The Spanking

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Admiring my work Michell's plump ass glowing bright red.
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One of my oldest and dearest friends Michelle was going through a very rough time after her husband went to jail for embezzlement she lost everything. The big house on Lake Michigan, the car, most of their savings she was homeless so I offered to let her live with me while she tried to get her life back together.

That was hard for Michelle she had married Ron right out of high school, never went to college, never had a job, cheerleader to housewife. The ex-high school cheerleader she had married a rich older man who turned out to be a criminal. Regardless of the circumstances I was excited to have the company after my bad break-up with Lisa and catch up with my dear old friend, Michelle was still gorgeous with beautiful flowing blonde hair, dazzling hazel eyes, large breast, dressed in a yellow sun dress. Seeing me she hugged me kissing my cheek. As I remember the sleep overs, high school dances, games of truth and dare, the first awkward attempts at mutual masturbation.

We loaded her bags in my red jeep and I started driving her to my apartment excited she was going to be staying with me for awhile. Driving down I90 she started crying the weight of the moment sinking in. I told her everything would be OK not to worry she could stay with me as long has she needed.

Arriving at my downtown tenth floor apartment we put her bags in the spare bedroom and we sat on the Italian Modern blue Diane Sofa removing our shoes and relaxing with a couple glasses of wine. Chatting, laughing, reminiscing about old times stretching out are legs to play a silly game of footsie like school girls. Bringing her another glass of wine I hugged my old friend, "I'm so glad you are here," I whispered.

"That feels so good, you always knew what I needed" Michelle said softly her warm breath tickling my ear. I sat back down stretching out my legs I tickled her stomach with my cute toes as we laughed together. My foot finding it's way under her dress I rubbed her crotch with my little foot as Michelle moaned in pleasure.

Slightly surprised she did not push my foot away I became more brazen remembering the innocence and playfulness of our youthful days. I brought her toes to my mouth licking them as she purred in delight finally sucking on her big toe into my warm mouth. Michelle started rubbing herself against the motion of my foot as I sucked on her sweet toes.

I watched in amazement as the former cheerleader I worshipped in high school pleasured herself with my foot. Watching an orgasm shake her gorgeous body her face distorted in pleasure. A strange erotic moment between old friends.

Weeks and weeks went by while it was great having company but she did not seem to be trying very hard to get her life together. She did not look for a job or apply to go back to school just laying around my apartment all day watching TV she wasn't even cleaning up or cooking, not doing anything except watching talk shows all day.

She did not do dishes or laundry or clean anything really just drank my wine, ate my food, and left my apartment messy. I was trying to be a good friend give her time to adjust but after six months of this I had enough. So Friday night after work I told my dear friend Michelle I thought it would be best if she found somewhere else to live. Laying out in detail how disappointed I was in our living arrangement and her lack of effort to get her life in order.

First she gave me the guilt trip with the "OH poor me," routine and when that did not work she started begging. Crying she said she do better that she needed a little more time falling to her knees before me. I did feel sorry for my dear old friend but by allowing her lack of effort I was enabling her.

Finally after I said she had a week to make other arrangements she said something that made my ears perk up.

"I'll do anything you say Cheri please let me stay," Michelle pleaded.

After a few minutes I decided to teach her some discipline and a work ethic most of learn early in life.

"From now on you will follow my every command, every order, if you except that you may stay," I explained to her.

"Thank you, Cheri," Michelle said gratefully.

Slapping her face has hard as I could I said sternly, "STRIP!"

"What?" She questioned with a confused look on her face.

"You heard me bitch, STRIP NOW!" My tone growing louder.

Michelle slowly removed her cloths standing before me naked head bowed tears running down her gorgeous face.

"I'll give you something to cry about," I screamed, grabbing her blonde hair and pulling into the bedroom. Sitting down on my king size bed I laid her across my lap. Staring at her plump ass I took my hair brush from the vanity. Striking her ass with it hard in succession listening to her cries of pain. Again and again with a vengeance I didn't know was inside me.

Stopping to admire my work Michell's plump ass glowing bright red. Satisfied I threw her on the floor she look up at me with tears in her hazel eyes as she whimpered.

"straighten up the living room and go to bed I will write out your list of chores for tomorrow to complete while I'm at work," I instructed.

So that is how we got here everyday I write out her chores and every night when I get home I check to make sure she completed her task. If she fails to complete my list properly she receives a spanking. Michelle is taking night classes in computer programing now I'm very proud of her turn around although I'm beginning to think she likes the spankings.

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PappasleazePappasleazeover 1 year ago

Ahhh Cheri, If you are half as good at being an attorney, or singer-song writer as you are an exotic story teller, I will call you if I ever get into trouble. another great story. 5 stars.

lostopportunitylostopportunityover 1 year agoAuthor

you know me to well sweetie thanks for reading

MigbirdMigbirdover 1 year ago

Like night and day with a touch of Lisa (?).

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