The Ultimate Nerd


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Tori's face was scrunched as she slowly opened one eye to see Willow with her hand covering her mouth... desperately failing at trying to hold her laughter. 'Yeah, that's about what I expected.' Tori turned for the door.

"Wait," Willow did her best to compose herself, but the faint hint of laughter still sprung from her voice. "I didn't mean it like that... it was just how you asked. It was funny. Here, let me clear off some space and we can start." She began moving two of the books to her nightstand.

Tori looked over her shoulder, "So you'll tutor me?"

"Of course; that's what sisters are for."

Tori let out a relieved sigh, "Thanks, but I'm not going to get in your way; am I? You looked pretty involved when I walked in."

"Nah," Willow scooted over on the bed, her back now against the wall and leaving plenty of space. "Had to clean up anyway because..."

"Knock, knock!" Sadie opened the door, almost hitting Tori as she did. "You ready for our study session? Oh, hey, Tori."

"Sure am," Willow nodded. "And Tori's going to join us today."

"Tori?" Sadie snickered in disbelief.

Tori rolled her eyes, "First Willow and now you, Sadie; why is everybody laughing at me wanting to study?"

"Because it never happens," Sadie put her arm around her friend, nudging her toward the bed. "Congrats on finally taking this college thing seriously; so let's get started. What subject would the newbie like to start with?"

Tori wanted to be mad, but couldn't. Sadie was right... again; her friend had always had this way of mentioning school without sounding pervasive and this time it was like she was finally following that advice. She smiled as she held up her textbook, "Math."

"Math, huh?" Sadie sat on the opposite end of the bed. "Definitely Willow's expertise, so you get to sit in the middle."

An odd feeling, at least when it came to schoolwork, engulfed Tori's being as Willow began to guide her. She smiled as she began to study... so pleasurable was the feeling, it even turned her on. Tori giggled to herself, 'Wow, I may have to study more often.' She glanced over to Willow, grateful to the girl for not being like... Tori herself. 'Why not?' She offered a smile, "You two want to do something together after this?"

Willow's jaw dropped in surprise before the shock turned to exuberance before ultimately dismay. "I want to, I really... I..."

Sadie took up the vocal mantle, "We'd love to, but we had preordered movie tickets a couple days ago and I know the place is already sold out. If we'd known, we would've invited you. I'm sorry."

'Sadie hangs out with Willow? I never knew that...' Tori shook her head, disappointed, "It's all right." She couldn't be mad, their reason was legitimate - unlike when she would blow off a person with an excuse not to hang out. Willow's and Sadie's facial expressions proved that. "Yeah, I would've had to bring Lane too, so, no worries" she shrugged.

"Hey," Sadie proclaimed almost too loudly. "Willow and I do something every Friday after studying and, if you want, you're always welcome. You can even skip the study part in case this is a one time thing."

Tori grinned, "I'd like that, though I'd definitely want to be part of the study group too... This girl has got a lot of ground to make up." The force was impactful, startling Tori as Willow embraced her with all her might. "Whoa!"

Sadie snickered, "You just made her day."

Tori glanced at Sadie for further clarification.

"Willow thought you hated her... Not as much as Naomi and Luna, but still, that's what she thought. As for me, I honestly couldn't say. Unlike those other two and their sharp tongues, you never said one way or another."

"Oh," Tori wrapped her arms around Willow. "No, I don't hate you; I just didn't know you." 'Is that what people really think of me?'

"Sorry for that," Willow disengaged, wiping a tear from her eyes.

"No, I'm sorry for making you think that," Tori apologized for the first time in her life.

"So next week," Willow giddily announced, "The three of us get to study and then have some fun..." She then thoughtfully added, "You can bring Lane as well, even to the study session. We don't discriminate!"

Tori chuckled, "If my boyfriend wants to come, he can - got it." Yeah right; Lane study? Hang out with Willow? He barely tolerates Sadie.

"All right, back to studying ladies," Sadie switched books from History to Science. "All of us have movies to get to, us at the theater and Tori here just bought one at the mall."

Tori's eyes lit up in excitement, "Yes I do."


"Lane!" Tori was nervous excited as her boyfriend arrived to pick her up for a small get together... just a few hundred people. "I thought since tomorrow was the night of the big casino night party, maybe we could just stay in and watch a movie in my room?"

"Aww, I planned on getting shit faced tonight; I have this bet with Rick and Paul..."

Tori batted her eyes in a pleading manner.

"Fuck it; all right."

Tori's face lit up as she pulled Lane by his hand to her room. She already had Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace in the Blu-ray player ready to go. She jumped on her bed and grabbed the remote as Lane slid in next to her. She quickly got comfortable and tapped the play button.

As the Star Wars music became audible and words began to scroll, Lane rolled on his side, his lips to Tori's neck while his hand became aggressive, mauling at her large endowments.

"Lane," Tori paused the movie before squirming out of his grasp. "I want to watch this."

"What?" Lane was mystified. "I thought this was some Netflix and chill thing?"

Tori gave a soft, placating smile, "No, I actually want to watch this." She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach, snuggling herself in his muscles. "There."

Lane eyed Tori in irritation. "Really? You just want to watch..." he glanced at the television for the first time, "Star Wars? You actually want to watch this shit?"

'How dare he call what I want to do shit? He could at least try.' Tori held in her anger and reanimated her soft, placating smile, "Yes." She knew this was going to be a tough sell.

Lane huffed as he laid back, "Whatever."

"Thanks," Tori took a relaxed breath and hit the play button to restart the movie. Thirty seconds went by before Lane began softly rubbing Tori's stomach. After five seconds of zero resistance, he swiftly moved his hand southward, cupping her sex over her jeans in a forceful manner.

"Stop!" Tori threw his hand to the side. "I said I want to watch this!"

Lane sat up, "Seriously? I'm giving up a party for this lame ass shit?"

"No," Tori objected, "You're giving up a party for me... because you love me enough to lay here and watch a movie because I asked you to, right?"

Lane grumbled as he laid back down, not even touching Tori. "Wake me up when you're ready to go to the party."

'I guess not,' Tori stared in disbelief before shaking her head, "Whatever." She pressed the play button once again, determining to enjoy herself.


"C'mon, Anakin!" Tori unconsciously rooted on the character in the pod race. As the movie progressed, Tori had kept scooting forward with anticipation and was now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes!" Tori cheered, jumping in the air as Anakin won the race.

As Tori landed, she realized that not only was she excited, but that her body was as well - overly so. She paused the movie again, and glanced at Lane... 'Not that he deserves it, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.' She lightly placed her hand on her boyfriends shoulder and shook him slightly, "Lane; wake up."

"Hey," Lane yawned. "Movie over?"

"No, but..."

"Finally realized how stupid that shit was?" Lane interrupted as he stood up, smoothing out his shirt.

"No, I..."

"What the fuck, Tori? We're missing the party!" Lane threw up his hands, "Fuck it; I'm out."


"See you when you get there," Lane slammed her bedroom door.

Tori rolled her eyes before sitting back down, crossing her arms. "And to think I wanted to have sex with him?" She shook her head, taking a deep breath as she did. "I have Obi-Wan, screw the party." and she pressed play again, eagerly awaiting what was next.


Tori woke up refreshed. It was Saturday, and for the first time in a long time she didn't have a hangover. It was late in the morning, due to not having gone to sleep until early in the morning. She didn't stop watching after just Episode One, but after Episodes Two and Three as well; falling asleep sexually frustrated, deeming herself too tired to masturbate - something she hadn't needed to do since becoming sexually active as she always had a boyfriend. But Lane had rejected her. Perhaps the movie and not her, per se, but it felt like it.

Tori's fellow sorority sisters who were partying all night were still unconscious while those who weren't were already out and about, giving the house a surreal mood to it. She shaved, showered, and attended to her hygiene and make up, and finally got dressed in her go to comfortable outfit - a tank top and jeans. She looked in the mirror, and felt she needed a change; but what? She blinked her eyes, causing clarity. She removed her blue contact lenses, and put on her emergency black rimmed glasses. She stared at herself, her hazel eyes seeming to sparkle. The world felt like her oyster, everything a possibility, but what to do?

'Whatever it is I do, coffee is the perfect start.'


Tori smiled as she entered The Roasted Bean - a cafe and deli shop near campus known for their overpriced coffee and sandwiches - the aroma of ground coffee beans invaded her senses.

"I'll take a medium iced caramel latte."

As the clerk handed her the beverage, she heard a familiar voice in the back corner. 'How do I know that voice?' She turned to see a group of four guys, headlined by the guy whose voice she knew she had known - Graham Nelson. All were wearing loose fitting clothes of either shorts or jeans and t shirts with various art on them and not a single one of them seemed to know what a comb was - and she was certain she had emasculated each and every single one of them, repeatedly, without even knowing their names.

'This is his... Nerd Herd.' Tori gulped at even thinking the word. 'I have to see what they are doing.'

Asking them seemed to be out of the question, so Tori made her way to the nearest open table, finding one two tables away. It wasn't ideal, as she couldn't see exactly what was going on, but she was doing her best to decipher the clues. They were rolling dice. She heard they were a party "fighting a tarrasque," whatever that meant, but they didn't have a video game console between them. It was just one of the guys making up a story. The more she spied on them, the more intrigued she became... The guys were really into it.

"Isn't this new spell awesome?" Graham shook his fist with excitement at another casting of it. "I am so happy you preordered the new edition book from Nerd Haven, Brandon."

The guy leading the campaign chuckled, "It was a wise investment... but the surprise I have for you guys tomorrow is going to be even better."

Tori immediately looked up Nerd Haven on her I-phone to find it was a games and hobby shop nearby. She tussled on whether she really wanted to go to the store or not. 'I suppose there's no harm in checking it out. Not like anyone's going to find out.' A wave of pleasure washed over her and it just felt right.


Graham took a sigh of relief. Tori saw him; that was clear as she kept glancing in his direction. What wasn't clear was the why. He did his best to ignore, after all, he was in a fight for his life armed with a new spell, but it still weighed on his mind until his antagonist left. Most of all, he was grateful she didn't say a word.


"Welcome to Nerd Haven!" A short, portly man with his red hair tied back in a ponytail robustly declared as Tori entered the store. "I'm Tony, owner and operator; whatever your desires, I got it, just as long as its not a playboy bunny or something."

Tori snickered, which was a far cry to what she would have said a mere two days ago. This guy would have been toast. She found humor in the welcome and felt this place really could be a haven to her new found hobbies, so she reciprocated the banter, "Well, how about a young Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

Tony laughed, "Card, action figure, or life size cardboard cutout?"

Tori paused, 'Those are... options?' She shook her head, realizing she had no idea where she would hide something like that before explaining her true quest to Tony.

The shop owner nodded, "Definitely Dungeons and Dragons."

"What's that?"

Tony gave a exuberant smile, "My Dear Girl, I'd be absolutely delighted in showing you in the ways of role playing! We'll even create a character for you."

Tori quivered in excitement, "Yes, please do."


Tori left the store with knowledge of how to play the game, dice, and her prize possession, her very own character, an elf cleric named Saphielle Tordove. She was as giddy as a five year old on their birthday.

When Tori made it to her bedroom, she hid the dice in her sock drawer before staring at her treasured paper. 'Why did I do this? This isn't me.' She stared at the sheet, in awe of herself, before a glimmer of this morning trickled to her mind. 'Those guys did look like they were having fun; and it's just like acting. What harm is there in trying it?' The thought was accompanied with a burst of pleasure.

Tori absolutely did not want anything to happen to her character sheet, nor did she want it to be seen. She tucked it inside her math book, hoping she can actually role play soon.


"Lane?" Tori spoke into her phone before nibbling on lower her lip, not sure how to ask.

"Hey," Lane dismissively answered. "You finally get that bullshit out of your system?"

"It's not bullshit; if you would've..."

"It is too!" Lane aggressively countered. "Anyway, is this why you called? To give me shit about last night?"

"No," Tori sighed in the knowledge her boyfriend was never going to come around to Star Wars like she did, but just maybe he'd be willing to try Dungeons and Dragons. "I was calling to see if you'd like to come over like an hour earlier in picking me up for the party tonight? I thought you might be interested in some role playing?"

That got Lane's attention. "So you want to role play before the party... I'm down. See you at seven."

Tori let out a relieved breath, 'Lane had said yes!' Her smile exploded ear to ear.


"What's up with the dorky glasses?" Lane raised both eyebrows in his questioning of his girlfriend.

Tori pushed the bridge of her glasses higher, "Um, I lost a contact."

Lane shrugged, "All right," he proclaimed in high spirits as he shut Tori's door. "Time to play doctor... though you should have wore your sexy white dress if you were going to be a nurse."

Tori's face fell, "What?"

"You said you wanted to role play," Lane eyed her curiously. "Or, since you went with that short, pasted on black dress for tonight, maybe you want me to arrest you for being hot and not let you go until I ravage all your holes," He nodded at his brilliant idea of being a cop. "Or maybe a sexy librarian with the glasses, but I don't know who I'd be; I mean we both know I ain't gonna study."

"No," Tori giggled as she ran to her bed where a blank character sheet had been meticulously made by hand as well as her player sheet was set out. She held up each with a broad grin. "I wanted to D&D... You roll dice to make your character and I looked up online a sample quest our characters could make... I'm an elf cleric named Saphielle Tordove and I'm excellent at defense and healing magic."

"Huh?" Lane stared at his girlfriend in confusion. "So... you want me to fuck you while you pretend to be an elf? Does that mean you want me to be Santa Claus?"

"No, Silly," Tori snickered. "I want you to create a character and then we pretend to be our characters as we try to get through a dungeon full of monsters that I have bookmarked on my phone."

"So... no fucking," Lane asked, hoping he was wrong.

"Sex? We can do that later; either after this and be late for the party, or just after..."

"What the fuck is with you?" Lane yelled in irritation. "Late for the party, again, and why? This nerdy ass bullshit! No way." Lane huffed. "I'm outta here."

"Wait!" Tori grabbed her boyfriends arm. "I was going to say after the party as well. We don't have to be late."

Lane raised an eyebrow, "So we fuck, and then the party."

"No," Tori pleaded. "I want to do the role playing thing first, then go to the party, and then you can fuck me... Or if you need it now," she cuddled into his bicep, "we can be late to the party and I'll take care of you after we role play."

"Again with this role playing shit? Why?"

"I just want to try it," Tori defended. "Is that too much to ask?"

Lane looked at his girlfriend with condescension while shaking out of her grasp. "Whatever, I'll see you at the party."

"Lane?" A trickle of tears cascaded down Tori's cheeks as she watched her boyfriend leave.


An hour later, Tori sat deliberating what to do. Lane was her ride, but she could drive if needed, but the true question was: did she even want to go? She could hang out with Luna and Naomi to show Lane how pissed off she was, maybe that will get him to give something - anything - she likes a chance. That's all she was asking. But really, if he isn't willing to role play, something she really wanted to try, what was the alternative? That Brandon person mentioned a surprise for Graham's group, maybe she could play with them; which means, at the very least, not getting drunk tonight.

Tori made up her mind, determined to get Lane to put in some effort or she won't spread her legs for him again.


"Tori, you're here?" Luna exasperated in amazement.

Tori snickered at her friends reaction, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Lane's been telling everyone you were starting to get involved into..." Luna eyed her sorority sister, not wanting to offend. "other things. Less desirable."

Tori's mouth went agape at the news... Lane was talking about her behind her back. "I... I..."

"Oh my God, it's true," Luna busted out laughing. "Here I was trying not to offend "The Princess" and it's true. You totally are a loser!"

Tori took a step back, stunned at the verbal attack, "Luna?"

"Oh, don't you Luna me, like you thought we were friends?" Luna's eyes went wide, "You really thought we were friends; didn't you!"


"Oh, this is priceless!" Luna laughed... hard. "You were a meal ticket, nothing more. A means for Naomi and I to up our social standing and now you're a wounded animal, lost in the woods, your rep is destroyed... You know, I never liked you; in fact, I always hated the fact that every male always walked up to you and I'd be forced to have your scraps just because you've got huge fucking cow udders for tits... as if those make you anything special. Say goodbye to that queen status..."

All during Luna's speech, Tori fumed at her backstabbing so called friend. It hurt, and it had been a long time since she had to deal with such verbal attacks, but she was confident. She was Tori Masterson and she was determined to be just as sharp with her tongue. "Shut up, you stupid, fucking Whore!"

Luna snickered, "Oh no, I think you have me confused with Naomi," her eyes then drifted to the left.

Tori turned to see Naomi walking out of a darkened room, pulling Lane by the hand. Naomi turned, and kissed him hard, aggressively invading her tongue into his mouth, "Ya know, fucking each other is so much easier without Tori around."

"Definitely," Lane fiercely kissed Naomi back.

Tori was in utter shock; her boyfriend, her friends... all were betraying her right in front of her eyes. For the first time since puberty, she no longer felt in control, her confidence was shattered. Life was spinning out of control.
