The Student


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We arrived a little early, carrying plates full of food. There was a small team of girls already there. They were all busy hanging streamers and a big sign. When we walked in, they all gathered around, and we had lots of hugs and cuddles. They dud try to involve Leah, but she had never really fitted in with my friends. Most were married, with families and children.

When we got together, we chatted about family, children, school, none of which interested Leah. That was always our problem, I didn't want to party or talk about who was dating who, or popular gossip.

Leah, to her credit, shook it off and joined in preparing the function room at the Lions Head. The atmosphere was joyous, we were all looking forward to seeing Sabine.

As always, she turned up late, but got such a wonderful welcome. The whole crowd erupted with screams of welcome home. I stayed back, trying to stay with Leah, but when Sabine and I locked eyes, she rushed over, and we hugged and kissed.

"Oh my god, Audrey, you look amazing."

"You look pretty good yourself. It's so good to see you."

"And you, sweetie. I can't believe it." She hugged me again. "I have been so looking forward to this."

When we separated, I saw Leah sort of standing there staring. She looked lost. "Sabine, this is my partner, Leah. Leah, this is my very best friend, Sabine."

Sabine, walked into Leah's arms. "It's lovely to meet you. Gosh, you are gorgeous."

"Thank you," was all that Leah could manage before Sabine said teasingly, "Audrey, you are a bloody cradle snatcher."

We both laughed at her joke, but she quickly added, "Leah, what do you see in her? You're far too pretty for her."

Leah was a little dazed. Perhaps not speechless, but overwhelmed. We were soon encircled by the rest of the girls, and we all fell into chatter about what Sabine had been doing. She had a million funny stories, and had us all in fits of laughter.

From there it was to the bar and drinks. Leah was like a spare part, always on the outer. Feeling sorry for her, I tried to spend as much time with her as I could, but Sabine just kept dragging me into her circle.

We did get a few minutes alone, and Leah said, "Wow, she is like a force of nature. I can see why you are such good friends."

"It's more than that, Leah. We were part of each others lives, and it was an important part of our lives. We shared everything. Our stories are entwined."

"She is very beautiful, I suppose that doesn't hurt."

Funny, I had not considered, or even noticed her appearance. I took some time to appraise her. It had been at least seven years, and she had, like me, matured. In a nice way though. She wore her hair short, a modern business cut, stylish, and it suited her face. She had always been slim, some might say skinny. That hadn't changed, although now she had a more toned appearance.

She still had those beautiful dark green eyes and smooth flawless skin. Leah was right, she was beautiful. That shouldn't have come as a shock; she had always been that way. What shocked me was my reaction to acknowledging it.

As the evening wound down, Sabine and I found ourselves sitting alone where we could talk in private.

"I still cannot believe you are here." I said softly. "Did you meet anyone while you were away? I expected you to return married to some gorgeous luscious foreign beauty."

She shrugged. "I met a few, even dated some, but No, nobody special. Unlike you. God, she is stunning."

"She is that, all that actually."

"it's serious then."

Giving a little wince, I replied, "Yes, and no. The age difference. It is so hard, we are different people. We share similar things, but it is so hard."

"Ahhh, trouble in paradise."

"Yes, a little."

She gave me a hug as we sat together. "The age difference, why is it such a big deal?"

"The usual. She wants to party at dance clubs, loves the night life. I just want to sit around at home and paint."

She giggled. "Yes, I'm with you. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a night out, but for me, that's dinner, and a movie, or a show." She looked at me knowingly. "Do you still enjoy the theatre?"

"Yes, but these days, I hardly go."

As we sipped our wines, I asked, "Where are you staying?"

"Oh, I am staying at the Central. Not for long I hope. I have a meeting with a realtor on Monday."

"Why didn't you say? I have room, you could stay with us."

"I don't want to impose on friends. I'm grateful for the offer, but if things are tetchy at home, I don't want to add to that."

"Honestly, Sabine, you would be a pleasant distraction. It would be nice having you around. That way, there would be no rush. You could take your time, find something that suits."

She sighed. "It would be nice, but do you think Leah would be okay with it?"

'She will be fine."

She gave me a frown, "I don't know, Audrey. I got a bit of a strange vibe from her."

"I said it will be fine."

Just at that moment, Leah said, "So this is where you two have been hiding. I looked all over. Then I got stuck with, Sybil. God she can talk."

"Yes, she does love a chat. Leah, I just invited Sabine to stay with us for a while. She was going to stay at a hotel, but with us having space, I thought it would be nice if she stayed with us."

Her face twitched, but she put on a big smile. "Yeah, sweet. You're right, it makes sense. I think it would be nice."

Sabine looked uncomfortable, but nodded her acceptance. "Thanks, I will try not to gt in the way. I'll stay at the hotel tonight, all my luggage is there. Maybe I could come over tomorrow?"

"I will come and pick you up. How about ten? Would that be too early? We could have a big Sunday lunch."

"Sounds charming."

The car ride home was silent. Leah was not happy. I could almost hear her teeth gnashing, as she gritted them harshly.

With the door barely closed, she could not hold it in any longer. "Why didn't you bloody ask me before inviting her to stay here with us?"

"Leah, she is my friend, why shouldn't she stay with us?"

"I meant, why didn't you talk to me first, at leat let me feel like I was part of the discussion? We are supposed to be partners. You made me feel like an idiot, springing it on me in front of her."

"Honey, you are being silly. She thinks nothing of the sort. I just did not think it would be an issue. There is no reason to be upset."

"I just think we should have talked about it."

Trying to keep the peace, I said, "I am sorry, Leah, you are right. It was rude. We should have made the decision together."

It was a sleepless night. Leah was like a petulant child. Our usual tender intimacy sank into a bristling animosity. That was Leah, though, she wore her heart on her sleeve.

The morning wasn't a lot better. We talked, but she did nothing to hide the fact she was not happy.

I left to get Sabine. Oh god, it was heaven. She greeted me with open arms, and we enjoyed a coffee before loading her belongings into the car. I didn't know whether I should warn her that the reception might not be so warm. I decided against it, because I was worried she would change her mind.

I was stunned when we got back to the house, Leah was in a bubbly mood, and greeted Sabine with a huge cuddle, kiss and a "Welcome, so nice to see you again."

She slipped into my arms, and her kiss was scintillating. The passion and intensity just sucked me in. We stood kissing, staggering under the ardent assault.

As we parted, she said happily. "What took you so long?"

Sabine cut me off. "Sorry, my fault, we stopped for coffee."

Leah just smiled. "Let me give you the guided tour, and I'll show you your room."

I went back out to the car to collect the last couple of bags. Walking in, I could hear them laughing, and chatting. I just shook my head in dismay.

As I set Sabine's bags down, they both walked in from the studio. "Wow, the studio is amazing." Sabine gushed. "The whole house is sensational." Her face saddened as she added. "The paintings of, Ros, god they are so beautiful. You captured her perfectly."

For once, I was able to smile. "Thank you, she made it easy."

"Yes, she was a beautiful soul. You must miss her. I know I do." I think she realised, too late how the simple comment had hurt Leah. She grabbed her, and wrapped Leah in a hug. "Gosh, that was thoughtless. How could she miss Ros with you here?"

Leah pulled hard as they embraced. "No, you're right, she does miss her partner, as she should. They were lovers for a long time."

I slipped into the hug, "Leah, you know I love you. Ros will always be in my heart, but now, just as a memory. A wonderful one, but just a memory."

She wiped away a tear. "Thank you, but I know you still miss her." She slipped out of the embrace and headed for the kitchen. "I have some spring rolls, and a Thai salad."

As she walked away, Sabine mouthed a big, "Wow."

The food was delicious. Leah had outdone herself, and she had cleaned up. Will miracles never end.

The day passed pleasantly. Sabine and I walked around the back garden, and I told her about the mission Ros took on when she attacked it. The whole garden was overgrown with years of neglect and rampant weeds and blackberry, gorse. In fact, if it was noxious it grew in our garden.

We held hands as we walked around, sat on the seat under the shade of the Pohutukawa, and talked, god we talked. We had so many memories that were all entwined, and most involved Ros.

Leah came out carrying a tray of drinks, she wriggled her way in between us and we all shared a toast to Ros' hard work.

Leah at least was over her fit of pique, and she seemed to get on with Sabine. In bed that night, Leah became seriously passionate. Usually we talked softly while we made love, just whispered encouragement and fun stuff.

Tonight, though, she was on a different plane... Her screams were loud and passionate. Full of "Oh fuck yes," and "Oh, I'm going to come."

It took a while to sink in, but it was all for Sabine, which is why she left the door partly open... She was marking her territory like a feline monster.

The next morning, Sabine gave me some very knowing glances. While we were alone, she teased. "Wow, girl. You two were busy last night."

I giggled through my blush. "Sorry. Leah left the door open."

She giggled back. "Well, it made me jealous. It's been a while."

Leah left for university, I went into work. Sabine planned to spend the day following up on some job applications she had already made.

Things settled into a bit of a routine. Leah seemed happy. Sabine brought a calm to the house. Friday night was different, though. Leah hassled us until we agreed to go out with her and her friends.

God, what a night. We ended up at a dance club, the girls all drunk, even Sabine, who I think was trying to keep up... Leah kept dragging her out onto the dance floor, where she danced. I suppose you could call it dancing, mashing and grinding her body all over her. Sabine was hardly fighting her off; it was fun. I was not jealous, well, maybe a little. It was a crazy night, and I just wanted to go home. After one of their excursions onto the dance floor, Sabine crashed down beside me. "Wow, I'm getting too old for this."

"Definitely," I whispered. "I'm ready to go home."

She giggled and leaned in close. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I don't enjoy these nights as much as I did when we were twenty."

She giggled. "Would Leah be upset if we bailed?"

"Yes, probably, but honestly, I just want a cup of tea and a chance to get out of these heels."

"Amen, I'm with you."

I wandered over to tell Leah. She was disappointed, but asked, "Do you mind if I stay?"

"No, you have fun. We have had enough."

We kissed, and I grabbed Sabine. "Let's go."

At home, we made tea and just flopped on the sofa together. We giggled about the night.

"God, Audrey, I don't know how you do it. I love a party, but hell. They are full on."

"I don't usually go with her. I did when we first dated. I suppose it was just a vain attempt to prove I could. That wore off pretty fast. I'm well past that now."

"She's a beautiful girl and a lot of fun. I can see why you love her."

That made me wince. "I'm not sure love is where we are. At least on my part."

Sabine gasped. "What are you saying? She is absolutely in love with you. I know you said you had some doubts, but wow, C'mon, Audrey. The girl is infatuated with you. She's star struck."

"I know, and that is what makes this so hard. I have feelings for her, whether it is love, I don't know, and whether it's enough for a proper relationship, I don't know that either."

"Audrey, that all sounds a little final."

Leaning against her, I sighed uneasily. "I know. Things have been so much better since you arrived. Leah was a bit hesitant, but you two seem to have really connected."

"She is hard work, I grant you that, but she loves you, and the sex is obviously amazing." With that, she laughed loudly. "Even with the bloody door closed, I can still hear you."

I blushed. Lately, the sex had been incredible. Leah was so passionate...

With our drinks finished, Sabine stood and stretched. "I'm tired, babe. I'm going to bed."

"Yes, me too. I wrapped her in a loving embrace, the feel of her body melding to mine, stirred things in me I shouldn't be feeling. We kissed, as friends kiss, and I said, "Good night, thank you for listening, and for not judging."

"Audrey, I have made enough mistakes in my life. I can't judge anyone. My parting advice is, pease don't lead her on. If you're not interested, tell her. Every day you postpone will make it harder for her."

I kissed her again. "Thank you, you always were the wise one."

Leah staggered in after I was asleep. I don't know what the time was, but she dived on the bed, startling me from sleep. When I turned to look at her, she smirked. "Hey babe, I'm home."

"Stop it. Who the hell do you think you are? It's blasted late, Leah."

"I know, babe, sorry."

Rolling way, I snorted. "Go to sleep. It's late." Pulling the blanket up over me, I left her lying there, sighing with resignation. "Are you angry?"

"Of course I'm angry. You woke me up. Why couldn't you just be quiet."

"You don't like me going out with me friends do you? In fact, you don't like my friends at all."

"Leah, you are drunk. We can talk in the morning."

She sat upright on the bed. "No, fuck you, little miss goody two shoes. They're my fucking friends. I'm supposed to like all your boring old friends. Why didn't you stay with us? You made me look silly in front of my friends."

"Shut up. Sabine will hear you."

"Oh, who cares. At least she had some fun tonight, let her hair down."

"For gods sake. Shut up." I snarled, pulling the blankets right up over my head. I heard her crying, as she stripped off and slid under the covers. Soon we were meshed together, cuddled hotly as one.

That night was the catalyst. Things went downhill pretty quick. The arguments started all over again. Sabine was so upset at being caught in the middle, she left. That hurt more than anything. It had been so wonderful having her there. Having her there felt right, she had been so close to Ros.

At least she had a job, and was able to stay with Sybil.

Leah and I were done; we both knew it, but she tried. I will give her credit. She tried. In the end, I had to say it "Leah, it's over." Only three simple words, yet saying them was the hardest thing I had ever had to say.

The day she moved out was sad. It wasn't antagonistic, we didn't fight, there was no yelling or screaming. Once all her things were packed up, we opened a bottle of wine and sat together on the sofa. "I will always love you, Audrey," she said to me.

"I love you as well, Leah, but it's not enough. We are different people, looking for different things. I have more in common with your mother."

"But we could grow together, learn to like."

She left with a huge hug, and asked. "Can I still go to the art class?"

"Leah, I still want us to be friends, best friends. I would love for you to come back occasionally and paint with me, and yes, come to class. It would be terribly lonely without you."

It took a couple of weeks for the news to circulate through our friends. I cut myself off, stayed home, and yes, I cried. I cried a lot. Leah left a large hole in my life.

I knew I should get out and about, but I couldn't face anyone.

Saturday, there was a knock on the door; standing there with a large cheesecake and a bottle of wine, was Sabine."

"Thought you might need some company."

Swinging open the door, I waved her in. "That sounds wonderful. Is that lemon?"

"Yes, your favourite. I was hardly likely to forget, now was I?"

With her gifts resting on the kitchen counter, we fell into a huge hug. "I'm sorry, Audrey. Don't know what else to say. She was perfect in so many ways. Loved art, added a spark."

"Yes, I feel so stupid. Maybe I will just end up old and alone. God, I already feel old."

"Rubbish. You're still young, still beautiful. You have so much to offer. Just take your time. Grieve, and when it's time, move on. In the meantime, there's cheesecake, oh, and wine."

As I got some plates out, she turned on the sound system and selected Brandi Carlisle. With her music swirling through the house, our faces stuffed with the luscious cheesecake, and wine to wash it down with, the world felt a little warmer.

When I cried, Sabine wrapped me in her arms and we sat rocking to and fro. Her gentle voice soft in my ear. "Let it out babe."

The thing was, it wasn't Leah I missed. "Sabine." I bawled loudly, my body contorted in sobs. "I miss Ros. I miss her so much. She was everything."

She hugged me tighter. "Yes she was. She was the moon and the stars, babe. I miss her as well."

"Yes, how silly. You must feel the same."

"Audrey, I never stopped loving her. Breaking up with her was the stupidest thing I ever did. I loved her like life itself."

"Then why?"

"I don't know. I can't explain it. We were just different. I loved her, but it wasn't enough. When I saw the two of you together, I knew it was the right thing. You were the perfect couple. You loved her as much as she loved you."

"I never got over her," I mused.

"Me either. Even after all these years, I miss her. That cute smile, her quick wit. The way she could tell you off with her eyes."

We finished the whole damn cheesecake, in fact, we baked another. Drunk and silly. It started of as a giggle, but grew quickly in to full-bodied laughter. The baking was a bust. Burnt and dry. Oh well, at least we had wine.

We listened to music. We pulled all of Ros' old CDs out and played them. We danced, sang along, until we were to tired to stand.

"Cripes. I better go," she spluttered drunkenly.

"No, don't go. I don't want to be alone. I have spare jammies."

"Oooohhh that's the best offer I've had in ages." She giggled playfully.

We climbed into bed with the music on repeat. Soft and soothing, it serenaded us to sleep. It felt so nice having her in my arms. Comforting, reassuring, the feel of her breath on my skin, her silky hair rubbing on my flesh. Her breasts pushing against my back. Little tingles started to run through my body. The agony dissolved, I snuggled back against her as her arm rested over my waist, her fingers stroking up and down my arm. Even the flannel of my jammies couldn't hide my arousal.

Sleep was deep and even with everything we had to drink, I woke feeling better than I had in years.

Sabine was not so lucky. She moaned softly. "Oh my aching head." I rolled towards her, our eyes met and we snuggled a little more. I couldn't move my eyes, they stayed fixed on her beautiful features. Even like this, she had grace and allure.

I felt her inching closer, felt her heart beating, her breath a little funky, mingling, then forming moist little droplets.