The Seventh Wheel


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I giggled, I was ready to get on with the day. I was ready for a quiet weekend, more sexy videos to watch, maybe we would just lay on the couch, my head in his lap, inches from his cock. I would plan our dinners for the week, tell him which cocktails I had ingredients for, maybe I would just let him make love to me when he calls work, maybe I will suck his cock as he fields questions. We'll see.

I finally got out of the violet car. I waved to the neighbors, I checked the mailbox, I took a deep breath, and smelled the ocean. What a great day. The slight breeze rolled around me and blew my nightie, I closed my eyes, I shook my hair, I felt my earrings.

I waved to the people across the street. 'Hi, it's so nice out, what a great day." They told me. I shook my head, I agreed.

I hung my new car keys on the hook near the front door, making sure my name was facing out. I hadn't driven my blue car in over two months, I wouldn't miss it, it was for another person, not the new me.

The rest of the day was perfect, we ate a very late breakfast, we listened to more music, I was in the short sheer nightgown and black pumps most of the day. I went to get dressed in my room. My room on the other side of the house. Starting right now I would only come back to this side of the house to dress, to put on my makeup, maybe to clean. Otherwise, I would spend it all on Max's side, in his house, in the part of the house we spent together, slept together.

Even when he wasn't home I lived in that space, put away his groceries, cooked in his kitchen, and vacuumed his rugs. Sometimes I even dressed appropriately.

My favorite spot still, was sitting on his floor in the corner waiting for him to come home. I would stare at the door and perk up every time I heard a car, a horn. Why did I like that? He didn't even know I was there, maybe it was just for me. I started to think maybe I was a present for him, waiting to be unwrapped, waiting for him to open me up, have fun with me and my body. Sometimes I fixed my lipstick by looking in the reflection of the liquor cabinet or TV. Sometimes I stretched and put my heels over my head, I stretched, I sang, I just rolled around the carpet. Next time I might wait for him to cum on me, I would smile and stick out my tongue. I would inch up and beg him to orgasm, beg him for his sperm, beg him to let me swallow. Then later I would take him inside of me and then listen because it was his turn to beg me.

I took a long shower, I then took a long bath, I soaked, I cleaned myself inside and out. I took another shower. I wanted to put on makeup, I was dreaming about it while I was soaking. Imagining what colors I would use on a quiet Saturday. I could just get up, put on lipstick, put on mascara, no big deal, no one would be surprised. I wanted to fix my lips like Amber's, like Anja's, like a woman. The two of them had perfect lips, even more perfect than Megan's, they had the greatest technique, they showed me and now I was part of their club. The perfect lips club. I loved that I had their friendship in my life. I texted both of them, I sent them a picture of the dress I wanted to wear today. I wanted to know what color to paint my lips.

'Red, red, red' Amber texted.

'You better wear white platform heels too, you slut.' Anja texted right after.

I thanked them, they made me smile, I couldn't wait to talk about our technique together, I couldn't wait to bring up my new one with a hard cock, with Max's hard cock. I was ready to join a new club.

I painted my nails, I was all red. I put on my lipstick, my new color, perfect for my outfit of the day. I slipped on the shoulderless long dress, hiding my red strapless bra, my nude thigh highs, my red bikini panties. I slipped on the white sandals, four-inch with a slight platform. I found a white clutch. I posed, I took pictures to send to the two girls. They told me I looked beautiful, stunning. I made them send pictures of themselves. They always looked lovely, I was jealous of their smiles, their lives, their bodies. I hoped mine would soon be similar to theirs.

'Thank you ladies, you two are the most beautiful women in the world...' I texted them, I always called them ladies, they always sent me something crazy back. They didn't like to be called ladies they preferred bitches or sluts or even whores, but I was too nice to call them that.

Lastly, I put on my Decadence perfume, I smiled at the new improved woman in the mirror. She knew she had to do something she didn't want to do. She was quite over things now, but she had to, they would expect it.

"Oh, well." I hummed as I went through my routine.

I fluffed up my hair, I changed my earrings, I put on something big and round instead of long and dangly. I grabbed my white clutch, I shifted to the other side of the house, I wanted to see Max, I wanted to get our Zoom call over with. Afterward, I wanted to do something, anything. A quick call and then I would forget that Lula and Beth existed until next time.

"Wow, you look sensational."

"Do I?" I curtsied.

"Yes, Sabrina, you know you do." He laughed, he took my hand and we sat down in front of his laptop. I let his hands wander all over me, I let him get reacquainted with my body again. "The girlfriends are going to be impressed with how beautiful you have become." I looked at him, I was thinking he was teasing me, but then again maybe he wasn't. Max treated me very differently than the two women, he always did. He thought about me differently too, I was always a 'woman' to him, right from the beginning, right from the day he saw me in my dirndl dress. Halloween was only a couple of weeks away, maybe I would wear it again for him unless I found something he would love even better. But maybe I would wear it for the third time, I would do anything to make him happy. Unfortunately, the two women would be home by then. I was hoping Max would help me give out candy to the kids. I was hoping the two women went out to eat with the Antonellis.

The camera in Argentina went on. The two women were on the same couch, in the same positions they were always in, even the same outfits. They never paid attention to us at first, it was a chore.

"Hey, can you hear us?" Max was always the first to talk, he always seemed happy to see them, happy to tell him his news whether they listened or not. "Anything happening today?"

"Uh, no, we got some work to catch up on." Lula was answering, she was on her phone, she was probably talking to someone else she liked more.

"Beth ya know what, Carol, my sister is getting married, isn't that great? She is having an engagement party Saturday."

"Really, she breaks up with that jerk, moves out, and meets someone else already." I could tell Beth was annoyed, she had to talk.

"Well she is marrying that jerk, Randy, and he's okay. He is the one that called and invited us to the party."

"I'm glad I'm missing that, take Bloody Mary with you." She was now focused on me. "What's with that red?" She hated everything I wore. I would never admit it to anyone but I tended to dress for her, I wanted her to see how feminine and girlie I was becoming. I wanted to show her I was completely different than her, I dressed like a woman, and she dressed like a teenage boy, the two of them did.


I just smiled. I knew I looked perfect, my two friends confirmed it. If I didn't they would have made suggestions, they would have made me change, and a couple of times in the past they have. I knew I wasn't perfect but with my friends' help, I was pretty close.

Max took my hand. "Doesn't Sabrina look great?" He smiled at me, I smiled back, he made me feel so wonderful. I started imagining going to a party, meeting his family.

"Yeah great, like a fucking fire engine. ha." Beth thought she was hysterical. "Don't wear that to the party, don't embarrass us."

Lula looked up. Finally looking at us. "How many dresses do you have now, you must have a thousand of 'em." She went back to her phone. I just shrugged, maybe I had two thousand why would she care, either way, I didn't have enough.

"Each one in a worse color, next time wear lime green, ha, wear lemon yellow attract some bees, ha. I bet you have shoes to match every fucking one of your ugly dresses, you must waste so much money."

"Okay, we will let you go, get back to work." And Max shut the camera, he shook his head, they were gone, I felt instantly better. He moved closer to me, put his hand under my chin, and looked at my red lips. "Will I smush your lips?"

"Who cares." And we made out on the couch, he then cupped my breasts, he put them to his mouth and kissed them, he kissed my neck. He was making me moan.

"Mmm, I love you in red." He looked at me as he rubbed my breasts. "I love you in green and I especially love you in yellow." And we kissed again, I moved closer and put my fingers into his hair. He whispered. "I once saw you in a tiny sexy yellow dress, it barely covered your panties. I was looking for you and you were outside. You were taking pictures and you were in yellow."

"Really? That was a long time ago, maybe when I first moved in."

"That was the day I decided I was going to visit you with drinks. You changed out of the yellow, you were wearing white, you had the highest heels on, heh."

"I would have stayed in yellow if I knew you liked it."

We stopped kissing, he lifted me up, we walked toward the door and he gazed at me in the mirror. "I love you in any color, I consider myself very lucky. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my sister, I wanted it to be a surprise, but would you like to go with me to the engagement party?"

I smiled at his reflection. "I do. I want to meet your mother, I want to meet your sister and give her a ride in the car." I gave him a sly smile. I felt a little too thrilled.

I turned around and let him smush my lips again. "We will have to stay over, is that okay?"

"Ooh, you are taking me on a getaway? I would so love that, I can't wait to pack."

"Well don't get too delighted, we can stay with my mother, or I can get a hotel." We kissed again, I was enjoying this conversation, I wished the two women were listening to us, I wished they knew how much our relationship had escalated. "My sister lives there too, but my mother is, well, traditional. Very traditional."

"I would love to stay with your mother. Is that okay?"

"It will be... with her."

He kissed the top of my forehead. we left and went into the Jeep, he was taking me somewhere, somewhere I will love.


We went to a museum, I bought some gifts, we wandered for over an hour. We left and did some more shopping, we bought beer, mixers, rum, and champagne, and then we bought an engagement gift for Carol and Randy. We drove by the ocean, we went for a quick walk near an overview. We took pictures near the scenic route, the perfect picture place, I sent them to the two girls.

Anja sent a picture back, she was at a huge store, she was surrounded by people. She texted, 'Why are you not here with me? Look at these outfits...'

She called, "Sabrina, I am taking you here this week, you will love it, the two of us do not have enough dresses." I was thinking that I knew that. I giggled and told her about the call with Beth and Lula being a little mean to me, I told her about the ugly dress remark. I told her I was glad Max hung up.

"Let's call them up next week, let's tell them to go fuck themselves, haha." She giggled nice and loud, "wait they are doing that already, ha."

I realized Max had me in his arms the whole call, the whole time he was listening, the whole time we were taking in the view.


"Can we take a detour?" I asked Max, he smiled, he knew where I wanted to go, where I wanted to pass by. It was early evening, it was still a little light out, it was a beautiful September Saturday. We weren't too far from Max's house, we made a turn and I saw four people, four people behind their fence, the perfect family, I felt something in my chest, behind my breastplate, we pulled over.


"Sabrina, hi. Mom this is the girl with that great car." I looked up, behind Nicole, behind her brother was a beautiful woman, dark blonde hair, and a long flowing tan dress. She was holding a trowel. She walked over to us.

"Wow, look at you two. I didn't know Nicole had such gorgeous friends. I'm Nikki."

I smiled, I introduced us and her husband walked over. I had a bag, I gave Nicole and Nicklaus little boxes, science projects from the museum. I gave Nikki a bottle of champagne. I would have kept everything in the car until I saw them, they would never know how happy they made me being outside, I couldn't even understand it myself.

"I'm sorry to bother you, this is a thank you for watching my car last week."

Nikki and her husband smiled, She said, "No problem at all. One day come by and we can share it once it's nice and cold." We exchanged numbers, we said goodbye, I wanted them to get on with their perfect life, I didn't want to distract them.

"Goodnight," We said and little Nicole and Nicklaus waved bye to us, I watched in the mirror and waved the whole time too.


I was all in beige, my new favorite color.

Two more weeks until Lula and Beth returned to the states. I felt a sense of dread inside me. I had to consciously push it out of my mind. I tried to never think of them. I made believe they didn't even exist when Max and I watched clips of beautiful CDs and their admirers. Forgot what they even looked like when we took pictures together and he videoed me while I strut around the yard, the sidewalks. Imagined they were never born when we made love in his bed, in the kitchen, on the floors, in the back seat of my violet car.

"Pina Colada?"

"Oh my god, of course." Amber was excited, Max made drinks. No alcohol for me, I was driving north, heading to a party. Amber and Anja came to help, came to supervise, came to check out the house and my closet before they went out to lunch together. They were getting me involved. The boys were outside, I could see them through my window, we knocked, we made sure they knew we were thinking about them, fantasizing.

"Come on let's show them your lingerie, you are such an exhibitionist slut."



Anja was opening my blinds, she was calling the guys, she wanted them to turn around and watch me get dressed, get dressed for the engagement party. She was making us laugh, soon she had her dress off and she was trying on my little yellow dress from the closet, my yellow high heels. "I think I am going to borrow this tonight, 'kay?"

Amber was too busy drying my hair, taking it out of rollers, curling it with the curling iron.

"She had a heart of gold, she had a golden heart." I sang, I watched Amber in the mirror.

"What is that?"

"I wrote a song for you, right now, I am very talented."

She laughed, "I can see that, now stop fidgeting."

Once done I was in front of the full-length mirror, in the light beige dress, nude pantyhose, my D-cup bra, and breasts. I had on five-inch platform sandals, I was taller than the other two women by at least four inches.

"Are you nervous about meeting the family?" Amber was asking while putting on the collar to cover my seams. While she was fluffing me up. Anja was posing in front of my mirror.

"A little." She made me turn around, she was fixing my dress, the collar, I was watching her, I started to cry, a tear was going down my cheek. She was being so helpful, so nice to me, part of me wasn't used to it, a big part of me was used to Lula and Beth teasing me, and the teasing was getting increasingly worse.

Amber smiled, she wiped the tear with her finger, she was quiet. She gave me a quick hug, it was perfect. It was exactly what I needed. She took my hand and we headed into the backyard.

"Okay, let's go, finish up!" Amber called, Anja brought up the rear wearing my little yellow dress, she was holding my small suitcase. It was a present from her and her boyfriend. She was holding my makeup case, it was a present from Amber.

"A little help," She said as she put them down outside of the door. We all laughed as Max grabbed the two bags and we headed to the violet car, as he put everything into the trunk to lay next to his backpack. We kissed goodbye, we made plans for when we came back, we made plans and I was very happy about it.

You know, plans.


I was driving, my car was nice and cool, music playing through the speakers. I loved looking down at my thighs, my legs in nylon, my heels as I drove. I felt very lucky, I was getting delighted. Everything seemed quite normal, natural, just visiting the relatives. No big deal.

"How long does it take to get to your mom's?"

"Mmm, Santa Clarita, maybe an hour and a half, depends on traffic." He was watching me, he told me he loved my nails, they were long and beige. They matched my lips, almost matched my dress. "My sister is going to love you."

"Really? How about everyone else?"

"I don't care about everyone else, I only care about Carol, and SHE will love you."

"How did you explain me to your mother?" I wanted to know, I wanted to be prepared.

"Explained, mmm, I don't know. I told her you were an interior designer, blonde, I told her we kind of lived together and you love German beer and German food." He then laughed, "That is you in a nutshell." He laughed even harder. "I also told her you were transgender, is that okay?"

"Mmm-mmm, if you think so."

We drove, the traffic was light, we were driving through the Valley. I pulled over, he didn't even ask. We were in a crowded lot, Saturday in the park, views to the front and side. I took out my brush and ran it through my hair, I was looking in the mirror he was looking at me, I was ignoring him. I wanted to be playful, I felt so feminine, so relaxed, all of a sudden I was so horny.

"Max, can we move into the back seat, I want to show you something." I didn't look at him, I was now putting on more mascara, just a touch, just on the bottom lashes.

He got out, he was in the back. I repositioned the mirror to see him, I smiled. This was a very interesting development. I had a man in my car, I was wearing a beautiful dress, beautiful heels, I wanted to taste him. All I did was ask, nicely. He was now in my backseat, patiently waiting for me. This was a scenario that would have never occurred if I was with Lula. I was thinking I was going to enjoy this, maybe even the rest of my life, I wasn't used to having even the tiniest bit of sway at all. I wasn't used to being able to initiate sex.

I stood outside the car, I smiled at the men with dogs, children on bikes, and women checking their steps. I knocked and Max opened the window. I leaned in, my breasts hanging, my very long hair in front of my face, my earrings leaning against my cheeks. He slid closer, he cupped my breasts.

"Can I help you?"

"No thank you," I teased, "I'm new here, I'm just checking out the view." I smiled as he played, he now had one hand massaging his cock, the other still on my breast.

"Well, the view is the other way."

"Mmm, is it?"

He opened his zipper, he maneuvered his cock, it was standing up to attention.

"The view is getting better."

"Would you like a closer look? Would you like some binoculars?" He had a sly smile on his face. I loved playing like this, teasing, flirting.

My lips were moving around, I was thinking. My eyes were looking toward the ceiling of the car. "I guess." And I slipped into the back, I leaned into him and grabbed his manhood. We started to make out in the back of the violet car, my car. I loved feeling him against my body, the silkiness of my dress rubbing against the coarseness of his shirt, his light beard. I always felt so small next to him. I always felt tiny against his body. His hands were so large, his shoulders, arms, and legs were so much bigger than mine. I was thinner than four months ago, I was tighter, I used all of Beth's exercise equipment, I exercised four times as much as before I moved in with him.
