The Teacher's Pet Ch. 09


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"Huh," I said as I cocked my head. "So, what did you do?"

"Um, I..." Tears started rolling down her cheeks. "...I'm so sorry!"

"Hey." I leaned over and wrapped an arm around her. "Don't cry." I brushed her face to wipe away some of the moisture. "It can't be that bad, can it?"

She sniffled and gazed at me in fear. "I, uh, I masturbated last night." Her head dropped with a whimper. "Please don't hate me."

Now I knew the real reason she had been upset earlier today.

I could feel her trembling as her eyes welled up again. She began to sob loudly, and I pulled her closer to me. As I stroked her hair in an attempt to provide comfort, I realized how serious she was about following my "rules". When I had told her not to give herself an orgasm without my permission, I figured she would do her best to obey. If she failed, I assumed I wouldn't hear about it - and she wouldn't feel guilty.

Part of me wanted to tell her she was being silly. This was nothing more than a fun little domination game. How could I have expected her not to masturbate, especially with all the feet she came into contact with every day? However, the other part was getting an incredible thrill from the idea of Polly taking these words as strict commands. I began to imagine how much further I could go with it. The crazy possibilities had my mind swirling and my pussy throbbing.

While I went back and forth regarding how to respond, I remembered I too had performed a recent act of imprudence. In fact, mine was reckless. I could have gotten us all killed. Why would I be upset with her, if what I did was worse?

"It's all right, Polly. I'm not mad at you. A bit disappointed, but not mad."

"B-but I, I disobeyed you, Miss."

"Yes, however, I also did something I'm not too proud of."

She gave me a confused look and sniffled again. "You did?"

I nodded and let out a sigh. "So, um, when you started rubbing Tanya's feet... and let me tell you, they stunk almost as much as mine..."

Polly backed away from me slightly. "Oh God, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking you'd have to smell them too!"

"No, no," I said as I drew her toward me again, "it was fine. I got used to it."

I wasn't about to tell her it was quite awful, and I needed to breathe through my mouth to deal with the stench. Instead, I caressed her head to settle her down once more. After a minute, I could sense she was calmer.

"Now, where was I? Oh, that's right. You were massaging her feet and the next thing I knew, it sounded like both of you were having sex in my back seat."

"What?" She pried herself from my grasp and stared at me in disbelief. "That's not true!"

"Yes it is! Did you not hear yourselves?"

She furrowed her brows. "No, I mean... okay, Tanya sometimes purrs like a kitten when I rub her feet. But I don't!"

"You do!" I laughed and shook my head. "In fact, I'm pretty sure you were louder than her!"

"No! There's no way I..."

I gave her a stern expression with raised eyebrows, and watched her face fall. It seemed she was beginning to understand she too couldn't stay quiet when indulging her fetish with her friend.

I used my hand to lift her chin and waited until she met my gaze. "It's not a big deal."

"But she," Polly said in a soft voice, "she knows."


"And, and she probably thinks I'm... weird."

I chuckled and patted her shoulder. "Trust me, she doesn't."

"Yes, she does. She's probably telling her parents that I'm a total freak."

"Come on, Pol—"

"And then they'll tell my parents. And on Monday, she'll blab to the whole school!"

"You're being—"

"Now I can't go home, and I'll never be able to show my face at school again!" She buried her face in her hands and once again burst into tears.

This time, I rolled my eyes at her display of anguish. She was reacting to the absolute worst-case scenario as if it were the truth. Although I sometimes allowed my own anxiety to make me worry about "what ifs", this was taking it to an absurd level. Polly was acting like a big baby, and I needed to give her a dose of reality.

When the girl stopped crying, I nudged her and folded my arms. "Are you done being overly dramatic?"

She wiped her face and glared at me. "I'm not being dramatic!"

"Oh suuure, and I'm lying to you about Tanya, because we're both secretly working for the bullies."

"Cut it out!" She huffed and tightly crossed her arms. "I thought you cared about me!"

"I do, Polly. You're just being childish."

"Am not!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "I wanted to say 'are too', but then I'd be just as guilty of it as you."

She remained motionless with a scowl on her face for a short while, before chuckling. "Okay, maybe you're right."

"What am I right about? That your friend has no problem with your fetish, or that you're acting immature?"

She shrugged and let her arms drop. "Both, I guess."

"I agree," I said while taking her hand. "Now all that's left is to let Tanya know how you really feel about her."

"Yeah." She sighed with a slight nod. "It's just—"

"I know. It's scary. But what if she feels the same way?"

"But what if she doesn't?"

"I think you have to take that risk. And you know what?" I gave her hand gentle squeeze. "I'd bet anything that she does."

She smiled and placed her other hand on top of mine. "All right, Miss, I mean, Amber." She let out a deep breath. "I just need some time to think of how to tell her."

"That's fine. And don't forget, I'm always here if you need me."

"Thanks!" After a few seconds, she cocked her head. "Um, was there more you wanted to tell me... you know, before I got all defensive?"

"Oh yeah," I said with a sheepish grin, "there was. So, I was listening to the, um, noises of pleasure coming from behind me. And when I checked the rearview mirror, I could see you rubbing Tanya's feet." I exhaled deeply and bit my lip. "Then I started imagining myself in her place, and it, uh, got me all... horny."

She smirked and raised a brow. "Really?"

"Uh huh. And since neither of you were paying any attention to me, I reached a hand down and, um, well..."

Her eyes went wide. "You didn't!"

I closed my eyes and nodded.

"No way! And did you have an orgasm?"

I nodded again.

"Holy crap! That's insane!"

"It is, and I'm sorry for being so careless."

"You could've gotten into an accident. We might've died!"

"Look, I know I was stupid. And I promise it will never happen again."

"I hope not!"

"It won't, I swear!" I paused to reflect on my actions and remembered what she had confessed to me earlier. "But you better not repeat what you did, either."

"Um..." She appeared confused for a moment. "...oh, you mean—"

"Right... no coming unless I allow it." I could see her starting to become sad again, so I grabbed her arm. "Now, don't get upset. It was a one-time mistake, just like mine was. If you promise me it won't happen again, we'll call it even and forget about it."

"Okay," she said with a shrug. "I promise not to have another orgasm without your permission."

"Perfect!" I embraced her, and we hugged for close to a minute.

Afterwards, I took a peek at the clock. "Yikes, it's later than I thought! It's already past seven."

"Oh," she said with disappointment in her voice, "I guess we can't, um—"

"We can if we're quick." I gave her a mischievous smile, which she returned.

"I can be fast, Miss."

"Very good. Let's go inside!"

We were out of my car and into my living room in a blur. A minute later, she had my sneakers off and was lying face-up on the floor. She had her nose buried under the toes of one of my feet while massaging the other with her hands. My passions rose in an instant, and soon we were both moaning and writhing in pleasure. Not long into this activity, my hand went down to my crotch and I climaxed after a couple strokes. Damn, I must have been super horny!

When I recovered a bit, I realized Polly was now sucking my toes while still rubbing my other foot. I pried that one from her hands and began sliding it across her pussy. She bucked her hips, and I started grinding my foot into her crotch. It wasn't long before she was gasping and grunting, amidst licks of my sole.

I knew she was close, so I applied more pressure between her legs. "Be a good girl and come for me." I gave one final thrust, and she screamed into the ball of my foot.

As she lay with her eyes closed and a wide grin on her lips, I leaned back into the sofa cushion and used her stomach as a footrest. I felt her fingers caress the tops of my feet and I let out a gentle sigh. This type of pampering was magnificent. While it was a shame I couldn't indulge in it more often, I was happy to receive it whenever possible.

We stayed like this for a short time and then I tapped her with my foot.

"All right, Polly, I have to get you home now." I removed my feet from her, and she whimpered.

"I wish I could stay."

"Me too, but your parents will be upset with you. And with me."

"Yeah, you're right."

She dragged herself up from the carpet, while I slid my sneakers onto my feet. After we each confirmed that our shorts had no obvious wet stains, we headed back to my car. During the drive to her house, we held hands but didn't speak. I was pretty much talked out from our previous conversation, and I assumed she was too.

It was a few minutes before eight when I pulled into her driveway. She unbuckled her seatbelt and reached for the door handle, but I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait... before you go, let me remind you that you need to behave the rest of tonight. And tomorrow. Understood?"

She lowered her head with a deep exhale. "Yes, Miss."

"All right." I let go of her wrist and smiled. "I had a wonderful time today."

"So did I." She opened the car door and turned toward me. "Oh, and you be need to be good too."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

She got out of the car and bent down to smirk at me. "Yeah, no jilling off while driving!"

I groaned and she giggled.

"Bye, Amber!"

"Good night, Polly!"

She pushed the door closed, and we waved to each other as I started backing out of the driveway. Once I could no longer see her, I chuckled while recalling her words. I had no idea she'd ever heard the phrase "jilling off", nor that she possessed the bravado to order me not to do it - even as a joke. Perhaps spending the day with Tanya caused a bit of cheekiness to rub off on her.

Later in the evening, I was seated at the desk in my bedroom. My journal was open to a blank page and I twirled a pen between my fingers. So much had happened since I awoke, and my head was filled with a number of thoughts. However, the one standing out above the others involved Tanya. In particular, did she consider Polly to be more than a friend?

With all I had witnessed in our time together, it was obvious the two were very close. Most observers would have seen them as the best of friends, and almost like sisters. However, I saw more. It wasn't only how they acted during the foot massage. It was the subtle looks they exchanged at different times, and the way they touched each other on several occasions. There was a definite spark between them, which neither seemed willing to admit.

This got me to wondering if there was a way for me to speak with Tanya alone. Maybe I could draw her true feelings out of her, without making her believe I was prying. If so, it would be easier to convince her to share them with Polly than the other way around. Without a doubt, the results would be magical for both of them.

It then occurred to me that bringing them together romantically could impact what I had with Polly. Did I want to jeopardize my incredible foot pampering sessions with my adorable submissive girl? It would be kind of sad, at least for me.

I soon came to the conclusion I should take some time and ponder this further. I'd have the chance to figure out if I was willing to sacrifice my own desires for the potential future happiness of friends who were meant to be lovers.

The question was: Could I bring myself to do it?

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OneAuthorOneAuthorover 4 years agoAuthor
You all have me blushing

I feel very blessed to receive such amazing feedback, and I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has commented. I also want to thank all who have read, voted, and/or favorited this chapter. I truly appreciate it.

Vanquished: I'm glad to know you like the adorable subbie Polly... and all those who care about her. The decision will happen soon, perhaps in the next chapter.

Pixiehoff: It's wonderful to know you enjoy how the story is developing. Except for the foot stuff, I see a lot of your character Pixie in Polly (and vice-versa, of course). You will have to wait to find out whether Amber has a submissive side. :)

Legsfeettoes: I am very happy that you are continuing to follow the story. Your comment about the last line of the chapter is terrific. And indeed, there are many possibilities for where the story and the characters will go. Stay tuned!

The three anonymous commenters: What else can I say, except that I was overjoyed to read what each of you wrote. Thank you so much!

I just submitted the next chapter, so it should be published within the next few days. I hope you will like that one, too. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
9 X 5 = 45!!!

9 Chapters - 5 Stars each! Maybe the best foot fetish stories I've ever read, either here or elsewhere. Hope that you'll continue it with more increments as far as you want to take it! Great cast of characters, but don't forget that very interested geometry teacher Monica.! Fabulous effort - keep up the great writing.......

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Its Time

For Polly to get some face time from each of them, 1 on 1 , as a form of turnabout for the favors She has done for them! Perhaps Amber could broaden her horizons with her expieriences also...just a thought.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Polly can be "pushed" MUCH further!!

Now that the mutual ice has been broken..... Tanya should be told Polly's and Amber's sexual reaction to their foot fetish....Tanya is definitely more dominant than Amber, and I am sure Polly will look GREAT naked and dripping while massaging BOTH Tanya's and Amber's feet, especially as a 3-some. Polly's Mom is another unforgettable element to this volatile mix, as is Polly's submissive and waiting-to-be-feminized Dad! What fun can these 5 get up to?? (Would love to see Amber and Tanya and Polly turn the tables on the bullies and mortifying-ly turn the tables and via very explicit pics, blackmail them into becoming pets!! Keep up the great story!!

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 4 years ago
Last line

"Could I bring myself to do it?" Although the question has a different meaning in the context of the story, I had this thought when I read it - Amber, you're more than capable to bring yourself to do it. In this case "it" is masturbating. Through all these chapters, you've been very good at bringing yourself off.

I, too, am curious where this story will go. There are so many possibilities in addition to Polly for Amber - her colleagues at school, Steph, Helen, and maybe even Tonya. And as we all wonder, let's all take the opportunity to rub one out! Use what you've got and enjoy it! Five stars again.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 4 years ago

Developing really well. I do think that Amber has a sub side though x

VanquishedVanquishedover 4 years ago
It only gets better

It's great to see Amber getting to know even more about her little subbie. Polly's just amazing, and the way she lets her friend Tanya take advantage of her foot rubs is so hot. Of course, Polly might think she's the one taking advantage.

It's wonderful how much they all care about each other though: Amber, Steph, Tanya, and their submissive Polly. Looking forward to Amber's decision on whether to push Tanya and Polly together, or continue her forbidden relationship.

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