The Swap


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Where are we going?" Rhea asked.

"Booked into the McWinter." I replied.

"Oooh, nice. I hear that's pretty swish."

"I hope so. The brochures online looked good." There was a little nervous tension. We watched Alice and Rob talking as I stuck to their tail. It got a bit awkward as we watched them kissing. Alice leaning over close to him.

"Shit, dirty buggers. They couldn't even wait to clear the town boundaries."

I laughed, "They beat us every time I guess."

Rhea moved over, her hand in my lap. They don't have to." Her mouth closed over mine in a searing kiss. I closed my eyes sort of instinctively, just for a second, but I felt the car swerve.

Sitting up I quickly settled the car back on the road. "Where did Alice go?" Rhea exclaimed, as she stared at Rob's car in front of us...

Her head had vanished. I knew exactly where she was. When her head popped up from Rob's lap. Rhea said. "Dirty bitch. Is she giving him a blow job?"

I nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, she does like to do that."

"Do you like it, I mean you almost lost control from the kiss."

"Yeah sorry. It was a sexy kiss."

Alice's head again vanished out of view. That seemed to ignite Rhea, who wasn't being out done. Her hands fumbled with my trousers sliding them down exposing my dick. Her hand stroked me, caressing the shaft as it fattened under her touch.

Her hot wet mouth nibbled on my earlobe. "You keep your eyes on the road. Promise."

"I promise." I replied.

The feel of Rhea's hot mouth kissing and sucking the head of my dick was pure heaven.

Watching the occasional vision of Alice's head as it popped into view was complete agony. I knew what Rob was getting, and it stabbed a little pain shooting through my chest as she sucked his cock.

Rhea though was determined, and the pleasure she gave me was no less than what Alice gave freely to Rob. It had always been our thing. At first I had to really coerce her to do it. Over the years she grew to love it. Now she gave that gift to Rob.

Grabbing Rhea by the hair. I lifted her head. As her eyes met mine I said. "Kneel up on your seat so I can play with your pussy."

"What if we crash?" She muttered.

"Then you'll die with your mouth full of my cock."

Nervously she wriggled free of her seatbelt, and knelt up on her seat. Her head disappearing down onto my now very erect dick.

Her panties were damp and sticky. The silky fabric slippery with her juices. Lifting the hem of her dress up her back. I pushed her panties down exposing her gorgeous sexy arse. Her creamy cheeks luminous in the dying daylight.

"Oh god." She whimpered around my cock as my fingers slipped into her slippery convulsing crevice. Her pouty lips spreading easily as if welcoming me home. I slid two fingers deep into her molten core. In and out they slid in time with her bobbing head.

With every plunge of my fingers, I pulled them out sliding them along her wetness. Rubbing and pinching her pulsing clit. Drawing back, I spread her plentiful juices along her arse crack. Then each time I thrust back into her. My thumb pressed against her puckered little bum hole.

"Hey, what the hell you dirty bugger." Rhea gasped. "What are you trying to do back there."

"You concentrate on your job. Leave me alone."

In and out my fingers delved. Her clit getting harder and wetter. Her bum no longer trying to keep me out. At last my thumb slid into her arse, and I heard her whimper. Her hands caressing and massaging my balls as she sucked harder and deeper.

I felt her body shuddering. Her hands both resting on my thighs. Her head in my lap, but my cock forgotten as she cried out in orgasm. "Oh fucking hell." Her whole body tensed up, her pussy clutching wantonly to my fingers as they fucked her gorgeous squelchy sloppy pussy.

I kept playing with her, but she sat up, and looked around. "Oh my god, you bastard. Look at all this traffic. Did anybody see?"

We pulled up at traffic lights, and I pulled her into a passionate kiss. "Nobody even noticed. I wouldn't do that to you."

She gave me a sweet little kiss. Then glanced ahead. "What happened to Rob?"

"Dunno. They turned off, a block or so back."

She whispered. "Should I finish what I started?"

"No, we're almost at the hotel. I need to get my pants back on."

Rhea had to hide her dirty little giggle as I signed us in as Mr and Mr's Jones. The reception clerk giving us a very funny glare.

Riding up in the elevator, she laughed lewdly. "God, this feels so lewdly indulgent. It's like we're having an affair. Did you see the way that woman behind the desk looked at us?"

I laughed along. "Yeah, she wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't been giggling so obscenely."

The hotel room was stocked with brochures of local restaurants and pubs and attractions. We soon found one that had live music advertised. The food was nice, having Rhea constantly playing with my leg under the table totally distracted me.

In the pub, the music pumped like a throbbing pulsing animal. The dance-floor overflowed and we had to fight our way into the middle of the bouncing throng of dancers.

It wasn't cheek to cheek, but it was raunchy as hell. Rhea grinding her slushy panties all over my thighs as we ground out to the thumping beat. Returning to a table, I noticed how wet my trousers were, and how flushed Rhea was.

She slipped off to the ladies, whilst I fought my way to the bar for drinks. She was already at the table when I returned. Sitting beside her, I slid her drink across in front of her. I felt her hand slide into mine, wet and sticky.

I gasped in shock. It was her soaked panties coiled into a small ball.

She leaned closer for a kiss. There was no table cloth, but the lights were dim, and nobody watched us. I slid my hand up her inner thigh, the flesh smooth and warm. Higher, higher until my fingers slid along her open pouting pussy lips.

"Oh shit." She sighed flinching at my touch.

"Bloody hell you're so wet." I whispered in her ear.

"Your fault you dirty little man."

She gulped back her glass of wine. My fingers pushed deeper into her. With each push she whimpered, leaning against me purring like a happy kitty.

The intensity changed quickly though. I felt her pussy clamping tightly with every thrust. Her wriggly little clit throbbing under my squeezing fingers.

Rhea's breathing was fast and shallow, ragged. Her boobs rising and falling urgently.

"Oh no, stop Ken. Please, stop."

Her arm around my waist held tight as my fingers dived deeper, faster.

"Ken, not here, please. Oh shit, no, no, no..."

I felt it. Her body stretching out. Her pussy compressing my fingers, expelling them from her sodden pussy.

"God, you filthy shit. I just came in a bloody room full of people."

I kissed her lightly. "Shall we go back to the hotel?"

"God yes, before we get arrested."

The hotel was only a short walk, but it took ages. Every shop front, she pushed me into for a passionate mind bending kiss. Her pussy clutching at my erection.

Finally, we were in bed and naked. Her spectacular body stretched out on the bed before me. Without waiting. I dived between her open legs. My mouth suctioning her brazenly gaping pussy.

She came again, this time grunting breathlessly as I sucked vigorously, feasting on her womanness. She took a little while to regather her senses, but when she did. She dragged me up, her pussy sucking my cock into her sweltering core. "Fuck me, you bastard, fuck me hard."

It was urgent, desperate and passionate. I fucked her fiercely, ferociously. Her hips meeting my avaricious thrusts beat for beat. The wet slapping sounds of flesh colliding filled the room. Animalistic and brutal. It was over quickly. I wanted more, but she was already asleep. Her contented body cuddled tightly to mine.

As she slept head on my shoulder. I wondered about Alice, what they were doing. Weirdly, I smiled. After what just happened. I hoped she was having as much fun as me. Well, if I could wriggle out of the bloody huge wet patch that is.

The morning came quickly. I felt her mouth sucking furiously on me. Her mouth sucking, her tongue swirling. All I could do was slide my fingers through her silky hair as she drained my balls.

Her mouth closing over mine in a passionate kiss, was novel. Not something Alice and I did. The taste a little salty but not unpleasant. Still hard. I rolled her onto her back and we made love to start our day.

We had a fun day. Some art galleries, she wanted to look at. Some shops she wanted to visit. A nice lunch, then we sat on a seat watching the waves gently lapping on the beach. A walk through botanic gardens on the way back to the hotel.

Rhea, certainly came alive. She was a different woman this time. So sexual, and vibrant. She didn't even try to stop me as I fingered her pussy in the taxi ride. Her eyes locked on the drivers rear-view mirror as he watched. Other drivers tooting at him as he concentrated on my fingers wriggling between her legs. The squelching sounds of being finger fucked trapping him.

He didn't even charge us. The cable car ride up to the restaurant was magnificent. The warm clear evening. The city lights shining brightly. The cityscape stretching out as we looked out over Port Nicholson.

The food was delicious, the wine refreshing. The ride down, was more private, and again my fingers toyed with her luscious pussy.

"What now?" I asked.

"A movie..." She suggested.

Perfect. We made out passionately like teenagers in the back rows of the dark theatre. Her hand stroking my raging erection. Her pussy coating my fingers in her libidinous juices. We did attract a little attention, but it was mostly giggling audience members. Thankfully the ushers stayed out of the way.

Back at the hotel, we made love again. This time though the frenetic naughtiness had subsided and it was replaced by a gentler approach. We kissed, caressed. The foreplay stretching for ages.

I surprised myself by getting up for round two. Which was seemingly appreciated.

The morning was another wonderful sexy adventure. We showered together, and laughed loudly as we tried to make love in the shower. It was too slippery and confined. It was fun though. Rhea used her body like a sponge spreading foaming soap all over me.

Breakfast was a chance to catch our breath and talk.

"God that was so much fun." Rhea said softly.

"Yeah I agree. Alice and I have been so focused on the kids lately. Shit when you throw in work, it seems like that's all we do."

"Same for us. Rob, has been so immersed in that new project you guys are working on."

"Yes, he has been putting in a big effort."

"This has been like a breath of fresh air. No stress, no trying to be quiet so the kids don't hear. Thank you for a fun weekend, Ken."

"What, don't be daft. I should be thanking you. I didn't realise how much I needed the break."

"Me too."

We went back to the room and packed our meagre belongings and hit the road. Rhea confiscated the stereo and sang along with every song. It made for a fun drive.

We pulled into the lay-by and waited. Alice's earlier text said they were on their way so it shouldn't be a long wait.

What are lovers to do? We started making out. Enjoying the last few moments of our dirty weekend. That's how Alice and Rob found us. They snuck up so discretely. We didn't even hear them.

"Aye up. What's going on here then?" Rob said gruffly as he pulled open the door.

Rhea, looked embarrassed, and blushed bright red. He was just joking though and apologised for upsetting her. A quick shared hug and Alice was in our car and we were headed to pick up the kids.

The early part of the drive was silent. Both of us trying to find an inroad. It was Alice who dived in. "How was your weekend?"

I'd worried about this question. Should I play it down, or be honest. The situation was was so unique. I decided on honesty. "It was awesome actually. No kids, no lawns to mow. No work. It was really relaxing."

She sighed, and nodded. "Thank god. I was scared you hadn't enjoyed it. I felt exactly the same. Ken, this is something we should do more frequently."

"What, swap partners?"

"No silly. I mean get away together. I loved being with Rob, but honestly. It was just getting away and it made me think. We don't do enough of it ourselves."

Her hand squeezing mine hopefully made me smile. "I agree. It was a great weekend, but it would have been just as wonderful if it was just you and I."

We drove a few more Kilometres, before I decided to talk about the sexual aspects. "Didn't take you long to get into it. We were hardly out of town before you had his dick in your mouth!"

"Are you upset?" She replied with concern.

"No, I'm joking, but you were pretty quick."

She sighed, then snickered. "I guess the sexual tension has been building, and in honesty. I was looking forward to it."

With her hands caressing mine. She said coquettishly. "Rob had never had a blowjob while driving. So I decided he should get one. It felt so scandalous. Me sucking on another man's cock while he drove us away to our weekend get away. It felt like an affair. It certainly raised the temperature."

"I bet, it got Rhea going as well. She decided she would follow suit."

"Oh, lucky you. Was it good?"


She tittering little giggle made her question sound so sexy. "Did you cum?"

"Not telling. Did Rob?"

She nodded. "He most certainly did. So much I could barely swallow it all. It took ages to lick it all off." She leaned over for a kiss. Her arms circling my head. Her mouth hungry and passionate. "Was that too naughty?"

"No, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

She let her hand slide into my lap, and she gave my dick a squeeze. "Do you think you'll be able to rise to the occasion later?"

"I'll try."

"I was naughty this morning. We did it for the second time just before we left the hotel. I don't think poor Rob will be fulfilling his husbandly duties tonight."

"I shouldn't worry. I don't think Rhea will be seeking anything."

"You little perv. Were you trying to deprive the poor man?"

"That thought did cross my mind."

"What else did you do on your weekend. I assume you did other things apart from shag?"

"Yeah, we went dancing, took in some art galleries. Went to a movie."

She giggled, relaxing back in her seat. "Sounds delightful. We did much the same, except Rob took me to that new play by Hipkin's."

"Sounds like you had fun."

"We did. Strangely, Rob and I are such good friends. It seemed natural. It wasn't awkward, and the sex was nice."

"Yes, I think that's the nice thing about it. Rhea, and I said a similar thing. I think it's our friendship which allows it to be fun. That takes away the clumsiness."

"Exactly. Are we going to do it again?"

I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. I don't want to plan it. If it is to happen again I would prefer we let it develop organically. I think if we scheduled it, and forced it. That might take the fun out of it. I'm not against repeating it. I just don't want to take the spontaneity out of it."

"That sounds perfect actually. You're right. It was the unexpectedness that made it fun."

The rest of the drive home was full of revealing little tit bits and teasing laughter. Thankfully. Rob and Rhea, felt exactly the same. The good news, our friendship remained strong throughout. In many ways it brought us closer together. Especially Rhea, and Alice. When Rhea's Mum contracted cancer. Alice was there every day helping. Taking care of the kids, picking them up after school so Rhea could visit her mum in hospital.

We were closer than many families. Yes, we did repeat the weekend swap many times over the years. We even went on a shared vacation to Fiji. But that's a different story.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Would have preferred that Ken and Rhea get together permanently. Alice and Rob pressured their spouses and were driven only by lust. Those two came off as shallow.

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

... what happened next?

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

RE: "Self Righteous Cheating" - perhaps there was normally impermissible sexual intercourse, but there seemed to be no deception by any of the four involved. Plus, is/was there a following story concerning what happened next between the four? Did they begin to love each other more, or did they wind up splitting from their husbands/wives? How did their children handle the various ... 'joinings' between these four?

26thNC26thNCabout 1 month ago

No matter how well you write, your agenda always shines through. Your weak males and self righteous cheating women just leave no characters to care about.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The swapping thing can be hot in a story if it’s not coerced or forced or non-consensual.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I was hoping the pair swapped permanently and rob and Alice lust wore out and there relationship ended as there was just lust and the unknown while rob and Rhea relationship thrived in fact got stonger

mfj77mfj77about 2 months ago

Well done with 2 exceptions. Name changes or mix-ups in the middle of a story are really, really distracting; Rod or Rob. Ugh! Second issue is that Ken really didn't seem to mention Rhea's birthday or make a big deal out of it, which I think he should have done. Might like to hear about the Fiji vacation but might get repetitive. A different sort of sequel might go into more of the "pillow talk" between the couples discussing their weekends, especially after the 2nd weekend. The author alluded to the couples expanding their repertoires as in Alice giving Rod his first car BJ and Rhea kissing Ken after a BJ and Ken giving Rhea a fingering orgasm while driving down the road. What else happened? Did the new experiences cross-over into the others' bedrooms?


Maybe unrealistic to expect everyone to stay such good friends but nice to read a LW story without all the angst and drama.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 2 months ago

Well written and developed story! As mythbusters would say ‘plausible’ storytelling - not that it is necessary in LW or this site. I was entertained and that is the most important aspect.

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Any stories reflecting what happened after this initial ... sharing ... other than the summary at the end?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

To be honest, according to the tense dialogue between Ken and Rhea at the beginning of the story, I thought that their spouses put pressure on them in the situation with the exchange of partners, putting them in front of the fact, they retired to a separate bedroom, leaving their significant other in complete confusion and perplexity. But then it turned out that earlier Ken and Rhea had not lagged behind Rob and Alice in the intensity of mutual passions and what was happening was not a surprise to anyone. So where did this indecision in the opening dialogue suddenly come from, and did Rob and Alice have similar doubts?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A fine story .. of course ... I think there should be a follow up or sequel ... for these two couples ... It also appears that there is more than 'Just sex' between the four ... and would like to know how they came to feel about the others over the years ... especially as illness may have affected all of them as years passed. Thank you. .

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Interesting. Consensual paired couples coupling. The symmetry beats being cuckolded alone. Nice ending.

tralan69ertralan69er2 months ago

You have always told a really good story.

Thank you and please keep writing.

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