This is How We Change the World Ch. 02


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"Than her?" Lyric asked, shaking her head.

"Way," Maddy said. "Have you ever made videos?"

"One guy tried to take some footage of me going down on him," Lyric said. "I kept, like, angling my head so that he couldn't really get anything. my face. The bright light was mostly just distracting for me. Does that count?"

"No," Maddy said, scoffing.

"I know some girls do okay doing the cam thing, but I don't have the setup for that."

"You could," Maddy said.

"I never really wanted to cam. It's a different kind of performing."

"Yeah, but, like..." Maddy furrowed her brow as she gestured. "What about, like, porn? Like, video."

"No," Lyric said. "I mean, there's a lot of up front costs. Laptop, cameras, lighting. Plus, you've gotta know people to do it with, otherwise what's the point."

"Some of these are just one woman and a fuck machine," Maddy said.

"Those things aren't cheap either."

Maddy rolled the other way, and when she came back up a second later, she had her phone up and pointed at her. Lyric's stomach did flips.

"There," Maddy said, tapping the screen, and then turning it around for Lyric to see.

It was just her middle, cock soft and laying against her thigh. Her skin glowed in the light. It didn't capture above her middle, but the way she'd moved her legs, knees sliding past each other, had been hot. It was the kind of three second gif she'd seen a hundred times and been turned on by... except that this one was her. Maddy had taken a little bit of footage of her.

She didn't say anything. Maddy fell back against the couch, staring at her phone, and smiled. "That turned out really good, actually. You are definitely hotter than that girl."

"Hey," Lyric said, clearing her throat. "I just... I want you to know that, like... the hormones I'm on? They, um..."

Maddy looked over at her, eyebrows raised in silent question.

"I'm sterile... probably. Almost all trans girls are sterile by the first year, and I've been on mine for four. I've never gotten tested, but..."

Maddy was smiling at her. "I'm on the pill."

"Oh," Lyric said, and she laughed. "Okay. Good."

"But thank you."

"That was my first time."

She wished she could take it back as soon as she said it. Maddy was just staring at her. She hadn't even meant to say it out loud. She'd wanted to be cooler, and pretend she was more experienced than she was, but sometimes the gummies made her a little extra truthy.

"I thought you said—"

"My first time inside of... someone else."

Maddy was quiet for a few seconds while she stared at Lyric. And then she said, "I'm honored," and sat up a little, patting her thigh as if to say lay here. So, Lyric did. She scooted around on the couch to lay lengthwise, and put her head on Maddy's thigh, and wiggled until her shoulder was snug. Fingernails on her scalp.

On a different day, that might have been the end of it. Them cuddling. Exposing themselves. Whispering secrets. It was all Lyric had ever wanted from a partner, but the week had been a lot. Even though the last time, the week before, had been so good, Lyric had still felt a little backed up all week, like she hadn't gotten it all out.

As she lay there, head resting on Maddy's soft thigh, she could smell Maddy, and Maddy smelled wet. Maddy's hand went from her hair to her hip, and Lyric's brain couldn't help but notice how close that put it to her cock. She didn't know if she could come again so soon, but she was full of the desire to try.

She wanted to keep things going, so Lyric leaned forward to reach for the laptop, and put on something a little bit more vanilla. Pretty girl, pretty guy, nice tits, nice cock. Nice asses on both of them.

"Already?" Maddy asked.

"Not yet," Lyric said, "but... I dunno. Soon. Plus, I just... like to watch people fuck."

Maddy made a low, purring sound. "A woman after my own heart."

This made her scalp tingle, like she'd picked a good one. She started cataloging all the little things about this one that worked for Maddy, so she'd be able to home in on better ones later.

"Mmmmm," Maddy said, slouching just a little. "Dick feels good."

"I did good!" Lyric said, laughing.

"No," Maddy said, laughing harder. "No, I just mean... like... touching myself is good, and I can only really finish by touching my clit, but it's better when there's something inside."

"And someone sucking on your nipple," Lyric added. "The holy trinity."

"I've never managed all three," Maddy said, almost surprised, "but yeah."

Memory hit Lyric like a ton of bricks, and she curled in on herself laughing. "We never ate the pickles!"

"What pickles?"

"You ordered them last week! From the guy! You were all gung ho to have some pickles, and you never ate them because they're still in the fridge, and I only started thinking about them just now because..." She had to stop, because she was laughing too hard. "Because they're dick-ish."


"Peen-y." This one caused Lyric to really lose it, giggling uncontrollably.

"Now I want a pickle," Maddy said. She gently lifted Lyric's head, slid out from under her, and got up.

"Grab me one too," Lyric said, as she got her arm underneath her. She was still laying on her side, but now her head was upright.

Maddy returned a minute later, brandishing one for Lyric and one for herself that already had a bite out of it. Maddy flopped back onto the couch, and Lyric scooted so that her shoulder was brushing against Maddy's upper arm. After another second of wiggling herself into place, Lyric rested her head on Maddy's shoulder.

Maddy took another bite out of her pickle, and Lyric couldn't help but watch out of the corner of her eye. Maddy's lips were right at her eye level. Watching her jaw work slowly, and her throat pulse with every swallow.

Lyric held the pickle to her lips, with the tip of it in just past her lips. She didn't bite it, and she didn't lick it, though her mouth filled with the flavor of it. Maddy's was about half size, and long, but the one she'd given Lyric was thicker at the one end. The video in front of them was ending. The man had cum, and he was helping the woman finish too.

"Bravo," Maddy said, still staring ahead. "Get her there!"

Lyric purred. "One hundred percent agreed." Then she reached over, with her free hand, and touched her fingers against the inside of Maddy's leg.

The redhead twitched, head turning slightly, but Lyric didn't meet her gaze. She just kept up the touch, and increased the pressure until, very slowly, Maddy spread her legs.

"Really?" Maddy asked. "More?"

"Of a sort," Lyric said, blushing bashfully.

Madalyn spread her legs like a right angle, and shifted her hips a little. Wiggling out toward the edge of the couch. That was when Lyric moved the pickle, so that her right hand, the one that could reach, was the one holding the pickle. Maddy made a sound that might have been Oh, dragged out, and might have just been a sound, as Lyric moved the pickle over, and down, and twisted it so that the thicker end was pointed toward Maddy.

"OhohohOH," Maddy cried, when it touched her. "Oh... it's not as cold as I was expecting. Mine was much colder."

Lyric kept it pressed, and smirked, but didn't say anything about having warmed it up with her mouth first. She just pushed, and pushed a little more, and pushed a little more. Maddy slouched again, and this time when she settled, the wide end of the pickle pushed through. Lyric had been watching this, intently and with great attention to detail, but just as it started sliding, Maddy reached over and cupped her cheek. Angled her face. Kissed her.

It was the first time they'd kissed. Maddy's lips were so, so soft. There was a tartness to her, like raspberries. More tart than sweet. They kissed slowly, lips working open and closed, and then Lyric tilted her head and their tongues twined past each other. Maddy's tongue was playful and quick, lively, twisting and flicking. Almost more than she could keep up with while she tried to keep some focus on her other hand.

Her other hand, she was bending at the wrist. Working the pickle halfway in and then almost all the way back out.

"Oh fuck," Maddy whispered, in the middle of the kiss. Their foreheads pressed together, eyes closed. "Oh, fuck, keep doing that."

Because she was kind of a brat, Lyric took that opportunity to pull the pickle out, bring it to her mouth, and take a little nibble off the very front of it. Then she smiled as she chewed, and put the pickle right back inside of her redheaded girlfriend.

"Tease," was all Maddy said, before they were kissing again. Lyric hadn't swallowed, so the intermingled flavors were everywhere. She kind of loved that Maddy was just going for it, game to taste herself, so she pushed it one notch further. A minute later, when Maddy was panting, she pulled the pickle out again, but this time she pressed the wide end to Maddy's lips.

Madalyn made unflinching eye contact as she bit off the end.

"That is so hot," Lyric said. She took the pickle and pushed the whole thing inside, all in one go, and Maddy moaned. This distracted Maddy, and kept her looking down at where the pickle had disappeared, and so she didn't notice when Lyric started moving.

Maddy bit her lip and leaned her head forward, watching as the pickle popped out: when it bounced off the edge of the couch and hit the carpet. Lyric timed it just right, moving over in front of Maddy. She threw a pillow down, and was on her knees right in front of the couch, pulling on Maddy's knees to get her to slide down all the way. Maddy made just about the sexiest sound Lyric had ever heard, just exhaling, as she reached down between her legs and grabbed hold of Lyric's cock to get it lined up. She moved to kiss Lyric, but Lyric had other plans.

Her head was leaned forward, and her arm was curled around behind Maddy's lower back. She pulled up, so that Maddy arched, and when she did one of those wide, slightly oval nipples was right where she could reach it. She latched on, closed her eyes, and sucked while her hips moved slowly.

There was no rush. Lyric was pretty sure she wasn't going to be able to come again. It would have been, like, her fifth orgasm of the day, which was a lot, but she was hard and that was enough. She could give Maddy two out of three, and bless her heart Maddy saw exactly what she was doing. She went for her own clit, fingers a blur. Lyric could feel each swipe, with the tips of Maddy's nails scraping against her lower abdomen. She kept up her slow, methodical thrusts, and she worked her tongue, and she held onto Maddy's lower back.

"Just like that," Maddy groaned. "Oh... fuck... just..."

The first wave of it hit Maddy like a jolt of electric current, sending her hair flying and her limbs twitching. Maddy got her legs around Lyric's waist, and clenched. Squeezing. The angle of it wasn't enough to stop Lyric from her slow thrusting, but she wound down all the same.

First, Maddy stopped touching herself. Lyric wasn't sure if it was voluntary because she'd gotten there, or involuntary because her arms would no longer behave. Second, Lyric slowed to a stop while buried inside of her. To the hilt. She could feel Maddy's magnificent bush against her skin. Her mouth, and her lips, and her tongue, she kept working right up until Maddy said, "On the couch."

The other woman leaned slightly to the side, across the middle of the couch, and slapped a hand on Lyric's spot. She moved, little by little, as they untangled themselves, and Maddy's head was in her lap about as soon as she sat down.

Maddy grabbed the head, pushed it slightly away, and ran her tongue up the entire length of it. "They should make an ice cream flavor out of this," she said, and Lyric didn't think she was kidding, or playing anything up. The smell of them, of all the combined fluids, was heady. Rich.

Maddy gave her cock a few slow strokes while she kissed Lyric's balls. Sucking gently on one, and then the other. Lyric hadn't thought she could cum before, but she was pretty sure that if Maddy kept doing that, she would.

Maddy was constantly in motion, body still writhing and fidgeting. Hips and legs moving endlessly, until Maddy was on all fours next to her so she could reach properly. She kept one hand fisted at the root of Lyric's cock, sucking on the top half of it, and pulled her hand away to take the whole thing. Lyric let out a long, low wail, and clapped her own hand over her mouth.

This was what that felt like? This is what she'd been doing? She knew, from touching herself, that hands could feel pretty good, but Maddy's mouth was like comparing a floodlight to a candle.

Maddy popped up, as red in the cheek as her pubes, and gasped for air. "I want you so bad right now," she whispered, and threw a leg over Lyric to straddle her. She took Lyric's hands, limp at her side because Lyric had been completely overwhelmed by everything that had happened since Maddy came, and raised them up to her breasts. Maddy had such lovely breasts. A generous handful each.

The left one was slightly bigger, and the nipple slightly more oblong. Lyric drank in every detail, furiously trying to keep her mind focused because she felt herself slipping away. She knew that when she came, when Maddy's pussy finally wore her down, she would be done. Maddy was going to have to carry her to the bed.

Being carried to the bed sounds nice, she thought, as she squeezed. Maddy reached over her shoulders, grabbing the armrest and the back of the couch for leverage, and the sound of their fucking was so incredibly wet. All the dull, dry, skin-to-skin clapping from earlier was gone. This was wet, and sloshy, and slippery. She could feel the fluid running down onto her balls. Between her thighs. It was incredible. It was warm. Fluid everywhere.

For a frantic second, Maddy reached down to swipe erratically at her clit.

Then Maddy fell forward onto her and stopped, exhaling raggedly. "I might have just squirted," she whimpered. Her midsection was quivering, muscles contracting and relaxing rapidfire, and the whole of it was just too much for Lyric to keep at bay any longer. "Ah, fuck, I think I squirted on you."

"The couch has seen worse," Lyric said, wrapping both arms around Maddy's torso, and burning her face between those breasts. Her final orgasm of the night came softly but sweetly, like a gentle wave of release and tranquility.

"No," Maddy said, laughing tiredly, " I seriously think I squirted on you."

All Lyric could manage to say was, "Hot." Then she laughed, and said, "Ten out of ten. Would recommend."

"It's not funny," Maddy said, laughing hysterically now.

Little by little, and despite Lyric's attempts to keep her there, Maddy extricated herself with glee. "Come on," she said. "We need to shower."

Lyric protested, saying, "I want to wake up stuck to you," with a slurred affect.

"No you do not," Maddy said, pulling on Lyric's wrist. Her eyes widened a little as she walked, staring down at the couch. "Oh, yeah, that's a wet spot."

"It'll be dry in the morning."

"You better hope so, that's your side."

"You think I won't sit in a wet spot?" Lyric said, tiredly cocking her head.


"I'll sit in a wet spot."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Lyric I love you but if you're super committed to this stealth thing I don't know why you picked that name girl

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

How do I find a Maddy pf my own?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Probably the best story I've read on this site :)

metroalmametroalma12 months ago

You have crafted a beautiful love story out of two broken people. The world is a better place for your vision.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Oi guys

Using pickles inside a vagina is absolutely bad for your health. I mean, in the order of dangerous.

You really should put some comment on the story to say 'don't try this at home'.

FirstClassFlirtFirstClassFlirt12 months ago

I turn 60 next month. I started coming out in college. Back then, transgender issues were barely a blip on the radar. My life has been very complicated and I’ve been out of the loop mostly for a long time, so now I’m doing my best to learn. Back in the day, I identified as androgynous. I was closer to “butch”, but didn’t consider myself either butch nor femme. I know I’m not transgender. I’m trying to figure out if I’m non binary. Brave new world, and bravo for those taking the lead now to bring understanding and acceptance of all these issues. I’ve known of tragic incidents that have happened to gay friends, and reading of Sam’s murder and the pain so many transgender people go through saddens me, because it’s all so unnecessary. I hope someday we all accept each other just as we are. Thanks so much for an enlightening story

haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthere12 months ago

I can't add much to what the others have said. Looking forward to the next!

Bleep735Bleep73512 months ago

Bravo! With each page I fall more and more in love with your characters.

rvagirlrvagirl12 months ago

I cannot handle these two. I love them so much and I love how fun the sex is. It feels truly healing for both of them. I’m terribly nervous for whatever dramatic fuckery lies ahead (it’s Frank, right?), but your write beautiful prose and I know you’ll see this through in a fantastic manner.

PygmyCohoPygmyCoho12 months ago

This is a lovely, budding romance, that had me near tears, smiling, and laughing along. Beautifully written, compelling and believable characters, and “real-life” issues to resolve. Wonderful—thank you!

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