The Whole Nine Yards Ch. 01


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I shook my head. "Nooooo. I just called the presser after seeing Katina's public statement and request for a meeting. Now she's the Machiavellian one. And don't give Bettina any credit. During my presser, she asked if me having Tasha at our morning presser was using my daughter as a prop. My reply was that it was Kelly Carnes that was using my daughter as her prop to spew her racist hate speech. I notice that didn't make this morning's report." Vice Lieutenant Micah Rudistan laughed jovially at that, causing everyone else to chuckle a little bit.

"So did you work that out with Katina?" asked Tanya.

"No, she did that on her own." I said. "She really did call and ask for a meeting, and I agreed to it, as has Paulina. And I think I know what she's going to say, but I'll reserve comment until she actually says something."

Captain Damien Thompson said "Sir, the optics are looking really bad for you and ADA Patterson on this. Are you considering reducing the worst of the charges?" By that he meant the felony murder charges.

I replied: "It's ADA Patterson's call on that. But the great Rush Limbaugh called the Media the 'Drive By' Media because they come in, distort the truth, then move on, leaving a trail of destruction and broken lives in their wake. We'll see if they move on from this..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

10:00am, Thursday, July 16th. Katina Jones came to Police Headquarters, accompanied by Council Member J.P. Goldman, who was Katina's boss at the J.P. Goldman Bank and had encouraged her to run for Reginald B.F. Lewis's Council seat. They were escorted to my office, and I had them sit down in the comfortable 'hot chairs'. I poured coffee for them and filled my own Airborne School mug, as well.

"Don..." said J.P. Goldman, who was beginning to show his advanced age, "don't take this the wrong way... but what the hell are you doing putting Bill Redmond on the spot like that? He's a Republican, and we really need for him to beat that... beat Kelly Carnes!"

I briefly grinned, then said "Sir, do you remember the Battle of Sekigahara?"

"Not really." said Goldman. "I know it's the Japanese battle that James Clavell patterned his book 'Sho-gun' about."

I nodded, then said "The battle was, in my opinion, one of the ten most important battles in world history. It occurred in Gifu Prefecture on October 21, 1600, between the forces of Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Toyotomi Alliance. During the battle, one army, led by Kobayakawa Hideaki, hesitated, and did not join the battle. Tokugawa ordered his cannon to fire on Kobayakawa, to get them to get off their fourth points of contact and join the fight. You'd think that being fired upon would cause Kobayakawa to go against the Tokugawa, but instead he joined them. Tokugawa Ieyasu ultimately won the battle, and ultimately became Shogun of all Japan."

"My point of boring you with that story," I said, "is that Bill Redmond is not taking the incredible opportunity in front of him to wipe out Carnes, so I'm calling him out in hopes of getting his rear in gear. And if he doesn't? Not much else I can do for him."

J.P. Goldman nodded. "He's already well behind, and I'm concerned that you calling him out like you did might hurt him further. But I also understand what you're saying. If he can't even come out and condemn Carnes for her despicable hate speech, then he may not be good enough to win."

Goldman got up. "Stay seated." he said as I was about to get up. "I'll go talk to the Chief. Official Council visit, dontcha know. You and Katina can plot her victory over that slug Silas." As he left the room, I got on the office landline phone and called Paulina.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Paulina came in and sat down in the chair Goldman had vacated. My introductions were not necessary, as they knew each other already.

"We have one thing in common." Katina told Paulina. "We've both slept with this stud." Paulina's eyes widened, and I just looked at the ceiling.

"Okayyyyy." I said. "Back to the present. What did you want to talk to us about?"

Katina said "I just told Paulina that about sleeping with you because you remember that story I told you, about my own issues in the past?"

"Yes." I said. "Tell Paulina." Katina told Paulina about her abuse by the Court system and the late Harold Malone. (Author's note: 'Eyes Only', Ch. 03.)

Paulina said "There's a ton of those stories around here. I remember how the Iron Crowbar saved Nathaniel Jones from being framed." (Author's note: 'Case of the Black Badge', Ch. 01.)

"And we've cleaned up a lot of the crap that was going on then." I said.

Katina said "Because of my own issues, I felt a personal empathy with Breonna Bryant when I heard about this case, and I just wanted to get clarification on it, and see what can be done."

"Okay." I said. I took a file folder from several on my desk and handed it to Katina. "First, this is the arrest record and Court arraignment of Breonna Bryant, for participating in a protest in front of the Courthouse that turned violent. Per our usual standard, since she had no priors, she was given a Court date and released on her own recognizance. The reason that's important is because unlike what the Media is falsely reporting, Breonna Bryant does have a prior arrest record, though no convictions yet."

"Second," I said, "let me show you this." I handed her another file folder. Katina opened it, and almost dropped it.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed. "What IS this?"

"Those," I said severely, "are the photos of Police Corporal Inga Gunddottar's face, taken at the Hospital after she was rescued. As you can see, she was beaten so severely that she is barely recognizable. The other photos are of the beating she took to her body, as well as of damage that occurred when she was repeatedly sexually assaulted both vaginally and anally. Please, go on, look at it."

"I don't need to." said Katina, slapping the folder shut, her face a mask of horror at what she had just seen.

I continued: "We have DNA evidence that the late Jacquez Wilson and some of the perps that died in the Block House with him, were the same persons that beat and sexually assaulted my Officer. And that was the basis of our most very legitimate warrant to arrest Wilson and his cohorts."

I turned to my computer and brought up a file. "Okay, let's watch some TV. If you'll just look at the TV monitor on the wall, I'll bring this video up on it." I went through several videos, all showing Breonna Bryant among the 200 people ringing the Block House. "As you can see, Ms. Bryant was clearly at the scene, and one of the persons blocking the Police from executing the warrant and arresting Jacquez Wilson and the others in the Block House."

"So we have an ironclad case against her." I said. "And when the Block House exploded, killing eight persons, those people committing felony crimes by obstructing the Police and protecting the rapists from being served our warrant and being arrested, became guilty of murder in the commission of the felonies they were committing."

"I... I'm sure she didn't know that building was gong to explode, and she didn't cause it." said Katina.

"It doesn't matter." said Paulina. "She and the others were committing the crimes, and people died in close association with their actions."

"I get that." said Katina. "But isn't murder too strong of a charge? She didn't set off the bombs, and that likely would've happened anyway. It just looks like you guys are coming down on her, and really all of them, with sledgehammers... when a crowbar would be more than sufficient."

"I understand where you're coming from." I said, extending another file to her. "But take a look at this. It's not nearly as bad as Inga's photos."

Katina took the file, and as she looked at the contents I said "Those are photos and reports of the mission to rescue Corporal Gunddottar. Two paramedics and one of my Officers drove in to rescue her, and took heavy incoming gunfire from automatic and semiautomatic weapons. Paramedic Ellen Brooks was wounded, though her injuries were not life-threatening."

"The point of that," I said, "is to show you that I am having to put my Police Officers's lives in existential danger to protect innocent people from the violent protests. And Gunddottar was kidnapped and nearly murdered just because she was a Police Officer, as Wilson tried to use her to ransom out the 'Juneteenth 22' from custody."

I went on: "The Police did not initiate any of the conflicts. But we are not going to let the protesters harm innocent persons and destroy people's property for any reason. Now if people would protest peacefully, carry their signs, chant their chants, then go home for supper, I'd gladly get out of their way, and even provide protection and traffic control for them. But not when they get violent. Not when they get violent."

"Still..." Katina said.

"Katina, I have to find a way to stop the violence." I said, some frustration in my voice. "Nothing else has worked, so far. But maybe when some of them go to prison for years, maybe for life... maybe that will sink in and let them know that there are consequences for their violent and criminal actions. And so yes, I'm using a triphammer on these perps."

Paulina: "And I find it especially insulting that the Media is dishonestly saying that Breonna Bryant is some innocent victim in all this. I know your story, and you were falsely accused and the system was used to crush you. Myself, I used to be pulled over all the time by Harold Malone's white stormtroopers, for D-W-B, and I always wondered if they'd drag me out of my car and rape me right there on the street---"

"She's not exaggerating." I said. "They pulled my nephew and his wife of that time over, and were going to rape her when we got there and intervened." (Author's note: 'Case of the Black Badge', Ch. 02.)

Paulina said "So I'm very aware of the racism blacks are subjected to. But I never felt the need to violently protest and harm people. I never committed a criminal act; instead, I worked my ass off to become a lawyer and do what I could to make the System work right."

Paulina: "But Breonna Bryant, perhaps under the influence of the virulently Socialist, anti-Government Dr. Lionel Carmela, made poor choices. We're not falsely charging her. She didn't have to be at the Bock House when it exploded. She chose to be there. She didn't have to protect rapists from being arrested, but that is what she chose to do. She made her choices, and she has to pay the consequences for her actions."

Katina looked absolutely stunned. She had not expected this, I could tell. Finally, she said "I still think a murder charge is too much, whether she's black or white. And yes, she was there, she did what she did... but she really is a good person and a good student. And someone that can inspire black women to overcome obstacles and reach higher."

"That's the example you are making." I said. "And one I hope my daughter will make. I'll tell you what: I'll tell the Press that I'll talk to Breonna, see what she has to say, see if she understands and shows remorse for her actions at the Block House, and we'll see what happens. You in, Paulina?"

Paulina looked like she didn't want to do it, but she said "Okay, I'm in."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

11:00am. The Press Room was chock-full of reporters, who were pushing and shoving at each other to get the best places. Their mood was not a good one; they sensed that nothing they were going to hear bode well for their agenda of division and hatred.

As Katina, Paulina, and I headed down the hallway, J.P. Goldman and Chief Moynahan came up to us. I advised them of what we were going to do and say at the Press conference.

"I called Bill Redmond at his place of work, his home, and I called his Campaign Office, such as it is." said Goldman. "His assistant dodged and weaved. She said one time he was in a meeting and could not be disturbed. When I called back fifteen minutes later, prepared to demand she get him out of the meeting, she said he was on the floor of one of his factories, and couldn't be reached. His Campaign said they were unable to reach him."

"Don't sweat it, nor him." I said.

We filed into the Press Room and to the dias, where Captain Thompson was waiting for us. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "the Police Commander."

"Thank you, Captain Thompson." I said as I took the podium. I was wearing my Police jacket with ribbons, to make a little more impressive effect on potential viewers. I said: "Joining me today are ADA Paulina Patterson and candidate for the Town & County Council Katina Jones, with whom I just held a meeting. Council member J.P. Goldman also met with me as well as Police Chief Moynahan, and they may be speaking to you as well."

Your Iron Crowbar: "This is my second press conference in two days. I know what you're thinking: what did I do with the real Commander Troy?" Katina laughed, as did Captain Thompson and Chief Moynahan. Paulina and J.P. Goldman smiled. But the Press did not laugh. At all. They were utterly silent.

I continued: "I'll let Ms. Jones make her comments first. Katina?"

Katina took to the podium first. "Thank you, Commander." she said. ""Good morning, and thank you all for coming. I asked ADA Patterson and Commander Troy to meet with me to discuss the Breonna Bryant arrest, and they were kind enough to make some time for me. I also appreciate Mr. J.P. Goldman for coming with me and also meeting with Commander Troy and Chief Moynahan."

Katina: "We had a a very productive meeting, where I voiced my concerns about the appearance of the 'Jacquez 200' in general, and Breonna Bryant in particular, being overcharged after their arrests, and they shared with me some information that I was not aware of. One thing that apparently has been forgotten in the Media narratives of this situation is what happened to Police Corporal Inga Gunddottar, and also that three Public Safety Department servants risked their lives to rescue her, with one Paramedic being shot and wounded."

Katina: "No woman, whether she's white or black, nor whether she's a Police Officer or not, deserves to be kidnapped, repeatedly sexually assaulted, beaten so badly that she can't be recognized, and nearly murdered. No woman deserves that. But that is what Jacquez Wilson and his fellow criminals did to Inga Gunddottar, and that can be proved beyond a doubt. Therefore, anyone who was in that ring of 200 people preventing the arrest of Jacquez Wilson does not have my sympathy. At all. And no one else, be they black or white, Police or Press, should have any sympathy for the criminals that perpetrated that horrific crime."

Katina: "Having said that, I still do have concerns about the felony murder charge, and I'll ask Commander Troy and ADA Patterson to make their comments on that now."

Paulina came up and said: "I agree with Katina that we had a good exchange of ideas, and a lot of stuff that the Press has ignored was discussed in our meeting, including the real victim here, Inga Gunddottar."

Paulina: "I also explained that the reasons for the felony murder charges are because the perpetrators have to realize that if they are going to violently protest... and their protests have been violent, not peaceful as the Press falsely claims... then there are serious consequences that could affect them for the rest of their lives. However, I have agreed to defer to Commander Troy's decision concerning Breonna Bryant. Commander?"

Some would say Paulina was throwing me under the bus by saying that, but it was me that told her to say it. I came up to the podium and said: "Thank you, Paulina and thank you Katina. I have never met Breonna Bryant, but I have agreed to talk with her and attempt to understand her reasons for being at the scene and obstructing the Police in arresting Jacquez Wilson. And if she impresses me as much as she's impressed you Press people that have also never met her, I'll discuss with ADA Patterson the extent of the charges."

Your Iron Crowbar: "I also met with Councilman J.P. Goldman. Mr. Goldman, would you like to say a few words?"

"Thank you, Commander." said J.P. Goldman as he came up to the podium. "First, I want to express my appreciation for you and ADA Patterson meeting with Ms. Jones today. She has brought up some very important issues, especially concerning the brutal assault on Ms. Gunddottar, which the Press has completely ignored. And I appreciate Commander Troy agreeing to meet with the suspect."

Goldman: "Having said that, I believe in the Rule of Law and the need to have civil discourse rather than unproductive violent demonstrations, and I fully support ADA Patterson charging the criminals to the fullest and maximum extent of the law."

Goldman: "I also agree with Commander Troy that candidate for the Council Bill Redmond needs to come out and publicly condemn Kelly Carnes for her racist hate speech and calling a child a despicable racial epithet. And you Press people need to be reporting on that. We're not going to let you bury that story to protect the racist Kelly Carnes."

When he was finished, I said "Chief, would you like to say a few words?"

"Nooooo." drawled the Chief. "You're doing an excellent job, Mr. Crowbarrr. Captain Thompson's job might be in dain-gerrrrrrr." Captain Thompson grinned, and Paulina and I chuckled. The Press was utterly silent.

"Does anyone have any questions before we conclude?" asked Katina.

"Miss Jones," said a black reporterette for a Southport television station, "do black lives matter?"

"Allow me." I said to Katina, almost pushing her aside as I came up to the podium and put my hand on Paulina'a back to include her. I said loudly "Does our daughter Tasha's life matter?"

"That's not what I asked her!" the reporterette snarled.


"You're a racist." the reporterette snarled, though a bit quietly.

"Get her out of here!" Captain Thompson ordered. Two Officers, one of them Joan Laurer in uniform, came forward. In the wisest move of her life, the reporterette did not resist, and exited the room with the Officers behind her.

"Are you always going to do that?" Bettina Wurtzburg asked loudly.

"Do what?" Katina replied.

"Reply to a legitimate question about black lives mattering by asking about his daughter." Bettina said.

"You betcha." I replied. "And I think you well know, but will never admit on air, that the answer to both questions is the same..."

Part 8 - First Impression, Last Chance

J.P. Goldman took the Chief, Me, Paulina, Katina, and Captain Thompson to lunch at the Cattleman's Club. We were seated in the back room for a little more privacy.

"You're very good in front of a crowd." I said to Katina. "Lots of practice from your campaign appearances?"

"That's a lot of it." said Katina. "But Franklin Washington's wife Susie works with a television production company, and she's worked with me a lot."

"How'd you guys think the Press conference went?" I asked.

"Good, I think." said Katina. "But there's a lot of hostility between you Police guys and the Press. Was that normal?"

I replied: "Considering that a reporter put one of my daughters in a building that exploded, and a reporter started that crap calling my other daughter that filthy racial epithet... this was a relatively peaceful day." Katina looked shocked; this had been a hugely eye-opening day for her.

"I thought it went well." said Paulina. "But only KFXU viewers will ever see it. KXTC and the SNN Networks are going to bury that like a body of a person with Bubonic Plague."

"I agreeeee." said the Chief. "And Don, I also like the way you are handling the Press when they ask if black lives matter. They can't get around your comeback question."