The Travel Agent


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The trip out to the reef was a combination of walking and swimming taking about 15 minutes. It was quite shallow in a few spots between deep sections, and we actually hit dry land when we walked over a sand bar just before we got there. On the other side of that sand bar, the water dropped off to about 20 feet deep, and the coral started shortly after that. Some of it was in several feet of water, but most of it was just a few feet below the surface, and we could see everything by floating on the surface looking down.

The colors were spectacular; it was like nothing I'd ever seen before; the color, the contrast, hundreds of small fish moving and turning as if one. In a deeper section, Steve pulled out the cookies and set a few out to attract the fish towards him. When they gathered around him, he pulled out the spray cheese, put some on his mask, and let the fish eat off of him. I noticed that when all the fish were there, he used his free hand to cup himself for protection. I kept the camera focused above his waist, though, and I got some cool shots of the fish swimming around him and poking at his mask.

Then it was my turn. I wasn't sure if I was ready for this, but it was fun. Through the mask I could see the small fish inches from my face. It was freaky after a bit, but one the food we put out was eaten, they left me alone.

We swam to a few different sections of coral, and at each we saw different kinds of fish, most of them small. There is no describing what you can see. Every color. A thousand different types of fish. What looks like a plant waving in the current turns out to be a school of fish that swims in all directions when you reach for it. Coral in all different shapes and colors. We also saw a couple turtles and some bigger fish coming in for a quick meal. I managed to catch one of them on film before I spooked it away. I was glad Steve talked me into this.

So, we were out there for a couple hours swimming the reef. This section went out east from our resort, so when we started, we were only a couple hundred yards east. When we finished, we were about half a mile down the shore. Rather than swim all the way back, we decided to go to shore and walk back along the beach.

We got to shore at an empty beach and started walking. All along the beach there were hotels or houses backing onto the beach, but nobody was out there. Soon, we saw some people up ahead, and we realized that it was one of the public beaches. I didn't think much of it until I noticed we were getting a lot of looks. Then it struck me, we were nude. The whole island was topless, but our resort was clothing-optional, and the two of us had chose the option to constantly go without clothes, so being nude became second nature. But now we were on one of the public beaches on the island and it didn't appear to be clothing-optional. There we were walking naked along the wet sand hand-in-hand caring our snorkeling gear when I whispered to Steve that I didn't think that we should be naked on that beach. He obviously wasn't paying attention to the other people, so he looked around and noticed as I did that there were a bunch of bathing suit-clad vacationers watching us go by.

I don't think anyone was offended; I expect it was more an amusement to them. I did notice a couple people pulled out their cameras, though. There was not much we could do at that point, so we just walked a little faster to get out of there sooner, before we got into trouble. Fortunately, we got off the public beach and onto our resort without incident. At the border of the resort, walking in there was a sign warning that it was a clothing optional beach, and in the direction heading out, there was a sign warning that the beach ahead was not clothing-optional. No harm done; all we did was give a brief show to some unsuspecting vacationers.

When we returned the equipment to the snorkel rental place, I was curious if they could identify some of the fish we recorded. I pulled up sections of the recording where neither Steve or I were pictured (I'm sure they didn't want to really see us naked) and asked about different fish. I had heard that barracuda can be a dangerous fish, but I had no idea what one looked like. That big fish I spooked was in fact a barracuda. Apparently, the water had lots of them, plus a shark every now and then. I was then reassured that so far no snorkeler or scuba diver had ever been attacked in those waters. In fact, over the past 10 years there had only been one shark attack on a swimmer, and that was by a lemon shark taking a bite the size of battery out of his calf. He went on to explain that the reason why there were no big fish in the island waters was that the island was surrounded by too many sand bars and the bigger fish can't get in. If they did, they often got stranded and died when the tide went out. I made a mental note about some of the things he told me, and we headed back to the resort.

The unfortunate part about snorkeling is that your back is above water more than anything else. We went to the resort's formal restaurant for dinner, and I found that it was a bit uncomfortable leaning back on my chair. Steve said it was the same for him, and we found that we both had a bit of a sunburn on our backs and backsides. Mine was a bit worse than his, probably because I spent more time floating on the surface looking down, and he was actually diving down a lot more. Unfortunately for him, his white butt got toasted more on him than anything. Luckily, my tan toughened up my skin a bit, and it didn't hurt too badly. Needless to say, neither of us could lie in the sun on our backs for a few days.

Sex that night proved to be a bit of a problem. Both of us wanted to be on top because neither wanted to lie on our backs. Our solution was simple and worked for both of us. Any time that Steve and I 69'ed, I was always on top of him so I could get better control of his thrusting cock. This time we did that lying on our sides. It wasn't as easy, but I could still hold the shaft while moving my head over it, and I could spread my legs well enough for him to get at my stuff. He couldn't grip my butt like he usually did, but it was otherwise fine. Once we both got comfortable, I felt his breath as his mouth approached my mound, and quickly I could feel his tongue slide over my clit and between my lips. Every time the tip of his tongue moved down, I could imagine it as his cock head as it would press to get inside me. I got the urge each time to feel his shaft moving in and out, and I could feel his tongue moving my clit closer to an orgasm.

All the while, I was able to get a good hold of his shaft, and I alternated moving it between my lips and stroked it with my hand while licking the shaft and head. I could tell when he was going to cum because his licking became a more sporadic, and he was starting to breathe a bit harder on me. I kept going increasing the pace to match is faster hip thrusting until I felt his cock swell a bit in my hand, and he thrust and held it deep in my mouth. At the same time, I felt the warm salty gush and enter my mouth. Holding my lips firmly over his cock, I pulled it out, and then started stroking quickly and licking the head with each stroke. I was rewarded with another shot hitting my outstretched tongue. I stroked some more, producing a trickle from the tip, so I knew it was time to slow down.

While he was cumming, he paid very little attention to my clit, but when he settled down, he went right back to licking me. Making him cum like that was such a turn-on that it was within a minute that I came. When I started to orgasm, he gripped my butt cheeks hard, forgetting that they were a bit on the burnt side, and he pushed me against his face so his licks on my clit were quite strong. I felt my entire body shake when I first came, and with each lick on my clit, I spasmed again until it was just too much and I had to pull away. While I was catching my breath, he continued to hold me, and he lightly kissed around my area, but avoided direct contact. His cock was still at face level, though much softer now, so I took it in my hand and lightly licked the head with my tongue, tasting the last of the cum that was dripping out. I can't express in words just how much I like playing with his stuff. Hard or soft, it's great to see and touch it. I was definitely looking forward to the rest of the week.

I liked sleeping skin-to-skin with Steve, but that night, neither could press our back against the other, so we slept side by side on our stomachs. The next morning, my back felt a little worse, so I knew it would be a few days before I would get it out in the sun. Steve said his felt better, but I think this was just one of those macho things, because he was as careful that day as he had been the previous evening. Another problem with the burns was that we had to cancel the scuba trip that day because we couldn't wear the tanks. All was not lost, though because we were able to spend the day on the beach reading and relaxing, and by the end of the day, we felt good enough that we knew we could scuba the next day.

We had to get there to sign up before they closed, so the afternoon tan ended early with a short walk to town. Earlier in the day, we had a late breakfast, and we skipped lunch, so by time we signed up for the dive, we were both ready for supper. The town restaurant was really quite nice, and we got experimental and tried some of the native cuisine. To this day I don't know what some of it was that I ate, but I knew I wouldn't be trying it again. I'm just thankful that they had good ol' American chocolate cake to offer for desert. My stomach needed some sanity from the spicy fishy mix of food that I had.

When we left, it was about an hour before sunset. A few clouds had rolled in and it looked like it would be a colorful one that night, so I convinced Steve to go for a walk on the beach. We headed back to my cabin, got undressed (I threw on a beach towel in case it got too breezy) I picked up my video camera, and we headed out. Left off the resort was not clothing optional, so we headed right to an undeveloped part of the beach. We weren't out walking long before we saw others with similar ideas for an evening stroll. We stopped a couple times and briefly talked with a two of the couples, but it wasn't for long in either case because this was more intended to be a private time.

We, like everyone else, were walking by the water, but a hundred feet or so inland we could see a couple settling down behind some low brush. We could see something was going on but we were far enough away that we couldn't really see what.

Their little quest for privacy didn't count on my zoom lens. When I focused on them, I found it was still quite bright and they were easy to see. Steve also wanted to see what was going on, so I opened up the small screen and we both looked. It was a bit of an obscured view (I'm sure that was their intention) but we walked around a bit and found a place not 20 feet from where we started where we had a direct view, but we weren't any closer to them to interrupt what might be going on. I laid down the beach towel and we sat down and snuggled up to watch the screen.

The couple was young, and he was well built; muscular with a rippled stomach and a nicely rounded butt. They were lying down beside each other kissing and caressing each other, with one of his hands moving from her breasts to between her legs. She in turn was rubbing his firm chest and stomach, but not touching below that yet. In spite of that, he had a firm erection which was touching against her. As he caressed between her legs, they slowly spread, and you could see his hand moving down with his finger moving inside. It wasn't long before his hand didn't move from between her legs and he bent down and started kissing her nipples. As his mouth moved on and off her chest, I could zoom in and see that the nipple had become firm, and her chest moved each time he licked it.

At the same time, his hand was moving faster between her legs in an effort to make her cum. We could see her breathing was becoming a little faster when she stopped him and guided him on top of her. I could see he started trying to direct his cock inside her when she said something which stopped him. At that point, he started moving down, and she spread her legs further to accept his mouth over her. Holding her hips, his mouth was moving quickly in a renewed effort to get her to cum. Her breathing became harder and she started holding her own breasts and caressing her nipples when suddenly she thrust her hips and with one hand held his head against her. Her butt was off the ground and he was still licking hard for only a few seconds when she let herself down and signaled him to move up.

He was still ready to enter when she got him to lie on his back and she slid down so her head was beside his hips and she held his cock. She started moving her hand up and down the shaft, slowly at first, but gradually increasing the pace. Before she got too fast, she plunged her head down and enveloped the cock shaft into her mouth as far down as she could go. With hand and head moving at the same fast pace, she bobbed her mouth over the full erection while she rested her other hand on his chest, caressing it as she went along. He started to sit up a bit, so it looked like he was about to cum when she stopped and moved her body onto his. With cock in hand she guided it into her and started rocking back and forth. She was fully up on him and he reached up to caress her breasts, but she backed off so he couldn't quite touch her. I'm guessing that she didn't want to overly stimulate him so that she could bring herself to another orgasm.

While she was moving on him, she had one of her hands down caressing her clit while the other was working her nipple. I know that any time I've done that with a guy, it would really turn him on, but for this guy, it seemed to slow down his cum. They did this for a couple minutes when she started breathing hard and I knew that she was getting ready to cum. She leaned forward lowering herself onto his chest and gripped his shoulders hard when his hips thrust in an obvious sign that he was cumming, lifting her up off the ground. The look on her face said that she was cumming, too. He held her tight and pumped a few times until he held his flexed hips against her then slowly let down, relaxing against each other.

With that show over, I started paying a bit more attention to my surroundings, and found that I had subconsciously moved my free hand down to between my legs and I was lightly playing with myself. Not nearly enough to make myself cum, but combined with the sight of that couple, it was rather stimulating. I looked over to Steve with his cock was standing at full attention, and I got the urge to jump him right there. I think he had the same thing in mind, but we managed to suppress the urge until later, instead sitting there for a minute while he got soft.

Once ready, we got up to continue our walk down the beach. Discretion was obviously less a concern for Steve at that time because he was still somewhat hard as we started walking, so he was sticking out quite noticeably. It obviously didn't bother me, but I thought he might be a bit self-conscious about it. Apparently not, but we didn't pass anybody any time soon, and in a couple minutes, it was soft and pointing south, so it was no longer an issue.

The sun was now ducking behind the clouds a bit lower in the horizon, and the colors were starting to emerge, so now was the time to start recording. We found a spot where I could prop up the camera on a rock and point it towards the sunset. I again set it to wide angle and slow recording, and we lay down together in the sand. It was a really sweet and romantic moment. We cuddled up together with him behind me holding me and we watched the sun go down over the water. His naked body was pressed against mine, and I felt him a bit hard pressing up against me, but his hands were not getting sexual. He caressed my stomach and hip and kissed my neck a bit, but in a way that showed he was not making a move on me. The color show lasted for about 45 minutes until the last edge of the sun dipped below the horizon and the clouds changed from the evening red to the gray of night. And for another 15 minutes we just laid there with each other feeling the warmth of the night and each other until the sky right above was a complete black with only a few stars to break up the solitude. That sight and feeling is one of my big reasons for heading to the islands.

But, with the sun down and the moon not yet out, the beach was dark to the point we could barely see in front of us. We had walked out about 15 minutes, but getting back in the darkness would be a little more difficult and likely take much longer. At least I thought it would be a problem until I remembered the infra-red on my camera. While we walked, I opened it up and I could see as far ahead of us as I needed. Just out of curiosity, I pointed inland and we could see in several places where there were couples getting it on. We didn't stay to watch this time, but headed back to the resort.

As we got closer, the lights from the beach bars were enough so that I could put away the camera, and we walked back hand-in-hand. Rather than head right back to the cabin, we stopped to lounge at the bar for a few minutes. While there, we talked a bit about the living arrangements, and realized that it would be unnecessary having two cabins when we'd be using only one. In retrospect, this was odd. We've been together for a total of about 3 days, not including the months we spent apart, and we decided to live together for the rest of the week. What made it odder was that it seemed to both of us the natural thing to do. I couldn't explain it then and I can't explain it now. Anyways, as mine was the larger cabin, we decided to move his stuff, which we did right away. There wasn't much to move, so everything came over in one load.

While he was getting settled in, I just watched him for a couple minutes, and with the lingering memories of what we had seen on the couples doing on the beach, I was starting to get a bit horny again. While he was carrying a couple things, I grabbed his butt a couple times, and made sure I brushed up against him more than once, but he didn't respond to the hint. Finally, with everything in its place, he picked up a book and settled in a chair and started reading. This was not exactly what I had in mind, but I didn't want to get too pushy. Instead, I laid on my stomach on the bed across from him with my head pointing in his direction, and asked him what he was reading. He said something about a book in a series based on something from the bible. I wasn't really interested in that, but to keep the conversation going, I asked him more about it. He told me something about some of the characters in the story and who the good and bad guys where and what was supposed to happen. At least during that discussion I had his attention, but not enough.

I turned over to lie on my back and turned a bit so he was looking at me from the side. I then asked him a couple more questions about what he told me, but while doing so I reached down between my legs and started playing a bit so he would see what I was doing when he answered. He obviously saw me but seemed oblivious to it, and simply answered the questions. I asked him a couple more while still playing with myself, but I then had the other hand caressing my breast. He looked like it didn't phase him, but then I noticed that between his legs he was starting to grow a bit of a tent, and I clued into his game.

I continued with the questions while playing with myself, and as he answered them, I paid less attention to the answers than the bulge that was straining against his shorts. All the while, my playing was getting me more than a bit horny and my clit was starting to tingle a bit. I didn't want to cum like this, but even if he didn't do anything, I was going to make myself cum in a couple minutes. With the next question, as he answered. Steve slid down his shorts to reveal his rock hard cock, and he started to stroke himself, slowly, but quite deliberately. I wasn't really much into thinking at that point, so for whatever he answered, I just asked him to tell me more. I'm not even sure if he responded, or if was anything coherent in that my focus was split between watching his hand caress himself while feeling my hand on me.