The Wedding


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"Ooo I hope you don't either," added Carrie, who returned back into the room.

"Of course not," replied Ali, "But please be on your best behaviour all of you, I don't want anyone making me cum during the service."

While Cat helped smooth the dress down Ali's body, she shivered at her sister's touch and squeezed her legs tightly together and then she put her heeled shoes on. I got the sewing kit and kneeling in front of them both admired how good Alice looked with clothes on.

Carrie came behind me and loosely wrapped her arms around my neck, resting her head on my shoulder, she must have either been bent over or kneeling down too. She was incredibly flexible, being in her mid twenties, which was only natural.

"It's like you're my girlfriend doing that."

"That's not a bad idea," she replied, "We did have a good time last weekend."

I'm just adding that 'last weekend' is included in 'The Journey South' and that part happened before this wedding. But I've put it into the next story as it's a better fit.

"I certainly did," I responded, "Did you? Did you tell your mum?"

"Of course to both, I tell her everything," she added, "She was jealous though, I think she would have liked it happening to her."

"I wouldn't mind either," I replied.

"Nor would she, it's just arranging it though." Carrie would have continued but...

"There," said Cat, "On today's catwalk my stunning sister."

She did indeed look good, the first one of us to be mostly dressed for the wedding, although a few hours early.

"Can you do it?" checked Alice.

"Yeah, no problem," I assured her, "Just stand still for a bit, while I get it level and even and then you can strip off while I stitch it up."

"Oh thank you," she was relieved.

"He's very good with his hands," added Cat, smiling.

"Yes he is but you're just as good," Ali reminded her.

"It's getting hot in here," added Carrie, stretching her arms straight up, giving us a pleasant view of her body.

"I do like the idea of everyone getting naked," I said, "but realistically I think Alice would like the dress done first."

"Before anyone does Alice?" Carrie chimed in.

Ali rolled her eyes at Carrie but smiled and Cat grinned too.

"Hey," thought Carrie suddenly, "If you can fix Ali's dress can you alter mine too?" and she left the room even before I could say yes.

"Any idea what she wants doing?" I asked Cat.

"Nope, none," she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"OK Alice," I looked at the younger sister and smiled, "Undress please."

"He wants to see your ass," added Cat, I mean, she wasn't wrong I really did but that was just a wonderful addition to sewing the dress up.

"Don't you as well?" Asked Ali as she slipped the bow at the back of her neck over her head and lowered the top of the dress down. She was still wearing the blue lace bra and looked amazing. The dress was a tight fit so she had to pull it down in stages, so sitting on the sofa, she shuffled out of it and handed it over. Standing up wearing heels and see-through underwear was a bit of a dream sight, even Catherine was admiring the vision before her.

"Don't forget to actually do the sewing," said Ali interrupting my thoughts. "You can look later."

"You do look incredibly hot," I pointed out, "It would be rude to not stare."

"I feel just as turned on as always," she teased her own fingers over her stomach and then said, "I may need to do something about it soon."

"You really cannot wear anything under that dress you know." Cat pointed out again.

"I know," Ali acknowledged, "I might wear something like a thong, would you all like that?"

"I would," I replied, "Sadly there's so many people here I wouldn't be able to check it out this evening though."

"Good," said Ali, "If I came in the middle of the party there could be questions," she was grinning though, it was still a possibility, "What if I was naked underneath?"

"I'd be all for it and we'd have to trust you if that's what you told us."

I got on with stitching and I assume Cat and Ali must have been talking about underwear as I caught bits of the conversation.

"Yes this one," said Cat. I looked and she had lifted her top and was proudly showing the purple underwear that I loved too, "Sorry P am I distracting you?" Obviously she was but I wanted to see more.

"Yes," I blurted out, "But don't stop there, Ali isn't covering herself with many clothes."

Alice was still in her underwear, it was summer and plenty warm enough even with the doors open to the balcony.

"Ok then," Catherine grinned, "Just for you, as you're being so good."

And she proved she was indeed wearing the entire ensemble, Okay it was only two items but my word, she did look good.

"Oh god you're turning me on," sighed Alice. "You're not doing my body cravings any favours sis."

She did a slow turn so we could take it all in again. Alice joined her and they both showed off their backsides. I'd been up close to both before and wanted to again but that was not for just now, I had serious work to stitch and this weekend was not planned to be anything erotic for us.

There was yet another knock at the door and the girls looked at each other.

"Carrie," they said in unison.

"Ah her dress," I added.

"Just me," yes it was Carrie, "I've brought a friend."

A slight look of horror came over the girls faces as they went to grab some clothing.

"Relax," I jumped in, "She wouldn't do anything awkward."

Carrie opened the door and walked in, but she was alone.

"Your friend is imaginary?" I asked.

Carrie replied, "No she's just coming, I said we were all in here and she wanted to join us."

"On the subject of cumming," said Alice, getting restless.

I kept on sewing but the three of them exchanged a few looks about the 'friend' that was expected.

Alice raised her eyebrows at Carrie, asking who it was.

"It's Liz," Carrie said, informing us all, "She wanted to see what was going on with the sewing bee we're having and was desperate for a drink, from what I gathered."

Cat gave Carrie a glare, but no words, normally I wouldn't have paid it any attention. But this, I learnt later, meant something. Carrie grinned at her mother as Alice asked, "Should we be getting covered up?"

"She knows we're in here naked, I've already told her," Carried replied.

"Who's naked?" I asked, wishing we all were.

"Just a phrase," Carrie told me, resting her soft hand on my shoulder. I was sitting on the sofa now and she stood next to me. I don't know what perfume she had on but it was intoxicating. I tilted my head to her hand. It was like...

"Alice is going to explode if she doesn't cum soon."

"Can I come in?" Liz was knocking on the door now, "I need alcohol," she laughed.

"Damn it!" Said Ali, "Missed the chance."

"It's open," that was all of us.

"Who's suite is this?" I jokingly asked them.

"We can leave if you want," Cat offered.

"Don't you dare," I looked straight at her, then locking her gaze, I added, "I want you to stay."

"Do you have anything to......" Liz stopped, "Oh you meant literally naked."

"I did say we were naked," Carrie repeated, "Except P who is the only one working."

"And yourself," added Liz.

"Yes and me," she agreed, "P this is my dress, can you shorten the straps so I'm not flashing everyone?"

Carrie's dress was from Oh Polly called Carino and bright red as an information note, she held it up so we could see.

"Did you have anything to drink here?" Asked Liz, then interrupting herself, "How big is this room?" She glanced around.

"In the fridge," I nodded over towards it, "Sorry about the glasses though, it's hotel tumblers, but they are real glass so it'll taste fine."

"Can I look around?" she asked.

"Of course."

"There's no bed," said Cat in a remarkable piece of observation.

"It's a suite," I pointed out, "Go and take Liz on an expedition." Not realising what I had started with them, but I'd understand later.

"Perfect," whispered Carrie into my ear, which puzzled me at the time.

Ali was looking about as well, "Is this balcony overlooked?" She asked walking towards it, taking her athletic body on a teasing stroll. She had slipped her hand down inside her underwear and between her legs as she moved but it was just making her worse.

"Only by the bridal suite which is sort of next-door," I replied, "That's full of naked people too, I've been informed, a short while ago, that Sara was naked, so feel free."

I had no problem with her showing off her body in my room, her family weren't here and I was enjoying the sight.

"Oh it's beautiful," she exclaimed looking outside and leaning on the guard rail, bending forward, we had a beautiful view too.

"Ass of the gods?" asked Carrie, enjoying the same view as myself.

"Don't you think?" I asked.

"Mmmm yeah," she agreed, "My dress?"

Carrie had noticed that Ali's hand was inside her knickers now too as she leaned forward.

"No problem," I said, "By how much is the only question."

"This place is huge," yelled Liz from the bedroom, "Is this your jacket P?" she added.

"Yes!" I yelled back, "Which tie would be best?"

"It's a nice one, you have a choice?"

"In the box."

"I've got them," Cat this time, "Oh perfect. Look!"

Alice could feel the heat and dampness forming as she used her fingers, that familiar tingle, the underwear would need changing soon if she kept going, making the soft, gentle moans to herself. Pressing the slow circles, the sensations were bringing her body alive. Reaching further between her legs, she teased between her pussy and ass, with the lightest of touches.

Cat and Liz came back in, glasses of wine in their hands and one of the bow ties I'd brought with me. Dinner Jackets needed them and I'd brought my whole selection. She had the black one and put it around Liz's neck. That was a naughty look, putting something on.

Alice closed her eyes and let her head drop, rubbing slightly faster, she didn't penetrate herself, but she had to steady her body by gripping the rail, she could feel her legs getting shaky and groaned quietly.

Carrie had slipped on her dress over her clothes and then removed her top, which was a masterful show of gymnastics. "See, it's a bit low," she pointed at her chest where the dress came to, it would show her nipples if she bounced up and down too much, "I know you wouldn't mind but I'd like to be respectful during the service at least," she grinned, "Don't want them on show just yet."

Alice gave up, she gathered herself and walked back in, unable to reach climax on her own, she was seriously frustrated now, she either had to jump someone or think about other things. "No signs of anyone next-door but I can hear a few people getting ready in there," she really wanted someone to help her cum, she was starting to fidget more and sucking her fingers, so that she could taste herself, did not help.

"You should have hollered over," I said, "They would have loved to have seen you and added to their tally of naked people."

"I may have to," she said, in a quiet sexy groan.

Catherine was walking about very casually, like she had forgotten how stunning and near naked she was, but it shows how comfortable she is with her body. Liz was still fully clothed with the bow tie on, so just her and myself who hadn't removed anything.

"Hey guess what," Liz jumped in but giving no time for any answers, "We've got matching underwear." And she lifted her top up showing a magnificent pair of breasts that were slightly larger than Catherine's. I could tell that as they were standing next to each other, yes the underwear was just the same. Liz's was pure white but the same style as Cat's and being that colour made it see through so we all were looking at the dark circles partially hidden by the thin material.

"From the same place?" asked Carrie.

"Must have been," added Ali, still clamping her thighs together.

"Yup," replied Liz, the glass of wine must have hit her, or two as the bottle was getting low.

"What are the chances of that?" she added.

"Show them properly then," Cat told her, she casually gave her own breast a squeeze, which made her eyes close.

"OK," replied Liz and she undid the buttons of her blouse and was shortly just in her underwear matching her two cousins, the tie complemented the look.

"Liz has the full set too," hinted Catherine, "Pure white, looks really sexy on her."

Cat leant in and whispered some encouragement into Liz's ear.

"Alright," she smiled, "As it's you." She undid the button, opening the front of her trousers and she slowly slid them down her legs, a slow, sexy show finally kicking her feet free. The bottoms were the same as the bra and you could clearly see her dark triangle of hair through them.

Alice gave a moan like a sigh, she was staring straight at Liz's pussy and her hand was resting on her lap, her legs tight together trying to squeeze the desire away. Her fingers were winning again and she was fighting against herself as she forced her own hand between her thighs.

Catherine and Liz were standing next to each other wearing matching lace underwear with their arms around each other's waists in a sexy hug, their breasts pressing together, which made Cat's nipple piercing give her shivers.

The underwear was identical but the white allowed a view of Liz's unshaved pussy. Alice was sitting on the sofa having a mental dilemma, should she try and bring herself off? She was next to myself as I finished stitching her long green dress and Carrie looked beautiful wearing her red number on the other side. There was an aroma in the air now and it was like we had all been fucking each other already. I was in heaven.

"You're done," I handed Alice her dress back, "Check it's a good length."

She groaned again, pleasure was so close for her, then she stood up and grabbed Carrie's hand, "Here, help me put it back on." And she dragged her niece off to the bedroom.

Catherine looked puzzled for a few seconds then making eye contact with her sister realised it wasn't the dress she wanted a hand with.

I watched them go and Alice started kissing Carrie before she kicked the door shut. It was only a minute or two at most before we heard a, "FUCK YES, OH YES, YES! Right there...... Oh god, no no no nooooo," then silence.

Catherine looked at Liz and just nodded, that answered any question she had. Cat then absentmindedly gave her pierced nipple a tweak and must have lowered her other hand to Liz's ass and squeezed as she then gave a slight moan, "Mmmmm that was nice," as she responded to the touch.

A short time later, the bedroom door opened again and they both came back out still carrying the green dress. Alice sat back on the sofa and grinned looking flush, as she pulled it up over her long smooth legs and I watched the show along with Carrie who admired her aunt, with a big grin too.

"Feeling better?" Asked the big sister, while Carrie was sucking on her own fingers and made sure I noticed.

"A little, she's very good," replied Alice, smiling at Carrie and quietly said, "Thank you, but I'm going to have to change my underwear now it's soaking."

Then standing, Alice pulled the top part of the dress up and passed the halter over her head and behind her neck. Cat came over and helped tidy her look then casually undoing her sister's bra and without a word Ali shrugged it off. Yes, that was a sexy way to wear the dress.

"You should see it with the jacket later," Carrie added.


"Yeah red like this dress," she added, "A great look for this evening."

"Ooo," Liz chimed in and placed her empty glass down, "I've got an idea."

She trotted back into the bedroom.

"Wow," that was me speaking, "It's like watching Baywatch." I was watching her legs and hips as she bounced away.

"You don't need all these do you?" She asked as she came back carrying the box of bow ties, "All the right colours too," and she handed them out.

"Here for you later," she handed the green to Carrie, it would match her red dress well and likewise the red one to Ali, who put it on with some assistance from Catherine and it did look good.

"That will go well with the jacket," Cat said.

Alice agreed, "Save it for party time though."

"Give a twirl Ali."

"You can't see a bow tie from the back," queried Liz.

"Just watch," said Carrie.

"Oooo yes that is a sexy dress, that's a lot of bare skin, we can see your underwear though Ali."

"That answers the question," she replied, sounding as happy as I was, "No underwear at all it is then."

"You should have taken it off just now," said Cat.

"Wasn't time," she grinned.

Carrie gave it some thought and said, "I think that everyone should be naked underneath our dresses."

"Liz and I can wear ours though?" Asked Cat, "It is special and we match."

"I would need a shave or maybe a full waxing before I went naked," said Liz.

"I don't mind doing that for you," said Cat sheepishly.

"I'm happy with either option," I said, "You both look stunning."

Catherine gave a smile, was she blushing now?

"One tie for you too," remembered Liz, "Blue you said?" and she handed the last of my coloured bow ties out to Cat. Liz gave Cat a kiss on her forehead and she held Catherine's touch for much longer than was necessary. You could almost hear the electric sparks between them.

"OK," said Carrie, "Mum and Liz can wear their underwear, I'll be naked underneath mine though," which made her shiver. "And so will Alice." She looked at me like I had the final decision, "But I'll need some help as this dress may fly up and this is a respectable occasion." She giggled, they had all been down to their underwear at some point in the past couple of hours.

"Oh the dress," I suddenly remembered, "Come on."

"I'd better go," said Alice, "They'll start to wonder where I've got to."

"You look fantastic," we all told her as she left the room.

"Oh can you look after the tie until this evening?" As she handed it back, "No pockets and I don't want to ruin the lines." She smiled and swung her hips as she walked to the door, the heels made her legs look even better as they showed through the dress's slit.

"She's forgotten her bra," noticed Carrie after she'd gone.

"I'll take it," said Cat, "We really should get going too." And she patted Liz's ass.

"Oh I've got to put up with my husband and son now," sighed Liz.

"Why's that?" asked Cat.

"Football." She groaned, "The final is on and they're missing it, going to try and get a radio to listen in, it'll be when the meal is finishing I'm guessing."

"Ahh I may be ruining or solving your evening," I smiled at her.

Catherine started putting her clothes back on and I just had to watch, I don't know if she knew I was staring, I hoped so but I continued speaking for Liz, "Elsa said they've got a TV up and ready."

"Elsa? TV?" she asked.

"Elsa is the coordinator and TV is for....."

"Yes I know what a TV is for," she jumped in, "That will cheer them up, huge thanks P." And she gave me a kiss, a proper one too, totally out of the blue, I think it surprised Carrie and Cat as well.

"Oh sorry," Liz apologised, "I wasn't thinking."

"No problem," I assured her, I was glad I wasn't standing because something was.

"Here," said Carrie and she kissed me too, using her tongue around my lips.

"And me," as did Cat, who also kissed Liz.......odd, but...

"Hey gotta go," she reminded her.

"Yeah we must," said Cat and after the clothes went on they left the room too, leaving me and Carrie alone.

She stood up in front of me and said, "About this much," and hiked the dress straps to raise it up.

"Hang on," I said and turned her around, adjusted myself and then held the thin straps, folding them over to see how much was needed. I could feel her shiver as I ran my fingers over her skin, I leant in and gently kissed the back of her neck, she spun around and wrapped her arms around me and started kissing, I eagerly joined in.