Thorne Ch. 05


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"Stop bickering!" Mary shouted. "It isn't helping. I'm with your father; we aren't going back for her. We don't even know where she is. Now, let's decide on where we're going. We know that we can't take any of the human methods of transportation. They're also going to be looking for a group of four which means that we can't travel together."

"Wherever it is we're going, we need to go soon." Nell said. "If Rufus doesn't know what happened, he will soon."

"What about the safe house up in Palm Springs?" Albert asked. "It's close, but it will give us some time to revamp the plan."

Albert knew what they were thinking. He had been working on a plan, but the girl's death at the club had moved up his time table. Olivia had been a part of that plan, but now they didn't have her. He had lied when he said that he knew that Thorne Blackwell owned the club. He had no idea of who owned it. He just looked at the description and it suited their needs.

"William you go first and the rest of us will follow. Make sure that you stay out of sight." Albert said his tone telling everyone that he wasn't going to be argued with. "Harry, you bring up the rear."

One by one they vanished to the house on the outskirts of Palm Springs with the last of them arriving just before dawn.


Louise and Nathan looked at each other. The feeling of dread was still there, but it had changed.

"What do you think is happening?" Louise asked.

"I don't know." Nathan replied. "But we still need to go. It could be that we're sensing Rufus Saunders. But I also have the feeling that we're not done with the others."

Louise didn't argue.

"Lou what are you thinking about?" Nathan asked already knowing that he wasn't going to like the answer.

"We could see if we could reach out to them." She replied.

"Absolutely not." Nathan said firmly. "We have no idea of whether they can sense us..."

"I don't think that they can." Louise replied. "We would have felt them searching for us which means that they weren't here specifically looking for us. I can't explain the feeling of dread, only that it's connected to them somehow. If we reach out to them..."

"Louise no." Nathan said. "At least not now. Let's wait and see what happens. I don't want to put you and the baby at risk if we don't have to. And if we do this, we need to be prepared."

"So it's not an absolute no?" Louise asked.

Nathan hesitated. He didn't like the idea of her being in danger any more now than he did when they went after Veronica's kidnapper. He remembered how proud he was of her and remembered the little stubborn streak that she had showed when he tried to hold her back. But she hadn't been pregnant then either.

"It isn't a written in stone no." He conceded. "But I want your word that you won't do anything without me."

"I agree." Louise said softly.


Thorne's household was the first to arrive at the new house. He was surprised when Barb was ready to go without an argument. He figured that she was still in shock over finding out about the rapes. Soon after they arrived, he left to go talk to Olivia. He had left Olivia in the capable hands of one of his female guards leaving instructions that she was not to be guarded by males.

The female guard, Benita was one of his best and would follow his orders to the letter. He hoped that she was able to extract some useful information from Olivia as well. Benita was sitting outside of the small room when he got there.

"What do we know?" Thorne asked without greeting her.

"Not much." Olivia replied. "Her worst fear is being turned. Next to that- her father. I get the feeling that she royally fucked up somehow."

"Did she say anything about her crew?" Thorne asked.

"No." Bettina replied.

"Where's her cell phone?" Thorne asked.

"It's in her purse over there." Bettina replied as she went to get the purse.

Thorne dug through the purse and found the phone. The battery was almost gone, but he could see that there were several missed calls all from the same number.

"She missed her check in time." He murmured as he listened to the first message.

"Olivia! Where are you damn it! Call me!

Thorne listened to the next few messages noting that the voice leaving them was sounding angrier but not worried or concerned. He was beginning to get a sense as to why Olivia was concerned about her father. He didn't have to listen to the rest of the messages in order to know that the alarm had been raised and that Rufus was on his way. Every hunter within a hundred mile radius had been alerted.

Thorne went into the room fangs bared. He needed to take full advantage of her fear. His green eyes flashed as he sat down across from Olivia and looked at her. Even as he asked her the questions, he was already reading her. The talking just kept her distracted so that she wouldn't fight him.

"Your father is very angry." Thorne said his tone casual. "You've missed your check in time."

"Then I would suggest that you let me go." Olivia countered. "You must know that every hunter that can be here in an hour is on their way here."

"True, but they don't know where to look for you do they?" Thorne asked.

"Maybe not." Olivia said smugly, "But they'll kill every vampire they come across and one of them will be one that saw me at the club."

"That would be true." Thorne said with a grin that showed off his fangs. "Except that we've initiated a state of emergency. We raised the alarm the moment that we knew that something was coming. As I said, we've known that someone was coming for the past week. Of course there will be those who decide to take their chances and will get caught... anyway, I digress. You were going to give me the names of the five that came with you."

"I was going to do no such thing." Olivia replied.

Thorne's eyes flashed again as Olivia unconsciously thought of the names. Thorne frowned. She only named four. And then he realized that she had to have been the fifth shape that Louise saw.

Albert, Mary, William and Harry.

No last names he noted.

"Where are they?" Thorne asked and then waited.

"I don't know."

Seeing that she really didn't know, Thorne moved on.

"Who are the hunters in the area?"

By now, Olivia had figured out what Thorne was doing and began to fight him. Thorne pushed harder until finally; he has the names of all the hunters that she knew of.

"Please kill me." Olivia begged. "If you don't, he will."

"Sorry, I may a lot of things; but I'm not a murderer." Thorne replied.

"Then let one of your guards do it!"

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. He needed to call Ethan to make sure that everyone was safe.


Barb unpacked still in a daze. It was the first time in a long time that she wasn't focused on herself. The word 'rapist' swirled around her mind. She simply couldn't believe it. The perfect Sinclaires were less than perfect. They were criminals. Thorne may have been a bastard, but he was no rapist. What she couldn't fathom was how they could have willingly married into a family like that. But then she stopped. She couldn't have said that she wouldn't have done it. Hell, she had gone after a known drug dealer; but that wasn't rape. Clay had killed people, but still...

She hadn't decided on how she was going to broach the subject or if she was going to broach it at all. What was she going to say? Did she have the right to say anything since she had all but told them that she wanted nothing to do with them? It had taken awhile, but they had stopped calling. Even so, curiosity got the best of her. She wanted to know. She played in her mind how she was going to approach them.

The sound of children's voices distracted her. Juliette and Hans had arrived with Nadine and Leon. Several minutes later, Louise and Nathan arrived followed by Kevyn and Patrick. Noel was already downstairs talking to Leon.

Barb walked up to Kevyn and Patrick, looked at them for several seconds before she said anything.

"A rapist? Really?" she asked with disgust and disbelief in her voice.


Rufus angrily packed his bags throwing things into the suitcase not caring how they were arranged. He cursed at himself for allowing Olivia to go away with her crew, but she had to be tested and as he suspected she would do, she failed. He only knew what happened because a vampire who sometimes worked for him was at the club when the body was found.

He was glad that he had another successor picked out and ready to take over. After she was punished, Olivia would be forced to marry the hunter and in that way the line would continue. She wouldn't like it, but he didn't give a fuck. She was lucky that he wasn't going to kill her. He had given her a chance and she failed. Not only was she captured, the four that had gone with her had escaped.

"Damn it!" he swore as he threw the bag containing his toiletries. If only Adam hadn't died he thought to himself. He never would have messed up like this. Rufus failed to remember that Olivia didn't want to be head of the hunter organization or that he hadn't given her a choice in the matter. He slammed the suitcase closed. Caleb, his successor and Olivia's future husband was waiting for him.

Rufus didn't like the man, but his politics as far as vampires was an exact replica of his and he would make sure that any children that he and Olivia had would grow up to be strong hunters and without Olivia's soft live and let live approach.

"Let's go." Rufus snapped as he walked past Caleb.

As they walked to the car, Rufus tried Olivia's number one more time. When it went to voice mail, he snapped the phone shut cursing under his breath.


Olivia could hear her phone ringing and then go silent. She knew that one of two things had happened. Either the battery had died or her father was trying to reach her. If she had to guess, it was the latter. She found it sad that she would rather die at the hands of a vampire than face her father who would put her on his version of a trial before either punishing her or killing her.

When Benita came back in the room, Olivia had but one question for her.

"What can I do to convince you to kill me?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
2 short!!!!!!!!!

Hey kal,hope ur doing well,I hav 2 say,I've neva been so hookd in my life,my only complaint is that it was soooooo short!!! Having said that I'm looking 4ward 2 reading more! I hope u've plans 2 put us out of our misery and giv us a story of Thorne's brother sooon!! Thanx so much 4 a wonderful series! Well done and God bless!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Seriously this is the best serious so far!!! Thank you keep updating #teambarbs

Iluv2rdIluv2rdover 11 years ago
Amazing !!!

Kal, I never complain because you are such an amazing writer. With that said, I have to complain about something. IT WAS TOO SHORT !!! LOL. You are great. I don't care if each chapter is 10+ pages it will still be too short. I can't get enough. I hope you are making time for yourself. I know you are busy but thanks for the updates when you can.

Still Patiently but Anxiously awaiting the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
more please

Kal, why do u guys only submitt one by one chapter? Is it a Literotica rule maybe that u can't submitt more than one chapter, anyway I love all your Sinclair/ Yancy series. More please

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

i wonder how they all will react knowing that the one that turned nadine and killed her family is near. now that barb has what she wants she's still not happy and it's nobodies fault but her own, i really want her to accept her child. looking forward to the next update.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago
Poor Olivia

She has a rough road ahead no matter what happens.

blastwizardblastwizardover 11 years ago
Oh Barb - still shaking my head. LOL

I have to agree with another comment, now she has something to hold over her sisters head and be even more mean to them. I wonder how far that will go? Facts are still facts, they are loved and love in return. Sadly Barb is her own oxymoron. She wants the appearance of things but she does not seem to want the substance. She wants what she thinks others have but she does not want to give to get. Being obnoxious and judgmental will not feel new to us as a reader but it may create something from her siblings that she is not used to. They may actually fall out of love with her and guess who is going to have a problem with that?! Barb of course. When folks are not available for your abuse then who exactly do you get to be an asshole too? I said it before, I do not dislike Barb, she just makes me tired. In all truth her death or disappearance or non-existence will not be a bother to anyone because she simply does nothing to warrant love or civility. Maybe Celeste will be her undoing. That would be something now wouldn't it? Celeste will be protecting her mate and her family members. So there. Thorne will be grateful that his child is loved and his mate is gone. Now that is something to look forward to. Maybe Barb can go with Rufus or Harry, they are positively evil and truly that is all she seems to deserve. Thorne is no saint, by no means is he a prince, but compared to Barb who doesn't even have a positive thought even for herself..., he deserves to have someone to care for and maybe he can get past his own demons. Barb has the nerve to be judgmental?! Really?! Was she raised to do harm? Was she encouraged to terrorize and possibly kill your mate and doom yourself to a life of mental and emotional scarring of yourself and others? Haven't read that she has. It took a long time to deal with Ethan. and Patrick's stories as well as their brothers. It was not an easy read, but re-reading and understanding their life's path and to see where the characters grew in remorse, grew in stopping a crime they themselves committed and perpetrated for generations..., and actually purposefully going out in the world stating what they did and meaningfully doing things NOT TO PERPETUATE their hateful rapist upbringing and crimes..., I find that I can deal with them and their families more that I can deal with Barb, who is just what she chooses to be because she deems the world owes her and she was abused by hard working parents who only loved their children and went without to make sure they were clothed. I get that they were not in high fashion, but nowhere have I read that they were without a roof, food, love, guidance and discipline. So Barb to me can only represent a vessel or catalyst because she absolutely refuses to be anything else of importance. Do I need for her to change? Not really. She is who she is, what she doesn't get is when you make yourself insignificant, you become insignificant. This is a really long comment because truly your work inspires thought. I believe Celeste is stronger than everyone and she does not know the rules or limits of the adult other world creatures. I think she is going to protect her family and end the evil she knows..., and I don't think there will be fallout besides teaching her control of her powers and beinging mindful of not abusing her gifts. I think Celeste will be a female quite like Justine in meting out fair judgement. Celeste is not Justine but being a child with unknown powers..., maybe Noel and Justine can guide Celeste because Barb is going to bring the storm and Celeste will bring the hammer. Smash and done! All the other new folks are intriguing to me...., all except Harry, but hey time will tell. And can Joseph not be so grumpy? LOL If Olivia is his mate and that is why he is upset..., he will be happy to know that she maybe a killer but at heart...., she does not want to continue that path. I think. Great writing. BTW I could be totally wrong but what a thing it would be for Celeste to be a little super badass protector of her family?! Can Justine and Quinn stop by this story?! Just asking. LOL Keep up the good work!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
a little tired of Barb getting bashed.

Eager to see Barb evolve and realise what she really needs but I find that Thorne is as bad as her. I see signs in the text that suggest Barb is beginning to understand certain things and change.

trubblemakurtrubblemakurover 11 years ago
just supposing

Olivia is for Joseph? I don't know if he has any special gifts but maybe he knows his mate is a Hunter and thats why he is soooo gloomy all the time. Noel painted Celeste's eyes and because she is still a little girl he hasn't painted the rest of her. If I remember correctly she has been caught talking to someone that isn't there. I still don't know that there is any way to get Barb to change as she has got to be the most self centered delusional cretin, maybe worse than Wilhemina from Justine. There is not always a happy ending to stories, but I feel bad for Thorne and the baby being stuck with someone like Barb. Maybe we can kill her off after the baby is born unless she finally realizes how loving her family really is. Just saying it would have to be a really big catalyst to get her to change even a little bit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
This Is Great!!

Finally, Thorne is going to get rid of Barb after the baby is born (fingers crossed). She now has something to flaunt over her sisters, that they married rapists. She'll never be more than a selfish, conniving sister.

I hope William comes back for Olivia because she has feelings for him. And I hope Leon takes care of Nell and Harry limb by limb for hurting Nadine and killing her family.

Poor Noel, the eyes must belong to Juliette, right?? Oh Kal, you're an awesome writer. Thank you!!

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707over 11 years agoAuthor

Sorry about the name switch. I'm trying to watch those. I miscounted. Yes there are five. I left Albert out.

irish_crazeirish_crazeover 11 years ago

There are five vamps right? Mary, Albert, William, Harry and Nell. Soo confusing....and you keep switching Adrianna's name to Olivia. This has happened on more than one occasion. I just want you to be aware of it. I can only smh at Barb. Still love her though and for my by far the most interesting character you've written. All the others don't really even interest me like your secondary characters have in the past. Can't wait for the next update!

Elmo533Elmo533over 11 years ago
Now it's getting good

Love the tie in with Nadine's story. It's also nice to see a glimmer of possible change in Barb, even though I'm sure she'll revert now that she knows about the Sinclairs (and this time I don't really blame her).

Cyimda1Cyimda1over 11 years ago
All together now

Ok I'm slow-- I just got it. These vampires are the ones who turned Nadine and Olivia's brother who died was the one who was involved in the Blackwell/Sinclaire feud. The eyes belong to Celeste or her sister and now that they are in the same house he will meet her and she will pull his memory/his pain from him much like Louise did to Barb with the JCPenney catalog.

It would be nice if Joseph had a love interest because he's going through something. Perhaps Olivia? And Leon could kill Albert, Mary, William, and Harry. That would take care of it for me....I don't care what you do to Barb although I would like to see her child born and loved. Thanks!

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