The Slave Trade


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Her head jerked up, she looked wide-eyed at me. "You what?"

"Yes, about five years ago old Mister Strong called me in and asked if I wanted to buy the company from him. I said I would love to, but I didn't have that kind of money.

He said he had a deal for me. He said if I just continued as General Manager and signed a paper stating I would pay him seven thousand a month for the rest of his life he would sign the business over to me. He had the papers all ready and I signed them. There was a clause in the agreement that said I wouldn't change the name of the Company until five years after his death and not reveal to anyone that he was no longer associated with the Company until after he died. It had to do with some insurance policies he had and a trust fund for his wife. Hell! He was 84 years old then! It was a great deal for me."

"You own SAS Inc.?"

"Yep. I am the sole owner and General Manager. Mr. Strong has been dead for four years now. I have tripled the net profit of the company in that time. I have invested the money I wrote the checks for. It goes into an investment fund. It does very well. The Company owns thousands of acres of land now. Most of it I bought when the prices were way below where they are now. Actually most of the land sales and purchases we do now are for ourselves."

"Could Alan have known that?"

"No, I don't think so. I guess he could have found out. I have borrowed a lot of money from the bank over the years. I don't owe them anything right now. I'm sure he had me checked out several times. Are you in love with him?"

"HELL NO! I hate him, I despise him. I can't stand the son of a bitch."

"I guess I have a great law suite against the bank for his blackmail of you and for his sexual harassment."

"Billy, how could I have been so stupid? I'm a pretty smart woman. He conned me like I was an idiot. I don't know if I want to sue the bank though. I like working there."

"You like all the extra marital sex too, right?"

Nancy stared at Tom. She spun around and ran for the kitchen. She grabbed a broom and came after him. She swung and missed him.

He laughed, "Did too!"

She swung and missed him again, "Did not!"

"Did too!" she caught him on the arm with her next swing but she also hit a vase and it crashed to the floor.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

She stopped and looked at him. She said, "Thomas Burke Rockwell III, I have never stopped loving you for one damned second. I thought I had to do it to save you. Can you ever forgive me for being so stupid?"

"Probably, I have a lot to think about. I know I will be a sad son of a bitch if I am not with you though."

"I know for sure I can't live with out you Tommy."

"When Alan calls for another date tell him same time same place."


"Yes, I need to have a nice little interactive talk with Alan."

"What are you going to do? Please don't get yourself in trouble. He is not worth it."

"I feel that he owes me some pain and suffering. He has destroyed my marriage and my happy home. He owes me big time."

She looked at him and sank to her knees. Sobs racked her body. He watched for a moment. He gritted his teeth until his jaws hurt. He knew she was giving up. He picked her up and carried her to the master bedroom. She was limp and her head flopped over to one side. He gently placed her on the bed and hurried and got a washcloth and ran cold water over it and ran back to wipe her face gently. Her eyes fluttered. Her eyes were lifeless. Then they brightened as she recognized him. A smile started on her lips then the smile and the light in her eyes faded and turned dull. He pressed his lips to hers. "I still love you with all my heart Nancy. Please kiss me and hold me tight."

Her eyes flew open. "What? What did you just say?"

"I said, 'I love you. With all my heart'."

"Oh! Tommy, can you ever forgive me? I just was so afraid for so long. I haven't slept much in months, I just knew you would go to jail for years. We would loose everything. I didn't know what to do."

"Don't you want him to suffer for what he did to you; for what he did to us, to the girls? I want him to never be able to do that to another family. I want him to hurt more than you can believe. I don't have a firm plan yet, but I am working on it. I need your help."

"What can I do?"

"I want you to tell me how your 'dates' went. Exactly what did he say or do when he got here? Did he want a drink? A beer? How did he want you dressed or did he tell you what he wanted?"

"Yes, he would tell me to wear sexy lingerie or a baby doll with garter belt hose and heels. He often had a beer while I had to strip for him."

"Was he into bondage or that kind of stuff?"

"Yes, a little. He told me to call him 'Master Alan' one time and wanted to tie me up but I refused to go along with that. I was afraid he might do something really gross if he had me totally in his power. I told him that was not part of our deal and that I would just tell you what he was doing to me. That scared him." "What would he do if you told him you had a friend who was submissive and wanted a 'Master' to control her as a sex slave?"

"He would be tickled to death. He fancies himself as a Master."

"You think he would go for it?"

"Sure he would, wouldn't you?"

"No, I had one sex slave for a while. Then I lost you."

"Tommy, please don't say that. You never lost me."

"Never mind. If you left a note on the front door addressed to him that told him his slave awaited him in our bedroom. That he was to enjoy the beer that was on the kitchen counter and relax until you call him. Then when he heard you call him he was to strip. He would put the Velcro wristbands; ankle straps and blindfold that will be on the counter then would lead him to the bedroom. He will be told the other woman wants Alan to assure her, in person, that he would not cause any permanent damage, severe pain or leave any visible marks on her. The note would say that the girl worked at the bank and didn't want him to see her face until she were sure he agreed to her limits. Would he buy all that?"

Nancy looked at him for a moment. "He might buy it if he was lured on by glimpses of the girl in hose and heels and a skimpy outfit and maybe with a little mask on."

"Good idea. Where can we get the girl?"

"There are a couple of girls at work I have talked to about that very thing. I saw that as a possible way out. They would do it for me if they were in complete control. They say they can lure him into the bedroom. I have to warn you that both of these girls are very dominate people. They are both large but beautiful. They enjoy picking up macho men and breaking them. They love to lure them to a place where they can capture the tough guys then feminize them."

"Really, at your bank?"

"Yes, you have met them."

"Not the Bradley sisters?"

"Yep! They have told me they would love to get their hands on Alan, they say they would completely break him in a couple of hours and have him in panties and sucking cock in two days and loving it."

Tom grinned, "Very interesting. Would he be completely in their control?"

"Oh yes, that is what they say. They say they have a dozen sex slaves now that they lend or rent to other people."

"I don't want him to enjoy it at all."

"From what they tell me that the fun is for special guys and gals they like. The others never reach what they desire. Some can be so completely broken that they can never function as men again as long as they live. Those they give away or sell as whores."

"Now that sounds about right."

"The girls insist there are only a couple of men they have gone that far with; those were real bastards. Do you remember Dino Patillio?"

"Yeah, he was a real loudmouthed, nasty, SOB. I heard that after he quit he ended up in the 'happy farm'."

"He was one they didn't like."

"Wow! Let's talk to them. OK?" Nancy called and made an appointment.

They walked up the steps to the door of the isolated home in the estate section of town. Tom knocked on the door. The door swung open and an attractive maid in uniform greeted them.

"Master and Mistress Rockwell? The Mistresses await you in the family room, this way please."

"Hi, Nancy, Hi, Tom. How are you Tom?" The sisters hugged and kissed Nancy, they smiled at Tom. "Come on in and sit down."

They were seated in a nice family room and offered refreshments, which they declined. Nancy brought the sisters up to date on her problem with Alan. When she was finished Tom said, "Nancy and I have discussed a suitable punishment, and Nancy said that you girls might be able to help us with that."

Betsy, the older sister giggled, "Boy we would love to straighten out Alan Thermont. We have put up with his sexist remarks and his roving hands for long enough. He is high on our list of men who need a lesson. From what Nancy tells us he has just leapt to the top of the list."

"Great, ladies, what do you have in mind?"

Brandi, the younger sister said, "Well, we have several choices. Basically they all start out the same; we capture him and subject him to some training that will break his spirit and make him submissive to us. After that we can go several ways. He is not a really large man and with his build and facial features he is a good candidate for feminization."

Betsy grinned, "We can call him in on a weeks vacation. By the end of the week he will be a full time transvestite. He'll be kind of cute. We may just keep him as a sex slave. He will still work but he will sell his apartment and give us the money for letting him live with us and be our slave. If he works out well he will be very well treated and will love his new life. If he is too strong willed he will not be worth much after he is broken. He will probably have a 'nervous breakdown' and be institutionalized for many years."

Brandi laughed, "Or we can just scare the shit out of him and let the law have him after he confesses to blackmailing Nancy."

Nancy looked at Tom, "What do you think? Maybe a combination of both would be best. I guess we will really have to see how he responds to the training, is that right girls?"

Betsy grinned, "Absolutely! Everything depends on how he responds. We have some who will fight you to the death. Of course we never take it that far. If we see someone is not breakable we back off and try reasoning with them to change their ways. We always have enough dirt on them so they don't try to come back after us. We have had no problems. Most people end up being much happier in a submissive life than they were before. Then we find a Master or Mistress for them and they live happily ever after."

"Would you like to see some of our slaves?"

"Sure, do you have some here?"

Brandi giggled, "We are never without some to serve us and spoil us." She picked up a small silver bell and rang it once. Two people dressed in black maid's uniforms rushed into the room and curtsied to Brandi and Betsy.

"Yes Mistress, How may your humble slaves serve you?"

Tom could see that both slaves were actually men dressed in maid's clothing and wearing feminine makeup. One was rather attractive and the other had a female body but her face was rather coarse for a woman.

Betsy said, "Please see to the needs of our gests."

The two maids turned and curtsied to Tom and Nancy. "How may we serve you Master and Mistress? May we serve you with an alcoholic beverage? We also are very adept at giving oral sex if you desire to relax. We will be very happy to serve you in any way you desire. We exist only for your pleasure." Tom saw real concern in their faces. He glanced at Nancy who was staring at the two slaves.

Betsy said, "Both of you lift your skirts and pull down your panties and show Mistress Nancy your sissy clitties so she can see if you could please her."

Without hesitation the two maids lifted their skirts and pulled down their panties and stroked their cocks to an erection. When their cocks were fully erect they stepped close to Nancy and asked if she desired to feel them. Nancy said, "I don't believe that will be necessary at this time. I would like a small glass of white wine if you have some." The maid then turned to Tom and asked if he would like oral or anal sex or something to drunk. He said no. One maid hurried off and was soon back with a wine glass he handed to Nancy.

Betsy said. "You are excused." The two maids scurried off.

Tom grinned when they were gone. "Wow! You are really have them well trained."

Betsy laughed, "They love it. This is their dream come true. We pay them the minimum wage and bank it for them. They are disappointed they were not humiliated or punished. That is what they live for. They both love Brandi and I very much. Are you both sure you don't want sex? They love that too."

Tom said they were not ready for that at all. Nancy agreed saying they had enough problems right now. The sisters asked if they thought Alan Thurmont would make a good slave. They both grinned. They looked at each other. Nancy asked what the slaves were trained to do aside from the sexual stuff.

The answer surprised Nancy. The slaves were fully trained household maids. Most could cook very well, and all did housework from top to bottom. They were trained to mix drinks and serve at dinners or parties. They could do the shopping for a family and plan meals.

The maids were trained to care for the family clothing and to bathe and dress the Master and the Mistress. Some could do hair and makeup. A well-trained maid was worth $75,000 and up. The new owner had to provide room and board and uniforms, plus be responsible for further training and discipline. Many owners rented their maids to friends and neighbors for parties and cleaning chores. Many claimed that renting them out covered much of the expense.

Some of the owners were older women who had husbands who had ED or other reasons for not being able to keep the wife happy. The maid provided that service also. Because of their subservience and submissiveness there was no cause for jealousy from the husbands who often watched and were serviced too.

Some of the maids were completely feminized and had breast implants and were quite attractive. These usually performed the same function for husbands who had wives who were no longer interested in sex with the husband. In one case both the hubby and his dear wife each had a maid. Tom asked if the hobby was very profitable. Betsy assured him that it was very profitable but that the money was not their primary consideration. They really enjoyed being Dommes and it gave them great pleasure to solve some of the community's problems. Brandi added that their jobs at the bank gave them access to financial records and other information about people involved in their projects.

Nancy and the sisters agreed that they would all be ready for the confrontation with Alan Thurmont on Thursday. Tom and Nancy were assured that Alan would be out of the Rockwell home Thursday evening. Then the sisters would have the weekend to evaluate him as to what direction they would take him. Once he was in their possession Tom and Nancy could be as involved as they wanted to be in training him. Tom said that as far as he was concerned all he would request was that they could see the final results. Nancy said she would be happy with that.

When they were back home Tom grinned at Nancy. "Honey, I have one more call to make about Alan." He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hi Alice, how are you today?"

"Tom, Hi! I'm fine. What is going on?"

Tom explained their plans for Alan. Nancy could hear Alice's whoops of happiness over the phone as Tom pulled the phone from his ear.

"Oh Tom, my new friend is very dominate and very wealthy, I will get him to buy Alan. He can wait on us and get me ready to fuck my lover and then suck his cock and put it in me. He will be forced to watch. Then when we are finished he will clean us up with his tongue. I love it! Thank you so much. You just made me so happy."

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sxyilmsxyilm6 months ago

Needs an epilogue

Janrene3Janrene3over 1 year ago

I don`t agree with @jflinders that the reason for formgivning the wife is silly. Its a good premise for the stoy.

The silly thing would be, that the husband didn`t tell the wife, he is the owner now. I understand the clause in relation to the world, but the previous owner has been dead 4 years now - surely you would normally tell your wife by then at least.

That being said, it`s just sad, we don`t get to hear, how everything went down with the blackmailer?!

That would be a fine story in itself!

jflindersjflindersalmost 2 years ago

I guess the author needed a reason why the main character could forgive the wife and it wouldn't be her fault so he could have them live happily ever after.

The reason he chose was so silly as to be nonsensical. It didn't work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The last sentenc should be " We'll take videos to send to his friends especially of him with the huge dick donkey he will star with!!" Now that is how you put the cherry on top!

MwestohioMwestohioabout 2 years ago

More than a little strange. He needs a divorce

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

Great start. Lousy ending. Rewrite with the bank president and law enforcement awaiting the vermin next Thursday.

Ocker51Ocker51about 5 years ago
Too Stupid

Just too stupid to be interesting. Total waste of words and my time ⭐️

ribnitinribnitinover 5 years ago
Steep decline

Started off good, but both the writing and idea deteriorated quickly.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Going fast

Good.story that was quickly sinking into the mud. Is there more?

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 6 years ago
If you want

a completely over the top story played so serious it's funny, this is your author.

fisheronefisheroneover 6 years ago

This is a classic case of failed communication. If husband had been honest with wife infidelity would not of occurred. If wife had told husband what was asked of her infidelity would been avoided. Now everyone has to live with tje results and hurt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
This writer needs to go back to how to write full stories

The one thing I have discovered about this writer, that. He has no care in the world for readers, I've red a few of his stories but mostly I red the comments this writer has gotten for those stories and their is one problem that this writer doesn't care to fix the problem because this writer doesn't care about the readers.

I won't give this story a star because this writer don't deserve any stars because of the incomplete stories the writer writes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Story was fiction

Doc do you know the difference between fiction and non fiction. If not go back to grade school. Please stop lying to us and calling yourself a DR YOU MORON.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Good story until the end

And you started in about the slaves and Mistresses baloney. I think they turned him over to the Sisters and that he killed both sisters and disappeared. They never saw or heard from him again. The end. A good story gone to hell.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 10 years ago
Yep great build up -

Even though we can easily imagine A finish it would have been good to read YOUR finish this time - this guy needed justice to be served and for all to know he had been destroyed - including the readers LOL.

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