The Visitor


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The visitor even managed to activate his human tear ducts.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!"

Barbara stood and put her arms around Dennis. He leaned into her and sobbed against her waist. She stroked his hair until he quieted.

"Shall we go somewhere more comfortable?" She asked.

He stood up and put his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you. I have never told that to anyone before."

"You shouldn't hold the pain in. Come in the living room and tell me about her."

Barbara paused for a minute when she realized that they were about to sit together on the same sofa where she had sex with Chuck and Cheryl.

"Oh is this the sofa?" The visitor asked softly.

"Yes and there is more...but I don't know if I can talk about that."

"You don't have to explain anything. Is there another place we can go?"

"Downstairs, there is a family recreation kind of room. We used to play there when I was a kid. I don't know what kind of furniture we will find. Want to give it a try?"


The room was mostly unchanged from when Barbara and Cheryl used to play there as children. The old ping pong table still dominated the room. There was a card table with folding chairs and Cheryl's doll house shoved in a corner. The one new addition was a not so new futon style sofa on the far wall. The visitor followed Barbara across the room and they sat down next to each other.

"I guess I owe you an explanation about the sofa. Well the more part anyway," Barbara began.

"I told you that you do not have to explain things to me. I understand this is a hard time."

"I know and because you do understand maybe that is why I want to tell you the rest."

"I am a good listener."

Barbara smiled and told the visitor additional details about her and Chuck's wild sofa fuck. She also told him about the days that followed. He listened intently as if he didn't already know every detail. She hesitated a bit when she got to the night of Chuck's death. She wanted maybe even needed to tell him about her and Cheryl. It was her own sense that it was wrong that made it so hard. The visitor felt all of her shame and fears. Even if he could not read her thoughts and emotions her body language would have told him she was upset. He reached for her and took her into his arms. The combined memories of Dennis and Chuck along with some long repressed instincts told him she was in need of the hug. Despite her reservations about her growing attraction to the young researcher Barbara slipped her arms around Dennis as he pulled her close to his body.

"God you don't know how much I need this hug. Thank you," She whispered.

"I am sorry you are hurting so," He said as he brushed his lips over her ear. "It is so hard to lose those we love. It must be truly awful when the love is so new."

He was using Dennis's emotions to find the required empathy. She knew that she should pull away before things went too far. But she couldn't. It felt much too good in his arms.

"Dennis, it is more than just losing Chuck that is bothering me. I did things since he passed that were not like me. That I feel were wrong," She blurted out.

"You shouldn't judge yourself so harshly. When you are hurting you can't expect to be yourself."

As he spoke softly into her ear his warm breath cascaded over her neck. She felt chills of excitement and rising desire.

"But oh god, I did something...."

Her voice trailed off. She wanted to tell him; perhaps even needed to tell him. It was like saying the words might cleanse her of the shame.

"Dennis, I had sex with Cheryl."

The words hung in the air. The visitor searched for the right response. He couldn't decide if he should console her or let her wallow in her self loathing. Even Barbara's thoughts offered little clue of the answer she desired.

"Barbara, it isn't so terrible to seek solace with another person. I know, I have done things when consumed with grief that I would not and have not in the cold light of a new day."

"But, oh god, I liked it! I actually enjoyed having my face buried in her cunt!" She screamed with tears streaming down her face. "It was on that fucking sofa. There is something happening here in this house. I don't believe in your aliens. But damn it something made me fuck Chuck that first night and something made me desire a lesbian last night. Please, Dennis help me fight this thing."

The visitor was shocked by the vehemence of her words. She was acting totally out of character. He was concerned that her sanity might be in peril.

"Barbara, you're ok. Chuck is gone. Cheryl is not here. You are safe from these desires," He said desperate to calm her.

"You're here!" She squealed and pressed her lips to his.

She wanted him; had to have him. He wanted her too. But he knew that if he was to win her permanently he had to resist her and help her to regain her senses. He pushed her back gently and held her arms firmly as he spoke.

"Barbara, you are beautiful and desirable. If the circumstances were different I would more than welcome your advances. But I can't take advantage of you like this. I want to help you through this thing."

He knew it had been his initial mental suggestions that had started her fire. But he did not know what was making it burn so strong. He was not sending suggestions of lust. Those thoughts were coming from inside her. He wondered if somehow her feelings for him as Chuck had transferred to him as Dennis. The visitor hypothesized that there was some innate thing that she felt even though she did not know he was both men.

"Dennis, I am on fire. I want you so much! What is wrong with me?"

"There is nothing wrong with you. I want you too. But I can't let it be like this."

"I have to get out of this house! Please take me somewhere, anywhere," She pleaded.

The visitor didn't hesitate. He stood and scooped her into his arms. Even in human form his natural strength was still available to him. If Barbara had been capable of logical thought she would have realized that Dennis could not have so easily carried her up the stairs.

"Barbara, I am sorry, my car is at the hotel," The visitor said as he carried her out onto the porch.

She told him that they could take hers. He helped her into the passenger seat and got behind the wheel. As he turned the ignition, Cheryl came around the corner.

"Go now, please!" Barbara implored him. "I..a I can't see her now."

The visitor drove off as Cheryl looked on astonished.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked as he turned the corner.

"I don't know. It doesn't matter. Maybe to the river where there is fresh air to clear my head."

He drove to the same park where he had encountered Cheryl in the guise of Bobbie. Barbara jumped out of the car before the visitor had time to turn off the ignition to kill the engine. The visitor caught her as she reached the edge of the parking lot.

"Barbara, slow down!" He insisted as he took hold of her shoulders.

She wheeled around and buried her face into his chest.

"I'm sorry Dennis. I don't know what's wrong with me. Oh god!" She lamented as her tears dampened his shirt.

He enveloped her in his arms and held her tightly. He concealed his own pain to be strong for her. His newly discovered emotions were becoming increasingly difficult to contain. His love for Barbara was causing both joy and pain. He wondered how humans could stand the conflicts of the powerful emotions. There was other pain too. Remorse over killing Chuck and Dennis was eating at him; worming its way into the fabric of his being. He had killed before when necessary to further his mission. Killing humans was somehow different. It was as if he had killed one of his own. In the past even that could not have caused such guilt. There were no such feelings on his world. Killing ones fellow being was simply wrong and not done. It might occur by some bizarre accident. But since there would be no intent involved, though one might feel some sense of responsibility and use the experience to correct some behavior they simply did not know how to feel guilt.

"Barbara, I want so to help you. I will do anything. Please, tell me what I can do," The visitor said plaintively.

"Dennis, you are helping. God you are so sweet and kind. Here I am a total nut case telling you how I have been acting like a damn whore and still you are here with me. How can you be so good to me?" She said fighting off more tears.

"I really like you and I don't think you acted like a whore," He responded not understanding the reference.

The word whore did not fit in his mind. She had not been paid for mating with Chuck. She certainly gained nothing but pain from the relationship. As for Cheryl he did not think taking comfort from a friend made Barbara promiscuous.

"Thank you. I like you too Dennis. Probably more than I should under the circumstances. I don't understand what's happening to me. I am so ashamed."

"Shhhhhhhh, just let it out."

"Will you walk with me?"

"Of course, do you know these paths? I wouldn't want us getting lost."

"I haven't been down here since I was in high school. But I guess I remember well enough. This was where we came to hang out and party or be alone with our boyfriends back then."

The visitor probed her mind. Her memories of the place were vivid and happy. There was much laughter and fun. There were also many scenes that included sexual activity. He wondered if he was wrong about Barbara being promiscuous. He didn't care if she was or wasn't, he wanted her for his mate. Her thoughts on that subject were confused. She had desire for Dennis which she was fighting. He felt the continued love she had for Chuck. That caused another puzzlement for the visitor. Chuck no longer existed yet she still saw him as alive in her mind and was still in love with him. At the same time she was falling in love with another man. Despite his wanting her true love, the visitor nudged her feelings for Dennis.

As they walked he encouraged her to talk about her feelings. She let everything pour out. The elation she had felt over her brief affair with Chuck and the crushing sadness over his loss; her shame over having desired sex with Cheryl and her continuing confusion over her odd horniness. He consoled her and confided that he had feelings for her. After a time they found a felled tree at the river's edge. They sat upon the thick log and stared at the slowly flowing water. It was almost an hour before either spoke. The visitor broke the silence by asking if she was alright. She took his hand and they spent the next several hours holding hands and talking on and off as the river flowed by. As the time passed each grew more in love with the other.

"Dennis, you are an amazing man. I wish so that I had met you under different circumstances. I am so attracted to you. But how can I let myself ....." She tried to say as the afternoon sun began to dip below the tree line.

"I should take you home and leave you to figure these things out. Being with me is just making you hurt more."

"No! Please, I am sorry. I wish I could stop the feelings. But I can't and I don't really want to anyway. Oh god, I want you!"

She tried to pull his face to hers.

"Barbara, I feel like I would be taking advantage of you."

"That is why you wouldn't be," She cooed as she managed to get her lips on his.

The visitor could not resist any longer. He quickly gave her a strong suggestion of sexual need before disconnecting from her mind. He hoped by super charging her sexual urges she would take the mating to completion regardless of what he might morph into, He also wanted to enjoy the mating as a participant only. He was no longer studying her. He wanted to know her as a lover truly would. Their tongues danced wildly from mouth to mouth as their hands roamed over each other's bodies. They tugged and pulled at the other's clothing. An onlooker would have sensed the desperate need they both felt to be naked and joined.

In minutes they were on the ground. Clothes came off rapidly. Soon they were naked. Their entertained bodies writhed on the ground under the cover of the growing darkness. Night would soon be upon them fortunately for the visitor. Barbara fondled his hard cock. She was amazed at its size. Her closed eyes prevented her from seeing the unusual coloring.

"Oh god, please Dennis, fuck me," She implored her new lover.

The visitor mounted the human driving his still growing cock deep into her pulsating pussy. As soon as the warmth and wetness of her cunt took hold of his alien cock its head expanded two fold. The effect was similar to that of a dog locking up in his bitch. Though there was a nagging feeling of dajavu, Barbara did not match the experience of Chuck's cock growing in her to Dennis's expanding cock. If anything, Dennis's cock was even larger than Chuck's had been. The bulging part of the visitor's cock pressed into Barbara's G-spot sending pleasurable sensations rushing through her body despite the pain of being penetrated by such a huge cock. A new appendage emerged from the visitor's still mostly human body. This was not a vestige of his race but a new part created by his mind. A small cock-like nub grew from his pubic hair that aligned perfectly with her clit. In response to his knowledge of human female physiology his mind had manufactured a way to provide the ultimate stimulation while mating. Barbara screamed as her first orgasm took hold. She had three before the visitor released his thick green cum into her body.

They both lay panting on the grass for awhile. But Barbara was not done and she recovered first. She began to kiss her way down his body wanting to suck the cock that had just given her such a powerful orgasm. For the most part it had returned to human form. Only the odd streaks of color remained of its alien incarnation. In the darkness she thought that his cock was tattooed. As she licked his shaft and watched it grow she decided she liked what the artist had done to Dennis's tool. Though the bumpy texture was unusual she had seen enough cocks to know they all seemed to have a personality of their own. When she took the growing cock in her mouth and reverently began sucking the visitor became so engrossed in the pleasure he lost control over his appearance. When Barbara opened her eyes she was sucking the huge multicolored cock of a strange looking vaguely humanoid being. As she froze in shock her mouth filled with green goo.

As soon as he came the visitor recovered his senses. He was Dennis again with a completely human body including his cock. But it was too late; she had already seen his real form. Green semen oozed from her mouth and ran down her chin as she tried to speak. She recoiled as he reached for her. Her mind was flooded with the image she had just seen. Though logic told her it must have been a hallucination, it felt far too real.

"W.wh..what are you?" She managed to ask.

For some reason he could not bring himself to lie to her.

"I am a visitor to your world. I have no intention to harm you or anyone else. I came here to study your kind. But I have fallen in love you. I am sorry I did not want to deceive you."

"But, how ...oh how can you look like us?"

"We have the ability to alter our appearance. I needed to appear human to be among your people. The pleasure we shared interfered with my abilities."

"What happened to the real Dennis?"

The visitor knew he had to lie in answer to that question.

"There never was a real human named Dennis. I created him."

Her heart wanted to believe him. Though she didn't want to she loved him. However, his creating an alien hunter as a way to hide his alien identity did not make sense. She thought back to when Cheryl talked about meeting Dennis and to the way he had been that afternoon. The visitor took hold of her mind again. He furiously blocked the clues that would have convinced her they were different people. Barbara was concerned that she was having trouble recalling details of the recent past. Worse the harder she tried to recall the memories it seemed other things were slipping away. She of course had no way of knowing that the alien could enter and control her mind. As she struggled to reconcile the feelings and thoughts, he was erasing everything that might interfere with the love he knew she felt for him. In the end she gave into her feeling as she had little else left.

"I don't really understand this, but I do love you," She said with a mixture of awe and melancholy.

"I too am at a loss to completely understand. The truth is that my race does not allow emotion to play a part in our lives. These things are new to me as they were repressed millennia ago on my world. My exposure to humans seems to have given life to some dormant part of me."

She let him gather her into his arms. They held each other neither really fully understanding the situation.

"What happens now?" She asked after a time.

"I do not know. I can not return home. Even if I could bear the pain of leaving you, which I do not believe I can. I have violated the rules of my mission. I would be an outcast on my world. Besides life would be too horribly cold on my world now that I know the warmth of human contact," He answered honestly.

A tear ran down her cheek. She felt oddly happy. It seemed though it was in a most unexpected way that she had found the mate she had sought for so long. There was no question in her mind that he had a sensitive caring soul and that he loved her deeply. It didn't matter where he came from.

"Then we must find a way to make a life here on my world," She said.

"I cannot ask that of you. There are far too many complexities to overcome. I would not be able to live everyday in a city among crowds of humans. It is hard to explain but I have what you might call a heightened empathy to human emotion. Being bombarded constantly by it is horribly draining. But that is not even the biggest problem. It is not possible for me to maintain a constant human appearance. As you saw there are times when I lose the ability to control my appearance completely. It is obvious that my natural appearance repulses you. Even were you to become accustomed to my appearance we could only be together if you rejected a normal human life. Your contact with others of your kind would be limited. My studies show that a part of human well being involves contact and interaction with others."

"No, you don't understand. The contact all humans need most is that of a soul mate. It may make no sense but I am certain you are the one for me. Please, let us try, what is you name?" She said plaintively.

"Names are not simple things on my world as they are here. For identification I have what you would call a number. We are assigned a unique identifier at birth. It is more efficient than a name. We still carry identification to family that is close in nature to your surname. Mine is Krazticak. I do not have a real first name. Due to honing of the same ability that gives me such empathy for human emotion my species has some telepathic ability. We know who is addressing whom by mental contact. However, it is common to have what human's call nick names within a family unit. It has been over a hundred of your years since I have heard mine used. My parents called me Baskanic, which means something close to seeker of light. I assume even as a child I displayed the curiosity that led me to my profession."

"Bass khan ich," she repeated softly. "Here we would perhaps shorten that to simply Bass."

She smiled at him and despite his anguish over their situation he smiled back.

"Bass, I know that if you give me a chance I can get used to your natural appearance," She added.

"I doubt it, but if you insist I will give you that chance starting now," He said sadly.