Therapy, She Thought it Would Help


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"Oh dear... really? God, sometimes having an older sister is a pain. Sorry if she gave you a hard time. I love her to bits, but she can be a little overprotective."

I shrugged it off. "No problem, so does that mean you would like to go out some time?"

She smiled and my heart warmed. "I would love to go out, but if you are interested, we are having salmon for dinner, and the piece I got would easily feed another portion."

"Damn, I love salmon. I'm in... what do you want me to get?"

Her mouth curled in that warm inviting smile, "A bottle of wine perhaps?"

She gave me her address and she wandered off down the aisle. I rushed around, found a good wine, a nice Chardonnay. On the way over, I brought a big bunch of flowers, some chocolates and a card. I guess I went a bit overboard, but I wanted to make a good impression.

Okay, it didn't go quite as well as I hoped. Her sons were dubious and nervous around me. I plied them with all the right questions, school, sports, hobbies. I worked my ass off, but by the end of the night, rather than grow closer, a gulf was opening.

They might have been young, but it didn't take them long to figure out, 'Oh, this guy is homing in on Mom.'

Violet got quite cranky with them because they were openly rude, not behaviour I would put up with from my own kids, but I was playing it cool, I kept my mouth shut. When they were shipped off to bed, they kept finding excuses to come back out and interrupting, glasses of water, not feeling well. They tried them all, just so they could keep an eye on who was intruding on Dad's territory.

I guess like most kids going through this, they wanted their parents back together, and who can blame them, but god damn it, they were making things hard for me.

When Violet took them back to bed for the last time she came back out and sat beside me. "I'm sorry, they are being pains."

I laughed in what I hoped was a comforting way. "It's cool, I guess we have to expect that."

We talked about life, goals, history, what went wrong with our marriages, things that made life difficult.

Her problem was her husband was being an ass. He refused to pay alimony and the courts had to chase him for every cent. Looking at it from a guy's perspective, I saw through his plan. By making life difficult for Violet, he hoped she would go back to him. She admitted that at the moment, money was her biggest issue.

Right off the bat I offered to help, and she sat stunned and offended. "I'm not a charity, Marcus, I didn't invite you tonight to get money out of you, I'm not a whore."

"Wow, shit, slow down, I never suggested you were. All I wanted to do was help."

She sighed. "Sorry, guess it's a sore point."

"No, it's me who should apologize. It's what my previous wife accused me of. She said, and these are her words, 'You always think money can fix everything.' She's right, I do things like that, honestly all I wanted to do was help."

She laughed. "So you are an ass, as well, I think it's a male thing. I was just venting, we get by."

She talked a little about her job. She worked as admin manager at a local doctor's clinic. She only worked part time because of the boys, but it was enough to live on, as long as her recalcitrant husband paid up.

It took a few dates before we managed to find time alone to make love. Annie took the boys to a sitter, it was my off weekend with the girls and we consummated our relationship in my bed.

Wanting to make that good impression, I took my time. Rather than charging in with all guns blazing, I took a lot of time with the foreplay, lots of kissing, caressing, fondling. My hands walked a lot of miles that night. I wasn't complaining, this was the most fun I had in a long time.

I used my tongue and let it take over where my fingers stopped, ensuring she had an orgasm long before I went in for the kill. Okay, my jaw ached, but it was a pleasant, warming pain, knowing I had given her a big orgasm was my payment.

When we made love properly, her whole body embraced me, her legs tangled and locked at the ankles around my waist. Her arms gripped my head in a death grip as I plunged in and out of her sweltering pussy. The intensity grew so quickly I couldn't fight it down. I did want to go slowly, but with her hot wet breath cooing and purring in my ear, it was impossible. The midnight expresses to orgasmville raced crazily towards me. Thankfully, she was on the same train and our orgasms arrived within moments of each other, her screaming loudly, "OH GOD, OH GOD!" over and over, her hips thrashing around like an out-of-control fire hose.

Afterwards, we lay together, her head resting on my shoulder, "Thank you, Marcus. God I needed that, that's the first time for me since my divorce." She giggled, "Well the first time that didn't need batteries, anyway."

I laughed. "Wow, unbelievable, a gorgeous sexy woman like you... come on, you must be fighting off suitors."

She kissed me lightly, "Thank you, kind sir. Your flattery will earn a reward, but not all men are interested in a divorced woman with two boys and an annoying ex."

"Colour them stupid, then, their misfortune. I will not make the same mistake."

She nestled in closer and her warm sexy body encouraged me to ignite round two. This time it was slower, gentler, the candle taking longer to burn down, but when it did, the inferno released was epic.

Our relationship grew quickly, and by month's end, I introduced Violet to my girls, Evie and Melissa. They were a little standoffish at first, but they were now old hands at the two-parent lark, and Violet treated them like princesses, so those bonds didn't take long to form.

The first cook-out where we had with her boys and my girls together was ferocious pandemonium. They played football, the girls giving as good as they got, and they spent the entire day running around vying for attention.

It turned out to be fun, and the first night the boys realized we were sleeping together.

The next weekend, we got a visit from her ex. The boys had clearly told him the extent of our relationship, and he wasn't happy.

The fact he was such a shithead made my job so much easier. I disliked him from the get-go, and things never got any better. As much as I detested him, he hated me more.

Still, the good news was, the harder he tried to drive a wedge between us the closer we got. We bonded over hating him.

Kush, now that was strange: she seemed to dislike Violet right from the moment they met, but after a while and Kush seeing how well she treated the girls, she changed her tune. The other good news was the girls loved Violet, and suddenly I was popular with them again. Living so close, they suddenly wanted to be at my place as much as possible, and they enjoyed not only Violets company, but the boys', as well.

The only one who missed out was Tyson. He was Kush's new baby. Apparently, he suffered separation anxiety when the girls came around to visit. Apparently, he missed them. It was Violet who saw the pain in the little guy's face. One Saturday, Kush was dropping the girls off at my place and we were all standing around the car. As the goodbyes were said and Kush was about to drive away, Tyson started screaming, holding his arms out to the girls. That's when Kush said, "He hates it when the girls visit, he misses them so much." She looked at me, "Sorry, but I hate it as well; it feels like we are punishing him."

Violet opened the door, lifted him out of his car seat and pulled him into a tight embrace. "It's simple then, he should visit, as well."

Kush looked shocked. She turned to me with a questioning look. "Are you sure?"

I shrugged. "Hey, it's not me who's going to change the shitty diapers. I don't care, if the little guy wants to stay, then he is welcome."

Kush threw her arms around my neck, her feet barely touching the ground. "Thank you, Marcus." She kissed my cheek and all the old emotions surged back. God, I still loved her, I still missed her. A simple gesture like that and it all came raging back. Jesus what a dumb fuck; I screwed up everything.

Violet got a blast from playing new Mom, and I have to say Tyson was good fun. He fit right in, and the girls loved having him with them. It was a winner, all around.

I made her ex a happy man the day I proposed and suggested they all move in with me. He was now free of his alimony and would get some money out of the sale of their house.

The weekend Violet moved in was pretty awesome. Kush took Violet's boys, who I now regarded as mine. We managed to push aside their discomfort about me stealing their mom when they realized there were some benefits to having another parent, i.e., another source of income. I was promoted to all right to have around. When I brought them stuff like new skateboards, and when they found out I could skate, I received another promotion. The weekend they found new sea kayaks in the garage; I received another promotion. Of course, three kayaks soon grew into four, because Violet wanted to join in. That grew again when the twins also wanted to join in. My BMW had to make way for a truck, just to carry all the gear.

It's funny how things go. On the twin's birthday, Kush and I decided on having the party at their place. We took the boys along, as well, and late in the day while the kids were playing, Kush and I ended up sitting together. She had her glass of Chardonnay and we started talking about run of the mill stuff, but after a few moments, she reached over and offered me a toast. "Marcus, I have to say, you have surprised me, you and Violet really seem to have hit it off, and the boys, wow, you're doing a great job."

"Thanks, Kush."

She nodded. "No, I mean it. I'm sorry about the way things worked out for us. Things could have been so different. You know, if you had shown me this side of you, we would still be together."

I responded with a soft chuckle. "Yeah, I was young, and I let things get to me. I didn't mean to insult you or put you down, but I see why you would think I was."

She chewed away on her bottom lip. "It wasn't that I was offended, I was just left with nowhere to go. That weekend at the retreat, I wanted, well, hoped, that seeing the other couples all trying to resolve issues even bigger than ours, that you might see it and open up. Still, maybe it just wasn't meant to be?"

"No, you're wrong, Kush. I love Violet and I am forever grateful that she is in my life. I would never do anything to hurt her, but I still think about you, about us, and I just know if I had been more mature, things could have been different."

She patted my arm. "Marcus, don't blame yourself. I was stupid. I know you loved me, I never doubted that, I just wanted more. You must know that I still have feelings for you, and like you I often think what may have happened if we were able to put aside all the anger. It was my fault as well, it wasn't all you. I should have tried harder."

We were dragged away by the kids wanting to play. Violet sidled up beside me, "Are you all right? That seemed like a very deep conversation."

I gave her a quick kiss. "We were just reminiscing, I suppose. Sorry, it was ill-mannered of me. Sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful, there was nothing in it."

She gripped tightly as she held my arm. "I wasn't worried, just curious. I wish I had a relationship like yours with my ex."

"Yes, nice to be able to talk without fighting. I think we talk more now than when we were married."

She grinned, leaned in close and gave me a very juicy kiss. I returned her kiss, adding, "Perhaps that was all we should have been."

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AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Is it possible that they could have seen a counselor by themselves?

Springing the weekend on a spouse is not cool.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well a more traditional plot with no obsequious cuckolding and gaskighting about the male ego after the wife has an adulterous affair. However, the Marcus before the split with Kushla, was not a likable person and was not remotely a good husband. But he does a 180 degree flip for Violet. Has to be hard for Kush to observe.

pukgpukg4 months ago

you all run Marcus down did anyone of you think what he would like ?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ray just vanished

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Unbelievable, not a cuck story. I am shocked! It seems somewhere deep in that feminazi brain of yours there is a slight speck of intelligence.

DeanofMeanDeanofMean4 months ago

Enjoyed the story and the characters you brought to life although not a likeable character your protagonist Marcus was, for the most part, was broken rather than evil and i empathized with him despite the rather obtuse view of reality he personified. He presented a few valid criticisms of group, having had to deal with a few Marcus's running groups (grief not anything like this was) the Idea that group therapy would work for a guy who was too wound up to open up to his wife struck me as a well no duh. i just dont see how else it would be done to tell the story you told i throughly enjoyed the read and in the end no real bad guys

Now the back patting for a great story is done, i got some issues

WTF does Marcus have against trees??? Thing is he is obviously a broken dude, his wife didn't know that going in? The professional counsellors didn't spot it, instead they confronted him straight on ? Although i think he would see me as one of the "liberal goody two shoes tree hugging dipshits" i might object to dipshit but i am 100% positive i am in someone story so i can see it. Nothing really has changed, what was it that broke him so badly in the first place, that shit will come back to bite him yet.

Psychman24Psychman245 months ago

Marcus was a first class asshole, so insecure and sha!low and full of disdain towards others. Typical psychology-bashing, seems to be the attitude of most of the men in these stories. Of course usually the women are beyond the reach of counseling because they refuse to take responsibility for their cheating. This wife seemed to be a gem but the husband realized it much too late. At least he grew a lot by the end of the story and was able to find love again.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Marcus was hard to take while married ( for me) but he almost inexplicably did a 180, even after screwing half the city. I did like the new Marcus, and the blended families. Four solid stars.


OzeminotaurOzeminotaur5 months ago

You write some great stories but I think this one is your best

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Marcus was an unsavory piece of work. Divorce was inevitable.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Not even through the first page and I couldn't stand this Marcus character. What the hell does she see in this prick? Weird that I was actually rooting for a divorce in a LW story where no cheating had occurred (as far as I knew). Hard to believe someone is that much of a narrow-minded idiot.

I find the story somewhat amusing. I mean he was literally told he would be divorced and he couldn't put aside any of his bullshit. Then acts all upset. It's like the same kind of selfish, delusional behaviour that some of the cheating wives have in those stories where they want a fling then come home afterwards to be forever faithful. I can't help but laugh at the absurdity of it.

It was quite a depressing read, showing how someone can be so blindly self-destructive and stubborn in their ways that they end up losing everything they care about. A bit of an eye-opener if this resonates with you; heed the lessons.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 months ago

weird story for this site.

well written but kinda boring and had a couple of characters that were really selfish/stubborn. Add in how quickly she moved on and how immature he was, they were an unlikeable couple.

someoneothersomeoneother9 months ago

5*. Author has tendency to pick on the male part of the marriage. But other authors can't write a story but one that has stupid slut wives and husbands who are saints. Fact is we are really surrounded by clueless mean and women.

lc69hunterlc69hunter9 months ago

He was, and still is, a jackass

tsgtcapttsgtcapt9 months ago

Thank you! A young man who grows up and the women who make him grow up...

Just_WordsJust_Words10 months ago

Awfully good story. Lots of characters with lots to learn. Both spouses shared responsibility for the failure of the first marriage.

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