The Story of Miranda


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"Oh my god," she said, "I'm sorry, so sorry. Oh dear, I don't know what came over me!"

I laughed softly, "Nothing 'came over you'," I said, "I came inside you!" That made her blush even more. I bent and kissed her lips gently, "You just enjoyed yourself," I said, "I would expect nothing more. Did you?"

"Did I what?" she asked shyly.

"Did you enjoy yourself?"

Now she was really embarrassed, reddening even more and unable to look me in the eye. I gently stroked her cheek and turned her face towards me, "Did you?" I asked again smiling softly at her.

"Yes," she managed to say and then looked as if she was about to cry.

"What is it Miranda, why so sad?"

"I bet I wasn't any good," she said looking away, "I'm not experienced like you." Why is it, I wonder, that many women seem to feel like this after sex. I've come to the conclusion that an orgasm for a woman is a different thing than for a man. It seems that for a women it's far more emotional and leaves them vulnerable to negative feelings like guilt or inadequacy. Not so for men, all we want to do is go to sleep! I've always tried to fight against that, certainly later in life. I've found that it makes a woman feel much better and sometimes she may need more attention! So, Miranda was suffering now: time to cheer her up.

"Miranda, love, it's not a matter of experience. You are a beautiful woman and to experience the pleasure of your body is an honour for me, or for any man."

She still looked sad, "I've only been with two men," she said shyly, "my husband and you." She gave me a long look, "I expect you've been with lots of women."

I laughed, "That depends on what you mean by 'lots'," I said avoiding the question because I had.

"You must have," she said, "you, errm, you. . . Oh I don't know how to say it! Oh heck, it was better with you," she finally managed to rush out. "I never felt anything like that with him, never. I didn't know it could be like that."

I smiled at her, "That wasn't only me," I said, "you had something to do with that. Anyway, I haven't had that many women, I just know that you need to enjoy it as well and I'm glad you did. I promise you'll enjoy it even more next time. Will there be a next time?" I ended softly praying that there would be.

She was quiet for a while and then looked away as if considering her options. "I've been unfaithful," she said suddenly, "is that wrong?"

Well, I wasn't really in a position to answer that was I, being the perpetrator, as it were. All I could do was reassure her. "Miranda, I suppose you have. Whether it's wrong or not is only something you can say. I can help I suppose. Just ask yourself a few questions. Do you love him?"

"No," she said almost immediately, "I'm not sure I ever did!" You poor woman, I thought, tied into a loveless, and apparently sexless, marriage. I felt she needed a hug just then, she seemed about to cry again. Then she spoke. "We had to get married. Well, I was pregnant. He was my first. I didn't want to go with him but he persuaded me, he told me he loved me, all that rubbish, and I believed him, so we did it. I didn't think about birth control, nor did he. To be honest, I didn't enjoy it very much. There wasn't any mess or anything, because of the horse riding I wasn't that sort of virgin, but it wasn't very pleasant. We did it quite few times, he was quite demanding, but it didn't seem to get any better. Then I was pregnant." She looked so sad now as she relived her past.

"We got married. It wasn't what I wanted, I knew by now that I didn't love him. I didn't even enjoy sex with him that much." She looked at me with a smile, more confident now as she opened herself to me, "Not like just now! But we carried on, for our son really. And then along came Kirsten. I caused that. I needed something else to stay married for. Then I knew he was having affairs. He was often away on business -- we were never short of money, he has a good job, but it takes him away. He'd come back with a smell of perfume, smudges on his shirts. Oh, I knew but, what the heck. When we had sex, we didn't make love!, it was just a 'duty' for him. He didn't feel anything and he rarely did anything for me." She must have suddenly realised that she was unloading her problems on to me and felt it a touch incongruous in the circumstances.

"Oh Mike, I'm sorry. I shouldn't. I'm really sorry!" Truth to tell, I didn't mind. She'd answered her question really hadn't she? And I was pleased that she felt she could confide in me.

"Miranda, love. I don't mind. It's good to get it off your chest. Anyway," I added with a smile, "I think you've answered your question. If that's the state of your marriage, and he's left you, I don't think what you did today was 'wrong'. I think it was right for you."

"Do you, do you really?" she said.

"Well, yes I do Miranda but the only person who can really know whether it was wrong is you."

She thought for a moment, "No," she said, "it can't be wrong. I've never felt like I have over the past few weeks since I met you," she said fixing me with a long stare, "and now, oh now, after that: well I'm not giving it up!" she ended vehemently. Then she pulled me down and kissed me, "Yes," she said almost triumphantly, "yes. There will be a next time," then with flashing eyes, "when?"

Now I laughed out loud. Aren't women wonderful. Just a few seconds ago she was agonising over whether what she had done was wrong, now she was eager to do it again! "What are you laughing at?" she said, "me?"

"Yes and no," I said still laughing, "yes and no. I'm laughing at you and at all women. You can surprise us men at the drop of a hat." Then I bent and kissed her, "As to 'when'", I said, "well, one of the curses of age is that it takes longer for one to 'recharge' the batteries, as it were. Even with a woman as beautiful and desirable as you it will be a couple of hours before this gentleman," I nodded towards my now limp cock, "can perform again."

"Oh," she said matter-of-factly and with a great big pout, "I'll have to wait then won't I?" Now one thing I do find particularly sexy, amongst many others I might add, is a really effective pout!

"You," I said with a laugh, "are a minx, very seductive, but a minx nonetheless!" I suddenly realised that I was using the pet name I had used for the women I loved in the past. I suppose I was hooked then but I didn't know it.

"I've never been called 'seductive' before. Am I?" she asked naively.

Another laugh, now she was fishing for complements! "As seductive as Helen, as Cleopatra, and as Juliet. Now," I said, "let's shower."

Raised eyebrows, "What, together?" she said apparently shocked.

"You've never shared a shower?"

"No," she said, "it never occurred to us."

"Well," I said with another smile, "it occurs to me. Come on, it's fun," and it would be for her. This was another thing I learnt in my marriage. My wife was often left needing more release after I came so we got into the habit of showering together, hence the big shower, and I would pleasure her. She loved it, she always had an orgasm with my fingers inside her front and back, and I became quite adept at bringing her on. Now it was Miranda's turn!

"OK," she said, still apparently reluctant and now, as she stood, she began to pull up her knickers that had ended up around one ankle.

"Miranda, you don't need them in the shower!"

"No, I suppose not," she said with a shy smile. God, she looked lovely. Her bra was underneath her boobs leaving them free but pushing them up.

"You look lovely," I said bending to kiss her the, "you don't need this either," I added as I reached behind and undid the bra. She looked back at me demurely as she pulled her knickers back down. "Stockings as well," I said with a smile. I could tell she was still slightly shy at me seeing her totally naked. It's funny but women seem not to understand that sometimes it's far more arousing to be seen in provocative clothing rather than naked. Mind you, she looked ravishing as she sat and rolled off the stockings.

All the while she was looking at me, gauging my reaction to her I think. She was also checking the state of dear old JT who, I'm afraid, had gone into recharge mode for the time being. Perhaps later today I could get her much closer acquainted with the dear old thing!

Soon she had finished so I took her hand and led her into the shower. Now it is quite impressive. Tiled in a dark, sultry red, there is enough room for four people to sit. There are water jets all over so you can really feel 'wet' and it is all completely controllable from wall dials.

"Oh, this is lovely."

"Mmm," I said, "it's nice. Now, let me soap you." So saying I took one of the large natural sponges and began to soap her gorgeous body. I know from experience that most women find this extremely exciting and arousing. I enjoy it because it's a chance to worship at the altar of one of natures most fantastic creations. She seemed to relax now as I began to wash her gently. I adjusted the showers so she was covered with soap then I stood to her side and began to stroke her body. She didn't suspect anything untoward as I dropped the sponge and used my hands, one in front, one on her back.

Miranda was relaxed now as I washed her and the ambiance of the shower worked on her. Time to move on, literally as my right hand in front moved to soap and massage her gorgeous boobs. She started to breath more deeply as I massaged and stroked her there. I was expert at catching the nipple in between my fingers as my hand roamed over that gorgeous territory so I quickly had them at full erection. Now I think she realised that something was going on.

"Oh, oh dear. What are you doing?"

"Washing you Miranda, just washing."

"Oh dear, yes. Yes, I like that!" she said as I continued to lave her boobs. My left hand, on her back, was now working it's way down towards the swell of her bottom as it thrust outwards and, as soon as I touched her there, she turned her head to face me.

"You are a naughty man," she said breathlessly, "taking advantage of me!"

I smiled, "Yes, shall I stop?"

"Oh no. No, don't stop!"

I didn't intend to test her bottom hole now, it was too early, but my finger entering her pussy from the back would assert pressure on her anus and, perhaps, raise her interest for later. Now both hands wandered lower, my right covering her sex. This caused a very deep sigh and, I suspected, a weakening of her legs.

"Put your arm round my neck," I whispered to her, "it'll help." She did, reaching up languidly.

My middle finger had found her sex by now and was stroking her fairly hard. Up and down, up and down, then pushed into her pussy halfway. Another sigh, then another as one finger became two. She was beginning to really heat up now as my left hand middle finger found the valley between her bottom cheeks and began to stroke up and down in time with my right. I was gently pressing as I did so and it was so exciting to feel the tiny ring of her anus as my finger passed over it. Oh how I was looking forward to exploring there! But not yet, so the finger went further and probed her pussy from the back, entering to the first joint.

Now I began to finger fuck her from the front with two fingers. Her legs were rocky now and her weight was being taken on these fingers and by her arm around my neck. Her head was leaning on my chest by now as she lost herself in the pleasure she was experiencing. Finally there was a deep sigh and, "Oh fucking hell, yes." This seemed to be the signal she'd climaxed because her juices really flowed.

Her legs gave way completely and, in this position she was too much for me, so we both sat down, me removing my hands quickly.

"Well?" I asked her.

"Oh god," she said breathlessly, "nothing like that has ever happened to me." Then she became serious, "I never understood that it could be like this. That you'd do that, you know, afterwards. After you, you know. . ."

I smiled softly at her as we sat together, "Miranda darling, it's as much my desire to please you as it is yours to please me. I learnt long ago that women can go on far longer that we males so I made some adjustments. I enjoy seeing a woman cum; feeling her orgasm so I enjoyed that."

She seemed embarrassed, "I shouldn't, and it's not fair on you."

"Oh Miranda, love. It's not about 'fairness' it's about pleasure. Enjoying each other, giving each other enjoyment. If I can do that for you it gives me pleasure." I looked in her eyes, "I'm sure you will give me pleasure later."

Her gaze back was brazen, wanton even, "Oh yes, I will; but you will have to teach me. Teach me everything!"

"I don't think a man can ask for anything else Miranda. I will. Everything?" I asked firmly, "Are you sure?"

She swallowed. She'd made her decision I thought, there's no going back from here. "Yes," she said firmly, "everything!"

I felt a sudden, almost desperate, need. "Stay tonight? Please!" I felt that if she left I might lose her and I didn't want to do that. Illogical I know but she meant something to me now, something far more than just a 'video fuck'. I was becoming fond of her. Hell this MILF hunt had turned into much, much more!

"Stay? Stay here? Stay with you?" She looked shocked. I suppose it was a big step for her but, well I really wanted her to stay -- and not just for the sex either.

"Yes," now I was almost pleading, "Miranda, stay, please." Now I had to say it, "I need you Miranda!" He presence in the house, particularly after the bedroom, had made me realise just how bloody lonely I was. All my life I have had women close to me. Since Kate I didn't.

Now she looked surprised, "Need me. I don't understand?"

"Miranda, you said how much you felt the past few weeks have changed you. Well, they've changed me as well. I've come to look forward to our meetings and to be unhappy when you leave. Today, well today has been fantastic. Miranda, I don't want that to end. Stay, please!"

As I was talking I could see her becoming more confident, self-satisfied even and her eyes were misty. "I don't know whether I should?" Again she seemed to be asking me: probably the wrong person at the moment!

"What are you going home to Miranda, an empty house?"

She looked at me hard, "Yes, that's what I'm going home to!" She thought for what seemed like and age, weighing possibilities I suppose then, "Yes, yes, I'll stay. And you can teach me some more!"

I felt so good at her answer I just had to hold her, hold her tight, and kiss her. We kissed for a while, sitting there naked in the shower with the warm water flowing over us. I hadn't felt so happy, well for a long time. So much for my progressive MILF hunt, I thought! She was far more important to me now that just a televised screw. I supposed I'd have to tell her some time about why I met her and what I intended but not yet. I didn't want to spoil the moment.

Chapter 7 - I make love to Miranda

Finally we dried each other and put on dressing gowns, then had some lunch. It was different now, we were lovers weren't we, and you treat a lover differently. Her looks at me were, well I don't know really. The closest thing is could think of was 'loving'. Her eyes held that mistiness I associate with care and concern for another. Did my eyes show that, surely not! She was also perky. Perky and incredibly sexy. This morning had woken her up to her own sexuality and I could tell she couldn't wait to get back to bed! She knew, now, how I felt about women and she was fully aware of the older male's curse, so she was keen to pose in some more gear from the third wardrobe.

"You said you had an idea this morning," she asked me archly, "what was it?"

"Mmm," I said realising now that she would almost certainly go for it although what I had in mind was far more risqué than up 'til now. Still, she wanted me to perform again, that was obvious, so I figured she'd want to do this. "It's a bit different from previously. I thought you could do a sort of striptease."

"Striptease! I've never done anything like that. I wouldn't know what to do." Well, she hadn't said no!

"It's easy, all you have to do is take things off!" I said with a smile, "I just have to watch and take photos," I leant forward to stroke her face, "and control myself," I added.

She thought for a moment the said, with a sexy smile I might add, "Can I choose what to wear?"

"Mmm," I said smiling back, "of course you can."

"Can I choose what to do as well?" she asked with a coquettish glance at me. She was beautiful then, like a young coquette out to win her man. I was sure that she would be very, very provocative now she had found her feet!

I fixed her with a hard stare, "Only if you let me choose what to do afterwards."

This made her blush and look away. I suppose the problem for her was that she didn't know what I would choose to do. She'd already found out that there was more to 'sex' than just stick it in and cum so she was just a bit apprehensive. I'm sure she'd read about everything men and women can do together, after all it's in most books nowadays, so she was aware of what I might choose and I suppose it frightened her just a little bit and embarrassed her as well. But she was nearly forty after all, a mature woman who could handle anything I could do and now she was beginning to understand that so she turned back and said with a smile, "That sounds fair," and licked her lips provocatively.

Knowing the outfits in the wardrobes upstairs I wasn't sure I'd be able to last until she got the stuff off but, there you are, that was part of the fun wasn't it. This afternoon I was determined to last a lot longer -- I wanted to explore her delectable pussy and bottom with my tongue and see if she was susceptible to anal pleasure.

"Off you go and choose something," I said with a smile, "I'll be up in a few minutes." She smiled and swished off upstairs leaving me pondering the result of my MILF hunt: a result that was rapidly getting, if it hadn't already, out of control!

I went upstairs about ten minutes later after clearing up. As I reached the landing I heard, "In here," from the bedroom. I went in and there she was, leaning on the divider, dressed all in black. She was wearing a loose blouse, almost see through, and a short flared skirt that ended mid-thigh. Four inch heels and, I guessed, stockings, added to her tremendous appeal.

"Well," she said with a soft half-smile, "well?"

Well indeed! She was bloody delectable. If she was going to strip from here there was no doubt she was going to get screwed, in one way or another. From the look on her face, however, I guessed that was exactly what she wanted.

She was confident, sexy, assertive: a glorious example of how a woman can look if she has both the clothes and the confidence to wear them well! One thing that particularly interested me, being a fervent arse man, was the way she was standing with her bottom thrust out. I was sure that she must have realised that that part of a woman was my favourite. Was she aware of anal sex? Surely she must be. Most of the popular women's novels talked about that, although those I'd read (and that wasn't very many I can assure you) always seemed to portray it as unpleasant or painful for the recipient; not at all enjoyable and usually achieved by force.

My experience has been different. I've found that, in respect of anal sex, that is sodomy, buggery, or whatever else you want to call it, there are three types of woman; or four if you break one of these three into two. Most women I've met fall into the first category. They like anal sex. Some like it a lot and, in a few cases, prefer it to vaginal sex. That's what I mean by splitting one category into two. There are women who prefer it and women who like it.
