The Sky Kingdom Ch. 19


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I knew only too well what fate had befallen Melissa. It led to reason that Tam had also been captured. Although, without the gift, she would have been dealt with differently.

"We'll help you find her. I promise." I replied as she looked up at me and turned to lie against my chest.

"We can stop your story now if it is too difficult."

"No, I want to tell you." She replied as Scarlett started lightly stroking her back, and she noticeably calmed at her touch.

"They assigned me a mistress. I think she was in charge."

"Lady Esmeralda?" I asked knowingly.

"I think that was her name. At first, they didn't hurt me. She took all my clothes and kept me tied up with ropes around my chest, keeping my arms pinned behind my back. She took me to her bed and used her fingers and tongue on me." She continued while blushing.

"What do you mean used her tongue?" Scarlett asked gently.

"She played with me as you did. On my nipples and pussy," she said with an embarrassed look, "she made me orgasm over and over using another slave to keep it going. I passed out with exhaustion was on the next day they became mean."

"I'm so sorry, Em. I've been through something similar before," Scarlett said with evident empathy.

"Did she hurt you?" I cautiously asked.

"She had the other slave pleasure me while she put these metal clips on my nipples. They burned, but I eventually got used to them. Then she started the whipping. She would beat me while another slave made me cum over and over again. When I begged her to stop, she just gagged me...It was too intense, and I was praying you would rescue me."

"Em, you don't have to answer this," Scarlett cautiously began, "But did it excite you? Did you enjoy it?"

Emily burst into tears as I held her against me, and I gave Scarlett a reprimanding look.

"It's ok, you don't ever have to do anything like that again," I said soothingly.

"You don't understand," she quietly said, "it made my orgasms so much stronger. She told me I was lucky and that I would orgasm just from the whip one day. What's wrong with me, Harry?" She finished burying her head into my chest.

"Em, you are a submissive pleasure slave. A natural. Embracing what you are would make Master so happy." Scarlett stated matter-of-factly.

"No, I can't be," she replied, turning to look at Scarlett, "I'm the daughter of a noble house. Not some trained whore!" She continued, not appreciating how her words might hurt Scarlett.

"Well, you are a slave now, so you better start acting like one." Scarlett shot back harshly, "you should be saying Master, you aren't his girlfriend anymore. You are nothing more than a slave like me!"

Emily immediately burst into tears as a pained look spread over Scarlett's face.

"Em, I'm so sorry I didn't mean that," Scarlett began as I raised my hand.

"Scarlett, it's ok. You both said things in the heat of the moment. Go check on Mads while I speak with Emily." I ordered, and she slunk away, looking upset.

"Emily, don't listen to her. You just hurt her feelings, and she didn't mean what she said. You have no idea how worried she has been about you." I added.

"She was worried about me?" Emily asked in genuine surprise. I helped her sit up to face me while she wiped away her tears.

"She was desperate to have you back. She felt a bond, a kinship to you, in your short time together." I continued.

"But she spent the whole time dominating me. I thought she didn't care!"

"Scarlett was forcibly trained as a submissive pleasure slave, but they never truly broke her. She is an amazing woman but doesn't always know how to deal with difficult emotions. She is quite protective of me."

"But I thought she was also a Mistress?"

"That is a side she is exploring. You were the first person she's ever done that with."

"She was my first, too. She felt so safe compared to the other Mistresses!"

"Emily, I wanted to discuss a few things. I know it is sudden after everything that has happened to you, but we will be together for a long time, and you are bound to me now."

Emily looked worried as she reached up and felt the gold band around her neck.

"It's permanent, isn't it? I truly am your slave now."

"Yes and no. In the eyes of the law, I now own you as my Font and my slave. But that is not how I want to live my life. If there is something you don't want to do, then I won't force you unless it is to protect you. I want you to have your own free will. In private, if you want to live alongside us and not play our games, that is up to you."

"So I can go home if I want?" She asked.

"We can arrange something in the future, but the risk of magic build-up means you must stay close. We must also adhere to new Font requirements, at least in public."

"What sort of requirements are there?" She asked nervously.

"As I'm an inexperienced Sorcerer, you must be kept secure in public and always wear the standard dress. The book I was reading also recommends a leash, blindfold, and metal manacles."

"So you'll have to tie me up?" She asked with a glint in her eye.

"I'm sorry, but yes."

"Will Scarlett tie me up as well? Will I be punished for misbehaving?"

I worried she was too enthusiastic, given what we discussed and what she'd been through.

"Is that what you want? This isn't a game! You've been through so much, and we can discuss this all another time." I replied, starting to move away.

"Wait, Harry, I made up my mind earlier. I want to serve you and for you to keep me as your slave."

"Emily, you don't have to serve me. You've been through enough of an ordeal."

"Please, my world has turned upside down. Everything I've chosen to do has been wrong. The only time I felt safe recently was with you in your suite. Serving you, submitting to you is what I want."

My concern grew that she was using submission to avoid facing the torment of her time with the hunters and in training. That she felt it was safer to be told what to do and not have to take accountability for her actions.

"Whatever happened, you are still Lady Emily. Don't let them take away who you are." I vehemently replied.

"Harry, you don't understand. When they strapped me to that contraption, I dreamed of being safe back in your suite on the ship. That Scarlett was the one tying me up, and you were the person about to claim me. At that moment, I realised how much I wanted to be yours and not someone else's. That's when I started trying to resist but feared I was too late."

"When you resisted, I desperately wanted to let you know it was me, but we couldn't risk them finding out we knew each other." I quickly added, still trying to make excuses.

"I was terrified when I thought you were that other Prince. But, when you started scratching my back, it kindled hope that it might be you. I knew I couldn't fight forever, so I prayed it was and embraced my submission. That got me through the pain...and the tongue between my legs was quite distracting!"

"That was Scarlett. I wanted it to be her, and I knew she cared enough to try her best to keep your mind off what I was doing."

There was a long pause after I finished speaking as Emily pondered something.

"Harry, we will have to do that again, won't we?" She asked with a worried look.

"Hopefully not that soon, but I want Scarlett to help you prepare in the meantime. I don't want to hurt you again."

"Will she be training me like before?"

"That's entirely up to you. Do you want to be her submissive? Is that what you really want?"

"I'm not sure I'm ready for what happened to me at the training facility. But I did enjoy some parts of it." She replied, "when the lead Mistress trained me, she seemed quite caring."

She began to awkwardly fiddle with the duvet cover in front of her. "Are you also interested in training me?" She asked, dropping her head to look away, embarrassed.

"Are you asking if I would dominate you?"

"Forget what I said. I was fantasising. You've got proper pleasure slaves for those things."

"Do you honestly want to serve me as my submissive?"

"Yes, Harry." She whispered, not looking up at me.

"Yes, Master," I fired back.

She looked up suddenly and, with a little smile, replied, "Yes, Master."

"Can I let you in on a little secret?" I asked as Emily nodded. "I've been fantasising about you as my slave and about having you serve me ever since we parted. I want to keep you tied up on my leash while I make you cum over and over."

Emily blushed fiercely at my words and moved into a kneeling position, as Scarlett had taught her, locking her hands behind herself.

"Master, I am yours. I'm ready."

I knelt up in the bed, facing my submissive blond angel.

"You've been through too much and already admitted to being sore. I want to try and heal your injuries, and then we can speak with Scarlett."

"I forgot you could do that. Will it hurt?"

"No. Hold still, and let me try," I replied as I drew on my magic. It felt strange as I could also sense Emily, and I could subconsciously access her core. I initially drew into my fire core as it roared to life at the touch of her magic. I realised I could also draw her magic into my healing core, but it was noticeably weaker. I did, however, have much more available than I'd had before, and I first pushed into her, finding the discomfort around her neck. I thrust magic into that pain and watched in amazement as her skin lost its sunburnt red hue. Turning my attention, I found the raw burning sensation she felt in and around her rosebud. My magic was weaker, but I could relieve some of her pain before the drain hit me.

"Does that feel better?" I asked, feeling tired.

"Thank you, my whip marks are still sore, but they didn't have time to take my other innocence." She replied, looking unsure of herself.

"Emily, are you still a virgin?"

"They were planning a big event, but they never got around to stealing that from me. My Mistress told me she would do so personally in front of some of her friends."

"Your time there can't have been easy. If you want to explore those things, Scarlett can help you open up. She was a virgin when I claimed her."

"She was? I thought she was really experienced. Did you have to tie her up?"

"No, but if you want to do things differently, it's up to you. Speak with Scarlett, and she will arrange everything!"

"I will, Harry."

"Emily," I said, raising my tone.

"Sorry. I will, Master."

"Better. Now, should we speak with Scarlett together? Do you want her as your Mistress or just a companion?"

"I've dreamed about her. But I'm scared of a female mistress again. When the other mistresses stopped letting me orgasm, it became unpleasant."

"Emily, she is amazing at it. You'll be completely safe with her."

"How do you know? She is just your concubine."

I was suddenly nervous to admit it, but I wanted Emily to start on the right footing with Scarlett.

"She is occasionally my Mistress as well. She enjoys tying me up!"

"Master? She's tied you up?"

"Yes, it can be a lot of fun, and she makes me feel safe. I have her under my thumb most of the time, but she occasionally likes to take her turn. If you are nervous, why don't I sit in on your first session together."

"That would be nice. But I think I am willing to trust her if you do." She replied.

I hopped out of bed and retrieved some of Scarlett's toys.

"Alright, off the bed and on the floor on your knees, slave." I ordered, and Emily slipped off the bed and onto the floor."


Emily quickly complied and produced a fine replica of the position. I clipped a set of metal handcuffs to her wrists before adding a leash to her collar.

"Scarlett," I shouted, sensing she was just behind the door, "you can come in."

A flustered Scarlett soon entered, but she broke into a beaming smile when she saw the bound form of Emily.

"Is she now our slave?" Scarlett asked in Ravian.

"Emily wants to be a submissive slave. She wanted to ask you a question." I replied in Volantian so Emily would understand.

Emily looked up nervously.

"Mistress, will you help train me?"

Scarlett let out a joyful squeal and dropped to Emily's level.

"I'm sorry about what I said. I'd be honoured to be your Mistress, my sweet little slave. But don't listen to Master's polite words. I will make you into our submissive sex slave!" She announced before latching her lips onto Emily in an unexpected kiss that was returned with enthusiasm.

"Take her to the bath for a proper wash," I ordered Scarlett once they'd broken apart.

"Is she allowed to cum, Master?" Scarlett asked in Ravian.

"I want you to make sure she enjoys herself, so do as you think best," I responded in kind.

"Am I allowed to cum as well, Master?" She said while gesturing with her eyes to her crotch.

"I think this is a suitable occasion to release you temporarily," I replied in Ravian before taking Scarlett's key and handing it to her.

"Have fun!" I whispered as she gave me a naughty smile, and she led Emily away with a light yank on her leash.

I was left in the middle of the bedroom, tired but turned on and desperate for release. I should have asked Scarlett for help, but she was now busy.

I marched to the other spare room, picking up what I needed. I opened Mads' door to find her sitting at a dressing table brushing her hair.

"Mads, I need you to attend to me."

"Sorry, Master, I thought you had company."

"They are indisposed. Now strip and follow me."

"Yes, Master." She replied and shed her clothing with the speed only a pleasure slave could accomplish. I led her back to the main room, and as she entered, I took her wrists and pulled them behind her back. I secured her silver cuffs, and she then followed me to an armchair.

I stripped from the waist down and took a length of chain, and I clipped it first to the rung under the chair before attaching it to her collar, securing her position.

She had kept quiet through everything but jumped straight into her work without an order. Her warm tongue flicked the tip of my cock as her icy blue eyes stared up at me contentedly.

As she began to take more of me in, I closed my eyes and relaxed in the chair, enjoying the sensations and the power I held over her.

Just as I felt myself building to an orgasm, I heard the main door to the suite bang open. Mads heard the same thing and reflexively jerked back, catching the chain connected to the table painfully. I quickly lifted my leg over her and grabbed my trousers, pulling them up just in time as a group entered the room.

"Seems to me like the apple didn't fall as far from the tree as I'd feared," my father boomed, eyeing my bound slave, "You've really started something at court. I haven't seen the King this unhappy in many years."


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darttrapdoordarttrapdoor3 months ago

A rare thing to find in Literotica, decent empathy.

onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader10 months ago

this main character is a slave to emotions.. that's what is off putting about him.. despite his desires to be dominant, he is submissive to his feelings, and by extension, who ever controls and manipulates his feelings.. and i find it funny how he enslaves others to his ideologies, not respecting their wants or desires.. a simpathetic dom.. annoying.

MRPapagiorgioMRPapagiorgioover 1 year ago

This story is in my top 5 on Literotica. I love how the story has developed. Thank you for the great writing.

Red24797Red24797over 1 year agoAuthor

Apologies for the delay in the next chapter. Draft is finished and I am just putting it through grammar/editing checks. Will hopefully be ready for the end of the week!

Thank you for all the kind messages. They truly are appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I await chapter 20

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is hands down the best series on Literotica. Please continue!!

This is a great story. One of the best on the site, ranking right up there with Lien Geller's *The Missing Dragon*. I skip over the parts where Scarlett dominates Henry/Harry -- that's not my kink -- but the rest of this series is incredible. I love the rest of it. I came many times reading through it, but I'm also invested in the characters.

My one critique is that Henry really seems to just have an infinite supply of money. And I don't care how rich you are -- even if you are of royal blood -- no one just throws that much money around without keeping some account of it. At some point he's going to have to stop spending money; it doesn't grow on trees, and even Royal Levels of taxes have a limit.

I'm excited to see where this series goes next. How the Duke reacts to the King's anger (and plans to use it), how the King reacts to Henry, how the MC does at the academy, and how he reacts to the other students and their treatment of their slaves/fonts. Also how Scarlett's parents are going to react when they realize that their daughter is a slave and wants to stay that way -- and that it's not even possible for her to not be with her special collar. Are they going to hate the MC? And what about Emily's parents/dad? And I hope Tam is okay and isn't being punished as a runaway! Is MC eventually forced to overthrow the King in self-defense? How well does Henry learn his magic powers and does he manage to train up his heal/harm ability? What's his mom up to? etc...

So many questions! Please continue, I need to see where this goes! Every instalment has been five-stars from me so far (despite the parts where the Scarlett doms Henry -- I just skip those and don't let them ruin my enjoyment). This is a great series.

I kept meaning to leave comments after every installment, but I couldn't bring myself to stop reading long enough (I did make sure to click 5-Stars tho). Sorry about that; I hope one long one on this installment suffices.

I know authors like feedback, so let this be my feedback TL;DR; PLEASE CONTINUE! This and *The Missing Dragon* are my favorite stories one the whole site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I adore the world you created. Awesome work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

looking forward to chapter 20

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I check on this story every day to find the awaited new chapter. You are an excellent author!!!

Sl33pingforestSl33pingforestover 1 year ago

Wow. So I literally binged this story in a couple days. I have to say you have done a fantastic job of creating an interesting setting where I hate all the rules and people in charge. I am really looking forward to more 5 stars om every chapter I've read lol!

jdan526jdan526over 1 year ago

Just found the story and I'm really enjoying it. I finished what's published and eagerly await more.

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 1 year ago

This is a great story in itself, but when the last episode has been published, I will reread it entirely.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't have much to say beyond great story, but I know how much reviews can help a fanfiction author. This story is great, and I've now read each chapter at least twice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another great chapter.

I enjoyed it even more than the last ones, but there are only 5 stars available. What a pity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great stuff…plot, characters, everything is so interesting and entertaining. Guess I’ll have to continue my daily checks for story updates. Thanks again for sharing!!

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