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"I don't think anyone would mind really." In the same breath he continued, "You're looking really good Hannah."

"Oh, do you think?" she said looking down at herself. "I mean, yeah, things are definitely good. But, no I really shouldn't. It wouldn't be fair. I'd better go." She caught his eye as she turned away, he looked perplexed.

She kept walking away from him until she found what appeared to be the back of the queue, two shops down. This seemed like the longest queue in the world. She was never going to see him again, was she? She wondered if the bread was really worth it. But what else could she do but walk away? She knew she couldn't have stayed there chatting to him any longer—after only seconds in his presence she'd already managed to touch him which was completely uncalled for! She couldn't trust herself around him. She put her earphones back in and tried to focus her attention on something else, anything else. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes, willing herself to stay in the queue. The sun on her face helped calm her heart rate but her cunt was pulsating which was inconvenient in that moment. Her focus remained defiantly on him.

A few minutes later she saw Elliot emerge from the bakery. He glanced around and she instinctively ducked, hiding her face behind the person in front of her. Was he looking for her? Or was he just unsure which route to take? She looked back up. He had begun walking in the opposite direction. She found herself pushing up on her tiptoes to see over and around the line just to keep eyes on him until finally he was out of view.

Back at home, Hannah fished out the apparently precious sourdough and a couple of croissants from the bottom of the bag and tossed them on the kitchen counter. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't shift Elliot from her mind. She leaned over the countertop and gripped the edge with both hands, digging her nails into the underside and exhaling loudly. That encounter had just brutally reawakened the lust that was always lingering under the surface of all her sessions with him, and now she felt it more intensely than ever. In that moment it was almost too much to bear. Fuck. Why did she always want men who were unavailable to her? She took a deep breath, redressed herself and hung up her empty shopping bag.

Just then, her doorbell rang, interrupting her thoughts. She went to open it, stepping on a wayward child's building block on the floor on her way there, and cursing it loudly, she grabbed her foot and squeezed it to help defuse the pain. At this time of the morning it was either going to be the postman who was running late, or a parcel service and she didn't want to miss either, in case that meant having to go and pick something up from god knows where the day afterwards. "Just a minute, I'm coming!" she shouted.

She flung open the door with one hand, taking her injured foot in the other and looking down to inspect it. There wasn't any blood. But damn it hurt.

"Hi" she heard. She recognised that voice. Her head shot up and she let go of her foot in an attempt to regain balance. She saw Elliot stood there, on her doorstep.

"Elliot, hi, erm..."

"Hannah, is it ok that I'm here? I had your address in your file." He paused nervously. "Is anyone else home?"

"No, no-one's home right now. Is everything ok?" she asked as Elliot stepped through the doorway and closed the door purposefully behind him.

"Hannah, why did you run off when we were talking outside the bakery?" he said, looking at her intensely.

What was happening? Hannah couldn't think straight. Why was Elliot here asking her questions? Her breath was fast and shallow, her heart pounding so loudly in her ears she thought he might be able to hear it too.

"Erm, I don't know. I guess I was so surprised to see you. I wasn't prepared." He was close enough to her so that could smell him, his heady scent, in her hallway.

"Ok," he said, "but why do you need to prepare yourself to see me? Was I really that scary as your therapist?" He slid one arm out of the strap of his rucksack and took it off, placing it on the floor, all the while holding her gaze.

Hannah didn't know what to say. She couldn't possibly tell him how she felt about him, could she? Her longing to touch him but knowing she never could. But here he was unexpectedly, in her home, asking her questions and staring deep into her eyes.

"Scary?" She laughed nervously. "No. I was always very comfortable in your presence. I thought you knew that. It's just that we've never seen each other outside of your office before. I've also never seen you looking, well, like this," she said gesturing towards him.

"And what do I look like?" he asked, inching closer towards her.

Hannah gulped. She felt unable to contain her fear and excitement that this conversation—a conversation she'd never thought could happen—might actually be unfolding in front of her eyes. But from somewhere inside, she felt a burst of confidence kicking in. Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline coursing through her body. Maybe it was the way he was looking at her, inquisitive, and... lustful? She couldn't be sure what it was, but she had to go with it.

Looking directly into his piercing blue eyes she answered, "Well, not like my therapist but still," she hesitated, catching her breath, "as beautiful as ever." Part of her couldn't believe what she was saying to him. But she continued, raising an eyebrow and tilting her head to one side, "I tell you what, why don't I ask the questions for once."


"What are you doing here, in my hallway?"

Elliot tore away his gaze and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Damn, I know I shouldn't be here Hannah. I know we had a professional relationship—I don't want to cause you any harm. And you're, well, married." He hesitated but continued, looking back at her, "I tried to talk myself out of it. But I need to know. Do you want... me?"

Hannah wasn't sure she'd heard him correctly. Wait, did Elliot want her, as much as she wanted him? Her heart racing, she stepped into his space and put her hands on either side of his face. She whispered, "Elliot, I've wanted you since the moment I walked into your office. And I've wanted you more every day since." She lifted her mouth to his. His lips felt smooth and hot. His mouth opened letting her tongue glide inside.

Elliot's hands shot out from his pockets and landed on the wall directly behind her as if to keep himself from falling, forcing Hannah to step back.

Locked in their embrace, she let her hands move down from his face, across his chest and along his stomach. She pushed his t-shirt up and touched his warm skin.

Elliot broke away, "Fuck Hannah, I love feeling your hands on me." He closed his eyes, tilting his head back, humming in pleasure.

Hannah bit her bottom lip, still wet from their kiss. Looking up as his face, she tracked his expressions while she took one hand from under his t-shirt and moved it over his belt, down to his erection. She stroked its length through his jeans. She couldn't quite believe she was touching him this way, but she loved feeling him react to her. Twitching and moaning in pleasure.

"Is this for me?" she asked.

Elliot dropped his head down to her neck and turned his face towards her. She could feel his hot breath on her. "It's all for you."

Hannah felt a shiver run through her whole body, that she wondered if he picked up on. She turned and nibbled at his ear.

Elliot let out a quiet grunt, "Hannah, can I touch you?"

"Not yet."

Hannah began unbuckling his belt, letting the clasp fall away. She pulled hard at the buttons on his jeans and slid her hand into his underpants. She took his cock in her hand, gripping it, feeling its heat.

"Hannah, please let me touch you," Elliot begged.

"Wait," she said, more firmly than before.

Elliot obeyed as she slid down the wall into a crouched position. Looking up at him, she pulled his underpants away from his erection. His hands were still firmly placed on the wall, his eyes now open and locked on her, flickering with anticipation. She gripped his cock in her hand and licked up the shaft and around the head. Elliot's hips jolted ever so slightly towards her, obviously eager for more. She shifted herself onto her knees and took him fully in her mouth, her lips taut around his cock.

Her mouth was full of him, but her cunt was screaming for attention, wet and pulsating. She was unable to resist taking one hand down to touch herself through her clothes. Moaning filled her already occupied mouth, vibrating onto his cock. Edging herself too quickly towards an orgasm, she brought her hand back up damp with her own juices and grasped the base of his cock with it, rubbing the scent of her cunt into him. She felt him stiffen further in her mouth and the delicious taste of his pre-cum in the back of her throat. Elliot pulled away from her with a guttural groan.

Placing his erection back in his underpants, he bent down to her and put his hands under her armpits lifting her upright. He pinned her to the wall.

"What do you think you're doing? I was enjoying that."

"Oh believe me, I was too. You're far too good at that. But I don't want this to be over already. I want to..."

Elliot's words trailed off as he dropped his head and put his mouth on her neck, kissing and gently biting at her skin.

Hannah's hands fell limp beside her body, surrendering herself to his touch. She instinctively tilted her head to the side exposing more of her skin to him. Her breathing was shallow, almost inaudible. Her skin tingled in waves across her body. The sensation of it all was utterly overwhelming.

He brought his face up to meet hers, pushing his body up against her and forcing his way into her mouth, seemingly desperate to be inside her again.

She could feel his erection digging into her and slid her hand between them both to touch it. She broke away from him. "Do you like how you taste in my mouth?"

Elliot threw his head back. "Fuck, Hannah. I'm not going to last very long if you say things like that to me."

He gently moved her hand from where it was stroking his cock through his underwear and slid it up the wall and above her head. He held her hand there in his. His face next to hers, he took his other hand down to her crotch. "Watching you touch yourself might be the sexiest thing I've ever seen. But now it's my turn." He slid the back of his thumb firmly over the wet material up against her clitoris arching it underneath her so that the base pressed hard against her. Then he dragged it back up, and pushed it back down harder.

Hannah's head fell against his chest and she gasped into the fabric of his t-shirt, pushing herself harder onto his hand.

"Do you like that?"

"I think you know I do."

"I want to see you," he whispered in her ear. Releasing her hand from the wall, he slid his hand around her back and unzipped her jumpsuit. She let both arms fall down allowing it to fall away from her torso.

The material gathered around his hand still pressed up against her cunt. He pulled his hand away allowing it to drop to the ground and placed his palm on the base of her stomach, pushing his fingers underneath her underwear. He glided two fingers either side of her labia gently squeezing her clitoris making her gasp again. He removed his hand from her underwear and began moving his mouth down her body, kissing her hot damp skin as he went.

He bit at her nipples over her bra making her writhe in pleasure. His mouth widened against the material registering her reaction, smiling up at her he reached around her back and unhooked her bra. He took one nipple in his mouth and sucked hungrily, pinching the other one between his thumb and forefinger. Hannah groaned loudly and arched her back off the wall. "Oh god, you've no idea how much I want this."

Elliot stood back up. "Oh I think I might. Do you know how hard I tried to stop thinking about you Hannah? But I couldn't. There's nothing I want more," he said pushing her wet gusset to one side and sliding his fingers inside her. "God you feel so good."

Hannah moaned, gripping his forearm and digging her nails into his flesh. "Elliot, fuck me, please," she begged.

"Like this?" he teased, kissing the side of her face.

"Oh god." Her legs felt weak beneath her. "No, I want you. All of you."

Fixed on her, he slid his fingers out of her and brought them up to his lips. He sucked one then the other, as if trying to extract every molecule of her from them. "I know you taste good in my mouth."

Hannah's eyes widened at his words. She grabbed his face finding his mouth with hers.

In need of no further encouragement, he began tugging at her wet underwear, messily trying to pull them off. Hannah retreated and took over sliding her fingers under the material and down her thighs. Stepping out of them, she reached towards him and tugged at his t-shirt, hinting that he was too dressed. He reached back and grabbed the collar and pulled it over his head, discarding it on the floor. She finally got to see his chest that she'd so lusted after during her sessions with him. Unable to resist, she pressed her body into his and kissed it, flicking his nipple with her tongue she felt his cock twitch in his underpants. Her hands slowly worked their way up his arms, over his shoulders until they were around his neck. Her face met his.

Looking into her eyes, he hoisted her up against the wall. Her legs flung around him.

Kissing her urgently, with one hand he reached into his underpants, taking out his cock he rubbed the tip firmly against her clitoris.

She groaned into his mouth.

He tore his mouth away from her, placing his cheek on hers and whispered, "Is this what you want?" As he thrust himself inside her.

"Oh fuck yes." Hannah's whole body felt weak. She'd never felt so full of someone before.

He carried her away from the wall, holding her in his arms. Her head fell back in ecstasy. His hips pushing against her over and over. She moaned, pushing back, his cock gliding hard inside her.

"Oh fuck Elliot. Don't stop."

"God, you're so beautiful. Come all over my cock Hannah."

She clasped her legs as tightly as she could behind him, squeezing her cunt firmly around him. She was so close to the edge already, she gave into his request. Her body shook as she began to climax.

Elliot held her tightly to him as she came in his arms.

Hannah found her hands around the back of his head, grabbing fistfuls of his hair, tugging harder with every wave of her orgasm. "I want to feel you come inside me," she said breathlessly to him.

"Oh fuck Hannah. What are you doing to me?" he exclaimed, placing her back against the wall. He thrust hard inside her, rocking his body against hers.

She could feel his climax building, his breath against her skin hot and fast, his body wet against hers, his muscles taut. Her cunt gripped him tightly, not wanting to release him for a second. She squeezed his buttocks with her legs, adjusting the angle, pushing him deeper inside her.

"Fuck Hannah. I'm going to come," he said, letting out a deep long groan, finishing with his forehead resting on her shoulder, panting and out of breath.

Hannah tilted her head up, against the wall, eyes half closed. The smell of their sex engulfed them.

Her arms were still wrapped around his neck, hands dangling down his back. She traced his hot sticky skin up his spine with her finger. Making him shiver ever so slightly. She turned her face to him and kissed his neck. "Are you ok?"

"I don't know. It's honestly never felt like this before."

Hannah squeezed her legs tightly around him, feeling him still hard inside her, the heat of his come seeping out between them.

He pulled his head up to look at her and she took his face in her hand, stroking her thumb across his lips.

"I know."

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Paul4playPaul4play3 months ago


Very hot sex scene at the end!

OmenainenOmenainenabout 2 years ago

Oo. This was very nearly perfect, except for the same concerns over client-therapist-relationship others have expressed. But wonderful writing, wonderful characterization, perfect depiction of midlife crisis.

Welcome to Lit! Thank you so much for participating in my event!

bijouxindiscretsbijouxindiscretsover 2 years ago

Exceptionally well written. I am waiting for the next story

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 2 years ago

Very well written, good pacing, enough detail, however I failed to connect with either character since both are lacking in integrity. He seemed too ready to violate the most basic ethical tenet of his profession, ‘First do no harm.’ Transference is more common than not in counseling making use of that power imbalance prohibited. He took advantage of her vulnerability and somehow I doubt it was his first time. She has no excuse for her actions, either. Her family deserves better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I will start my comment acknowledging that you are able to write portraying emotions clearly and images vividly. The main character is self-centred, her love interest is a poor excuse for a professional therapist. He knows she is married and seems not to be too worried about the potential damage to a former patient and her family caused by infidelity in which he is a major instigator.

Rainyday493Rainyday493over 2 years ago

Wow, suddenly, there it was. The blooming of the story into a hot episode of lust driven sex was very enjoyable, very erotic.

A good first showing.


OdiouserOdiouserover 2 years ago

Only the 11th time I have given out a 5 in over 1,000 hours on this site. Just perfect! Such a love affair. One knows this will go on forever. A wonderful first effort. Do keep 'em coming. And don't even think about spoiling this beautiful tale by adding chapters...just start with a new one, and soon!

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