The Scholarship Ch. 05 - New Arrivals


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"It's not that I don't think you're attractive or anything. Just took me by surprise."

"That I was so forward? If we want something, we should go after it."

"Well yeah, but also surprised you thought I was cute."

"Oh, well stop that shit right now. That self doubt stuff? Not gonna fly around me." She stands up out of her seat and walks over to me, sitting next to me on the bed.

"I'm not saying we should have sex right now. I'm kinda tired and not sure I would be any good for your first time." Well that's something to look forward to though. "But I wouldn't mind a kiss or two. Or ten."

I'm not sure where my moments of bravery come from. If it's some deep reservoir of courage that is only tapped in dire circumstances, or if perhaps my ancestors are watching over me and taking turns possessing me with ancient Viking power to push me to great moments. But a switch flips in me and I lean in, one hand going to her arm, and I pull Alex close and kiss her.

She seems surprised that I actually did it. That makes two of us.

Alex recovers quickly and kisses me back. Soft, gentle, slow. I feel her hand cup my cheek and pull me towards her, and then our tongues meet and I melt. I groan softly into her mouth and she moans quietly into mine. Little noises. Noises of pure pleasure as we mix our saliva together.

She pulls back for a moment and looks into my eyes. "See? All good. Just some kissing. You're not half bad at that." She gives me a few more little smooches, lips against lips and nothing more, and then sits back. "I'd be open to more of that, in the future," Alex giggles.

"Should we sign a contract or something?"

"Nah," she trails a finger along my jaw from my ear to my chin, and then pulls it away, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "I think we'll just go with the flow. See where we wind up. Contract seems like a good way to end up like Kayla and Tyler."

"Good. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better, Alex. Which... what's Alex short for?"

"Alexandra," she replies, "but only my mom calls me that, so if you use that full name with me I will punch you in the dick so hard it'll stop time."

"Alex it is."

"Alex it should stay, Joseph," she teases.

I just grin back at her and shift slightly back and forth on the bed, not sure of where I should be going now. Part of me wants to kiss her again--a big fucking part of me to be honest--but it feels like the moment has passed, the experimentation has ended for now. It's unlikely that the girl who made out with me after knowing each other for about an hour will never want to do anything with me again. Especially with how open and casual she was talking about potential sex between us.

"So, uh, should I leave and let you have some alone time to relax after traveling literally all the way across the country?" I ask, shifting away and getting ready to stand up.

"You don't have to," she says with a shrug. "Like, you don't have to hang out with me if you don't want to, but I'm not planning on kicking you out. Yeah, I'm tired as hell, and not up for going on a run or swimming or something..." She stands up and takes my hand, pulling me up with her. "But if you wanna go watch a movie together and chill, I would love the company."

My eyes light up at that. Movie with a cute girl? That's almost a date. I grin at her. "Any preferences on what we watch?"

"Classic comedy? Thinking something dumb... American Pie work for you?" she drops my hand and walks towards the door.

"Uh huh," I nod, "I'm down." And with that, we're off. I try not to think about what happened last time I watched a movie in the theater. It's hard though, pun not intended, because I've literally only watched one movie here and it ended with me cumming for Julie. Probably won't happen again though.

We chat some more while we walk to the theater. It's not a long walk, just long enough for us to trade some of our favorite movies and TV shows. It's not super deep conversation, but it's nice to have even a little more information on her to go on. Even something as silly as a favorite movie can tell you a lot about a person.

The theater is blessedly empty, though I wasn't really expecting anyone to be in there. I take a spot on the couch, the part that extends out and lets me stretch, while Alex gets the movie set up. Then she crawls onto the couch next to me and sits close enough we could touch without much effort. No effort at all, really.

Close enough to be intoxicating. I turn to look at her and feel lighter. Like I'm filled with helium. Had I really kissed that girl? That one, right there? Had that divine being actually kissed me back? The taste of her lips on mine lingers, sweet enough to leave me wanting more, like a child chasing a sugar high.

But we don't kiss, not yet. We just settle in and start to watch the movie. Soon that tension fades, that incredible desire to do anything and everything to and with her becomes nothing more than background noise. At the forefront of my mind, instead, is the movie, and the conversation we have during it. With certain movies the idea of someone talking to me constantly throughout would annoy me. Not this movie and not this girl. It's a dumb comedy, and talking about what parts of it make us laugh is half the fun. She's funny too, it's almost upsetting. But I'm still smiling.

We're maybe twenty-five or thirty minutes into the movie when I hear the sound of footsteps coming into the room. I sit up and turn around to see Lauren smiling at me.

"Hey," she says.

"I thought you were taking a nap," I reply.

"I did. I stopped being a person for a half hour of glorious sleep and now I'm up. Thought you might be up here when you weren't in your room."

"Watching American Pie, wanna join?" Alex asks, also popping her head up. I can't quite read the expression on Lauren's face when she sees Alex sitting right next to me. Is it jealousy? Just surprise? She smiles though, and comes around the couch to join us. Alex pats the couch next to her, indicating where Lauren should sit.

She joins us, sitting on the opposite side of Alex from me, and we start the movie up again, now with one more person to add to the running commentary of bad jokes and conversation about the movie. Alex fits easily into the dynamic Lauren and I have cultivated for 18 years. She's only ever a half step behind where Lauren and I land on a joke, which is impressive because when it comes to stuff like this Lauren and I basically operate with one mind. I'm growing more and more comfortable with her by the minute, and glad for it.

At some point, and I can't say exactly when she starts or when I notice it, I become aware of the fact that Alex's hand has drifted down her body and is gently touching between her legs. I can't see much of what she's doing, her fingers are hidden by the curve of her hips and her thighs. Her arm is shifting though, gentle micromovements that betray her to even my untrained eye for female masturbation. I shift to watch her more directly, not wanting to miss anything in case she stops soon. She notices, turning to look at me and blushing a little, biting her lip. Her eyes widen, and then nearly close, eyes turning to slits.

She lifts the remote with her free hand and pauses the movie. Lauren looks over, and immediately blushes when she notices what Alex is doing.

"Hey so..." Alex starts, sitting up a little, "I've been horny as fuck all day. Travel always makes me horny, knowing I was going to be meeting both of you, seeing everyone else again, and then actually seeing that you're both actually cute." Of course, as twins, we look away when she calls us cute. I'm not which of us it affects more, me or Lauren. "I... I wasn't planning on doing this. But the lewd jokes, the little bits of stuff, it's getting me going and being sandwiched between you two is only exacerbating it. If you guys want, I'll go back to my room and masturbate. Or... Or I can just do it here if you want to join in or just watch or whatever." The look on her face tells me clearly which she wants us to choose, but she's still giving us a choice.

I look across her body to Lauren. My sister hasn't looked up from Alex's hand down between her legs fiddling with herself. She's still watching, waiting for the asian beauty's hand to continue moving. "I'm ok with it," I say quietly, "more than ok with it, really."

My words seem to snap Lauren out of her trance. "Yeah. Not uh... not a problem here if you want to take care of yourself."

"Good," Alex replies, and just like that she starts up the movie again, leaning back and getting comfortable. Her legs spread a bit more, now that she can be open about what she's doing, her hand moves more aggressively, and she makes noises now. Soft and quiet at first. Little moans and grunts that draw me in more than loud ones would. Whimpers of pleasure as her fingers find her clit and slowly circle the pleasure button. Watching and listening to her, with that body, has my cock quickly rising to fully erect. It certainly doesn't help that I've made out with my sister and felt her up twice today but haven't gotten any real release. Instead, I'm all worked up and a gorgeous girl is touching her pussy right next to me. Of course I'm getting hard super quickly.

I try my hardest to focus on the movie, but my eyes and ears keep coming back to Alex, and my hand slowly drops to my cock. Alex's eyes meet mine as I start to slowly stroke myself and she grins, then looks down at what I'm doing. They widen. She stares. I feel so exposed in the best possible way. Her hand starts to move faster so I match her pace. There is clear and obvious arousal affecting her breathing. It comes in more shallow, sharper. I sigh, she quietly moans, and from the other side of Alex I hear Lauren squeak.

My sister's eyes are saucers as she looks between Alex and I. The movie is forgotten, just background noise for our real activity. A shifting in Lauren's posture is all the indication I need that she is joining us in masturbating. Three teens side-by-side, touching ourselves. Ms. Larson is probably having the time of her life watching us.

"Lauren," Alex is the first to speak and break the spell. My hand slows but doesn't stop as I listen to what she has to say. "Have you ever done anything with a girl? Anything at all?"

"Um," she blushes and nods, "last night, Ms. Larson made my cum twice." Alex nods back at her like this was expected.

"I remember when she did that to me the first time... did you touch her at all?"

"Just some kisses."

"Is it ok if I touch you?" Alex asks softly. I think Lauren melts. Her eyes widen, lips tremble, and she nods.

"Are you sure you want to?"

"Yes," Alex whispers, "You're cute. More than cute. And I'm horny and I want you to join me in this."

"Ok," Lauren replies quietly. I'm an observer at the moment, which is half disappointing and half intensely arousing. I can still stroke my cock though, stroke and watch as Alex takes her hand off of her own pussy and carefully moves it across Lauren's body, sliding along her thigh towards her sex. A sharp intake of breath from Lauren is the best indication I get that Alex's hand has found its mark, fingers playing across my sister's pussy. Lauren's eyes close. She moans, quiet and soft, almost like an afterthought. Like she had forgotten she was supposed to do that when she felt pleasure.

I lift myself up and sit cross-legged, cock pointed out at the two girls sharing the couch with me. Slow strokes now, enjoying myself and the moment, not trying to rush to an orgasm. This gives me a better vantage at their activities.

Alex has a finger deep in Lauren, just one, but buried up to her second knuckle. Her movements are slow, gentle, and careful. There's no urgency, she's exploring and enjoying. Lauren's back arches slightly, her head turns towards Alex and her mouth drops open in pleasure. In my own state of being teased I had forgotten that my twin was going through the same thing. Both of us had been stupid today. Stupid and horny and just smart enough to not let ourselves fall too far into depravity.

They kiss. I nearly miss it. But their lips touch, Alex shifting to raise herself up for more leverage, and pressing Lauren's head back into the couch as they explore each other's mouths. I know it has to be good, they're both fantastic kissers. Somehow I'm jealous of both of them at the same time. Little moans escape from both of them, escalating more from Lauren as Alex finger fucks her more vigorously. The kiss breaks and Lauren's moans turn into heavy panting. She's gripping Alex's arm hard, squeezing into her flesh with a grip of desperation.

"I'm going to make you cum," Alex says in a very matter of fact manner, looking down at my sister's closed eyes.

Lauren's eyes open to slits, and she whimpers. "Fuck yes. Please. God I need it."

"But not yet," Alex whispers. "I want to try something I've never done before, is that ok?"

This earns a pitiful whine from Lauren but she nods. She knows as well as I do that she'll get to cum eventually. Whether from herself or from Alex or... maybe from me. Alex grins though and pulls away, rolling back to laying on her back. She looks up at me and reaches over, her nimble fingers finding my cock. I gasp and pull my own hand away as she wraps her hand around me. Her other hand stays on Lauren's pussy, now focused on her clit. Both hands move simultaneously, dexterous hands having no trouble stroking me while rubbing my twin sister's clit.

We moan as one, because of course we do, both of us letting our pleasure at the hands of our new friend and housemate be very clearly known to anyone in earshot.

"Oh that's fucking hot," Alex murmurs, looking back and forth between us. "Always wanted to play with two people at once like this. It being twins is just... well fuck, you two are hot..." She trails off, looking between us with lust in her eyes. "You know... It's ok if you want to touch me too."

"Who, uh... ah fuck that feels good... who are you talking to?" I ask, gasping out words between desperate sounds.

"Both of you. Either of you. Whoever wants to." Her voice is auditory sex. It's a low purring that oozes desire and attraction and animalistic magnetism and raw eroticism and feelings I don't have words to describe. Before I can form a plan or have any thoughts beyond the immediate intense need to touch her, my hand is on her chest, kneading her breast. I revel in the soft give of her boob beneath my fingers, the stiffness of her nipple against my palm. She grunts appreciatively, her chest pressing up into me as she arches her back. Then I feel fingers brush against mine and I notice that Lauren is fondling the other breast. Our eyes meet, both of us being pleasured by the girl we're feeling up. Lauren looks away first, down along Alex's fit body to her pussy, then up along her body again, following her arm to my cock. She watches that, the slow stroking Alex is delivering, while playing with our partner's tit.

"Fuck..." Alex groans as we toy with her chest. "Yes, fucking please, yes..." her body is writhing slowly under our touch, but it doesn't disrupt her rhythm on us. Her strokes stay even, still narrowing near the end as she gently squeezes the head, making me tingle every time. Her fingers on Lauren work at the same pace, but are entirely focused on her clit. Little circles around my sister's pleasure center. Lauren's body shakes as she gets closer to cumming, slowly but clearly wiggling back and forth under Alex's ministrations.

I take my hand off her chest and she gives me a quick disappointed look and whimpers. The noise stops when I move my hand down to her pussy. It's instead, replaced by a happy moan of ecstasy. This is what she had wanted. Fondling her chest is all well and good, but I can feel the heat coming from her loins, I can sense the desire and the overwhelming need to cum radiating off of her. Hell, I'd be able to tell she needs to cum even if I had never seen a woman before. Her need is obvious. And I plan to solve that problem.

I explore her slit, gently up and down her labia and then push a finger into her. It must have felt good if the way she grabs my dick is any indication. She slowly hisses like a balloon venting air, eyes closing for a moment, then they pop back open and she starts to grind her hips against my hand. Her stroking resumes, and I assume the work on Lauren's clit with it.

My sister is writhing with more intensity now, her torso vibrating, back lifting off the couch and dropping hard again. Her hand still cautiously works Alex's breast though, and I can see her fingers beginning to pinch and pull at the perky nipple. Alex responds in kind, moans elicited from from of our assaults on her body filling the room.

"Jesus fuck yes," Alex grunts, "fuck I needed this, yes. Joe. Finger fuck me! Fucking harder!" I speed up, thrusting my finger faster into her, curling up inside like Julie taught me. Alex stops stroking me, instead just gripping my shaft hard, like she's trying to choke it. Her hand on Lauren, however, hasn't stopped. Still furiously fiddling away at Lauren's clit.

Her breathing is choked and her grip on Alex's breast is now solid, just holding on for dear life as our new friend pushes her closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. "Oh God damn," Lauren moans, "so... so close... Alex... fu--fuck." Lauren opens her eyes wide and looks directly at Alex, it's almost a look of shock on her face. "Alex. I'm fuck--fucking cumming!"

Alex presses her face against Lauren's, pulling her hand away from my cock to cup Lauren's cheek as they kiss. I notice just a smidge of my precum on her hand gets transferred into Lauren's hair. Weirdly hot.

I pause with my finger deep inside of Alex and just watch as she makes Lauren cum. Lauren lifts her legs off the couch and I watch her toes curl as she brings her knees up towards her chest. She can't go all the way, with Alex's arm in the way, and her legs shoot back out, almost like she is jumping. Lauren groans hard into her current lover's mouth, a noise that comes from deep within her core. I can see their tongues sloppily pressing against each other in the gaps between their lips, a sight that makes my cock throb with need for either one of them now--both of them if I'm lucky.

Lauren's legs shake and she squeals, and then it's over. She collapses onto the couch, panting, with not even enough energy to properly kiss Alex anymore. Her hips still grind against Alex's hand, her body searching for more pleasure subconsciously. When Alex pulls her hand away, however, my sister falls still.

"That was fucking hot," I mutter. My finger starts moving again inside of Alex, but my eyes stay on Lauren as her smaller chest rises and falls rapidly with her heavy breathing. Her face slowly relaxes as her body comes down from the intense high of her orgasm.

"Fuck yeah," Alex agrees, turning back to me with a smile. "Now... How would you like to uh... move on a bit?"

I cock my head at her, "What do you mean?" I ask, still fingering her slowly.

"Joe," Alex looks into my eyes, "do you want me to suck your cock?"


She looks puzzled. "That's... that's not a yes."

"I was surprised. Yes, please. Please yes Alex, please suck my dick." I say. Lauren opens her eyes again and looks up at me. She smiles faintly, and slowly pushes herself up to a sitting position to watch us better.

"Then I need you to take your finger out of me," Alex says with a giggle. "It feels good, don't get wrong, but... it will make things difficult for me." I reluctantly pull my finger out of her and lift it to my mouth to suck it clean of her juices. My eyes cross as I taste her; third pussy I've tasted, but I'm still not sure about who the second one was.

"Ok, part one done," I smile at Alex, "you taste good, by the way."