There's a Serpent in Every Garden


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The doctor finally addressed the family. He said, "Lieutenant Crews is not out of the woods. He lost a lot of blood. Both lungs were perforated but we have repaired them. His leg will heal in time. The bullets did a lot of internal damage. If he starts bleeding again, we will have to go back in."

I asked Abel if I could stay with him. He just waved it off obviously giving me no more consideration than a stray dog but I took it as an ok. I only left his side to go to the bathroom, bathe and eat. I slept beside him for a week. I talked to him, telling him how proud I was of him and that I loved him, not knowing if he could hear me or not. I held his hand and touched his face, trying to let him know I was there for him.

Dan kept calling me wanting to know when I was going to return. I told him I had more important issues right now. I had no idea when I could come back. I could tell by his tone, I had left him hanging on to what he thought was going to be a serious personal relationship between us.

On the 8th day, I heard a a groan. Then, he squeezed my hand a little. I pressed the button and the nurse came in.

I said, "He's coming around."

"Don't try to talk, Monty. You're going to be ok." He opened his eyes.

He looked at me and squeezed my hand again. He couldn't talk with the tube in his mouth. I saw tears roll down his face.

I said, "I'm here, My Love. I'm not going anywhere."

The doctor finally took him off the vent and he's breathing on his own. The doc said he could go home in another week barring any setbacks. His dad had hired a live-in nurse for him. Junior hovered at his bedside when he wasn't at school or doing homework. I walked in his room a few days before he was released and he was reading the movie section of the newspaper.

I saw the headline that said, "Newcomer JEAN CREWS takes the screen and wows the critics."

Monty read aloud, "Ms. Crews performance in Dan Blackstone's new movie is captivating and stellar. Dan has done it again. He's found an unknown and made her a star with her first major role. Dan and the gorgeous Ms. Crews have been seen at all the most glamorous night spots looking very much like a couple. Could she be the next Mrs. Blackstone? She is getting accolades from every corner of the industry. I understand she's being offered roles in several upcoming movies. Congratulations to Ms. Crews."

The last line said, "Dan, you better hang onto that one. She's special."

Monty said in his weak whisper, "You wowed them! Jean. You did it. Congratulations. I guess this Blackstone is your new man and ladder to the top?"

"Well, are you, Jean?"

"Am I what, Monty?"

"Are you the next, Mrs. Blackstone?"

I said "WHAT? What makes you say that? He's just the one who thought I had the talent to do this but he's not my new man, Monty. He's a producer and talent scout."

He said, "Well, that's not what this article says."

"I looked at the article and said, "Oh My God."

I started to explain but he just put his fingers to my lips and said, "Don't sweat it, Jean. I lost you a long time ago. I'm just a cop. I can't compete with these people nor do I want too. I guess you'll be going back now since I didn't give you the courtesy of dying."

I said, "Monty James Crews , do not ever say that, especially in front of your son. You are loved beyond words."

He said, "Yeah, just not enough to keep my wife faithful, I guess."

Monty said, "Tell me, the future Mrs. Blackstone? Are you going to take Junior away from me when you move to California for your new husband?"

I ran out of the room sobbing. His fellow officers knew the story by now, so there was absolutely no sympathy from them as I left. I made arrangements to fly back to California after spending the day with Junior. Monty would be going home the next day. He would be off work another two months while his lungs and body healed and rehabbed.

I obviously had a mess to clean up back in California.


My movie was due to open a month from the day I got back. During that time I signed two more movie contracts, one of which I was the lead role. One of the movies had me doing partial nude sex scenes with the leading man. He was all smiles. I told him to wipe the grin off his face, it would only happen in his dreams. I told Dan that a body double would be required for those parts. I wouldn't be doing those scenes. Both he snd my costar were disappointed. Tough.

The opening night party was in full swing. I was dressed to the nines in a full blue gown with stockings and five inch strappy sandals. I was alternating dancing with Dan and the costar of my next movie. I was drinking and feeling the buzz. I was caught up in the glitz and enjoying the alcohol fueled attention. Both of them were frisky and taking some liberties with my bra less boobs. I had to slap their hands several times and remind them my body was off limits.

It was then I spotted them watching me. Monty and Junior. I am so ashamed. I had not even asked Dan if he had invited my family during all the hoopla. Then I thought why didn't I take care of that. Am I do caught up in my new found fame that ai'm neglecting my family again? I removed Dan's hand from my tit and ran to them. I hugged Junior and tried to give Monty a kiss but he turned his cheek away from me.

He just said, "I didn't mean to keep you from your fun. I see that public sex is the norm here with your new life."

I didn't say it out loud but thought "He saw Dan with his hands all over me. "DAMN!"

Monty said, "We just wanted to congratulate you too since I guess we are the only ones who had to crash the party. Ms. Garner called me or I wouldn't have known. She was stunned that you hadn't invited us. She flew us out here on a charter. I guess they have already turned you into one of them. Shame"

It was then I learned Dan had not invited them. I was pissed beyond words. Dan walked over, put his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek, letting Monty know he had staked his claim. He shook Monty's hand and thanked him for his service. He made some comment about cops pay not being enough for what they do etc... blah, blah, blah...

Monty thought, "Yea, let's throw the lowly cop a few compliments and send him on his way."

Jean did have the courtesy to be a little embarrassed and stepped away from Dan.

She took Dan aside and said, "Dan, you and I are going to talk in private. No, actually you're going to see me in my really, really, pissed off persona in private and it won't be acting. I hope you enjoyed that little touch on the dance floor because you'll never get another. Understand, now?"

I said, "Monty, we need to talk."

He said, "We did that almost three years ago. That's why we are here. Remember, consequences? Me and Junior are obviously intruding. We should go. We turned to leave with Jean following us."

She said, "Monty James Crews, stop right there and talk to me."

Wow, that's the second time she's used my full name.

I said, "Why? Jean, you have everything you need without us. The lowly underpaid cop and his son will just fly back to our little house and live our life. Isn't that what you and your lover, Dan, want?"

"Damn it, He's NOT my lover, Monty. YOU, you big oaf, are the only lover I want or will ever have again."

Dan made sure Junior was out of earshot and let me have it.

He said, "Yeah, seems I've heard that before not too long after you left my bed and I found you kissing another man with his hand up your dress in a parking lot. Seems good ole Dan there staked his claim on you by having a handful of tit. I guess that the way it is in the movie world, huh. The media is already calling you the next Mrs. Blackstone. Congratulations."

I said, "I'm sorry you saw that. Yes, I failed you as a wife, but no more, Monty."

He said, "We'll see, Jean. They say third time is a charm. You are going to be here for at least another year, probably longer with two more movies. You're a single, smoking hot woman. No one but you and your lover will know that it happened. Right? I understand, Mr. QT over there was drooling all over you. The guy you were "dancing" with, if you want to call it that, is your next costar? Right?"

"How long will it be before he beds you? We are divorced, so it's up to you to do whatever you choose. I no longer have a say. We are going home now. I've seen all I need to see of this circus. Sorry, Jean, it's not for me or Junior and I won't allow him to be subjected to the behaviors I've witnessed."

Wow, Monty really dressed me down and I deserved every thing he said. They didn't stay thirty minutes and caught a taxi back to the airport.

I found Dan and said, "Dan, I'm going home."

He replied, "You can't leave, You're one of the honorees."

I said, "Sorry, with your behavior and the information I just got, I'm not interested in this party and I'm leaving.

He said, "I'm sorry. Let me take you home and apologize."

"Dan, I'm not the one you need to apologize too. You need to apologize to my ex husband and son for your rude behavior and belittling words to them. I can make it to my apartment just fine without any help. Goodnight, Dan."

Dan knew he had really screwed up his chances of bedding his new starlet right now. He would have to make it up to her and get back in her good graces if he was to have another shot at her.

I lived in my apartment while I completed my other two movies. I thought about what Monty said about the behaviors he saw. Yes, Dan, Jack Wilde, my costar and others did their best to get into my panties but it didn't happen. I pledged my self to Monty whether he believes me or not, I owe him that. I was nominated for an Oscar for my role in my third movie but didn't win. I was now worth in the millions financially and had offers for more roles.

Dan is doing his best to atone for his behavior so he can get in my panties. Not going to happen.

I miss my family. I've only spent a few weeks at a time on my trips home to be with my son. Damn, he's growing up and I'm not there for him. I don't think I can go on like this. I do go out for dinner or drinks with Dan or other coworkers but I've put the word out to all I go with, I'm untouchable. No if's, no ands, no buts. My body belongs to one man. If I can't win him back then I'll be an untouchable MILF because it will only be in their dreams.

I offered to buy Monty a nicer bigger house with a pool but he said declined saying he snd Junior were just fine. He didn't need my Hollywood prostitute money as he called it.

I flew Monty and Junior in for opening night of my Oscar nominated movie. I knew Monty was not thrilled at being here. I know he has all kinds of horrible sex scenes in his head with me and some actor getting it on either on screen, off screen or both. I greeted them at the door when the limo brought them to the theater. I hugged Junior and took Monty's face in my hand and kissed him on the lips and didn't let go. He looked at me strangely.

I went up to the mic with Dan, Monty and my son. Dan tried to put his arm around me but I gave him a look that was ice cold. He removed his arm and stepped out of my space.

Holding Monty's hand, I said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming tonight. I want to thank Dan Blackstone and others for the opportunities I have received these past three years. It's been an experience I will never forget but now I'm done for awhile. The man standing next to me is my former husband. I lost this wonderful man and husband standing next to me through selfishness and just generally being a shallow person who thought she could have her cake and eat it too. I cheated on him and broke his heart. He rightly divorced me. I promised myself that I would be faithful to him since the day I left to try my luck at acting. I swear to him in front of everyone here, even though we are no longer married, I have been true to him. Some of you gentlemen know it's the truth because I have spanked your hand when it went where it wasn't supposed too. You know who you are. I also know I'm going to dash a number of men's hopes in this room, but guys you never stood a chance against the competition standing next to me."

Dan's face turned red, realizing now, that he never had a prayer of having a romantic relationship with Jean.

Jean continued, "He's a police officer and a hero in my eyes. He nearly died fourteen months ago after being severely wounded responding to a bank robbery. People, this was real life for me, not an actor or a scene in a movie with a fake gun, fake bullets and fake blood. While laying in his own blood, he killed the one who shot him and wounded the other one before passing out."

"There were no Oscars, no medals. I watched with tears in my eyes, while the TV news reporter panned the scene with her camera, pointing out the spot on the street where he had been laying. The large dark spot on the pavement was Monty's blood stain. This was my man now laying in that hospital barely breathing, fighting for his life. I should have been there."

"That's real, People. I hurt him badly with my behavior three years ago and I swear in front of everyone in this room that I plan to be Mrs. Monty Crews again if he will have me. I certainly don't deserve him."

I got down on my knee, took his hand, putting it to my cheek and I put my arm around Junior and said, "Lieutenant Monty Crews, please take me back as your wife. I want no man but you in my life, my bed and my body. I will be everything you thought I was when you married me. I am yours, Monty... forever and a day. I have never stopped loving you. Please take me home, Monty."

He stood me up and kissed me long and deep with tears running down his face. We were both crying as were many of the people in the audience.

He whispered, "I love you so much."

He turned to the mic and said,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if I may, this woman is the light that kept me alive every day. She slept by my hospital bed. She talked to me when I was only semi conscious. Yes, Jean, I heard your words even though I couldn't acknowledge them. Jean and some of you may call me a hero but in reality I'm just a police officer doing what thousands of other well trained, low paid officers just like me, do everyday. It's a calling that is not for everyone and as the biased, cop hating news media loves to point out every day, there are some bad apples, just like in government, news reporting or in the movie industry."

"This beautiful lady standing beside me is every man's dream. She leaves many men with their tongue hanging out wishing they had what I have."

"Ladies, you know sitting in this room with your men beside you that it's not easy being a beautiful woman. You are tempted by the serpents that challenge your love and devotion to each other in your everyday lives. Some of you will bite and incur the consequences of your actions, most of you won't. Before she was this Oscar nominated actress, Jean was a mother, a high school principal, a wife and my soul mate. Yet, a serpent crawled into our garden and destroyed our wonderful life together."

"Tonight, she has asked for my forgiveness and now I ask for hers. I ask that she forgive me for not protecting her from the snake that invaded our garden. She and I will begin a new, stronger relationship knowing we are everything together and nothing apart. She will be in my bed again after three years and every night from this day forward as my wife again."

We walked off the stage to a standing applause.

Later, a gorgeous woman walked up to us and said, "Ms. Crews, in case you fuck this up again, I will be available to him for personal grief therapy and handed Monty a card with her name, address and personal cell phone number on it. I can make him forget your name in one night and she walked off."

I just held out my hand. Monty looked at me and said, "Oookkayyy."

He handed me the card and I tore it up in as many little pieces as possible. Monty thought, only in California while Jean thought, BITCH!

We left Los Angeles and flew straight to Las Vegas where we once again became Mr. and Mrs. Monty Crews with Junior at our side. I told Dan that if he has a role he thinks is good for me, call me, my husband and I will discuss it together. If he says no, it's no. If yes, we will be there together. I did six more movies over the next 10 years and then I retired. Monty had already retired four years before and was with me everyday during those shoots encouraging me on when I knew I had blown a scene or messed up my lines.

I never did a nude scene or simulated sex scene in any of my movies. I respect my husband too much. I told him there would only be three men that would ever see my naked body again. That would be him, a male doctor or the undertaker when my time was up. Our love has never been stronger. We are one.


We have come a long way since that day we met at Jim's house. Monty is still kissing my toes and making me walk funny just like that first night in the floor of my little house when he jokingly said, "I want to throw you in the floor and ravage your body."

He got his wish. At 62 years old, I don't work any more. As I sit and think about it, the entertainment industry many times makes people rich but breaks them morally. Relationships are shallow and fake. In my case, just the opposite was true. It showed me the way back to where I should have been all along.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wow ,

Your male leads are such wimpy cucks.

It's hilarious

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Of course he gets back with that whore coz he has no better options

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Our Jean really does have a problem with the truth.

"Monty, as I stand before you, I have not had sex with anyone since you and I made love."

Except she's not standing, she has her injured ankle elevated.

"my batting average with the truth has not been the best but I swear to you no man has been inside my pussy but you since the last time we made love."

Except we already know Monty hasn't fucked her since David did.

" I told them he had changed his number and I didn't have it. A small lie."

But still a lie.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I've actually went through this with a spouse... Mood swings, depression and violent behavior. My spouse divorced me claiming me of doing all kinds of bad things which I never done... Passed away I insisted on an autopsy, big surprise they found a brain tumor and this is what caused the depression and violent behavior cycles.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This was a weird one. Some stuff was derivative of the author's other works. But despite assertions by many commenters below, she didn't cheat until Michael Norris. Monty acted as if she did with Gary and David Watkins, but they were not exclusive. Of course she didn't say no or yes, she just evaded.

Was she faithless during that time? Well yeah. She was dating three guys simultaneously, claiming to Monty she only had sex with him, not David and Gary (though surprise! she lied about David). Of course she got pregnant unexpectedly (all women do as written by this author, every single story) as the birth control fails due to the antibiotics LW trope (most don't have that effect, and even if they do, they are told by their doctor and can use an alternative form of birth control).

So yeah she and Monty end up separated for like 6 months prior to marriage because she didn't know who the father was, and then after she did, she kept away from Monty for a while (huh?). Anyways then of course she screws Michael Norris and burns her marriage with her philandering and her one time f#ck session with Michalel:

Jean: "It's been over a year, why hasn't he moved on. I fucked away our marriage with some cheap lusty sex that couldn't compare to Monty on his worst day. Have I always been that shallow?"

The answer is yes. Yes you have Jean. You have always been that shallow. And yeah why hasn't Monty moved on?

But then it gets really weird. A 47 year old twice divorced woman is offered a role in Hollywood? Wtf? No professional acting experience? Just some time in high school? Smdh.

Now she ditches her son for her job in California. Meanwhile Monty, though hey have been divorced for some time, is depressed because he thinks she had been banging away for moths on end in California. But wait they are divorced.

Turns out she assiduously has avoided sex with anyone after her session with the snake Michsel. Heck Monty is convinced she was living the high life with Michael after she left. Even though he is a police investigator. Huh? Anyways why does he care? Why is he so sad? I could understand anger over her betrayal, but after divorce, the bigger issue is she leaves Junior behind.

Then the near death shootout where Monty is a hero. Then finally after nearly two years in California, she lets Dan the sleazoid producer cop a feel when dancing, but that is the night Monty and Junior show up to the party though not invited (on purpose by Dan). Double huh?

Finally her public apology, her declaration of having been faithful to her ex husband for the last 3 years, despite them being divorced, and all ends well in reconciliation.

Seriously weird plot. Monty comes off as a whiny loser despite being a hero cop. They were not exclusive in the beginning. They had the gap with her pregnancy with Junior. They make up. But then the snake bites. Yes she is that shallow to destroy her marriage. They get divorced. But after that all Monty does is imagine her f#cking all kinds of actors in California. Except they are divorced. Monty is a sad sack loser. And oh yeah whenever she is back home, they never communicate because Monty is sulking. But somehow she stays faithful to an ex husband who thinks the worst of her? Messed up people.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I think I got motion sickness from you being all over the place.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

of course Monty was stupid enough to take her back and let the bitch who cheated on him twice tear up any chance at parity. fucking pathetic characters

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Some of the most important lessons in life are learned through great pain and suffering.

Hopefully this excellent story will help some of us avoid all that.

Rating: Must Read


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Middle age bitch and her Hollywood drama.....with Monty her cuck

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Same shit different title. Weak wimp Monty

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Reread this and upgraded it from 2/5 to 3/5

Not a bad story in the tradition of Andyhm’s tales. Worth reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is just like the others you have written the only thing that changes is the names of your players the plot is the same in all them you need to talk about something other then their pussy being full of cum or their toe nails and finger nails or stocking and shoes it looks like you copy paste a lot

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a glop of poop

AlanDavidAlanDavidover 1 year ago

She was a superficial, shallow small minded woman who thought with her crotch. Monty was stupid for even going to California at all. He should have tried to isolate his son from her too. Sorry, poor write.

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago
Couldn’t finish it.

It’s just a remix of all the other, nearly identical stories on this site. The characters are caricatures, and the plot is a cliché.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

My second visit to this story, still enjoyed it.

somewhere east of Omaha

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