The Resort Brother and Sister


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Victoria watched Jessica's eyes harden. She was impressed. For such a young girl she could see through bullshit pretty easily.

"No. I'm not helping you. And if you have any conscience at all, you won't go through with this."

Jessica stood up and walked away, back towards the elevator. Victoria looked around, suddenly self aware of having a heated conversation in a semi-public space but no one seemed to have noticed. People continued to mill around outside of the alcove. Happy couples kissed. A giggling young woman pulled her brother towards the beach, clearly intending on having some public fun. Victoria imagined herself pulling Eric the same way. She sighed. This place was definitely getting to her.

Jessica caught up with Marcus and took his arm. For a long time they walked in silence. Marcus knew something was wrong, however, and eventually, he had to speak up.

"You're being very quiet, Jessica," he said.

Jessica had always been an open girl, but she had, briefly, almost decided to not tell Marcus what she knew. It was a completely selfish thought, and driven by the urge to not ruin their vacation.

"Victoria is a reporter. She's trying to do an exposé on the Resort. She wanted to get us to help her, somehow. I think she wanted to present us as victims of brainwashing or something. I told her no."

Marcus stopped in his tracks, stunned.

"I knew she looked familiar. Shit. That would be incredibly bad. We...we should definitely tell someone."

Marcus was already planning on what he would say to the security people, but Jessica had another thought. Victoria hadn't been lying to her about being a reporter, she was sure of it, but there was something else there. A sense of desperation when guilt was mentioned. Jessica knew it was risky, but she trusted her intuition.

"I...I don't think she's actually going to go through with it," Jessica said, finally.

"Wait, what? Why would you say that? She went through all the trouble to get here and pose as an attendee. I mean, we don't know if that is even her real brother and..."

"No, that's just it. Eric is her real brother, and she is clearly and obviously completely in love with him. She's resisting it but...I think she really belongs here, the same as we do."

"So...what do we do, then?" Marcus asked. He was used to being in the lead, and naturally skeptical.

"Nothing, for now, but...I have an idea. I don't think Victoria is as clever as she thinks she is, and I don't think she's in control of her emotions. Maybe she would have exposed this place without a second thought before, but she's spent a few days here now, and I would be shocked if she hadn't at least kissed her brother last night. She'll probably do more tonight."

"I believe you, but...I just don't think we can ignore this."

Jessica turned to Marcus and smiled, and he couldn't help but smile back.

"She can't do anything until she gets back," Jessica said, "and she's not leaving for a few days still. Let's do our best to try and change her mind. If we're even the remotest bit worried about what she might do, we can always tell security then. I just worry about what they might do to her and her brother. Even if what they're doing here isn't really sinister, they probably go to great lengths to protect the identities and lives of the people who pay to come here. This place...I don't think there's anything like a government or a justice system here...I think it's just the Resort and its owners, whoever they are."

"All right. So what do you want to do now?"

"I...want to go back to our hotel room, and I want to eat delicious food, and...and I want you" Jessica, having spoken so confidently before, couldn't say any more, but she just squeezed her brother's hand. As they both started walking faster, Jessica was sure that Marcus had understood her message.

"Fuck," Jessica said, as Marcus opened the door to their room, "I'm really tired."

"You must be. You never swear like that," Marcus noted.

"I do, just not in front of you. I never want you to think I'm anything but a good girl."

"Oh the scandal!" Marcus said, before laughing. "Perfect girl caught saying fuck!"

Jessica tossed herself on her back on the bed. It was incredibly relaxing, firm and soft in all the right ways and she felt the tension melting out of her.

"I'm not...I don't want you to see me as perfect. I want you to see me as good. Good girls don't curse. God, that sounds lame when I say it like that."

"Who told you that? Lots of good people swear and lots of bad ones don't. And I know you're good."

"What if I wasn't? What if I was just really careful about showing you only my good parts? know I get good grades and I'm on the swim team and I try really hard to be supportive of you and mom and help out but...I mean...I swear, I drink, I...I fantasize about having sex with you..."

"You drink?"

"That's really the part that shocks you?" Jessica said, raising an eyebrow at her brother as he went into the bathroom. The running water told her that he was splashing water over his face.

He came out drying his face off with a towel. Afterwards he took his shirt off like it was no big deal, right as Jessica watched. She supposed that it wasn't, not really, she'd seen him without his shirt before but...she'd never really been given permission to watch him do it. And...and maybe he looked a little bit more muscular, or mature, tonight. It was hard for her to say but she felt her face flush.

"I'm not shocked about your fantasies now. I definitely was when Mom told me what was bothering you, but not now. But drinking I didn't know about. You're safe, right? You don't drink and drive?"

Jessica made a noise of exasperation. They were so close to talking about the good stuff, the things she'd wanted to share for so long and he was worried about her drinking? She closed her eyes and took a breath. It was sweet, what he was doing. Without realizing it, as their father had gotten more distant, Marcus had naturally slid into the role for her. He had looked out for her and listened to her and hugged her when she was sad and made her feel safe. This was just a part of that. He would never want her to endanger herself.

"I don't drink very often and I've been drunk like once. I never really let myself get beyond a little tipsy. And...and I never ever drive. If any of my friends and I are drinking we make sure that someone isn't, even if we don't have to drive, just so someone can kind of be aware of anything weird going on, like shady guys or whatever."

"That's good," Marcus said. "I'm glad. And you can always call me to pick you up if you need me to. Drunk or not. For any reason."

"Thanks...I know. But um...let's get back to this thing where you're not surprised about my fantasies any more?"

Marcus laughed. He could tell that she was wired from the first date. Remembering what the guide said, he thought maybe they both could use a quick rest.

"Scoot over. I'm tired too. We can have a quick nap before dinner."

Jessica made room by sliding over a little and turning over. She kept her eyes open until she felt her brother's weight settling in on the other side of the mattress, then closed her eyes. It was amazing how his presence relaxed her, almost magically. It had always been that way, but here, where she could feel things without illusions or morality getting in the way, it was so much better. She envisioned him as her older brother, the comforting and sometimes teasing figure. She imagined him as her father, protective and strong and always there for her. She imagined him as her lover, passionate and hungry for the tight warmth of her pussy. And she imagined him as her husband, true and always passionate, raising their children together. All of these thoughts blended together in a confusing and bewitching mix, and as the fantasies intensified, she failed to notice two things. The first was that her wristband was vibrating. The second one was that her brother wasn't staying on his side.

Instead, like he had before in the very distant past, Marcus cuddled up behind his sister. He was amazed at how natural it felt, despite all of what society told him of right and wrong. It was just like when they had been children and their mother and father had been fighting. She would sneak into his room and beg to sleep next to him that night. He would hear her crying softly, trying not to keep him up and he would slip behind her, slide his arm around her waist and pull her close. Then it had neither been romantic nor sexual, simply one child comforting another. But this time it was different. He felt himself get even harder as soon as their bodies touched, and he did not shy away from letting her know, pressing his cock into her ass and letting it slide up so it rested more comfortably. Jessica moaned, and woke from her reverie.

"I --- I'm not ready yet, Marcus," she said. "I'm sorry but..."

"Shh. Just rest. I can't help how my body reacts to yours but I know you like feeling my cock, don't you?"

"Yes. Is that bad?"

"No. It's normal and right and later I'll show you how I like to be touched. Would you do that for me? Would you pleasure me?"

"Y--- Yes. I'd love that, Marcus."

"Good, now go to sleep."

Marcus reached his hand around and gently fondled her breast, eliciting a low moan from deep within her, and without intending to, she ground against her brother's cock. She was amazed at how quickly he could make her so shameless. She'd tried so hard all of her life to be a good girl. The kind of girl that would make her mother proud. The kind that Marcus would find appealing. But maybe good girls could enjoy feeling their brother's cock, so hard and eager. Maybe it was all right to take his hand as she was doing now, and push it harder into her breast so he'd be just a bit rougher, just a bit more demanding, as she knew he needed to be. She felt so good, so beautiful and sexy, and it was his desire that was making her feel that way. She was so elated and aroused that she was certain that she could not sleep, but then she let her eyes flutter closed again, and knew nothing.

Marcus happily napped with her and dreamed. He dreamed of his sister, a bit older, more than a bit pregnant, laying on sheets of white, begging for more of his cock, more of his cum, begging and slutty but sweet and pure as always and he woke, sweating. His cock had left his boxers and nestled comfortably between his sisters legs as he tightly spooned her against his body. While part of him wished she was free of the panties that she still wore, he was in truth glad that they prevented him from doing what he wanted and sliding inside of her. He knew that whether she was ready or not, she would not deny him. She would have parted her legs and let him inside, even if it hurt or frightened her. Jessica was a good girl, but she was especially good for him, and he had to be careful not to give in to his desires.

Not yet.

As Marcus had expected, after arriving many of his inhibitions melted away under the Resort's influence, but he was grateful for maintaining the most important one, the love he felt for his sister. She was a wonderful girl, and a treasure to him, but more than that she was brilliant, at least as smart as his mother, and she would go far in anything she chose to pursue. Marcus himself had at one point long ago decided to support and encourage her in her choices, to help her get wherever she needed to be. It was around the same time he had somewhat unconsciously decided that since their father did not deserve the title, he would fill that role, too. Even as a boy of fourteen he knew and understood that responsibility, but had risen to it. After all, if he didn't do it, who would? things had changed, Marcus thought, as he reached up and slid his hand under Jessica's dress, squeezing and relaxing one gorgeous, firm breast and then the other. She had been so gorgeous and mature today, impossible to mistake as anything but a young woman, and she was in his bed, and consenting to being his. He would not push her to do things that she didn't want to do, but he would enjoy her. And she would enjoy being enjoyed. He started to move slowly, forward and backward between her legs, enjoying the friction from her smooth thighs and the light wetness coming through the crotch of her panties. He moved slowly, not wanting to cum, and certainly not before she did, but he did want her to wake up to this. He heard her softly exhale and then yawn. And then, even as she was waking, she moaned.

Marcus stopped moving. He didn't want to. It was just that he had never heard Jessica make a noise like that. Maybe she had, a little bit, when they had kissed earlier. But he was sure he'd never even imagined his little sister making a noise like that. It was similar to sounds he'd heard his mother make when he had been inside of her, but more needy, somehow. There was no control in it, and there was a deep desperation. She moaned again, and rolled her hips back, sliding her panty-clad pussy over his cock. He groaned, loudly.

"M---Marcus?" Jessica said, waking up, seeming a bit unsure.

"I'm here. this okay?" Marcus had to ask. He didn't want to. He wanted to keep going. He wanted to roll her over onto her stomach and pull her panties down and....

"Y-yes. I just...I woke up and I wasn't sure where I was. I wanted to be sure it was you. I know...I know that's silly but..."

"It isn't silly. You should feel safe when you're with someone. Do you feel safe right now?"

"Of course! I always feel safe with you, Marcus!"

"Do you feel ready to do something a little...more intense?"

"L---like what?" Jessica hated how nervous she sounded. She had woken up in the perfect way! If she hadn't been so dumb and acted like a silly little girl she could still have had Marcus' cock rubbing between her thighs. She could have made him cum like that! God...that was so hot. Well, it wasn't like she'd completely wasted her opportunity. He did want to do things with her. She moaned again as suddenly he had both of his arms around her, one under and one over her skirt, fondling her breasts.

"Like this," Marcus whispered in her ear. "And this," he said, as he started to kiss her neck softly, down to her exposed shoulder. "And this, too," he added, sliding his hand down from her breast (she almost pouted at its absence) and down her soft, smooth belly to her...

"Oh god!" Jessica said, going rigid from shock at feeling his fingers finally pressing down her most sensitive area. Even still covered by her panties, her body shook. Wait, was she...was she cumming? Jessica could not speak, she could only shake and moan in her brother's arms. She wasn't prepared and she had never, ever had anything like that happen to her in the moment. It took her a long time to get herself off when she touched herself at night. Even when she was thinking of her filthiest fantasies, always involving Marcus, it could easily take her twenty minutes to a half hour to get there. This had barely been anything!

"Are you all right?" Marcus asked. Jessica was grateful that he did not ask her if she had had an orgasm. She was too embarrassed to answer that directly...

"Yes! I'm wonderful, Marcus. Please don't stop. I want you to...will you keep touching me?"

"Yes," Marcus answered, his voice low. He let his hands finally drift inside of his sister's panties. She was so wet and swollen. She moaned and groaned and ground into his cock. He tried to keep his focus, although it was difficult. She was so different from Melinda. With his mother, he was the one who was learning. He respected all of her efforts to make him feel safe and loved and manly even more now. He would do the same for Jessica. She had to feel how much he loved her but also how much he wanted her. She wasn't a little girl anymore. She was a woman, and he would make her feel like one. He started by gently teasing her swollen little clit, making her gasp. He followed that by gently yet firmly pushing a single finger inside of her. She parted her legs slightly and allowed him in. She looked down watching her brother's hand moving inside of her panties.

"God, you're so tight," Marcus said.

"Oh, Marcus," she whined. She was his already. She knew that. He could ask her to give herself to him now, and she would. She had fantasized of all the demands he would make of her, all the ways he could take her. Sometimes she even thought of ways he could hurt her, just a little. But she couldn't ask him for such things. She was too much of a Good Girl for that and she hated herself for it. For the first time in her life she understood that being forward with your lover wasn't truly a bad thing, and she wished she could be for him what he was for her in that moment. But he was patient, alternating between stretching her out with one wonderfully thick finger and teasing her clit ever so gently with his thumb. He stopped speaking and she stopped using words. He sped up. She breathed faster and faster, enjoying the feel of his other hand on her tit, squeezing her even harder and more possessively. His finger and his hands were all that existed in her world. She felt her body curling around them, collapsing inward, begging for release, moaning so loudly for him. God she hoped he loved how she sounded. She wanted him to think of her when he jerked off. What if he already did? Her mother had hinted that he might, even if Jessica herself could not believe it. She felt herself imagining his cum exploding out of him...and then it did.

"Jessica!" Marcus said. He had kept the guide in mind, and tried so hard not to get off, but it was a hopeless struggle. Jessica was impossibly sexy, even in her innocence, and fingering her as he felt her perfect breasts was too much for him. As his inhibitions loosened, he had started thrusting against her, moving his cock under her pussy lips, feeling her increasing wetness flow out of her panties and onto his member. He groaned and suddenly, with no warning, he was cumming. He felt rope after rope of thick semen spray out between his sisters legs, and the throbbing must have done something to her as well, because she was suddenly convulsing in his arms. Together, the two rodeout their orgasms, until at last, they lay there, gasping together.

Jessica felt the warm cum flowing off of her thighs. Some had sprayed and soaked her panties further. A little had even somehow sprayed up and hit her own belly, although she wasn't sure how that happened. If that had happened a few inches over, she thought to herself, and inside, she would definitely have been knocked up. And she would have been very happy about it, too.

"Wow," Jessica said. And Marcus laughed in response, before getting up. She made a noise in her throat. She wanted him to stay! To do more! To hold her! But she knew he wasn't abandoning her.

Marcus came back with a moist cloth, and he cleaned her off. She wasn't truly that messy, but she stopped him before he could clean her stomach. With one trembling finger, she scooped up just a bit of his cum and licked it off quickly.

"Mmm," she said, and for whatever reason, it tasted much better than she had expected. Like the most savory and forbidden treat. Marcus felt something give inside of him. She really was amazing, his sister.

"G---go change your clothes," Marcus said. "We, um...we should eat dinner." Jessica smiled. He hadn't expected to cum and seeing her doing something that erotic had shaken him.

"Can we order in? I'm still pretty tired and I want to do more...more stuff with you," Jessica pleaded.

"Yes, of course. I'll order something while you get cleaned up and changed, okay?"
