The Voice in the Dark Ch. 04


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"My dad isn't one to accept anything less than his way of things. Jameson was becoming resentful that my dad wanted him to become the next owner of the company, and eventually, he snapped. He told him that he was going travelling, to figure out what he really wanted to do. Mom and Dad weren't happy, and they had a huge fight. I can't say that I don't admire him for standing up for himself, but it meant that I had to learn what they had spent years teaching my older brother so... I guess you could say that I hate him right now"

Wow. Although I can't say I am surprised at how much of a control freak his father is, it does come as a bit of shock that he was willing to disown his own son for going against his plan. For all my mother's faults, and she has many, she has never stopped loving me just because I wasn't like her. We struggled to redefine our relationship through its many ups and downs, but there was always love there somewhere.

Being an only child, I don't know what it means to look up to siblings, or be constantly overshadowed by their achievements, but I can at least say that all of that must have been so overwhelming for Jack.

"What does your mum say about all this?" I ask, "Can't you talk to her?"

He pauses before he says, "She and I don't have that kind of relationship. She knows that what my father says goes, and even if she had other ideas, she never shows it. I guess I learned long ago not to expect a lot from her."

I can understand that, but it still doesn't fully explain why. And I can sense he isn't going to tell me anymore.

"I know this must be hard for you to talk about. Thank you for letting me in, even just a little bit. I just want to know one more thing, if you don't mind?"

Jack nods his head gladly and I almost feel guilty that I am about to ask this, but it needs to be said.

"What is it you want from me?"

Jack looks at me with a quizzical expression, then his gaze drops to the floor as he gathers himself. He takes a deep breath and then lifts his head up again to look me straight in the eye.

"I want you. All of you. I want you to give yourself to me in every way. Can you do that for me, Jess?"

I swallow past the lump in my throat as I try to breathe, and I say shakily:


He looks at me straight in the eye, and says:

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Sir," I say, and I clear my throat so I can talk a little more confidently.

"Kiss me, Jess. Please."

And before I know it, his lips meet mine with the softness of a butterfly wing and my whole body lights up with joy. His lips are as soft as I imagined and his mouth tastes like hard liquor and sin. An intoxicating mix.

We break apart momentarily for him to say:

"Just what will you do to have me this way, Jess?" He asks, in that deep, calming tone.

I don't even hesitate when I respond with: "I'll do anything you ask of me."

"Then, stand up. And take my hand, Jess. I want to lose myself in you."

I do as he says, and we move into the bedroom. He places his hands on my hips and waist and we kiss with unrestrained passion. His hands move up and down my back, then up to my neck and into my hair as he holds me close. I wrap my arms around his neck and press my body against his. I smell the faint scent of aftershave on his neck and the sweet smell of shampoo in his hair. My fingers brush through the dark strands as my lips return to his. They are delicious, plump and yet firm. Like the feel of a ripe red apple against your mouth before you bite into it.

I notice the bed behind him and I push him onto the lush silk mattress. I smile seeing the gorgeous purple, the only spot of colour in the whole place, and I can feel myself start to get wetter and wetter, knowing how much this guy makes me want to do such naughty things.

He runs his hands over my white shirt and begins to slowly unbutton it, but I hold his hands and put them back on my hips as I move against him slowly, sensually, driving him crazy with desire. I moan into his kiss and I open my eyes to see the dark chocolate colour of his irises staring into me. They truly are beautiful.

I find I am beginning to relax more and more as I stare and I break off the kiss to hold his face inches away from me. He looks momentarily perplexed, but when he sees the glassy eyed expression on my face, he smiles wickedly and grabs me by the waist so he can pin me underneath him using his body and I don't even try to fight it. He straddles me at my waist and holds my jaw as he moves my head to one side so he can whisper in my ear:

"Sleep" That one word can make me forget everything in the outside world. It can go crazy for a night for all I care, his eyes and his voice are the centre point. The nexus for all my senses right now. His voice makes my body go limp and I can barely keep my eyes open.

"That's right. You go to sleep, Good Girl. You don't need to worry about anything. Let me take control of you."

"Yes..." I say, suddenly becoming aware of the fact that I am pinned underneath a man I barely know and I feel the weight of panic in my chest build as my eyes begin to close and a little fight begins to build in me. I wriggle underneath him, but the weight in my chest presses down on me even further. I don't know whether or not I want to stay. I grip his arm and say:

"Please Smith. Please stop. Not like this." I can't even say his real name.

"Jess. Stay still. You know you want this, you want to please your Master so badly, don't you? Like before."

<i Before i> That's the word I have been missing. Like this has happened before.

I sit up as best I can, aware of his pressing weight but determined to push him off. His eyes are fixed on me, making me weaker by the second.

"You mean like when you did something to me to make me forget all our times together? No Smith, that's not gonna happen this time."

"I like you, Jess. You're sweet, kind and very beautiful. I have never wanted to harm you, and I certainly don't now. I am just wanting to do what we have both wanted to do for weeks now."

I slump momentarily back onto the mattress, overwhelmed by what he has said. He has wanted this almost as much as I have. <i So why does this feel so wrong? i>

"Smith. Please. Let me sit up and we can talk about this. I just don't know what to think or feel right now. We need to get to know each other for real. I don't even know if the time we spent together even happened."

"Do you really need to know?" Smith says, quite unaware of my rising panic as he slides his hands down my chest and rips at the fabric of my shirt, tearing it. His hands move to my breasts and then he buries his head in my neck. His touch is firm but not one born out of cruelty, it's probing but very sensuous and eager to learn all the contours of my body. It reminds me of Lucy's less than delicate treatment of me not long ago, and I am determined not to fall under his spell right now. But my god, it's fucking difficult.

"Please Smith. Stop. I am serious now. Let me up. I am saying No."

Smith is momentarily taken aback and I know it's hard for him, but he takes his weight off me and I sit up, moving to the opposite side of the bed away from him.

"I'm sorry, Jess. That was wrong of me. You said No, and that means No. I shouldn't have tried to push you further than what you were comfortable with. Please forgive me."

I don't say anything, and instead hold my ripped shirt closer to me, and I look anywhere but in those eyes, using my long dark hair as a curtain.

He then stands up and moves into the walk-in closet on the other side of the room, and I use that time to gather myself before he walks back into the room with a white shirt that he leaves on the bed beside me.

"I am going to get some water, I'll be in the kitchen if you wanna talk. No tricks, no BS. I promise."

Again, I don't say anything, but listen to him walk out of the room quietly, then I remove my ripped up shirt and replace it with the new one. I then hurry into the bathroom to calm myself down even further, checking my appearance in the bathroom mirror.

< i A Love Bite i >

I can't help but feel like this has happened before, many times. All the answers are right in the kitchen waiting for me, but I don't know if I can trust a word he says. As gorgeous as he is, and as badly as I want to fuck him so hard into the mattress, I know he was so close to sexually assaulting me that I can't be a hundred percent safe in the room with him right now.

I think about Lucy, how cruelly she treated my body, but yet how delightful the pleasure was. I lost the ability to tell the two apart so God knows where I would draw the line with this man. I don't think there is much I wouldn't let him do, so I am glad he listened to me when I was able to stop myself from giving in.

I scold myself internally, I shouldn't ever have to feel grateful that he didn't take advantage. That's the bare minimum for a guy to do, and given how we first met, he knows that respecting the word 'No,' is a sticking point for me.

I know that I should go out there, but I lean against the door of the bathroom and breathe deeply through my nose and then out through my mouth several times before making my way to the kitchen to find Smith sitting at the breakfast bar with two cups and a teapot.

With steely determination in his tone, he says: "I would really like to talk, get to know each other for real but none of that will take place if you don't feel safe. If I can't convince you that I mean you no harm, then my driver will take you home immediately, and you will never see me again."

I don't respond and instead my eyes remain fixed to him with my arms wrapped protectively around myself.

He takes in my expression and his face softens even more in compassion.

"You're safe here, Jess. That I promise. I went too far there. There is no excuse for it and I am not gonna try to give you one. I just want to talk. I am really happy to get to know you for real, as I have been wondering for weeks what you're like in the real world, and I know you must be feeling the same."

My arms drop down to my side and I move closer to him as my jaw and fists begin to unclench.

"Jess. Let's just be in each other's company a little longer. And if at the end of that time, if you still don't trust me, or want anything to do with me, I will absolutely respect your right to be left alone."

I am highly doubtful this could be done given he is my boss and we will be working in the same building, and the worry must show on my face as he then says:

"I can work from home. My dad is more of a traditionalist and wants me to be at the office, but I will make it clear that this is where I will stay if it makes you more comfortable. In fact, I am in the process of implementing a <i Work from Home i> policy for all my employees. Yes, I will have to be in the office a lot for a few weeks, but we can coordinate our schedules so that we never have to see each other. I won't bother you. I promise"

While what he is saying is well-intentioned, I am not one hundred percent sure I believe it. He's my boss, we are bound to run into each other at some point. Plus, he is hard to stay away from. Even if it is the right thing to do.

I make my way over to the opposite side of the breakfast bar and his manners set in. He picks up the teapot and serves me a cup, then himself. The sweet, soothing scent of mint tea is amazing. Something that always makes me feel relaxed.

"This is my favourite tea," I say, with genuine gratitude.

"Mine too. It's something I always have when things get to be too much. You can imagine how my stocks have depleted lately."

I laugh nervously and lift the cup to my lips, feeling the warmth in my fingertips and inhaling the gorgeous scent fill my nostrils.

"Hi, I'm Jessica Ashton. What's your name?" I ask, knowing full well how silly it sounds, but I want us to start again, and get to know each other properly this time.

Smith smiles, a little perplexed at first, but then nods in understanding before he then replies, "Hi, Jessica Aston. My name is Jack Johnson."

"So you're Big Dick Johnson's new heir to the throne?"

He almost chokes on his tea as he takes in my words. "Seriously? That's what you call my dad? He'll love that."

My eyes widen in surprise, and blurt out:

"Was any of it real, Smith, er, Jack?"

God, the more I say it, the weirder it gets. He will always be Smith to me on some level. Back then, we could just be who we were without any need for propriety or self-consciousness. Yeah, it may not have been entirely equal, but it felt easy, and now I feel that illusion is about to be well and truly shattered.

"It was as real as you want to make it, Jess. I thought it was real, and I have never stopped thinking about it since, I just wasn't really prepared for how real it would eventually become."

"I like you, Jack. I like you a lot. I just don't know you enough yet, and what I do know doesn't feel real."

"I have nothing to hide, and I promise, we haven't done anything you didn't want to. Yeah, we have kissed, and I have touched you and you me, but we haven't gone further than that. Yes, hypnotising you to do what I wanted would have been easy, but it wouldn't have been fair to take advantage."

As we continue, I get the feeling that I am talking to an old friend from long ago. Our conversation flows naturally, and I am beginning to feel that comfort return to me finally.

He then reaches into his pocket, and places something on the breakfast bar that makes my eyes widen. My black lace panties from not long ago have been in his possession the whole time.

"That night, we were so close, and had I been a little more selfish at the time, I would have done it, but I put you in a cab home and made you forget that night, at least in part. I didn't want you to do something against your will just because you were horny for me... but you did leave this little souvenir in my pocket."

I am shocked at my own reckless behaviour but I really shouldn't be, given the past few weeks. <i Was this in me all along? I>

I want to blame all of it on meeting him, but I know that isn't the whole story. He can't create what wasn't already there, and I know there was some part of me looking to be taken care of after my breakup.

I debate on whether or not to tell him about these strange happenings, but it doesn't feel important. He may not be all knowing, but I think that some part of him knows that I am capable of it.

"This doesn't sound like the normal me. But I have been questioning just how much I really know about myself these past couple of weeks. It scares me what I am willing to risk just to be in your presence, Jack."

Jack seems lost for words. I can tell even he doesn't know what he unleashed that night, but he isn't afraid of it. In fact, he seems to delight in it. Then, a torrent of words comes out without him really meaning to:

"I can imagine you must feel like it's not real. I learned hypnosis as a way of making my life feel like something I could be in control of for once. I would read books, listen to other hypnotists, and find willing partners to practise on but it wasn't until I met you that I realised just how much power I could have over someone. You really are quite an amazing subject, Jess."

I want to ask him more, if only to boost my ego. But I know that once I ask him what it's like controlling my mind, and how it makes him feel, I will have a head so big that it will touch the ceiling of this beautiful penthouse.

So instead, I look at him from across the breakfast bar, my eyes looking over the rim of my tea cup. I am still a little wary, but nothing like before. It's like talking has levelled us, if only temporarily, and I am confident that we can at least be able to say that we enjoyed our time together tomorrow. Outside of this moment, the cavernous gap between us would be almost impossible to close, and the thought makes me sad.

"Ya know. It's nice to be able to have this moment before reality sets in, Jack," and I don't fail to notice that my use of his real name is becoming more frequent as the night goes on.

He smiles at me and his eyes crinkle in the corner with what I can only assume is his first genuine smile all day. His eyes sparkle with mischief but he doesn't feel the need to respond. His eyes say plenty already, and it's making me wet just to look at him.

And almost before I know what I am doing, I am out of my bar stool and walking as best I can, in what I hope is a sultry and seductive way, towards him. He turns to face me and I move my hand as if to touch his face, silently asking permission. He smiles his approval and my hands move over his face as my lips find his once again. His hands move all over me as we kiss. I want it to always be like this, his hands, his lips, the power of his presence makes me so wet. The arousal is on another level, and I forget all coherent thought and common sense as our mouths move together in a slow, sensual dance.

He then stands up and we continue to kiss as we gradually move toward the bedroom. He pushes me up against the wall, slowly unbuttoning my blouse and pushing his hands into my trousers to rub against the soaking wet fabric of my knickers. I am helpless in his grip as his hands then move back up to my hair and tighten at my scalp so that I am forced to expose my neck to his kisses. I moan as his teeth graze along my clavicle and my jugular.

"Jess. You say you want me, but I must warn you: If we go any further, you will always be mine on some level. I want you to always crave me inside you."

I sigh in pleasure and respond with "Please, make me yours, Jack."

He pauses momentarily, and makes me look into his eyes that are fixed in a serious expression.

"Jess. Is this what you really want? I want to know that I am okay to do this. I don't want to push you further than you're comfortable with but I will admit that restraining myself is really difficult right now. Please tell me if you want to stop."

I know I couldn't stop, even if I wanted to. My body has taken over completely and I can no longer control myself.

"I want you. I want this. Please. Please,"

"As you wish, My Good Girl."

My pussy clenches at his words and he roughly yanks down my trousers and panties. He then removes the shirt and leaves me in just my bra, which is soon taken care of.

As we pass the living room, I push him into a chair and straddle him. Despite me being on top, the contrast of his suit and my bare-naked body makes me writhe in pleasure as his hands move over my hips and waist. My nipples brush against the soft white of his shirt and the silky tie dances across my heated skin. I then feel the firm slap of his palm against my bare ass and I yelp, hardly caring who hears me.

"Oh, my good girl likes that. I knew you would." And he does it again, this time a little harder. It's never enough to cause me physical harm, but it does make me pay attention, and the force of the slap travels through my body making me moan and my clit throb for attention.

"Please Smith, er... Jack. Please" I can't stop myself from crying it out.

Those words make his eyes glaze over in pleasure and I hear the growls emanating from him as he man-handles me to the ground and pins my hands above my head before forcing my legs apart. He then grinds his fully clothed cock over my bare pussy and I shamelessly move my body up to meet him, but his body overpowers mine instantly and all I can do is surrender.

"I want you to feel the power your Sir has over you. I want you to give yourself to me completely. Tell me you will do this for me, Jess. Say it"

I want to always be under him. To always be his. I want my body to be his little plaything, and I desperately try to get the words out.