The Twin Sister Solution


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"But...that was...and you were just kids. That can't be right."

Tam stopped, and rolled her eyes just a bit. Then she unbuttoned her shorts and pushed them down over one hip. Just enough to expose the waterfall tattoo.

"Does that look 'right' to you?" Tam asked with a bit of sarcasm. "I got that tattoo as soon as I could. Vee helped me design it. Its to commemorate the most important thing that has ever happened to us. Did you think that the waterfall was a coincidence?"

Aiden sat there, stunned for a moment. He had never truly appreciated the impact he had on his sisters. After a minute of silence, Tam started speaking again.

"We didn't know it at the time, but...we knew something had changed. As time passed we started talking about you differently. You were ours. You were going to be our boyfriend when we grew up. We just knew it. We were going to marry you. Mom even talked to us about it."

"Oh my god. That must have been...embarrassing."

"It totally was. We were about fifteen. She had a long conversation with us about how she knew we were 'really close' with you but she didn't want us to think 'get obsessed'. And she kept using those words. We could tell she was freaking out a little but we just shrugged and pretended to have no idea what she was talking about."


"Yeah, she had no idea how deep things went for us, or she probably would have sent us away from home. That would have been awful."


"When we get back I should show you some of the stories we wrote. They were pretty cringe-y."

The path thinned then so Tam had to let go of her brother's arm and go first, through a thick layer of brush that almost blocked it. When she stepped out on the other side, she stopped. The grotto was dark, naturally sheltered from the sun by large oaks, and there was a thick bed of moss on the ground. There were few insects, and she felt something move inside her, as if the last piece of a puzzle were clicking into place.

"This is it," she said, softly, as she dropped her pack on the ground.

"This is what?" Her brother asked.

"This is where I want to lose my virginity."

Then, it was as if something was let loose inside of her. She kicked her hiking sandals off and stripped her shirt and then sports bra in one smooth motion, showing off her toned back and slim waist. Then, before Aiden could so much as say anything she was unbuttoning her belt and pushing her shorts and panties down as well. When she was done, she stepped out of her clothes and stood there for a moment, arms crossed over her chest, facing away from her brother. She felt the breeze raise gooseflesh on her arms.

"Please," Tam said, looking over her shoulder at her brother. Her eyes were full of love, fear, and need.

Aiden had been too stunned by Tam's beauty to move at first, but that invitation lit a fire in him. He too dropped his pack but didn't get undressed yet, instead wrapping one hand around her waist and pulling her back against him. Tam moaned as he leaned in and began to kiss and nip her neck, and she reached one arm back in his hair, encouraging him.

All Tam could think about was the hard cock pressing into her back, so she didn't notice her brother's hand moving down her belly until it found her pussy.

"Oh fuck, Aiden! Fucking touch me please oh god..."

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Aiden asked, his voice turning teasing. "Or are you just in a rush because Vee lost her virginity first?"

Tam spun around in her brother's arms, eyes fierce.

"Shut up, jerk. She's been satisfied since last night...and I want to be, too! Why are you still wearing clothes? Fine, I'll deal with it."

Tam didn't give Aiden time to think before she started unbuttoning his shirt, her anger forgotten, overwhelmed by the ferocity of her desire. She wanted to be slow and seductive and in control but instead her hands were fumbling and nervous. She needed to be filled by him.

"Easy, Tam...take your time," Aiden said.

Tam paused and took a deep breath, before proceeding again, more slowly. She undressed her brother, one button at a time, then stripped him. When she was done, she stepped back and just...looked.

"You're way out of my league," Tam said, after a long moment. She was swollen and wet, and it was just from looking.

Aiden smiled as he felt his sister's gaze drawn to his cock. Now that he was starting to get over his shame, he loved the attention. They were gorgeous, smart young women, and he wanted to impress them. Aiden took a blanket from his pack and laid it out. It would be better than the mossy ground at least. Tam's eyes never left his body as he did so.

"I want to suck your cock," Tam blurted out suddenly, before flushing a bright red all over her body.

"Really?" Aiden said. That was all he could manage in his momentary shock.

"Y-yeah. Can I? I mean...I don't mind if you cum like that I just...I've fantasized about it a lot. Vee has too but it's not as big a thing for her."

"I mean...sure. Yeah. I'd love that."

Tam didn't have to be told twice. She knelt quickly, putting her at eye level with her brother's cock. She gave him a slow stroke with one hand while she gently touched his balls with her other. He twitched in her hand, and she giggled.

"I-I've never done this before," Tam said bashfully, "I've practiced a little but..."

"Don't worry about it, Tam. Just do what you feel like and stop when you're ready."

Tam smiled, opened her mouth, and took her brother into it. She moved slowly at first, keeping her teeth off of him, moving her tongue as she thought might feel good. He groaned, and she was encouraged to take him a bit deeper. She gagged slightly but didn't stop.

"Tam, d-don't push yourself...fuck that's good..."

Aiden's inability to speak properly just encouraged her to push deeper. Soon she was taking the majority of him, gagging a little each time, but she could not take all of him. It would have to wait until later. She felt something then, a new taste. It wasn't what she expected, and she felt her pussy respond to the flavor.

"Was that your precum," Tam said, coughing just a bit.

"Yes," Aiden said.

"God, that's hot. I can't wait any more. I know I said you could cum but I need you inside of me. Right now."

"All right. How do you want your first time to be, Tam?"

"Whatever you want. I want to be good for you. I want to be the best girlfriend I can be..."

"It's going to be good for both of us, but you must have thought about this. So share with me. Let me know what you want."

"I...I want on my hands and knees. I want you to take me from behind. I want your hands on my hips and I want you to...I need you to fuck me and cum in me."

"All right."

"You can't pull out, I mean it. I need you commit to me..."



"I love you. I'm already committed to you. But, if you insist, I won't pull out. Happy?"

"Very," Tam said, quickly getting on all fours, facing away from her brother. She looked back over her shoulder, eyes anxious. "Is this...good enough? Do I look okay? Oh, I should arch my back more, shouldn't I. Vee always says that good girls do that when they're getting taken."

"Fuck, Tam. How did you get so fucking perfect?" Aiden said. Tam just giggled and swayed her hips side to side. She knew that she was dripping down her thighs now. She was so close to getting what she wanted. Aiden was kneeling behind her now and she forced herself to look forward, close her eyes and relax. She didn't want to tighten up when he...

"Oh, fuck, Aiden!"

Aiden was much more than she expected. She forced herself to breathe.

"Are you...okay Tam?" Aiden asked. The fact that he was having trouble speaking pleased her. She had made him feel good.

"Y-yes! Keep going!" Tam answered. Aiden was trying to go slowly but he was losing control. He groaned as he finally filled her up entirely. She felt much like Vee, but also completely different. He could never have explained it, but it didn't matter. He was already close to cumming and he'd just entered her.

"D-don't hold back, Aiden. I...I want you to take me..."

Aiden responded by placing his hands on her hips and starting to thrust. He started faster and harder than he should have, but that seemed only to excite Tam more. Soon he was almost slamming into her, the noise of their flesh impacting each other contrasting the soft sunlight of the glade.

"Please please please please," Tam said, her words pouring out of her. She didn't know exactly what she was begging for but she knew that she needed her brother to keep fucking her. She would die if he stopped. She needed his cum so badly!

"Tam...I love you...and you're mine!" Aiden growled, intensifying his pace even more.

Tamara groaned, feeling her body shake and quiver. She had cum, more than once. She was already having trouble staying up, and fell to her elbows. But Aiden was merciless, he only sped up! She cried out as another orgasm took her. She was his, now, and she knew it. Whatever he wanted, she would give him.

"I need it, Aiden. Please cum in me. Please...I love you and I need your cum and..."

Aiden got no further and he could speak no longer. He buried himself as deeply as he could, and let himself go, filling his little sister. After what seemed like ages of his cock pulsing within her, he released her and rolled onto his back, exhausted. He would be sore tomorrow.

Tam rolled on her back, too. They lay close to each other for a long time, just breathing and holding hands. Tam was absolutely more happy and at peace than she could ever remember being.

"I really want to suck your cock like every day I think," Tam said, finally.

"Jesus, Tam..."


"Hearing you say that was so hot."

"Good," Tam said, giggling. "I really think Vee and I have to bring our A-game if we're going to keep you interested. You've got too many girls thirsting over you."

"Tam, I'm too interested in other girls. There's no one for me but you and Vee. I've tried to resist it, but I'm not going to any more. I'm the luckiest man alive, Tam. Not because I have two beautiful women who want to pleasure me but because I love both of them, and they love me. I'm more worried about you leaving me than me ever falling out of love with you."

Tam sat up on her elbows.

"What? We're not going to do that, Aiden. We would never leave you."

"I believe you. I just...I've seen a lot of breakups now, I guess. And they can be bad. And I never want to hold you guys back from..."

"No. No, you will never hold us back. And maybe sometimes we have to be separated, but we can make it together. Do you know why?"

Aiden shook his head.

"Because of this," Tam said, "We're going to keep talking to each other. We're going to tell each other about our insecurities and worries. We're going to make each other feel special, just like we already have all of our lives, but we're going to be intentional about it. We'll all change but we'll do it together. We'll help each other become the best versions of ourselves. And we're going to argue and have bad times but they're going to be good again. We're still going to be family, but we'll be closer and more in love than ever. Let us prove it to you."

"Tam," Aiden said, looking into her eyes, running his hand down her cheek. "That was beautiful. And wise."

"Th-thanks. I mean...I guess I've been thinking about it a lot. Both of us have."

And that was the way it started.

* * *

The rest of the trip was everything it was supposed to be and more: relaxed and wholesome. The only difference were that Tam and Vee insisted on having sex with Aiden whenever they felt like it, and whenever he'd had enough rest to recover from the last time. This time, neither of the sisters tried to hide it from the other, and in fact a great deal of it happened on the trail, or the riverbank, or even by the fire at night.

By the end of the trip, all three of them felt closer than they ever had before. Aiden found himself being grateful for every moment he got with them. Vee took the passenger seat of his car on the way back rather than riding with Tam, and gave him her first blow job when they were parked in the corner of a rest stop. Tam and she switched cars after that, and he fingered her at a different stop. They simply could not keep their hands off one another. They were in love.

The final surprise came when they got home. They all unloaded the car together. Their mother, who had expected them that evening, had made a simple dinner. They all couldn't help but joke and laugh together. It was a good night.

The only real difference was that the twins couldn't help but touch their brother. And they shared secret smiles with him when they thought their mother wasn't looking. Finally, Tam grew too bold and grabbed his ass as he was walking up the stairs to get ready for bed.

Their mother's astonished gasp revealed that she had, in fact, seen the inappropriate act. All three of the siblings froze in place as she spoke:

"You really did it. I thought you might try it but...lord help us. You two actually seduced your brother, didn't you?"

It was going to be a long night.

Five Years Later - Christmas

Vee rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her. She was not surprised to hear Tam's moans as she entered the house. Tam had been insatiable lately, but Vee could hardly blame her sister.

Besides, Vee had to work this week, and Tam, as a PE instructor at the local school, got the week prior to Christmas off. And that meant that Tam got her brother's cock whenever she wanted.

Vee decided not to hide the gift. It was already wrapped and in a large bag, so she just left it by the door. They'd get it when it was time to give it to Aiden. She pulled her heels off as Tam's moans turned into something like screams. She was definitely getting close, and that probably meant Aiden was too.

Well, there was nothing left to do but go to the living room and watch her siblings fuck. There were definitely some perks to being in this particular relationship.

Vee did arrive late but she definitely caught the best part of the performance. Tam was riding her brother, her well-defined abs shown off as she arched her back in the final throes of passion. Aiden's hands were all over his sister's tits as he quite obviously was cumming inside of her. Vee sighed. She'd definitely be asking for something like that later that evening.

Vee gave them a moment to hold each other and kiss before announcing herself with a modicum of false sarcasm:

"Really? Right out on the couch? With the shades open?"

"A show this good shouldn't be kept to ourselves," Aiden said, still breathing hard. Vee suspected that he had been on top first, but Tam had insisted on rolling over at some point. Or perhaps Aiden was simply worn out from multiple sessions that day. It was hard to tell. He kept himself in excellent shape for having a desk job, but he was only human.

Tam laughed and rolled off her brother. She was completely naked and covered in a sheen of sweat. She'd been riding Aiden hard, and he was flushed from his own exertions.

"I need water," Tam said. "Do you want anything while I'm up?"

"Water would be great. I think Aiden needs hydration too. You've been rough on him today."

Aiden sat up.

"She let me sleep in today before she pounced on me," Aiden said, before leaning back again. "I don't know what's gotten into her lately, but I'm not complaining."

"Oh, I'm sure you're not, but you better have saved some of that for me," Vee said, but she wasn't overly worried. For now, she could put up with just getting her brother's fingers or his tongue. Normally Tam and Vee were very even-handed about how they shared things. But things were a bit different this Christmas.

Tam returned to the living room and passed out three bottles of water. She was still, of course, completely nude. Vee had to admit that she looked very good. They still looked quite similar, but Tam had more muscle definition, while Vee had curved out, just a bit from her office job. Vee had worried about that, for a bit, but Aiden hadn't lost even a bit of attraction to either of them. If anything, he'd gotten in better shape himself just to keep up with them.

"Did you get it? Was it done?" Tam asked, finally. She was almost childlike in her eagerness and Vee smiled.

"Yeah. Go throw some clothes on and get Aiden some pants so we can give it to him."

"Give what to me?" Aiden said as Tam dashed upstairs.

"Well, it's Christmas Eve, so it's an early gift," Vee said.

"Shit," Aiden said, "we're giving early gifts? I still have to wrap some of yours for tomorrow and..."

Vee shook her head.

"Nope. We can wait for tomorrow, but we decided that we absolutely could not wait to give this one to you. Both Tam and I are...well, let's call it... excited. Yes, we're both excited about it."

"Oh. Good excited or...?"

Vee rolled her eyes and sat by her brother.

"Do either of us seem upset?"

"No but...I have to be honest. Both of you have been kind of nervous lately. Especially Tam...I was going to talk to you about it tonight but..."

Tam came back in, wearing her traditional sweats and sports bra, tossing Aiden some pants that he pulled on.

"So I was thinking that when Mom showed up she could have 'my' room," Vee said, taking the opportunity.

"Where would you sleep?" Aiden asked, although he already knew the answer.

"Well, I was thinking Tam and I could just sleep with you. Mom knows, after all."

"Yeah but is she ready know...that?"

Vee rolled her eyes but Tam answered as she came downstairs.

"Mom may not strictly approve but she's accepted it. Otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to have Christmas here this year. She sees how happy we are. She knows we're meant to be together," Tam said before adding excitedly, "all right let's give him his present!"

"I'm ready," Aiden said, sitting up. "I think."

"Okay so there's a catch," Vee said.

"What is it?" Aiden asked.

"It's a gift, have to guess which one of us it's from," Tam said.

Aiden's confusion was plain on his face. Vee giggled. Tam took the wrapped gift from the bag and handed it to her brother.

"Yeah. Vee brought it home, and I just handed it to you, but...really, it's only from one of us."

" I get to open it before I guess?" Aiden said.

"Of course, it wouldn't be fair, otherwise," Vee said.

Aiden tore the wrapping off, feeling oddly nervous under the intensity of his sisters' gaze. As he expected, it was a small picture, framed. He had anticipated that it would be one of the three of them, maybe when they were younger, but it wasn't. In fact, at first, he couldn't tell what it was at all. It was just a mess of black and white. He looked up at his sisters, but they just smiled wider, providing no hints. Then it hit him.

"It's an ultrasound," he said, still a bit confused. He looked up again. Now both of his sisters had started to giggle as realization dawned on him.

"Oh," Aiden said. Once again his sisters had changed everything for him.

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lust_lover45lust_lover453 months ago

I loved loved loved this amazing story, it's hands-down one of the best I've read on this site! The characters were well-developed and relatable, and the slow, tense buildup to the explosive sex was very well done. I also think it's fantastic how they had not only attraction but true romantic feelings for each other and agreed to an exclusive relationship instead of just going off and sleeping with every relative and random person in sight like I've seen in some other stories. To me, this story is complete and wonderful as is and doesn't need a sequel since the siblings acknowledged and embraced their love for each other and embarked on what is sure to be a great life together, and there's not much else to be done without ruining the beautiful finale already established. Five stars!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Why couldn't this submission be expanded with a further chapter?

In fact, most of this author's submissions could have benefited with a closing chapter.

Still, damn good, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A second chapter would be awesome.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A great story though I felt like it ended a little too soon. Just a little bit more, an epilogue, or even a more in-depth part 2 showing their new life and how it went, some of their struggles and milestones, would have been great.

MfkndragonMfkndragon11 months ago

It was a better story than I expected it to be it seemed to be well written 1 of them getting pregnant seems to be a bit sudden though it happened 5 years later what I mean by this is there was no talks mentioned about it however it did set up for another chapter to this story but for some reason you didn't write it and ended up leaving this unfinished which is kinda of sad for a story that is well written there also seems to be a lot of readers who has no clear understanding of the genetic risk involved when family has a child together while yes there is a slight risk of the child having abnormalities there is also that same chance when the mother and father is not related it is in actuallaity a very slight chance of that happing the chance is more so if the parents of the child was identical twins who share 100 percent of there DNA but even there it's rare medical studies has shown that it's rare of such abnormalities happing but has shown that it can happen cause it has but it has also happened from non related parents incest is only against the law cause of religion factions within the government some would do well to remember that even in real life outside the fantasy aspect that incest is way more common than it is led to be believed so much so that at least 50 percent of the people has probably been involved in incest with a parent, sibling,aunt,uncle or even cousin and that all agreed to be involved sexual with each other rather it once or still going on don't change the fact it's common and a well known fact that it's being done still to this day that is also why incest rules the erotic stories database on erotica sites such as this

RimmerdalRimmerdal12 months ago

Great story.

Some of y'all missed the fact that they did not get pregnant until 5 years later. And would most likely have done the DNA testing for abnormalities.

Falstaff60Falstaff6012 months ago

The genetic risks mentioned in some of the comments show a lack of understanding of those risks and steps that can be taken to mitigate them. Genetic testing can look at 274 markers for different genetic issues that can arise. Even in non related couples the same risks exist. If both parents share a marker or markers for genetic disorders, the risk is high that their child will be born with that or those disorders. But both parents have to have the identical markers for a particular disorder for the child to have a high risk of being born with that disorder. If only one has that marker or neither have a particular marker, then the child will not be born with that disorder. For these reasons, I believe, every couple, related or not, should look at being tested for these markers and then decide if having children is really a good idea.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Second time around. This is the best brother/ sisters story on Lit. I just wish it went longer or had a sequel, a look into the future where they have four kids and life is just peachy.

Scores 5/5 easily. You are a very good author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing that story with us.

Lions86Lions86over 1 year ago

thats actually not true Aussie98. sure there are risks and obviously siblings shouldnt be fucking let alone having kids but incest babies have just as much a chance of being born "normal" as any other baby as long as neither parent have any genes that would lean towards abnormalities in a baby. You run into birth defects the deeper down the incest path you go though. if you had an incest baby and they gre up and had an incest baby so on and so forth then the issues start to be a big problem.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Aussie98 takes the story too literal. The story takes place in a fantasy world the Author created for our benefit to enjoy, dream of and savour.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Awesome. Entertaining. Hot!!

aussie98aussie98almost 2 years ago

The story is written fairly well.

The biggest issue and it's really a deal breaker is having a child between first degree relatives. The genetic risks and drawbacks of a child conceived between siblings or between parent and child are enormous.

No safe or sane person would risk such a thing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved it!

While the author could make the ultrasound be from either Vee or Tam, the hints imply that it's from Tam.

Re Imonlyhalfnuts's comment, I felt that the story had been fairly well concluded: Mom's accepted the relationship, and one of them's pregnant, making it a full-on "marriage". While LateStageInfernalism didn't say who's pregnant, a) it doesn't really matter, and b) there are enough hints that it's Tam.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A follow up to this story would br great

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