The Road Trip Ch. 03


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She sighed and smiled weakly. "Thanks ... for the compliment."

We sat out on the deck and drunk our coffee while Sam and Beth explained the altercation with the Swanson boys.

"You idiot Sam! What were you thinking stealing drugs from a dealer and flushing them. You could have gotten really hurt." Emma said in both frustration and concern for her friend.

"Yeah I suppose it was a bit dumb. But they really pissed me off!"

"I am a little concerned that they might still try to find you." Beth said uneasily.

"You could stay the night. I'm sure the car parked outside would keep them away. There's room for one more."

"Sam! That's a bit much to ask." Emma declared.

"Her job is to keep the public safe and happy ... and trust me this evening she's been really good at it." Sam grinned and winked at Beth.

"For fucks sake Sam!" Beth expressed in frustration.

"Hey, what's going on here." I asked surprised at what both Sam and Beth had said.

"Look I'm sorry I have to go." Beth stood up abruptly and looked at Sam. "I did have fun Sam, I really did, but it was a mistake OK."

"No! It wasn't a mistake. It was great. Look I'm sorry OK. I just don't know when to shut up sometimes." Sam stood and took hold of Beth's hands. "I'm sorry for what I said, but I'm not sorry for what happened."

"I was on duty and in uniform ... what's right about that. What sort of cop am I. Shit!" She started to cry.

Sam grabbed Beth and hugged her as she sobbed. Emma and I sat in stunned silence, wondering what the hell had happened.

Finally Beth calmed and she sat down with Sam holding her hand reassuringly.

"I'm sorry ... it's been a hell of a day." Beth gave us a weak smile as she wiped her eyes.

"Stop saying you're sorry." Sam responded quietly.

"I've never done anything like that before. It's been awhile since anyone took any notice of me. It just happened so fast and I couldn't stop ... I didn't want to stop. No-one has made me feel that way for years."

"It was good for me too."

"So you two ..." Emma looked at them waiting for an answer.

"We had sex Em." Sam replied. "No actually it wasn't just sex ... well at the start it was ... but then we made love."

Sam looked at us. "You're not upset are you?"

"No Babe. Surprised yes ... upset no." Emma gave her a reassuring smile.

"What about you TJ?"

"Hey, you're a young, vibrant sexy woman. If your happy then I'm happy ." I answered truthfully.

"Oh my God! The three of you are together." Beth's eyes were wide with shock.

"Meet my other lovers." Sam replied.

"I had no idea. I didn't mean to ..."

"It's OK." Emma took Beth's hand. "Yes we are together, but we know that Sam would never do anything to hurt us and like we said if she's happy then we're happy."

I nodded my agreement.

"I think the real question here is ... are you happy?" Emma asked Beth sincerely.

"I think I am. I don't know how I can say that under the circumstances, but yeah, I am happy. I kind of feel liberated. I haven't had good sex for ... well to be honest I don't think I've ever had good sex. My ex-husband was the only one I've been with and he was a really selfish lover."

"I pretty much guessed I was your first female."

"Of course you were ... but was it that obvious?"

"Hey, for a first time you were really good ... I mean really good!"

Beth didn't know what to say. She just smiled back a little embarrassed at the praise.

"How long were you married?" Emma asked.

"To long. Ten years to long. I was a young naïve nineteen-year-old then, now I'm a disillusioned, lonely thirty-two-year-old, I've got a failed marriage behind me and a job that seems to be always dealing with problems. Oh, and to top it all off I've lived in this rundown backwater of a town my whole life."

"Why do you do stay then?" Sam asked.

"I have security here I suppose and I don't think I want to move ... alone. And last time I looked there was no knight in shining armor beating on my door wanting to whisk me away on his trusty stead ... it's depressing stuff."

"That settles it then. You're definitely staying the night here ... I don't think any of us could bare sending you home feeling like that."

"Thanks, Sam I appreciate the concern but ..."

"No buts!" Sam interrupted. "Officer Dent consider yourself under house arrest."

"There's no room for a guest."

"We'll share the top bed. No hanky panky, just a good night's sleep with a friend. OK?"

Beth looked over at Emma and I for our reaction.

"Sounds good to me" I responded with a smile.

"Me too." Emma echoed.

"Alright, OK. Thank you." Beth said in both resignation and gratitude.

I refilled everyone's coffee and we sat and talked for another hour. Beth opened up a bit more about her life and it wasn't all doom and gloom. She'd actually achieved quite a bit in her thirty-two years as a resident of my old hometown. We in turn explained about our big trip around the country ... Beth was both intrigued and I think a little bit jealous of our adventure.

It was midnight before we headed indoors. I pulled the curtain across between the front and back areas to give a little more privacy. Ten minutes later we were all asleep.

In the morning Emma and I went for a short walk so the other two could get dressed in piece. When we returned Sam was sitting on the couch watching Beth cook bacon and eggs for breakfast.

"She offered." Sam said in explanation.

I set up the folding table on the grass outside and placed the chairs around it. We ate together and chatted.

Beth had a pair of Sam's shorts on and a beige t-shirt with the word POLICE emblazoned on the front. She looked quite different from the previous evening ... the lack of armored vest and duty belt made her seem much more feminine. She was probably a bit fuller of figure than she wanted to be but I didn't think it mattered. Her shoulder length brown hair was hanging down and framed her face nicely. I had to admit she was quite an attractive woman.

I must have been admiring her body a little too much over breakfast and I was corralled by Emma while doing the dishes.

"Like what you saw out here?"

"What do you mean?"

"You were staring at our guest ... some might even call it perving." Emma leaned into me and slapped my butt playfully. "Bad boy."

"You don't think she noticed do you?" I was mortified that I had been that obvious.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure she didn't." Emma chuckled as she dried a plate. "Do you find her attractive?" she asked and glanced outside at Beth. "It's OK if you do ... window shopping is allowed ... but handling the goods is a different matter."

I laughed at her analogy. "Yes, she's attractive and no I don't intend to handle the goods."

"Pity." Emma said casually and stepped back outside, leaving me wondering what the hell she meant by that.

Beth had to return her patrol car to the station so we said our goodbyes. She and Sam embraced in a long hug before Beth headed for the car.

"Come with us!" Sam suddenly blurted out.

Beth turned back around. "I can't."

"Why? You said last night that you're now on vacation ... and you said you wanted to get out of town and see other places. Well, we're about to get out of town and we're going to see other places ... so join us."

"We'd be happy to have you." Emma agreed.

"Look even if I wanted to, we wouldn't all fit in your camper. It's a nice thought Sam, but pretty unpractical."

"Not if we had a bigger camper." I joined the conversation.

"You can't just go and get a bigger camper for me. Besides you told me last night that you built this ... It's your creation, part of your adventure."

"I'm thinking of selling it anyway."

"What!" Sam and Emma said in unison.

"I was talking to Dave after dinner last night and he's looking for a camper to take on fishing trips to the lake district. I showed him photos of this one to give him an idea of what he could do ... and well, he made me an offer. A very good offer."

"You'd sell? I thought you loved this thing." Emma said a little shocked.

"Yeah, I of course I like it. But let's face it. It is a bit small for us already. Besides, like Beth just said, the thing I like most about this camper is that I built it ... that's where the satisfaction comes from. Creating something. So I was thinking if I sold this one for what Dave's willing to pay, I could build another one in the future ... a better one. That's what I'd love to do."

"So what we'd rent one for the rest of the trip ... a bigger one." Sam asked.

"Actually we wouldn't have to. I can get a bigger camper for free, for as long as we want."

"What! How?"

"I built this camper in a friends workshop. He already had his own motorhome parked by the building, a professionally build one. Next week he's headed off overseas to take up a job in Dubai ... so his motorhome is going to be sitting unused."

"You mean he'll just let you borrow it."

"Yeah. He owes me ... like he owes me big time. I bailed him out of bankruptcy ten years ago with some inheritance money. He's also my ex brother in law."

"You really want to do this?" Emma was still a little shocked.

"Look I never built this camper for more than one person, let alone three. Sure it's been OK but we could really use more space. I am a bit tired of woman's underwear drying in the bathroom all the time ... and when you and Sam fart ... well." I smiled and shrugged at the girls.

"I don't fart!" Emma exclaimed innocently.

"You do in your sleep girl, and it's not good." Sam retorted and grinned holding her nose and waving her hand like a fan.

"At least I wait until I'm asleep." Emma responded.

During this conversation Beth had been standing by her patrol car listening in silence. I glanced over to her.

"If you reckon you can put up with these two on the road then how about it?"

"Come on Beth, let's go on a road trip." Sam urged.

"You really want me to come?"


We all stood smiling at her waiting for a reply.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, OK. I'm in."

Two days later we left the town of Brookville behind ... riding in a 34-foot luxury motorhome with all the bells and whistles. Beth still couldn't believe she was on board and said this was the most spontaneous thing she'd ever done.

"Apart from shagging a girl in the cop shop." Sam laughed.

"Or dragging a lady out of a burning caravan." I reminded her.

"You did what!" Emma exclaimed, giving Beth a wide eyed please explain look.

So the first hour of our trip was spent listening to Beth reluctantly recount her heroic rescue as a fourteen-year-old. Occasionally I had to intervene to get the facts right ... Beth continually played down her actions. I found it kind of cute how humble she was.

We stopped at small deserted camping ground for the first night. The motorhome was so much bigger than the old camper and we loved the extra space ... three pull outs made the place huge. Dex couldn't believe it either as he scampered over the tiled floors slipping and sliding as he chased the ball we threw for him. I cooked dinner on the outside pop out BBQ. And the huge electrically operated awning was great for eating out of the sun.

As the evening wore on we needed to work out sleeping arrangements. It was a topic we had avoided over last few days. Beth had spent the last two nights back at her apartment and Sam had joined her. I wasn't sure if they had slept in the same bed or not and was in the dark regarding their ongoing relationship. I did know that Sam still wanted to be with Emma and I ... the three of us had christened the big king-sized bed in the motorhome that morning before Beth joined us.

The motorhome had three separate sleeping areas. The big king bed in back, a single fold down bed in the center and a double bed that dropped down above the cab. All the areas had a certain level of privacy.

"OK, who sleeps where tonight?" I finally broached the subject.

"Bed above the cab for me." Sam answered.

"Same for me." Emma said , and high-fived Sam.

I was a little more than surprised and looked at Emma questioningly.

"You get the big bed," she said in answer to my confused look.

"So I get the fold out then." Beth said matter-of-factly.

"No, you get the big bed with TJ." Emma corrected her.

"What!" Beth and I said together. We both looked directly at Emma stunned by her statement.

"Emma's right. You two get the big bed ... together." Sam in agreement.

"What the hell are you saying!"

"Yeah, what the hell." Beth echoed.

"Just hear us out ... please." Emma pleaded.

"Alright we're listening, but this better be good."

Emma looked at Sam for support before she spoke. Sam nodded, giving her the go ahead.

"OK. Here's the thing. TJ you are an amazing lover, both Sam and I can vouch for that. You make us both feel like we are the center of the universe when we're in bed."

"True." Sam grinned in agreement.

"Thank you, but that doesn't explain why ..."

Emma interrupted. "Beth has never experienced that kind of thing with a guy ... and well, we want her to start this new experience with knowing how special she can feel, and how special she can be with a man. Not just any man ... you TJ."

"We know you can be that caring, giving lover she finally deserves." Sam added.

I wasn't quite sure how to reply at first and I just sat there ... dumb founded.

"Are you going to say something?" Emma finally spoke apprehensively.

"This isn't just up to me." I replied shaking my head. I looked over at Beth who had been quiet throughout the proposal. "Beth, I don't know what to say ... I had no idea that these two were planning something like this."

"Will you do it though?" Beth's voice was just a whisper.

I was shocked. "What, you want me to ... I mean you want us to ..."

"I want what Emma just described," she implored. "I know it sounds stupid and we hardly know each other ... and you probably don't want me ... I mean I wouldn't blame you. You've got two beautiful young girls like Emma and Sam and I'm a frumpy middle aged ..."

"Whoa! Hold it right there." I stopped her mid-sentence. "Firstly, you are not frumpy. I think you are a very attractive and sexy woman. Secondly, I would be honored to share a bed with you tonight ... if you'd have me?"

Beth blushed at my compliments.

"So, would you like to join me. My only condition is we make as much noise as possible so these two scheming wenches don't get any sleep." I smiled and held my hand out for her to take.

"Are you sure?" Beth looked like she might cry.

"We are going to rock each-other's worlds tonight gorgeous." I took her hand and lead her into the back bedroom.

"Looks like you get the fold out Dex." Emma said as we left. Dex sat up excitedly and barked at hearing his name.

I turned and looked into the lounge as I went to close the bedroom door. Sam and Emma looked back with smiles on their faces.

As soon as I shut the door I could tell Beth was nervous and having second thoughts. I drew her towards me and kissed her gently on the lips.

"You OK?" I asked quietly.

"I just hope I don't disappoint you."

I met her pleading eyes steadily and smiled. "Trust me, that's not going to happen." I kissed her again .. this time she returned the kiss.

There was not much room to stand between the door and the bed but we managed to undress each other without falling over. As I slid Beth's panties down her legs I sat on the bed and looked at her body. Embarrassed she covered her breasts with one arm, but instead of covering her genitals with the other arm she covered the burn scar on her thigh instead.

"Hey don't cover up ... you're beautiful." I said as I gently moved her hands.

Beth stood naked in front of me and smiled shyly.

"Wow!" I said admiringly. Her skin was a light tanned color and her white breasts and bikini lines contrasted wonderfully. Her dark areolas were centered with a pair of large erect nipples that I couldn't wait to play with. A full bush of dark pubes topped her pubic mound, although the area around her vulva looked recently shaved ... her labia was enticingly in view. My cock was semi erect already from just this short glimpse.

"My hips are to big, and I'm starting to get love handles." She said making excuses.

"Everything looks perfect to me." I leaned forward and pulled her down onto the bed, kissing her passionately on the mouth. Her body melted into mine as our lovemaking began.

I knew that I wasn't the most experienced lover in the world after all I'd only been with three women. Emma and Sam's comments earlier were encouraging ... I knew I could turn them on and leave them satisfied after a session between the sheets but I'd be the first to admit it had initially involved a lot of guess work on my part. With Beth I felt a little more assured and I soon had her gasping for breath as my tongue worked overtime on her cute little clitoris. When she orgasmed after only a few minutes I was quite proud of myself ... practice with the girls had obviously paid off! As she recovered from her climax I moved back up the bed, my now rock-hard cock sliding up her body. I entered her in the missionary position, our eyes were locked on each other as we settled into a rhythm of her raising hips to meet my slow deep thrusts. I think it was inevitable that we would come together ... it just seemed right. As my cock jettisoned inside her, she let out a loud moan and shuddered through her second orgasm as I held her tightly.

Later as we lay together on the bed Beth looked up at me "Thank you." Her voice was fraught with emotion. "That was more than I thought was possible."

I kissed her on the forehead and we drifted off to sleep in each-other's arms.

In the morning I was woken by Dex jumping up on the bed as he tried to nuzzle up against us for some attention. I gave him a pat and a scratch behind the ear and he received the same affection from Beth. He settled down and after awhile and lay across the end of the bed. I closed my eyes again thinking I might get a little more rest when there was more movement in the room. Glancing towards the door I saw two very naked young women climb onto the bed and slowly start to crawl their way towards us. Emma cuddled up to me on one side and Sam did the same to Beth on the far side of the bed.

"Morning lover." Emma purred in my ear.

"And morning to you officer sexy." Sam said in a similar tone to Beth as she spooned in behind her.

"Well there goes our lie in." I sighed and looked at Beth in a show of mock disappointment. "I guess it's time to get up and hit the road."

"I think a day off is in order." Sam said as she nibbled on Beth's earlobe.

"Yeah, exhaustion needs recovery time. Emma chipped in.

"Come on ladies we've only been on the road again for a day, exhaustion really!" I challenged them. "I'm not exhausted."

"You may not be now baby, but in a couple of hours you'll be so worn out you may not be able to move for the rest of the week." Emma said seductively.

Her hand moved slowly down over my stomach and headed between my legs.


(constructive critic and comments welcomed.)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Enjoyed this and other of our stories. Hope you are okay and hopefully able to continue this and other of your stories. For myself I do notice grammar and other errors but I'm mature enough to usually be able to read through them and understand the authors intention. I appreciate the efforts of the author.

The one issue with this third chapter would be the plastic bag of drugs in te bar. flushing the bag itself might get it caught in the plumbing and allow for the possible retrieval of the drugs. Emptying the bag would destroy the drugs and could leave evidence in the bag unless washed out but do you garbage the bag, wash it out and/or flush the bag? Not mentioned in the story other than "flushed".

Enjoyed the first three chapters. would love to read more but since it's been a year and a half since anything has been published by this author and over three years since this chapter was written i won't hold out a lot of hope for more. Pity.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Love it. Please finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Love it

Thank you. I really enjoyed this story please continue with more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good Story

Great read so far but you need to finish it UUKW

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great story please continue

Really enjoying this story and can’t wait for the next chapter please continue and ignore the people commenting about spelling and grammar it doesn’t detract from the story in any way for me

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not Romance

Threeways are not Romance! This is a 1.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

don't change a thing! who cares about the proof reading?! (i'm intentionally skipping caps in honor of your great work!). I love the twists and turns ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great series so far

I agree with the fourth commentator that while this is developing into a good series, generally flowing well from one scene to another, there have been a few grammatical problems which tend to disrupt that flow. If you would like help with proofreading I would advise seeking assistance from one of the volunteer editors before posting any more parts.

Regarding the story line I would like to read more although I'm not sure how long Beth would be able to be with them if she only has limited vacation time due to her she is developing into an interesting character.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great story but better proofreading needed...

Really enjoying your 3 chapters so far but at times it’s tough to read. Too, to, two and their, there, they’re are all different and should be used properly (as are your and you’re).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Possibly more detail on the sex would b nice otherwise good work

bigbob2406bigbob2406almost 5 years ago

Really enjoying this. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Your story is progressing very nicely!

Boyd Percy

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