Christmas Vacation


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“Hailey? How the heck do you know about all that?”

“Mom, we share a closet and Dad wasn’t very quiet when he yelled at you. Chris was kind of young and just kind of tuned it out or something, but I would get so angry at what he was doing…I knew he was about to blow big time when you came back the morning after the ski trip, after the blowout the night of Christmas and I wanted to be there to help you if I could. Turns out you didn’t need it. I was so proud of you, Mom.” They hugged as Jaime cried.

“Thank you, Hailey. If it weren’t for you and Chris…”

“In any event, just have a good cry and let it all out for a while. Isn’t that what you told me, when I broke up with Kyle? Then I’ll sleep in here with you tonight, OK?”

“Thank you, Hailey. But, Hailey… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be involving you in this. It’s my problem. I’ll deal with it.”

“No, Mom. It’s OUR problem. It affects all three of us. And we want to help. So why don’t we get you into the shower and your pj’s. Just give it some time. It’ll all work out. You’ll find someone. Even if it’s not Matt. But I think Matt’ll come to his senses. I think that guy is hooked. In the meantime, you’ve got us and we’ll concentrate on making you happy. OK?” So she cried.

It’d been a week and her mom still hadn’t laughed or even smiled. She decided she was gonna have to do something about that.

“Chris. What the heck is wrong with you? You’re walking like an old lady or something.”

“I twisted my back in volleyball. It’s so stiff I can hardly move. I put heat on it and took some naproxen, but neither helped.”

“I know what’ll help. Why don’t you lie down and I’ll massage some of that anti inflammatory stuff into your back and massage it a little. And maybe you’ll feel better.”

Suspiciously, “Hailey, what are you up to?”

“Nothing. You just look like you’re hurting a lot. You can’t really reach it yourself. And I want to help.”

“OK. But you’re not going to hurt me are you?”

“Nope. Promise.”


“That’s it. Lie down. Here comes the goop. It’s kinda cold, but then I’ll massage all of it in. Man, these muscles really are tight. They must hurt. You know, after this, it’s probably good to lie here for a while, but then…

“I know, it’s December, but it’s sunny and supposed to be 75 degrees out. Thank you global warming. You could put that new suit of yours on and lie in the sun. That should make you feel even better.

“Good idea. What’s that rustling sound?”

“Uh, nothing. Just getting some more stuff to rub on and massage in. All done. How’s it feel?”

“Actually, much better. And you didn’t hurt me.”

“You wound me, sister. Go lie out in the sun for a bit and you’ll feel human again. OK, gotta go. Mom! I’m going to the library to look up some stuff for a school project. Be back in a little bit. Chris is going to lie out in the sun for a while. Her back’s pretty sore. You may want to check on her.”


Chris walked by with a towel over her suit and lay down on the lounge chair, back to the sun. Her mom walked out a short time later to check on her.

“Chris? How are you do….CHRIS LOGAN! I said no tattoos!”

“What? What the heck are you talking about, Mom?

“The new tattoo on your back.”

“New tattoo…HAILEY!” She jumped up. “Where is she, Mom? I’m going to kill her. She massaged my back….I knew it! I knew she was up to something. I am so darned stupid.”

“Hailey did that?” She started laughing so hard she couldn’t catch a breath. She snorted.

“MOM! It’s not funny. Certainly not snorting funny. You have to punish her! Ground her. Don’t let her use the car when she gets her license…,” but she started laughing too. “And worse. She told me to put the suit on and lie in the sun. Just so you’d see it!”

“And it’s a biohazard symbol!” She laughed more. “I’m sorry, Chris. I’ve got tears in my eyes. I have to sit down. Oh how I needed that. I knew something was up when she said she was going to the library. She’s never even set foot in a library.”

She continued to laugh. “I pity the poor guy she goes after. Here let me look at that thing. Oh, Chris. I think it’s that henna stuff. It won’t come off easily. Pretty much need to let it wear off.”

Chris hugged her. “It’s fine. I kinda like it. Maybe after it wears off..”

“NO! No tramp stamp. Especially a biohazard symbol.” And she started laughing again.

Chris got out her phone.


>But you did make her laugh like crazy. Good job.

“Chris, those hamburgers and hot dogs were terrific. Cooked just right. And it’s freezing out there. It’s so good to be here on your birthday, Hailey. December 23rd. Sixteen years old. I remember the day you were born. How the time flies. But before we light the candles and have some cake, your grandpa and I got you a present.

“Where’s that special guy of yours, Jamie? Why isn’t he here for this very special day.”

“He had to work, Mom. He would have been here if he could.”

“You know, Hailey, it’s just too bad your mom didn’t invite your dad. He’s such a good father. And so devoted to you two. Jamie, I will never understand how you could have thrown that all away on a whim. And the way you did it….You had everything and John was so good to you. He did everything he could to make you happy. And now you won’t even invite him to your child’s special sixteenth birthday. Not right. Not right at all.”

Hailey looked over and noted her mom was turning redder and redder., her fists balling up. Jaime stood up and said, “Really Mom? Is that an appropriate topic when we’re about to cut the cake? Hailey, I’m sorry. I’m not feeling well and I’m going to lie down for a bit. Go ahead and have the cake. I’ll be out later.”

“Mom? Do you want us to go with you?”

“No. Please. Have cake with Grandma and Grandpa.. I just need…”

“I understand, Mom. We’ll be in shortly.”

“I just can’t believe your mom would get up and leave right when we’re ready to cut the cake. I hope you girls have learned something from what she’s done.”

“SHUT UP, GRANDMA! You’ve said enough. I’m tired of listening to you talk out your backside when you have no idea what’s really going on. What really happened.”

“Chris, you can’t…”

“SHUT UP, GRANDMA. You two are guests in this house! OUR house. And as such you should be respectful to your host! How dare you talk to our mom like that! What do you think, Chris? The time has come?” She nodded.

“Hailey! You can’t talk to your grandma that way.”

“Time for you to shut it too, Grandpa. If you ever want to step foot in this house again or ever see either of us again, then you’ll just sit there and listen to Hailey. Your choice. Leave? Stay? Doesn’t matter to us. Not any more. We’re sick of it. The floor is yours, Hailey.”

“My dad is not a nice guy. He is a narcissistic, mean, vindictive, petty, abusive ass. You say he was a great husband? Well, let me tell what life was like with him. From my earliest days, all I remember is him yelling at Mom. Every day. About nothing. And she just took it. Bad day at work? Let’s take it up a notch. Time to break things, tear up the house and slap my mom around.

“Football team lost? Time to tear up the house and hit my mom. She went to the ER at least twice that I know of and it may have been more. I swear I think he got her pregnant just so he would have someone to take care of him. He never lifted a finger here. He never did anything with us. It was Mom, all Mom. 100%. She even cut the grass.”

“But she missed so many of our family things. It wasn’t right. Your dad always made it.”

“Right. He’d beat the crap out of her and she’d cancel because she had bruises she couldn’t hide. She didn’t want the world to know. Then Dad would show up like father of the year. You think she kept falling down. Give me a friggin’ break. She coached soccer, volleyball, cheerleading and helped us with dance. She’s a jock. He broke her arm! He threw her into the stairs and split her forehead.

“And now he’s starting to do the same to Emily. More weekend trips, night time meetings, finding fault, yelling. I don’t think he’s hit her yet, but it’s coming. It’s getting worse all the time.

“Hailey, I just can’t believe a word of this. Why would you say such a thing.”

“Are you really that dense, Grandma. Sit tight and minute, I’ll be right back.”

“Hailey? Do you think you should? You know Mom doesn’t know we know about those pictures.”

“Time for the big guns, Chris.” She returned and pitched some 8X10’s in front of her Grandmother. “What are these, Hailey? Who is…oh, goodness, it’s Jamie.”

“Yup. Photos taken by her divorce attorney December 26th. And you know, Grandma, many times she looked much worse.

“So, since the divorce we have to be with Dad some of the time. He doesn’t talk to us. Doesn’t do anything with us or take us anywhere. Invite him to my party? Heck, I don’t think he even knows it’s my birthday. And that’s just the start of what I could tell you.

“You’re correct, Grandma. What Mom did was not right. But did you ever ask her about it? Did you ever ask her why, or what life was like that might have driven her to it? Did you ever have to listen to her cry? Night after night while she was asking God for forgiveness? No, of course not.”

“She said she made a mistake and never mentioned any of the other, Hailey.”

“Of course not. She took the high road and Dad continues to bad mouth her all over town. What he’s peddling is a pack of lies. Almost none of it is true. She’s never said a bad thing about him to us, but he rants about what a horrible person she is every time we’re with him. Even now. He’s been so effective that people all over town know what she’s done and look at her weird. Even her own parents believe all his crap.

“And now she finds happiness with Matt. Things are going great. So Dad has a barbecue. He’s never done that before. But he did it just so he could get Matt alone. He tells him a load of crap, I heard him, and talks him into dumping her. That’s why Matt’s not here today, Grandma. Dad couldn’t stand to see her happy. So he took that from her as well.”

“But, Hailey. She did cheat on him.”

“Right, Grandma. One guy, one day. And hated herself forever. Dad was screwing Emily for 18 months before she did that. And she was just his latest.”

“Oh, I don’t believe that!”

“So, you never questioned or thought it odd that he gets served with divorce papers on Thursday, moves in with Emily that weekend, and within a month announces that they’re going to get married as soon as the divorce is finalized? And, oh by the way, she’s pregnant? That’s a hell of an online dating service.”

“I guess I never thought about it.”

“Of course not. You just dumped on my mom, just like he did. Kick her when she’s down. You two, his parents and Dad. Five against one. And she never defended herself. Just took it. Typical victim of abuse. I’m a piece of crap so feel free to kick me when I’m down. I deserve it. Well she doesn’t deserve it!

“You know, Grandma. They say that he who preaches the most about a sin is most likely to have committed that sin herself.” A look of guilt flashed over Heidi’s face for a second.

“Whoa! Did you see that, Chris?

“Yup. Sure did.”

“So, Grandma. Does Grandpa know about it? He’s staring holes into you right now. Tell you what. I think it’s time for the two of you to leave. Do NOT ever come back to this house. DO NOT talk to my mother or either of us again until you apologize and show her the respect she deserves for being the wonderful woman and mother she is.

“She is a survivor and broke out of that pit of abuse. No thanks to either of you. In fact, you were part of the pit. Think about it. You should be ashamed. You never even tried to help her. You joined forces with Dad to punish her. Why? How could you do that? She’s such a great person.

“Here’s your present. I don’t want it. I don’t want anything from either of you again. Please show yourselves out. We have to check on Mom. Thanks so much for coming and making my sixteenth so memorable. Oh, and have a nice discussion on the way home about sin and transgressions and the like. And maybe even forgiveness. It is the Christmas season.

“Come on, Chris. Let’s go see Mom.” They walked down the hall towards the bedroom. She stopped. “No, on second thought. I think I’m on a roll. Time to set things right. It’s my birthday, and Christmas, after all. You help Mom. I’m going to go talk to Matt. And then if Mom’s doing alright, maybe we should go have a chat with Emily. What d’ya think?”

“Agreed. Good luck. Christmas is the time of change and miracles. Look out world, the Hailstorm is coming.”

Hailey walked into the fire station. “Hello. Is Matt Richard’s here? I need to talk to him.”

“Sure. He’s in the back putting some things away. Just go down that hall there.” She walked past the engines and down the hall. Matt was bending over sorting rescue supplies. He looked up as she approached.

“Hailey. What are you doing here?”

“Matthew, we need to talk.” He smiled and chuckled a little. She slapped his arm. “Yes, Matt, I know just what those words mean. I am 16 after all. And, yes, you missed my birthday.”

“I’m sorry, Hailey. It’s just..”

“Doesn’t matter. I know what those words imply. In fact I heard them just last week because I wouldn’t….. Well, that’s a different matter. I thought you liked my mom.”

“I did. I mean, I do.”

“But you listened to my dad, dumped her, and broke her heart. Good job. And let me guess, she never defended herself, tried to justify it, tried to explain or anything. She froze. Like a deer in the headlights. Just said something like ‘I understand’ and ran into the house crying.”

“Well, yea. But your dad wasn’t the only one I heard it from. There were others.”

“Matt, let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time there was this wonderful woman, full of life, and ready to help anyone, who ended up pregnant during college. Instead of getting rid of her baby she decided to keep her (me) and ended up marrying an abusive, narcissistic, man who yelled at her all the time, treated her like crap and slapped her around.

“She never spoke back, defended herself or did anything about it. Just took the abuse so that she could raise her kids and protect them from their father. For 12 years she never left me alone with him. She went on a family ski trip and near the end of the first run, she fell down and broke her arm. It was gross. I still remember it. Her arm was bent all in the wrong place.

“My dad started yelling at her so loudly that everything stopped on the slopes. Chris and I were in a lesson and heard it all. He was just pissed that she ruined his plans. He never offered to help her up or anything. She was starting to get herself up when a ski patrol guy came in and helped her.

“He was kind, understanding and much better looking than you, Matt.”


“In any event, she did spend a couple of days with him while we were on the slopes. My dad found out, and on Christmas Day, when he thought we were in bed, confronted her and said he was going to divorce her and take her kids. She never defended herself. Said ‘I understand’, took the hit. Sound familiar? He beat the crap out of her. And then she fell apart. Probably just like she did with you. Difference was she was broken for about an hour. From you, she’s still broken.

“But she changed that night. I watched her, Matt. She stayed up all night and checked records, and the phone and all sorts of things. She didn’t take a break all night. I was exhausted. The next morning, though, she looked great and left the house to do a bunch of things.

“My dad was very surprised to say the least. And really pissed. He kept asking us what the heck she was doing? Really agitated. When she came back, they went to the bedroom, but instead of begging for forgiveness, Mom said she’d just met with an attorney and had had a discussion with Emily. What he left out of your conversation is that he had been seeing Emily for a year and a half.

“He went ape crap and started throwing her around and hitting her. I was about to go in and help her. And then I heard her in a voice, a voice that scared the heck out of me, tell him that if he ever touched her again, she was going to beat him to a bloody pulp.

“She told him she had recorded the whole thing and wanted her kids and the house. Not true of course, but a good bluff. She got the house, but we still had to spend some time with our father. He never paid alimony or child support like he was supposed to. She did it all on her own. And Dad’s been awful to us. The clothes he wanted us to wear were awful. He wouldn’t listen to Emily when she tried to get us decent things to wear. And those lunches he made us….I still gag when I think about them.

“My mom was concerned enough that she took her savings, bought that piece of crap van and drove it to school on the days he dropped us off. Just so we could jump in the van and change clothes and not be embarrassed and teased all day. He wouldn’t let us wear bras or regular underwear. He had some crazy orthopedic old persons undies that would hang out of my gym shorts. Until my mom saved us. He was so weird about stuff. Plus. She packed us a great lunch. Each day. After school, she’d be there so we could change back into those horrible clothes. Before we went back to Dad’s.

“She knows what she did was wrong and I still hear her praying for forgiveness, Matt. Over and over and ask God to be allowed to be happy. We could hear her through the closet. Every night. Can you imagine what it was like to hear your mom sobbing and begging for forgiveness late at night? That’s why you’ve never heard the other side of the story, Matt. Did she ever say anything to you in all the time you spent together?” He shook his head.

“She was sad, lonely, but tried to hide it from us and her friends. And then one day she met this fireman and lit up. She was glowing inside. Happy. Chris and I had never seen her like that. Ever. And then Dad took that happiness away from her too. The light went out. She was sad again. She still puts on a good face, but it’s just for show.

“So, Matt. You don’t have to love her, if you don’t. You don’t have to be with her if you don’t want to. But please don’t write her off and just walk away. At least talk to her. Talk with her. Help her, please. Be her friend. Be something. I guarantee you, she has paid such a high price for a couple days of meaningless whatever, that she would never even think of doing it again.

“If that is what you’re afraid of. If ‘once cheater always a cheater’ is your worry and I understand that, you don’t have to worry about her. She would rather die first. Well, that’s all I came to say. I really buggered up the story, but I’m sure even you, Mr. Fireman, get the gist.

She got up to leave and he snagged her arm and hugged her. “Thank you, Hailey. I think I made a big mistake. You’re a pretty smart girl and your mom’s lucky to have you on her side.”

“Yes, you have. And I think she is, too. Although, to be honest, I think there are days when she has her doubts about me.” They both laughed. “Now you should do what you know you need to do. Matt, she is such a great person and I know she would make you happy if you’d just let her. Plus, you get Chris and I as a bonus.” And smiled at him. He hugged her again.

“So, Hailey, what would be the best way for me to get back together with her?”

“Well, you could ask her out on a date, but that could get awkward and hard to have a talk with her. I’d probably recommend that you let me know when you’re coming, Chris and I will disappear, and then you can like show up and have the house to yourselves. She’ll be shocked to see you, but then likely melt and cry and stuff. Wish I could film it.”

“What about tonight after work? 7:30 or so?”