The Scholarship Ch. 05 - New Arrivals


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"Maybe soon," she gets up on her hands and knees, and gestures for me to get on my knees as well, "you can taste it directly from the source."

I rise to my knees, my cock twitching a bit from the thought of eating her out. Still haven't done that with anyone, and it's on my short list of desires. My mind goes blank, and all of these thoughts vanish instantly, however, when she takes my cock in her hand again and slowly strokes me. She spits on my dick, a thick glob of saliva that quickly gets worked into a slick sheen over my shaft and she strokes it. Alex grins wide up at me, winks, and then lowers her head, taking the tip of my cock into her mouth.

Her tongue circles the head, licking around the swollen glans even as her lips close just down past the ridge. I close my eyes as she begins to administer a tongue bath to the head of my cock, sloppily licking at it, her tongue rolling all over me and flicking out at the end. Her hand slowly works back and forth along my shaft, almost like she's trying to pull my cock deeper into her mouth. Slowly, she takes more of me into her mouth. Her tongue keeps working, and she keeps slurping back and forth on me, while she takes another couple of inches into her mouth.

Alex stops halfway down my cock. That's fine with me, that's more than enough to make me pant with pleasure. My breathing quickly gets faster and faster as Alex sucks me faster and faster. Her head is bobbing along my cock, and the lewd noises of the blowjob provide the soundtrack for this magical experience.

Back and forth, up and down, she sucks me. Each time my head reaches her lips it quickly slides back in, massaged throughout by her tongue. She cups around my shaft and head with her tongue while she sucks me in, making it almost like a taco in her mouth and working over my cock. I'm panting, getting closer, feeling myself slowly slip off of the planet. Soon I'll be floating amongst the stars in ecstasy.

And then she stops. She stops sucking, stops massaging my cock, even stops her little strokes along my base. All of that is replaced with a vibrating as she starts to moan.

I open my eyes and look down to see her eyes closed, my cock still half in her mouth, but she's not moving. Then my peripheral vision picks up what is happening and my gaze slides along her bare back to where my sister has gotten up on her knees and is behind Alex, with her hand against Alex's slit. Alex is moaning onto my cock, so whatever Lauren is doing back there, it must be good.

"Is this ok?" Lauren asks quietly.

Alex pulls back until my cock is fully out of her mouth and nods. "Yes. Is this the first time you've fingered someone else?"

"That obvious?" Lauren asks with a giggle.

"No just... hot to be your first. I'm horny as fuck, shouldn't be hard to make me cum. Fingering a girl is easy," Alex turns her head to look behind her at Lauren, "Do what you do to you, but on me."

"Ok," Lauren replies quietly. I can barely see what she does, but I do faintly see my sister slip a finger into Alex's pussy.

"That," Alex requests with a whimper, "do that." Then she shudders, takes a moment to get used to the feeling of Lauren slowly fingering her pussy, and starts swallowing my cock again. She goes right back to where she was, but faster. Sucking at me with increased vigor, pushing me towards my orgasm with increased intensity.

The vibrations come along with her sucking, she groans onto my cock as Lauren fingers her, and it increases the pleasure immensely, forcing me closer and closer with every second. Drool spills from her mouth onto the couch, her eyes cross, but she still sucks.

"Alex..." I moan, "Oh fuck, Alex, I'm getting close." She doesn't stop, doesn't even slow down, just keeps sucking like her life depends on it. Lauren shifts along the side of her, still fingering, now more fiercely, pumping two fingers in and out of Alex's cunt. She reaches a hand for me, and I take it without thinking. Our fingers entwine and she looks at me with a faint smile.

"Make him cum, Alex," Lauren whispers. "I love watching you suck him off..." Her voice is nearly inaudible, but the way my sister looks at me tells me everything I want to know, that look says more than a thousand words. Lauren wants a front row seat to my cumshot.

My grip tightens on Lauren's hand, and my other hand gently grips Alex's arm. I say gently, but as I'm rushed towards my orgasm I lose control of the concept of gentle. All that matters is Alex's mouth on my cock, and Lauren's fingers in mine.

Then it hits, the moment I've been waiting for. My orgasm arrives suddenly, I had thought it might be a few moments away still, but no, I'm hit with the force of a ten-ton truck slamming me in the pleasure center of my brain.

"Fuck, Alex, I'm cumming!" I shout, moaning loud. She goes faster, wanting to milk me properly over the edge. I look over at Lauren as I start to cum, and she kisses me. Her fingers stay buried in Alex, but her lips find mine and our tongues meet and I cum harder than ever in my life. I begin to pour cum out of my cock, a rocket of jizz spilling into Alex's mouth, so much that she swallows the first two ropes, and then chokes, and has to pull my cock out of her mouth, spitting up some of my semen onto the couch beneath us. My next ropes fire off just as strong, splashing onto the tops of her tits, and landing in a puddle beneath her. Alex is panting and gasping as she looks up to see Lauren and I still deeply kissing, our tongue wrestling as I cum.

"Holy fuck," she whispers, and she cums as well, her body shaking as she watches the incestuous act in front of her. She moans in pleasure, dropping down, away from Lauren's fingers, and barely holds herself up as her legs spasm.

I barely notice it. I'm kissing my sister and it's wonderful. When I'm done cumming, and the last drops of my load are dripping onto the couch, I finally pull away from the kiss and look into Lauren's eyes lovingly. She looks back and for a moment, I forget Alex is there. And then she coughs up more of my cum and I look down at her, grinning sheepishly.

"Sorry," I say softly.

"You're fine," she says with another cough. "Wasn't uh... wasn't expecting that much. And also wasn't expecting to watch you two kiss. That was... fucking hot. Really fucking hot."

"It's... not normal for us yet. It's new."

"Well it's fucking hot, have I said that yet?" Alex replies. She pushes herself up, cum splattered all over her body, some even in her hair, and she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. She looks at us, the three of us all within a foot of each other's faces. First she comes to me, kissing me gently, just with her lips, no tongue involved. Then Lauren, kissing her a little deeper than the one I got. Fair enough.

Alex pulls back from the kiss, scoops up a bit of my cum from her tits on one finger, and offers it up to Lauren. My twin hesitates. This is a big step for us. Huge, really. I think we both thought this day would come soon, but not this soon. And if I know Lauren, she was also picturing it coming directly from the source instead of scooped off of some other girl's tits. Lauren looks at me, so I shrug. This is her choice. She looks back to Alex and then lowers her head and takes the finger in her mouth, sucking the entirety of it into her mouth and sucking it clean before popping it back out of her mouth.

The face she makes at the taste of my cum isn't exactly encouraging. Granted, I've never tried the stuff, so it could be horrible. But part of me, the twisted pervert side, was desperately hoping that Lauren would randomly love the taste of my cum. Guess we can't win them all.

"It's... not the worst thing I've ever tasted," she says after a moment.

"Yeah, you get used to it," Alex says with a shrug, "mostly it's fucking hot that it's your brother's load. Fucking hell." She drops back onto the couch for a moment, before realizing what a mess we've made. "I think... well you're both fantastic. And I'd like to do more of this." She gets up, shivers, and then turns back to kiss me again. "I'm going to go clean up, and tell Delilah we need cleaning help. Then I'm going to go stream because I haven't in days and I fucking miss it and you two fucked my brain back to normal."

She stumbles off, muttering the word "twins" under her breath again and again.

I look at Lauren, and she looks back. Then we kiss again. Holding each other close, our sweaty bodies pressed together, we kiss more, hungrily. When we break apart, we're panting, messy, and reluctant to leave the moment.

"Your cum tastes weird," she says with a giggle. I frown and poke her in the side.

"Maybe my cum tastes better than all other cum in the world."

"God, I hope not," she says, shaking her head. "If that's the case, I'm never sucking a dick."

"That bad, huh?"

"Not bad, per se, just not great. Maybe it's an acquired taste. Or maybe it just isn't for me."

"Maybe it's just my cum," I say softly.

"I hope not that either," she responds in an equally soft voice. "I love you, Joe," she murmurs. Lauren pulls me into a hug, just a sibling hug with no sexual connotations, and I hug her back. "I do love you, and this was incredibly hot. I... I definitely like girls."



"All girls?"

"At least Alex and Ms. Larson and Julie and Delilah and Serena and fucking Kayla even."

"Might as well be all girls then, huh?" I ask with a grin. The hug breaks and we both slowly stand up.

"Might as well be."

"Do you still like boys?"

"I like you. And I mean, Tyler is cute. But... he's not you." I feel my cheeks burn and I have to look away.


"I know," she responds before I can even finish the thought.

"I love you," I take her hand in mine, "and I like Alex."

"You like like her?"

"What are we in middle school again?"


"Maybe," I say honestly. "I don't know. She's..."

"Magnetic," Lauren replies, "I get it. I can see why you like her. But you've only known her for like two hours."

"It's been a pretty busy two hours though."

"Yeah, you've got me there."

We're silent for a moment, tottering to the door together on shaky legs.

"Don't leave me," Lauren says at the doorway.

"I need to clean up," I gesture to the messiness around my quickly deflating cock.

"I didn't mean right now. I meant... in general. In life."

"You think I would do that?" A serious tone enters my voice. It isn't there often, but Lauren knows I mean what I say. "You think I even could do that? Lauren, you're my other half. I can't... I can't marry you. But I can love you with all of my being for as long as we live and I will never ever not be there for you."

She sniffles and runs her hand across her eyes. I instantly pull her into a tight hug and she tucks her head into my neck. "Sorry," she mumbles into my collarbone, "I don't know exactly what hit me but something about seeing you and Alex together made me... I don't know. It's different than it was watching you and Julie. Alex is our age. It just hit harder after the sex was over... maybe... I don't know."

"I'm not going anywhere. Not without you. Ok?"

"Ok." I kiss her forehead and end the hug. She smiles at me and looks down. "Now we both need cleaning," she laughs.

We clean ourselves off in separate bathrooms. Probably a good idea because I also need to actually do bathroom stuff. While Lauren and I are open with each other normally and lately even more than usual, that's one line I don't think either of us is particularly champing at the bit to cross.

Lauren is waiting for me when I get out of the bathroom. We walk downstairs together, doing our best to keep our conversation light after the emotional moments after our encounter. Everything we said was true, but it doesn't do us any favors to dwell on that at the moment.

When we get downstairs, Lauren slips away from me and heads into the kitchen to talk with Julie, who is putting the finishing touches on dinner. How has the time flown by so fast?

Tyler is standing outside by the pool, and I realize I have barely interacted with him. I should say something more than my name and hello to him.

"Hey," I say, stepping out the sliding door and shutting it behind me. Yep, fucking blasted by heat again. It's worse now than it was this morning, a wall of sweltering weight that wraps around me like a boa constrictor.

"Oh, hey!" He turns towards me and I see he has his camera in his hands. "I was just gonna do a walk around the grounds to shoot a little, get myself back in the head space for this place. You wanna come?"

It's not something I thought I would be doing today, but why the hell not? "Uh, sure. I don't know anything about still photography, but I'm interested."

"Ah, well, it's not super complicated," Tyler says, starting to walk off across the yard towards the treeline at the back of the property. As he walks he goes into a detailed explanation of what he looks for in a shot, and how still photography compares to film. I learn that he is primarily interested in landscapes and real life shots. Something he sees, rather than sets up.

I watch him take pictures of a stand of trees that, at first glance, look just like trees. He shows me the picture though, and it looks like something else entirely. Almost as though the camera serves as a window to another realm that only he can see unaided. The way light plays through the branches, and the leaves are mid-rustle. I wouldn't be surprised to see a fairy step out from behind a tree and start dancing and casting spells.

We continue our walk around the property, with him taking pictures and explaining what he looks for. At one point he asks if I'm comfortable having my own picture taken.

"Like right now?"

"No, right now is boring. Just in general."

"You want blanket consent to take pictures of me?" I ask.

"Yep," he responds with a laugh, "if I see a moment worth capturing, I don't want to ask your permission every time and lose the perfect shot. I don't plan on taking pictures of you fucking or jerking it or something. But we're gonna see a lot of each other, even just living our lives here."

"Well... when you say it like that, then sure."

"Cool," Tyler responds.

"So," I say after a few more moments of silence where we walk and look at the scenery, "you and Kayla, huh?"

He laughs, a deep resonating sound that comes from his bones. "Yeah. Since basically the day I arrived. Off and on. Mostly off." He shrugs. "She was my first. Even before Ms. Larson. And Kayla is... demanding."


He shrugs, "She's a lot. Dating her is. The sex is good, very good. But she's a tornado of emotion and desire and it makes a relationship difficult. We broke up a lot and fought a lot. But we always got back together."

"Not this time, though," I say. It isn't a question, and he looks at me with a smile.

"No. Not this time. My girlfriend and I met when we were young, grew up together as family friends. But this summer we... something changed, you know? It was three days after I got back. And our families got together and then we were getting high in the basement and chatting and the next thing I know we're talking about a relationship and then we fucked and... I haven't even thought about looking back since."

Damn. That's quick. Or maybe a long time coming, I'm not sure. "Do you love her?"

He nods, "Yeah. I think I loved her for a while and didn't know it. But now that I know it I can look at her differently and realize what I've missed out on."

"So you're not going to do anything with anyone here this year?" I ask.

"Nope. I'm just gonna jerk off and text and sext my girlfriend and not let Kayla seduce me. Ms. Larson said she's telling her staff that I'm not to be teased or anything, which is nice. So it's really just Kayla to worry about."

"Not worried about Alex or Lauren?" I ask, legitimately wondering.

"Nah. Don't get me wrong, they're both hot. But Alex is so relaxed and I don't know Lauren well enough for her to push my buttons like that yet." He shrugs as if this is a normal conversation. Maybe for here it is. "Besides, I'm really good at jerking off," he laughs.

"Yeah, that makes sense," I say, nodding along with his explanation.

"What about you?" He asks.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I'm not bad at it, I guess. I don't really have a comparison though."

"No, Joe," he laughs, "Are you a virgin still? You have a girlfriend or anything?"

"Oh, uh. Yes and no. Yes I'm a virgin, no I don't have a girlfriend."

"Eyes on anyone here?"

"For a girlfriend or to have sex with?"

Tyler shrugs. "Either one I guess. I guess your sister is out of the equation, and you can't really date any of the older women. But Ms. Larson is probably going to want to bang you soon. And I wouldn't recommend dating Kayla, take that advice to heart. So really that just leaves Alex."

"Huh, you broke it down pretty succinctly there," I say with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, lemme rephrase. Do you like Alex?" He grins at the silly series of questions.

I shrug in response. "Yeah, I mean. She's hot. She's fun to be around. But I've only known her for a few hours."

"True," He says, and we walk in silence again. He stops every fifty feet or so and takes a picture of something he thinks deserves to be immortalized in his memory card. I don't see the things he sees, but whenever I ask to see a picture it's just like the first time--he shows me something beautiful captured in the frame.

"Was it weird for you at first?" I ask, looking up at him. He's a good six inches taller than me, and easily eighty pounds of muscle heavier. He looks like a bear compared to me. A kind, friendly bear, but a giant nonetheless.

"The nudity?" He shrugs, "I barely remember it, been so long now. But yeah, I think so. I think it was weird more so that no one else thought it was weird. You at least moved in with your sister, so you both get to be out of your element together. I was alone, and eventually I got over it. I don't know if I enjoy the nudity, ya know? But it's not weird anymore."

"How about the sex?"

"Yeah, that was super weird at first. Everyone was so casual. You get over that too though. It'll take some time, but it's only been a few days. You'll figure it out."

"Thanks, Tyler," I say.

"No problem, man. It's a wild fucking world you stepped into. And you haven't even started school yet. Once classes start you'll barely have time to think about your dick being out, let alone anything sexual. Plus, you might meet someone in class who doesn't live at the house and that will open up new opportunities for you." He slaps me on the back and laughs.

The rest of the walk is casual and easy. No big concerns, no worries about sex or nudity. Just two guys walking and talking and taking pictures. I also get to see the full extent of the grounds. It's larger than I thought, which shouldn't surprise me, but Tyler takes me all the way out to the outer fence of the property, and we walk down to the entrance gate as well, going the whole way on lush grass that looks like it is freshly trimmed daily.

On the way back to the house, Tyler pauses and looks at me. "You need any help or anything at any point, come talk to me. We gotta stick together here, we're severely outnumbered."

"Outnumbered? What do you mean?"

"Two dudes in this whole house, all these women. They're gonna gang up on us. Make us watch romcoms and talk about feelings." He laughs then, showing me it's clearly a joke, and I laugh with him. It will be nice, though, to have someone around who there's no chance of me trying to fuck.

When we get inside, there is a powerful smell permeating the house that instantly draws both of us into the kitchen. Almost everyone else is gathered there, chatting amongst each other and dishing out bowls of a soup that is quickly identified to be of the chicken tortilla variety.