The Sibling Code Ch. 04


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"She's incorrigible," Sabrina said while taking a sip of beer.

"Is she really going to hit on her?"

"Probably, why, does that bother you?"

Thinking for a few seconds, "I don't know how I feel about it exactly. It'd definitely bother me if it was a guy but I suppose a girl isn't the same thing. I guess we're still figuring out where we all stand with regards to this relationship. Does it bother you that your girlfriend is trying to pick up another girl?"

"No, but mostly because I know she's bringing her home for us to enjoy, not just for herself."

I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" she asked.

"I don't know, I just figured you were kind of monogamous with each other."

"We love each other and we don't swing but we like to have fun with others so to speak."

"As long as I'm the only guy."

"You are baby brother, you are," she said, pausing a second, she gave me a serious look. "What about her? Or other girls?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean would you like it if we let you have her in front of us?"

"Uhm, look, I know guy fantasies always involve multiple girls but I already have who I want. I'm with the sexiest two girls I know, I really don't need to add another to the mix."

"I get that but what if we were together, what if we let you have her in front of us?"

"Look, Espinoza's hot, you'd know I was lying if I said otherwise but I feel a little bit sad when you guys do that. That whole thing with Trish kind of bothered me, it felt like you guys didn't care about me."

Sabrina paused to look at me for a minute, her eyes watered a little.

"Oh, my poor baby brother. I'm so sorry you feel that way, nothing could be further from the truth. The problem is we care a little too much. Have you thought about this relationship?"


"Really, you've really thought about it?"

"Well, I think I have but the way you're talking I'm sure I've missed something."

"Let me put it this way, if you could do exactly what you wanted what would you want this relationship to be?"

"I guess I'd want to be with both of you."

"You guess?"

Sigh, "No, I don't guess, I know I want to be with both of you."

"Ok, that's easy, so what are we going to do about holidays? Or your Facebook page or Instagram?"

Pausing to think for a minute about what she said, "Ok, I get where you're going, I mean it'd be easy to stop posting or delete the social media but it'd look weird."

"Exactly, we all use that to keep in touch with family and if all they ever see is us with you and Crystal and then we come out as a couple that might get a few eyebrows raised and some thoughts forming that we don't want."

"I get that, but I don't want to give you two up."

Laughing, "Oh baby brother, you don't have to worry about that, we're not giving you up by a longshot."

I smiled at that.

"You just haven't thought this through like we have," she said.

"And what have you thought through?"

"How we're going to have our cake and eat it too."

"I'm listening."

"We like girls, so we're going to use those girls to give you camouflage."

Once again, I considered her words, "I think I see where you're going with this."

"I knew you weren't dumb."

"Ha ha, very funny. I assume if I manage to hook up with one of these girls and we start going out as a group together then it won't seem suspicious of how close we all are."

"See, you really are smart."

"I'm a Marine, not an idiot," I said.

"So now you know the idea behind what we're doing, you feel better about it?"

"A lot actually, I was feeling a little hurt but now that I know you were literally doing it in order to be with me more, I feel a lot better."

"I'm so sorry for hurting you baby, we should've explained what we were doing. We just thought as a guy you wouldn't care and would love it if we brought other girls to you."

"I had my number one and two picks out of the entire planet already. If I had a celebrity crush it'd still be number three."

Her eyes glistened as she raised a hand to stroke my cheek, "You'll always have me baby brother, always."

We spent the rest of the day hanging out with my friends laughing and talking. Crystal continued to flirt with Espinoza and everybody tried flirting with all three girls. More than a few asked for their numbers but the girls always flipped it and took the guys number. At first the number of Marines hitting on my sister and Crystal slightly bothered me but as the day wore on and I saw nobody making any headway I began to relax.

The only incident happened when I glanced over and saw a Marine walk up behind Sabrina and place a hand in the small of her back and then let it drop to her ass. Sabrina jerked like she'd been touched by a hot iron and I straightened up but before I could make my way over there two of my buddies that had been near her moved between Sabrina and grabbed the guys arms. Both had glanced over at me and saw the look I was giving him but one held up his hand in a "we got this" motion so I relaxed and watched as they marched him away from the group. They returned a few minutes later and stopped by me.

"We told him to go home."

Playing the part of big brother, I said, "Hey, my sister is a big girl and if she wants to do anything that's on her, but anybody who does something she doesn't want is going to find themselves bleeding."

"We figured, that's why we told him to go, he was a little drunk."

I just nodded and we all went back to having fun, I turned and saw Crystal smirking at me from across the picnic area we had all moved to, she nodded once and turned back to Espinoza.


During the week I got a text.

Sabrina: Busy this weekend, but make sure you come next weekend. Love you!

I was disappointed but spent the weekend working out and hanging with a few of my friends.

The next Saturday I was standing in front of their apartment again. I tried the door expecting to find it unlocked and almost banged my face as the handle didn't budge. I tried to turn it a few times really quick and found that it was locked. Unsure of what was happening I knocked on the door and almost immediately it flew open. The warmth of their apartment hit me in the face with the smell of wildflowers.

"Get in here," Sabrina said breathlessly.

Once again, she was completely naked.

Shaking my head, I walked inside and gave her a big hug. She gave me a quick peck on the lips as I squeezed her butt but kept it light and quick, disengaging from me and stepping back.

"Hurry up," she said turning away while grabbing my arm and pulling me into the living room.

Crystal lay across the far side of their angled sectional couch as naked as Sabrina.

"Hey babe," she said as she saw me.

"Hey sexy," I said as I plopped down on the near side.

Crystal's eyebrows shot up, "Hey, where's my kiss?"

"My bad," I said as I jumped up and walked over to give her a kiss.

"You must've lost your damn mind, come into my house without giving me a kiss," she said crossly.

I tried to be quick but she grabbed the collar of my black t-shirt and held me there as her tongue explored my mouth.

After she finally broke away, "I promise it'll never happen again," I panted.

She grabbed my chin, "It better not."

She stared at me a second then pushed me away as I went back to the other side of the couch. Sabrina watched the whole thing with a smile and when we finished, crawled over Crystal to spoon behind her. They were a beautiful marked contrast lying next to each other. Crystal with her long dark hair, shaved pussy, and sensuously curvy body while Sabrina had blonde hair, once again a neat racing stripe and a leaner more muscular body but with bigger boobs.

They let me look at them for a minute then Sabrina said, "We got a little surprise for you."

She nodded at the television and Crystal grabbed the remote next to her and hit a few buttons while Sabrina continued.

"So, this was taken with my iPhone and I downloaded it and did a little splicing and editing for you, took out the boring parts but I'm sure you'll get the gist."

Crystal pointed the remote at the TV and never looked up, "You owe me a hundred bucks bitch."

Realization hit me and my eyes went wide, "You're kidding."

Still watching the TV, she grinned, "Nope, and here's the proof, sit back and enjoy."

The screen flashed and a video started, Crystal and Espinoza were standing in front of a local gym. I heard Sabrina's voice off camera.

"Today I'm going to practice my new video skills from a class I took for fun, so we're going to spend the day videotaping our lives."

Crystal and Espinoza each gave two thumbs up then struck poses as if they were showing off their muscles, flexing their arms, turning and flexing legs. Both were wearing tiny black spandex shorts that barely covered their ass with black spandex sports bras. Sabrina turned the phone toward her really quick to show that she was wearing the same outfit.

"We decided to match today, to represent the fact that we're three bad ass bitches," Sabrina said while turning the camera back around.

"And that we're going to start the day at the local Gold's Gym," Crystal giggled.

"Where we're going to work on getting all ripped and sexy in a kickboxing class, then hit the free weights," Espinoza laughed.

"But in reality, we're just putting in a good workout so we can eat whatever the fuck we want tonight," Crystal said.

All three girls immediately laughed and headed inside.

"Ok, this is for my boyfriend so make sure you get some good shots of us, I already told the teacher and other girls so they know what you're doing and aren't going to get mad," Sabrina said.

"Thank god for that, I don't want to get security called," a male voice said.

The video showed Sabrina standing inches from the camera and a room full of girls in the background.

"Just make sure you get some shots of us bending over and all sweaty and stuff, make sure it has plenty of T and A," she said.

"Got it."

"And make sure you only get us three, I'm not responsible for what happens if you try to get anybody else."


The next few minutes were spent watching the girls during their kickboxing class and goofing off.

There were lots of closeup of them emphasizing butts, boobs, and sweaty bodies. Each scene had the girls showing off for the camera. After the class the video continued to show them at weight machines, emphasizing their muscles while they flexed and showed off during their workouts. The video alternated between sexy shots and giggling girls sticking their tongues out and doing other goofy things.

The scenes moved to the girls in the car, laughing and talking about their workouts. Espinoza was driving while Sabrina was in the passenger seat filming and Crystal in the back. All three were still in their workout outfits and had on sunglasses.

"Now I can let my inner fat kid lose," laughed Crystal. "Who's up for pizza?"

"That's what I'm talking about," Espinoza said. "Sonny's pizza is the bomb."

"I'll order as soon as we get home, I've got a coupon code."

Espinoza's SUV had a moon roof that the girls pulled back letting the sun and air in. They had the music blaring, the windows rolled down and were enjoying life in the California sun. Sabrina was alternating between taking shots of the other girls and turning the camera to get video of herself. On one selfie angle the video suddenly showed a piece of black cloth fly from the background to the front console. Espinoza looked down and picked up the cloth, holding it up I recognized it as Crystal's shorts. On the screen Espinoza and Sabrina came to the same conclusion at the same time.

"What the..." Sabrina said.

Sabrina angled the camera. Crystal was wearing rainbow cotton thong panties and her sports bra.

"Are you in your underwear girl?" Espinoza asked looking into the rearview mirror.

"Yep, and it feels great, my panties are all sweaty, the wind and sun are drying them and it feels great on my legs, you should try it."

Sabrina shrugged and handed off the camera, a second later it showed her shifting her shorts down her legs and tossing them to the back seat.

Espinoza looked at the both of them and it was obvious she was feeling as crazy and happy. At the next light she nodded to Sabrina to grab the wheel and quickly took off her shorts and tossed them with the others. Sabrina angled the video cam to show her wearing a maroon g-string and Espinoza a white cotton thong. Sabrina moved the cam closer to show her panties then as if it was normal moved the cam to show off Espinoza. Her panties were slightly sheer from the sweat of their workouts but she didn't seem to mind. While she was driving, she shifted and bent her far leg at an angle giving a great view of how tight her panties were. When Sabrina moved the camera close up to show her panties Espinoza didn't move, Sabrina scrolled the video up to her smiling face, Espinoza looked at the camera and winked.

"Slut," Sabrina laughed.

Espinoza burst out laughing, "Only for the right guy."

"Oh yeah, what kind of guy?" Crystal asked.

"I'd get a little slutty for your brother," Espinoza said looking at Sabrina.

"Oh really?" Sabrina said.

"Yeah, he's too damn cute and he's about the only one who never bothered me on our deployment."

"He mentioned that you'd gone through a breakup and everybody was chasing you, he said that was why he left you alone."

"And you can tell him I appreciate that. It was pretty damn annoying I can tell you. Word gets around fast, I'd broken up with my boyfriend for cheating on me and as soon as people heard that they were asking me out. It's like, jeesh, can I get a little time here people?"

"Brad is cool like that. He doesn't like to bug people. I taught him well," Sabrina laughed.

"Yes, you did," said Espinoza.

More time was spent videoing each other as they drove around, sang to the music, and in general had a good time. Eventually I saw the front of their apartment building and the video showed them putting their shorts back on. The next scene had them inside the apartment in the kitchen getting water from the fridge. They toured the apartment and Espinoza asked a few questions about the neighborhood and rent and stuff. When they went to the dining room, I saw a new piece of furniture next to the table, a wooden slatted futon base with a large dark blue bath towel on it.

"What's that for?" Espinoza asked.

"We've been hitting the gym and running a lot lately so we bought the base of a futon so we could give each other sports massages on it," Crystal said.

Eyeing it warily, "Is it comfortable without any cushions?"

"Surprisingly," Sabrina said.

"Want to try it?" Crystal asked.

Espinoza shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

"Cool, I'll get you a clean towel," Sabrina said.

In seconds Sabrina had another dark blue towel laid across the redwood frame and Espinoza daintily stretched out stomach down with her face looking to the side.

Crystal winked at the camera and mouthed the words, 'she's mine' as she happily straddled her butt.

"Ok girl, I'm going to strip you now."

"Just don't think I'm easy," Espinoza giggled as Crystal tugged her shorts down. She got to her shoes and paused to untie them then take them off. After that she moved to her sport bra and tugged it over her head and off, I saw a side boob and a quick side flash of a dark nipple before Espinoza settled back down. Crystal reached down for her panties and Espinoza jerked up.

"Whoa, wait a second, I'm not gay you know."

"Relax," Crystal said. "I promise nobody is trying to get into your panties."

Reluctantly Espinoza let Crystal push her back down as she tugged her panties down and then straddled her ass. Espinoza had a magnificent body, her back was flexed with youthful muscle, her butt, peach shaped and tight. Indecision crossed her face for a few moments until Crystal began massaging her, after Crystal grabbed a small bottle of oil and worked it into her body Espinoza melted. Soon the video only showed Crystal massaging and Espinoza giving soft whimpers and moans as Crystal dug her thumbs into her back, legs, and butt. She wasn't shy as she touched every inch of her backside, massaging her all over. Espinoza went limp as Crystal slid down and spread her legs to get easier access to each thigh.

"Enjoying it?" Sabrina asked.

Espinoza opened heavy lidded eyes, "Does she do this to you often?" she slurred.

"Yep, once or twice a week."

"Oh dear god," she moaned as Crystal massaged her thumbs into the muscles of her ass at that moment.

"She'll make you see god," Sabrina cooed.

"I already am," Espinoza said. "Are you still recording this?"

Sabrina held up the camera, "Of course."

Espinoza lifted her head and looked about to say something when Crystal dug her hands into her thighs and she groaned and flopped back down.

"Fuck it," Espinoza said. "Just don't post it on the internet."

It lasted a few more minutes then the scene cut and Crystal was on the side of the futon.

"That's enough of the backside, turn over."

"I don't want to," Espinoza whined.

Crystal laughed and slapped her butt, "Too bad, I've spent 45 minutes on this side, now turn over."

Espinoza grunted at the slap but shifted over as Crystal commanded.

In seconds Crystal was rubbing oil all over the front of her body. Espinoza's eyes were closed and the video showed a quick shot of Crystal wiggling her eyebrows and nodding her head. Espinoza had beautiful C boobs, the light brown skin of her Latina body showed off her dark brown nipples which were hard and crinkled from the attention Crystal was giving them. She rubbed oil into her chest and used her fingers to tease her nipples. Espinoza moaned but never opened her eyes. Crystal spent a long time playing with her tits and massaging her, constantly rubbing, alternately tracing her fingers and teasing her nipples. Finally, she straddled her legs and moved down to her stomach to spend time rubbing the oil into her skin, afterward she shifted and went lower on her legs and rubbed her thighs. A sharp intake of breath escaped Espinoza as she dug her hands into her thighs and traced her pussy with her thumbs. Crystal got more oil and began to work her groin area, massaging and stroking her fingers across her sex and thighs. Espinoza never opened her eyes but gave small sighs and moans and shifted as she worked. Crystal spent extra time around her mound but eventually moved down her legs and worked on her lower legs and feet. After she finished, she spread her legs and moved between them moving back up to Espinoza's pussy. Crystal slowly massaged her for well beyond a normal massage would require. She teased her lips by tracing her fingers back and forth. Her fingers slid just barely into Espinoza's slit drawing a sharp breath every time.

After a while Crystal gently moved from between Espinoza's legs and smiled at the camera. She moved off screen and came back with a small blue sport duffle bag.

She pulled a piece of black silk out of the bag and bent down, "Lift your head a little."

Espinoza complied and Crystal wrapped the silk around her eyes.

"What's this?"

"A blindfold."

"What for? Aren't we almost done?"

Crystal ignored her and tied a knot in the silk on the back. Waving a hand in front of her face she asked, "Can you see?"



Next, she took a length of rope and pulled one of her arms toward a corner and began wrapping it around her wrist and the futon. Espinoza flexed her hand, finding it securely tied.

"What are you doing?" she asked in alarm.

"Nothing much, calm down, there's nothing to worry about."

As Crystal pulled her other arm to the opposite side Espinoza resisted just enough that Crystal had to pull tight and hold her arm down as she tied that wrist too. Espinoza was frowning and flexing her arms as Crystal worked, she reflexively looked back and forth vainly trying to see what was happening.
