The Travel Agent


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We stopped talking at that point, and I just focused on watching each other while feeling ourselves. It wasn't long before he started to move his hips with the strokes and I could see he was intent on making himself cum. I looked up to his eyes and I could see that he was focused on my hands playing with my clit and breasts. I got the feeling he wanted to come over and get with me, but I was more than happy to watch him continue to stroke. His hand was moving fast now, down to the base of the shaft and up to the top and over the head. His breathing was growing more intense and his hips flexing with each stroke. At the same time, I was moving my hand faster over my clit and I turned around a bit so that he could see between my legs with my finger moving in and out of me. I could feel I was going to cum soon so I put my mouth over one of my nipples and sucked. Just as I did that, I saw a white eruption from his cock head. He kept stroking and there was another spurt. A few more strokes and a bit more tricked from the head. With that, he stopped and held his cock as the cum slowly trickled down the shaft. That was all I needed to make me cum. He watched me as I worked my clit getting as good an orgasm as it would give me. It wasn't large, but definitely satisfying after all the stimulation.

When I was able to focus back on him, I could see that he had cleaned up a bit, wiping the cum off with his shorts, and he was a bit soft at that point, but still hard enough, that when he got up to walk over to me, it was sticking more up than down. He came over to the bed where I was lying, climbed onto me and guided his shaft inside. I think this was more to get the feeling of sex rather than to cum again, because there was more holding and kissing than actual pumping. I could feel his cock grow a little hard inside; not enough for a real screw, but it just felt so good having him inside me that it was worth it for those few minutes.

He rolled off of me and lay on his back with his soft shaft glistening in the light. I couldn't help but roll over partly on to him and start kissing him while I held and stroked him. I wasn't going to get another rise from him, or at least I didn't expect to, but I was seeing the thing all day and this was the first I got to touch it in a while. He responded well to the caressing, and it wasn't before too long that I had a full blown hard-on going with him again. I wanted to bend over and suck it, but I also wanted to feel the hardness inside me, so I wasn't sure what to do. I figured that I couldn't get him to cum again, so I'd get him inside me and ride the shaft for a while. Holding his cock, I shifted myself over him and guided the cock into my opening. As good as a soft cock felt in my hand, having his hardness inside me again was so much better. I sat up on him and started rocking my hips back and forth feeling the shaft go deep with each thrust. Steve reached down and put his hand so that his fingers would rub against my clit when I rocked forward. While I rode him, I held my breasts while his shaft did my insides and hand stimulated my clit. It wasn't long before I was rocking hard and felt and orgasm approaching. Another few strokes and boom, it hit me. My body shook with the feeling of the cock moving inside me, and my hips jerked a few times as the waves of the orgasm passed through me. When it finally passed, I lowered myself down on him and hugged him pressing my breasts against his chest. I don't remember much else from that evening other than falling asleep in his arms feeling fully rested and content.

The next day was the scuba day. It proved to be a long day simply because of everything involved. The format was exactly the same as the trip with Shirley where we did the training in the morning and dove in the afternoon. Between the morning instruction and the 1:00 departure, they provided lunch. It was a very low carb meal, based on the theory that the body takes more energy to digest carbs, and that's what leads to cramping. Low carb meant that we could dive without having to wait.

In the dive there were 2 groups of people, those there for the single dive, and those there for 3 dives. We paid for the 'big' package, which meant that after our first dive, we headed back to shore and dropped some people off while the tanks were filled for the few of us that went for more. It proved worth paying the extra money. The first dive was okay, but the second and third was better. We went to a shallow ship wreck on the second, and the boat took us out to the drop-off for the third. Steve and I split time with the camera and between the two of us, we got a lot of spectacular shots.

We must have swum for hours, but it was such an adventure it didn't feel like any time at all. But when we came up from the last dive, we could see the sun was close to set, and I then realized just how long we were out there. The boat ride back took a little while because of how far out we went, and we pulled into the dock just at sunset. When I went to stand up to get out of the boat, my legs almost buckled, and I realized that they were tired from all the swimming. Steve was pretty much the same, but as we got walking, they loosened up.

It was a slow walk back to the resort, where we got changed and headed for the restaurant. I was famished, having not eaten anything substantial for hours. We both chowed down on a big meal, and headed back to the cabin. We got undressed for bed, but Steve was feeling a bit restless, so he headed out to stretch his legs and get us a couple drinks. I'm not sure how long he was gone because I fell asleep before he got back. I slept soundly and didn't wake until the next morning.

I woke up to the early morning sun shining through the window, with Steve beside me lying on his stomach and two full completely melted pina coladas on the table beside the bed. When I went to move, I found my whole body had a slight ache to it. The hours of swimming the day before took its toll on me. With a little effort, I managed to get up, pick up the drinks and went outside to pour them out outside while taking in some fresh morning air, and then I went back to wake up Steve. I didn't really need to wake him up, but I though I'd have a little fun with him. With him lying there, I gently lowered myself onto him with my breasts touching his back, but supporting most of my weight on my legs which straddled him. I then started to run my fingers up and down his sides tickling him one side at a time while I held myself up with the other arm. At the same time I gently rubbed my boobs against his back.

This managed to wake him up, and with me still over him, he turned over and pulled me down on him. With my chest squeezed against him, he tickled my sides from my hips up to my shoulder, and fondled the sides of my breasts. I could feel a hardness starting to grow under me, and I began anticipating something coming of this. It didn't go beyond a few minutes of rather intense making out, but that was a nice way to wake up.

The day before we had talked about maybe renting some jet skis or doing some parasailing. However, the soreness overrode any desire for physical activity, so we spent the day on the beach. It was great having a full day of nothing to do, and I spent almost the entire day laying there. Steve even served me my meals, and I certainly enjoyed having him totally naked serve me breakfast, lunch and dinner while in the comfort of the beach chair.

I have to admit it's not a hard line to cross going from nudity to sexuality. Management at this, and all other such resorts, make it clear that nudity is to be kept clean. I have seen cases where people have broken the rules and have been kicked out, but usually it just comes with a warning. Except for the first day with the massages (and that was mostly discreet), we managed to keep our public nakedness non-sexual. The same can't be said for everyone at the resort. While most people kept it clean, some people let their hormones get away from them, while others are clearly there for exhibitionism. This brought to mind a bit of a double standard. If you're wearing skimpy bathing suits, the kind that cover next to nothing and are skin tight leaving little to the imagination, lying on each other while kissing is not that big a deal. However, if you do that while naked, it's considered sexual. In either case, though, when that kissing turns into a bit of caressing and pelvic grinding, it's a bit much, clothed or not.

Over the few days we were there, we saw some of that going on, but there were a few couples that openly groped each other, and there were some blatant hand jobs and clit massages going on by people lying beside each other. Some of these people were reported and management talked to them about it, but it didn't stop everything.

On this particular day, we happened to be in a double beach chair with several similar chairs on either sides and in both rows. Couples had come and gone throughout the day, but mid-afternoon a couple had sat in the chairs beside us and in no time started making out. I'm pretty sure they had not originally intended to go too far with it, but it wasn't long before he had a good hard-on and she was stroking it with her hand. There were only a few other couples around, and I noticed that we were all watching the activity of that one couple. I also happened to have had my camera with us that day, so I positioned it that I wasn't obviously recording them, but it was pointing at them to get all the action.

I could tell that they were not there to put on a bit of a show, more that they were just getting a bit too excited. It was more than obvious that he had a full hard-on, but when she was stroking it, he was trying to position himself so that not everybody could see her. He wasn't stopping her, but he was a bit shy about making a show of it. She, on the other hand was not the least bit modest. When he would rub between her legs, he was trying to be discrete under the circumstances, but she was widening to give better access and exposing her stuff to everyone who cared to look. He would push her legs closed a bit, but she was more into getting the full feeling than hiding what was going on. It came to a bit of a head when she rolled him onto his back and climbed on top of him. It started with a bit of grinding, but it wasn't long before she reached down to direct the shaft inside her. He put up a bit of resistance at first, but it didn't take much convincing on her part to slide herself over his shaft.

By this time, not only were the people sitting around watching, a few passers-by also stopped to take in the show. Of all the guys watching, either standing or sitting, all were at least a bit stiff with a couple having erection going. Steve was one of those with a full hard-on and along with me, we were certainly enjoying the show.

It wasn't very long of her lying on top of him that she decided to sit up, and by this time, he didn't really care what she did. She was leaning on his chest with her arms fully extended, and her hips were moving quickly with his hands on them guiding them. It was less than a minute before she started moaning and gasping with the beat of her pelvic thrusts, and then she screamed as she hit her orgasm. She sat all the way up and moved her hips as fast as she could while her hand rubbed her clit, still gasping as she continued to cum until she started to slow, and finally took a deep breath and rested on her guy.

He wasn't finished, so he moved his hands from her hips to her breasts and started to move his hips again. She slowly started to move with him, forwards and backwards on him so that the shaft was moving in and out of her. It wasn't long before she was bouncing on him rhythmically with his hip flexing, and it was only his hands holding her breasts that was stopping them from slapping against her with each bounce.

Soon we could hear him starting to moan as his orgasm came close, and with one bounce, he thrust his hips up and held her in the air as he obviously came inside her. When he let her down, before he could thrust again, she slid off him and moved down his legs, grabbed his shaft and started stroking quickly. All that was left in him was a little cum trickling out of the head, so she slowed down the strokes until the last bit dribbled out. This brought the show to a close, so the few on-lookers gave a little cheer and mock applause, and those standing around, went on their way. Once things had settled down, the two of them got up and went into the water to wash off a bit, then went back to their seats and started tanning as if nothing else had happened.

Steve and I didn't say much about it other than that it was exciting to watch, but not quite appropriate to do it there. I noticed that throughout that, he was at various levels of excitement from a little stiff to a full hard-on when she was riding him for his cum. I suggested that maybe we could do some of that later, but maybe without the people watching. He let me know he liked that idea.

As I mentioned earlier, that was a day when I had all my meals brought to me. Supper was a couple hours after the show, and Steve went to the beach restaurant and got us some finger food. We sat there and ate, talking a bit, but mostly enjoying the warm evening air. After the sun went down, we stayed out there for a short time and watched the stars come out. It's amazing how much brighter the night sky is when you're not near a big city. Steve was saying that where he lived, he could see most of the sky like we had there. From Dallas, we were lucky to see anything at times. Most of the 'stars' were planes taking off or landing at the DFW airport.

Soon there was no ambient light from the sunset, and we were lit only by the bar with was a hundred feet away, so it was bright enough to walk, but not much else. We got up and I started heading towards our cabin when Steve pulled me in the other direction, off the resort property. I instantly knew what he had in mind.

It was pitch black because the moon wasn't up yet, so we didn't have to walk very far before we couldn't see anything, and we needed to use the infra-red on the camera to guide our way. Secluded enough, we walked no more than 20 steps inland to get away from the beach traffic, and put down a blanket. I also propped the camera up on a near-by rock, turned on the infra-red and hit the record button just to see later what this looked like.

Steve was definitely anxious to get going because, as soon as the beach blanket was down, he had me on my back and was moving down on me. I more than willingly spread my legs for him, and I quickly felt the warmth of his mouth cover me. He held my lips firmly as he moved his tongue over my clit and down between my lips. I must still have had the excitement of the show in my mind, because right away I started to feel a bit tingly, and it only took a couple minutes before I had a full orgasm. I know I'm loud when I cum, and if there were any people anywhere close, they would have heard my moans. They couldn't have seen anything, but it would have been obvious what was going on.

When my orgasm settled down, Steve moved up on me and slit his hard shaft in. I was moist, but it was still a bit tight, and it took a few strokes before I was fully loose and he could move deep within me. I could feel the excitement in his body as I held his hips and felt him flex with each stroke. His shaft was hard, but I could swear that he was getting harder as we went along because the shaft felt snugger as he moved. It wasn't long before that full shaft felt like it filled every inch of me, and I thought that it might make me cum again.

As good as that would have felt, my last one was too big and it would take too long. Instead, as I could feel that Steve was working towards his cum, I whispered into his ear that I wanted him to cum in my mouth. I could sense a bit of hesitation in him because he stroked a few more times, and I started to reconsider my request. Before I could stop him, he started pulling out, but I quickly asked him if he would prefer to cum inside me. He said this was okay, and he slid up and lay on his back. It was dark and I couldn't see a thing, but I quickly groped his body in search of the shaft, which I found in a second. Not wanting him to get out of the mood, I gave his cock a couple strokes before I plunged my mouth over the head. He must have been closer to cumming than I had thought because it was just a few seconds later that I felt his hips flex up towards me and a gush in my mouth. I swallowed what he gave me, and then pulled my mouth off the head. I couldn't see a thing, but I felt the warmth of the cum trickle down my hand as I continued to stroke the pulsating shaft. It was only a few strokes later that I heard him say something which told me he was getting a bit sensitive and I needed to stop.

Steve obviously loves to screw me right after he cums, because once again he was getting soft, but he got up on top, slid it in and started stroking. I so much wanted to keep this going until I came, and as much as I liked feeling the cock inside me, I knew it would take too long. When I told him that, he stopped moving, but kept it inside me while we kissed. When we rolled onto our sided, it slid out, and I could feel the softness pressed against my hip as we continued to kiss. When our kissing finally slowed down, I rolled over and with his chest against my back, we spooned, and with his arm over me, he caressed my breasts and softly fondled me.

I'm not sure how long we lay like that, but when I started feeling like I would doze off, I suggested that we head back to the resort. Along the way, once it was light enough, we stepped into the water to clean off a bit, and continued on our way.

We were both a bit drowsy from resting on the beach, but we wanted to check out what it looked like recording ourselves. When I cued up the recording, I went back a bit too far back and got the end of that couple having sex in front of the crowd. That was pretty exciting even the second time, but we were more interested in what we looked like. The infrared put us into an interesting white glow, but more interesting in what was brighter. The warmer the body part, the brighter it appeared on the screen. My nipples and between my legs were positively glowing after he made me cum, and throughout his entire cock shaft was a bright white. Most interesting was when he came. It was inches from my eyes when it happened and I didn't see it, but the camera clearly showed a white gush shooting from his cock head, then a trickle as my hand continued to stroke. You could only tell my hand was stroking by the dark area on the bright shaft.

Seeing that got me horny all over again and his erection told me it did the same for him. We picked up again where he left off being on top of me, but this time when he entered, he was hard as a rock, and when he moved, it was enough to get me tingling all over again. He started off slow, but in no time his hips were moving fast and he was pounding me hard. My legs were crossed behind his back so I could get the shaft moving in me at a better angle and it didn't take long for me to get to the edge of an orgasm. I wanted to cum so badly, and everything he was doing was right, but my body just wouldn't cum. His hard shaft was sliding in and out and I know it was getting me in the right place. I was breathing hard just waiting and wanting that orgasm to hit, but it just wouldn't. Suddenly Steve lifted me up and drove his shaft hard into me and I could feel his body flex with an orgasm. God, that felt good, but I couldn't cum. Again he flexed and moved his hips in a little circle as he pushed deep inside me. I was so excited I could scream, but I wouldn't cum. In the last couple quakes of his orgasm, he gave me a few fast strokes of that swelled cumming shaft, and at that moment I could feel my body start to spasm. I screamed as I felt my insides grip his cock and the wave radiate outwards. I grabbed his butt and pulled it against me and tried get him to pump some more. He was too sensitive to be able to do that, so when he lifted off my body a bit, I moved my hand down and massaged my clit and worked it through the orgasm. My body continued to try and flex against him, even though I knew that he couldn't, but I couldn't help it, my body needed his shaft to finish me off. Finally, with my hand pressing against my clit, my body settled down and I could again enjoy the simple pleasure of feeling his hardness inside me.