brats like she'd seen of so many other children of wealthy parents.

It's not as if we were ever really deprived of much or lived a Spartan existence or anything like that, it's just that she always tried to make us understand that nothing in this world is free. She always insisted that we get our homework done before doing anything else and when we were old enough we had to get jobs to earn spending money. She had tried to instill high standards and a strong work ethic in her children, with varying degrees of success. I could only guess how disappointed she must feel in me right now, although she'd yet to show any signs of her true feelings.

Mom is also a very savvy businesswoman in her own right and often takes the lead in negotiating contracts in my father's company. She's known as a very tough negotiator who demands honesty and fairness in coming to terms and is ruthless with those she feels are dishonest or trying to hide something. I had little doubt she was going to eat Nancy alive in our upcoming confrontation and I guess that gave me a little sense of satisfaction anyway.

After riding in silence for a few minutes my curiosity got the best of me and I finally found the courage to speak. "Mom, can I ask how you found out about Nancy and...this? Who told you?"

"Wendy, you're not the only person from our hometown that goes to this school. Did you really think you could go naked at a college party and I wouldn't hear about it? God knows my friends with kids in school here couldn't keep me in blissed ignorance about my daughter's extra-curricular activities."

Of course. I should've known I couldn't have kept this stuff from getting back to her. But then a thought occurred to me. "What about Nancy? They wouldn't have known about her?"

Mom gave me a quick glance. "Wendy, this wasn't the first evidence of your naked activities. There was a picture my sister showed me that she found in your cousin Becky's room. I'll bet you know which picture I'm talking about."