The Travel Agent


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We rolled over managing to keep him inside, and I just relaxed on him while we gently caressed each others sides. It was a short time later when I finally climbed off of him and we fell asleep in each other's arms. We slept hard that night, and it was a good thing, because we couldn't have predicted just how exhausting the next day would be.

It was our second last day there, and Steve had rented a boat for the day. It was a two deck boat with a sun deck and a small cabin inside that claimed to sleep 4, but I couldn't imagine more than the two of us in there. As part of the rental, we got (quoting the rental company) 'anything we might need for a 24 hour boating trip.' Among the accessories were maps of the island showing the reefs, snorkeling gear for 4, and fishing equipment for the open water and a small grill to cook your catch.

The rental period was for 24 hours, but we didn't want it over night, so our plan was to set out early so that we could get back before dark. We did manage to get there right at sunrise, so we were heading out with the morning sun. I didn't know anything about boats, but Steve claimed to have done this before, so he was the driver. The dock from which we launched was deep within the marina, and we had to do a lot of maneuvering to get out of there. He did it masterfully, and in no time we were moving away from land.

Once out of the populated area, I didn't waste a minute to get into tanning mode. Right behind and a bit up from the wheel was a sun deck, so I set up a couple chairs for us, stripped down and laid out. Steve was a bit busy steering through the buoys to pay much attention to me, but when we cleared the bulk of the sand bars, I went down to him and asked him to put the lotion on my back, then I'd do the same for him. In order to do this, though, I got him to strip down before he started with me.

The boat was still moving, so he kept one eye on the water while he rubbed me down. We seemed to be in the clear, so he started to pay less attention to the water and more on me, which was fine with me. He started getting a bit frisky because he not only did my back, but worked on my legs and butt, then he got me to face him and he did a fine job on applying the lotion to my breasts. He worked his way down and was massaging the lotion into my inner thighs rather intently when the boat hit a sand bar. The boat had a shallow keel, and it did little more than rub against the bottom, but it was enough of a jolt that we knew we were pretty much finished for now.

He got back to steer the boat, and from where I was I could see him from behind standing stark naked at the wheel, looking pretty hot. I didn't want to interrupt him again, but I did want to get some lotion on him, so while he was standing there, I went up from behind and started applying the lotion. First on his back and butt, which he showed he liked, then I reached from behind and rubbed on his chest and stomach. Not stopping there, I reached down and stroked some lotion onto his semi-hard cock, and then worked down his legs. It was great, I got him ready for the sun, and he steered us clear of the sand bars all at the same time.

Past the hazards we reached perfect snorkeling grounds, so we donned the gear and jumped into the water. At least this time our backs had a good SPF coating so we didn't have to worry about a burn. We stayed there for a couple hours, getting in and out of the water a few times just to rest. During the dives, another boat came along side, and the couple dove with us a bit. If they were initially surprised or shy about our diving nude, they hid it well. In fact, after they saw us, I saw they had a bit of a conversation between themselves, and then they stripped down and joined us.

After diving for a bit, the four of us sat on the deck of our boat and talked a bit. As it turned out, after seeing us, their getting nude was their first time at naturalism, and they were surprisingly comfortable about it. I would guess that being in the water naked first before sitting down with them made it easier. So, we talked for about an hour, then they went on their way, and we boated a bit further down the reef and went for another dive.

After that dive it was only about 10:00, but as we had skipped breakfast, we were starting to get a bit hungry. Steve dug into the supplied goodies and found us a bunch of snacks, which we polished off. Now too full to go back swimming, we headed out to the open waters for some deep sea fishing.

We didn't travel long before I couldn't see land anymore. When I asked Steve about it, he pointed showed me the GPS system and showed exactly where we were. It didn't realize until then that you could be only 5 miles from shore and not be able to see any land. He also pointed out on a map that showed we were still in shallow waters and we needed to head out for another 20 miles or so. When he finally killed the engine, it was amazing how quiet it was. Closer to shore you could hear birds, but this far out, there was nothing but the intermittent sound of the soft breeze and water lapping up against the side of the boat.

Rather than start fishing right away, we decided to get in a bit of sun first. It was a perfect day for it, not too hot, but not a cloud to be seen. Steve decided to read while I was more content to just lay there. It was about an hour into it that I looked over to Steve and noticed he had a bit of a hard-on going. He wasn't paying attention to me, or at least not that I noticed, so I wondered if it was me or the book. I asked him about it, and he told me that, when he bought the book he thought it was just a bit of fiction, but there were in it some graphic sex scenes, and he was at one of them now.

My curiosity was peeked, so I asked him to tell me more about it. He read a passage.

John heard her start the tub, and decided to get up and join her. Standing at the door, he found the blinds pulled on the window, the lights dimmed, and Vikky was lighting up a few candles. He stood there looking at her naked body glowing in the candle light and said in a low voice, "nice!"

When she finished lighting the candles, she turned on the water to the sunk-in tub then went to the sink and got the bubble bath. All this time, John just stood there and enjoyed watching her move in the soft light. Finally as she stepped down into the tub, John went over and joined her.

The water was starting to fill up as he slid in behind her, and they sat there with her back against his chest. When the water was high enough, he turned on the air jets and got the Jacuzzi going. With his arms around her, he started washing her with the bubbles that were foaming up to their shoulders. As he moved his hand over her body, washing off any remaining sauce, (Steve explained that they had just finished doing something with chocolate sauce) she bent her knees so that he could reach her feet. He caressed her legs with both hands as he worked his way up her legs. When he finally got up between her legs, he spent little time there with only a slight massage of her lips.

As his hands continued up past her stomach, she put her hands on his and helped guide his hands to her breasts helping him massage. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against his shoulder as her body melted against him and simply enjoyed feeling his wet warm skin against hers.

The caressing of her nipples was once again getting her back to the feeling when they were on the bed. She had waited long enough and with his hardness pressing against the small of her back, she could feel that he was ready. She glided one hand down from her breast to her lips letting him know what she wanted.

His fingers started with a light massage of clit. Slowly, her breathing came in rhythm with his movements and the breathing became a bit heavier. He then moved his hand down and slid his finger in as deep in as he could. Her pelvic thrust told him that she approved, and her slight moans served as further encouragement as he searched for her g-spot.

Vicky loved how this was feeling, but she wanted more to feel his cock not his finger inside her. She leaned forward a bit and reached behind to hold his cock, and began to stroke it slowly. After a few strokes she stopped and asked John to slide down a bit. She straightened his legs and pushed them together so she could get her legs on the outside of his. Then she slid up his body until she was sitting at his stomach and his erection was between her legs. She lay back against him again and holding his cock, started rubbing it against her clit and lips. Slowly she worked it so the head pushed in between her lips, then she slowly slid down as the shaft moved into her. She could feel John trying to pump but this angle just wouldn't allow it. To help him move within her, Vicky leaned forward and with her arms on his thighs and started to slide back and forth. By this time, his cock had slid as deep into her as she had ever felt it, and she felt her insides being stimulated like never before.

She managed to keep moving as she leaned back against him again. This allowed John to move his hands from her hips to cup a breast with one hand and rub her clit with the other. The feel of his cock moving in and out, and his finger stimulating her was enough to make her cum within seconds. He kept massaging and moving after the first couple of waves of pleasure, but then the sensitivity was too much. She threw herself forward and cupped her hand over her pussy to stop him.

She just sat there catching her breath while her body settled down with him still inside her. After a minute or so, she lifted herself off the still firm cock and turned around to face her lover. The smile on his face showed that he was happy with making her cum like that. But she was not satisfied because she was yet to make him cum. On her knees in the tub, she told him to stand up, and she put his swelling organ in her mouth and started stroking with her lips and hand. He put his hand on her head to help guide but not force the movement, and with a hand on his hip, she bobbed her head back and forth over him as his hips gently rocked. She could feel his leg start to stiffen under her hand and a couple strokes later felt a gush of sperm as he thrust forward. She wrapped her lips around him as he trust again, then again. After a couple seconds, he slowly pulled away from her, and she swallowed the salty goodness that showed that she accomplished her goal.

Cumming while standing wasn't easy, so he had to sit down, but before he started down, Vicky gave one last lick to his dripping cock to collect up what she missed. He sat down with his eyes closed and took a few deep breaths to get his strength back. When he opened his eyes, Vicky was still in front of him on her knees. He couldn't help but to reach over to her and lean her against him again. They sat there like that without saying a word until the bubbles had all died down and the Jacuzzi motor had stopped. This was relaxing, and he had to remember to do this often.

They got up and rinsed the soap of and helped dry each other. John just marveled at how much he liked looking at and touching her body, even if only to towel her off. This simple act turned into foreplay for him, and he started to get hard again. They settled in bed together and, as it wasn't late yet, both picked up a book to read.

Damn, he was right, that was hot and it got me a bit horny myself. His reading it aloud obviously got to him, too, because that little stiff he had was now a full erection. We just looked at each other, and without another word, we knew we were going to do it. This time I didn't want to make love, I wanted some hard core sex. With him still lying there, I walked over, climbed onto him, reached down between my legs for his cock, and rubbed the head against my lips. I was pretty wet, and I could feel the moisture on his tip, so held the head at my lips and slid my body over the hard shaft until I could feel it deep within me. He was sitting up a bit, so when I leaned forward on him, his mouth reached my breasts, and he licked and sucked the nipples while I bobbed up and down on him. I was already starting to tingle and I know it wouldn't be long before I came. I was just hoping that it would happen for him too, because I so much wanted to feel him cum inside me just as I came.

I continued to move while he steadied my body with one hand while holding a breast to his mouth with the other. I could hear my body grunt each time my thighs slapped against his legs, and I could feel the pressure starting to build inside me. I was going to cum soon. After a few more seconds I suddenly realized that I was moaning loudly each time by body slammed down on him and I was just a couple strokes from cumming. Suddenly Steve thrust under me and hold me up while I felt his warm fluid fill my insides. When he let me down, it was just a couple more strokes until I came hard, and at the same time he lifted me up with another thrust. I was holding him hard while trying to flex my hips as my body spasmed with each wave of the orgasm. Steve didn't thrust into me anymore, but I could feel his cock flex inside as my lips continued to hug his hard shaft.

We quickly slowed down and finally stopped, and I slumped onto him to try and catch my breath. He just held me and rubbed my back and butt while we both recovered from this quick but exhilarating screw. It was only a few minutes from when I mounted him to when we came, but it was my best few minutes of the day, and I was thinking that it would be good to get a quickie like this more often.

My next chain of thought brought me down from the high I just felt. The thoughts of mid-day sex, something I seldom had, brought me to thinking about my normal mid-day and what I would usually be doing at this time, work and Dallas, then to the realization that the vacation would be over in a day and Steve and I would be separated again. I was still sitting on Steve with him inside me, and I looked at him straight in the eyes and said that I would miss him. I then got up and went back to my chair.

I think I caught him off-guard with what I said or how I said it because he didn't say anything for quite some time, but I could tell he was thinking. I wasn't sure what about until he spoke up. He asked what we were going to do. I just looked at him, and he asked again what we were going to do over the next weeks and months. I could hear the sadness in his voice when he said that he didn't want to loose me again. What could I say? I told him I felt the same way, and somehow we would work something out. There wasn't much discussion past that other than we both agreed it was what we wanted and somehow we would make it happen.

We didn't talk again for another hour or so, when Steve finally put down the book (another hard-on, so I guess another sexy passage) and suggested we start fishing. For that, we had to put on a bit of clothes just to cover up our vitals from hooks and thrashing fish. It was only a few minutes prep work and we were ready to go. As I had gone fishing with my dad countless times growing up, and Steve had only been fishing a couple times, Steve was more than happy to follow my lead. It was actually a bit funny seeing a guy a bit squirmy at first about using live bate, but he got into it rather quickly.

Luck in fishing is all relative. We caught a lot of small fish, which we chopped up to use for bate for bigger fish, and that seemed to work. We only wanted to catch enough to eat, but we caught a few dozen, so we were able to let most of them go. I don't know much about ocean fish, so looking at what we caught I wouldn't know if it tasted good or not without referencing the fishing guide that came with the boat. We planned to keep a few of the more meaty looking fish and hoped they would be good fried up with a little spice.

As I said, we caught several small fish, but a major portion of our time, however, was working on 1 fish. It was a swordfish, and it was big, at least to our standards, a few feet long and probably 20 or 30 pounds. I hooked it, but Steve and I shared time reeling it in. Neither of us had caught anything that big, but we had a good idea on how to do this. We needed to play with it for a while to take the fight out of it while slowly bringing it in. It took a while to get it close to the boat, but when it was within 20 feet and we could finally see it, we realized how big it was. We reeled it in further and right when it was up against the boat and ready to be pulled in, the line snapped. What makes it worse is that I didn't get any of that recorded so I can't prove a thing, so along with the rest of our vacation stories, we now had a real fish tale to tell.

That guy pretty much wiped us out, so we didn't spend more than another half hour fishing. We didn't catch anything else worth keeping, so we called it quits and looked for a small island to stop and cook up the catch. The map showed something close, and it wasn't long before we got there. The map didn't show whether or not the island was populated, if there was a good place to pull in, nor did it say whether or not it was a private island, but we guessed that it would be safe, and if there was any problem, we could leave fast enough.

On approach to the island we saw a large beachhead suitable for setting up camp. The boat came with all we needed to prep and cook the fish, so it should have been easy enough. However, I normally cook fish in a temperature controlled oven and a timer, so an open flame and a fork to judge readiness was a bit of a challenge. In spite of that, lunch was good. We cooked up 3 different types of fish, all having a slightly different flavor, but each good on its own. It wasn't long before we had our fill, and after a brief discussion on what to do, we decided to explore the island a bit. It was a small island, but large enough to have a forest in the middle of it that you couldn't easily walk through. Besides, it's not a good idea to walk nude through dense trees, so we decided to see if we could walk around along the shore.

About half way around we hit a rocky patch that was impassable on the beach, but we only had to swim out a hundred yards or so to get around it. The waters being calm allowed us to do that no problem. Just past the rocks we found that someone else had the same idea for eating on the island, because we saw their boat anchored a few hundred feet out. At first glance we didn't see them on shore so we figured they were still on the boat, but walking a minute brought them in sight on the other side of a large rock. Initially we were going to go up and talk to them, but after a few steps, we could see that they were rather vigorously going at it with him taking her from behind, and I'm sure that they did not want to be disturbed, so we just continued on our way. It was just a few more minutes of walking before we got around the bend to our camp.

The afternoon was wearing on a bit and we wanted to get in a bit of swimming before we brought in the boat. To swim safely, though, we needed to get inside the sand bars. We could have swam anywhere, like we did around the rocks there, but it would be a bit safer behind the barrier.

We gathered all our stuff, washed off what of the cooking equipment we could, dropped in the ocean whatever scraps we had, and headed back to the main island. The map showed the place furthest off shore that was behind a sand bar where we would have both privacy and safety. When we got there, safety was assured but privacy was not. There were a few other boats in the area, but the closest was a few hundred yards away, so it wasn't completely private, but we wouldn't really get disturbed either.

We planned to split our time between the sun and swimming, so after anchoring we re-applied some more lotion. As it turned out, the close boat was a party boat with a bunch of college kids, so any hope for a quiet time was quickly dashed as they got things going. The sound carried well over the calm waters so we could easily hear the music and partying over the distance. It was still early enough it the afternoon, but some were already starting to get drunk, and enough people were getting loud to be noticeable.