Tim and His Loving Cucking Wife

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Tim's fantasy is fulfilled by his wife and a young man.
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The following is my take of a more realistic description of how a couple might succeed in adding cukolding into their relationship. This is my pure imagination. I have had sex with two women, wife number one (marriage isn't what I thought it would be) and wife number two (died of COVID last August). My relationships have never involved other people. While I do not share the cuck fantasy, I am opinionated. No disrespect to any other author. But, I am disappointed in many cuck stories of cruel wives who choose to stay married to men they do not like. I hope what I portray is what is similar to what couples experience who live this lifestyle. I would appreciate feedback from people who have experienced it.

This story is a romance. This story is a romance with a cuck experience. But what I hope I added new is a romance with a cuck experience and how they deal with it. The BDSM community have a term for this called Aftercare. I have only read about it. If anyone is in a BDSM lifestyle I would appreciate feedback on how I presented it.

There is sex in the story, but this is not a beat-off story, so if that is your goal, you may want to pass this one by. Writing sex scenes is difficult to do well. I tried.

If you hate cuck stories and automatically rate them one star, then save yourself some time and rate this one star and write some mean comments and call me a cuck, the man who is not in a relationship. And if you do not want cuck stories in the LW category and declare such for every cuck story, I think this story is an exception. At its heart it is a Loving Wives story.

I am a bit of a lazy writer. I just tapped this out with little of the planning I suspect good writers use. It is self-edited. I think I got most of the errors.

Chapter One

Tim exited the driver's position of his automobile and followed his twenty-eight-year-old wife as she led a handsome young man into their house. The young man's height, weight, age and ethnicity did not matter. What mattered was that she was holding his hand. What mattered was that in a few minutes, what had been his alone to enjoy would no longer be exclusively for his use. The impending event terrified him. It angered him. And yes, it thrilled him.

Mark turned toward Tim with contempt.

"For your own good, we are going to tie you in that chair. I don't want to have to hurt you if you try to interfere. You can't stop her or me. Got it?"

Rebecca pointed to a chair facing the end of the couch. Her face did not show the love he was accustomed to seeing.

"Since I am letting you see me unclothed, you will be naked too. And in order to keep you from touching yourself like a perverted voyeur, you will wear this".

In her hand was a familiar chastity device.

Tim looked at the ground and replied, "Yes, dear" before disrobing, placing the device on himself and seating himself. Velcro restraints were on the floor in preparation, and Linda efficiently strapped his legs and arms to the chair, and, without saying a word secured a ball gag in his mouth. She bent her head with her sweet lips near his ear and whispered.

"What do you do, if you want to stop this?"

His right hand was just loose enough to loudly slap the side of the chair, and he did so three times. They had practiced this before.

"If you do that, everything stops. We will not start again. Mark will dress and leave. I will then release you. You will not ask me to do this again. Do you understand?"

Tim nodded his head.

"What do you do if you do not want to stop everything, but something is wrong? It could be that you cannot breathe or are in pain. It could be that you think a rule is being broken. It could be that you are too caught up in the moment and need a moment to process. How are you going to communicate that?

Tim slapped the chair twice.

Rebecca turned her back to her husband and walked up to Mark. She leaned up and kissed him on the lips. Mark smiled like a kid who just won a prize, put his arms around her and kissed her back. His hands wandered to her breasts, and he explored their weight and softness. He reached behind her and cupped her sculptured ass.

"Time for me to unwrap my gift."

Showing more restraint that Tim expected, he began by removing her shoes, as she held onto his shoulder to maintain her balance. Then he took a more expected sequence as he slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Undo one button, kiss the exposed flesh, undo the next button, kiss the next section of exposed skin. Tim felt sick. That beautiful skin used to be his to kiss, his to love, his to worship. After the last button, the blouse was removed and tossed to the ground and Mark displayed the sexy bra to Tim.

"I bet she doesn't wear that kind of thing for you anymore, does she? Why would she? You are routine and boring. A woman like this gets bored. They need something exciting. Different than what your pathetic, routine sex can provide with that average-at-best dick."

Tim looked upon her perfect form. She demonstrated admirable discipline in choosing her food to stay slim. She worked out hard at the gym to stay fit. Her abdominal muscles showed. Her buttocks were a firm bubble of muscle. Her thighs were strong and shapely. Her precious breasts did not need a bra except for modesty. But that black, lacy fabric was not modest. It drew the eyes. It promised soft mounds that begged for lips. Up until now, it received worship from his lips alone.

Mark stood behind Linda as he gently stroked her stomach with his fingertips, and she closed her eyes in pleasure. Then he gently cupped the bra and he gently squeezed. His hands moved behind her back and Tim could not see what he manipulated but there was not any doubt. The bra hung loose; the back strap unclasped.

Tim tried to stand, but he couldn't with his restraints. In his mind he screamed, "Get your hands off my wife!" but only incoherent noise escaped around his gag.

Mark again showed more patience than expected. He slowly removed the bra and turned Linda in profile to Tim, sat on the couch to put his face at the proper height, and while looking Tim straight in his eyes, put his lips around Linda's left and then right nipple. He licked and kissed all over both breasts, while eyeing Tim. Taunting him. Claiming her.

Tim groaned in mental anguish and physical discomfort as his penis tried to harden in the device.

Mark seemed to lose patience as he more quickly removed Linda's skirt and sexy thong. Then he quickly removed his clothes and sat on the couch.

"Bitch, you know what to do. Suck it and mount it."

Tim's heart broke as Linda grinned at Tim and winked. Then she sank to her knees. She grabbed the cock she had no right to touch with one hand and began licking it while her other hand started rubbing between her legs. Tim pulled with both arms and rocked in the chair as he tried to free himself as his wife dishonored their marriage vows.

When she was content with her wetness and his hardness, she got up and started to get on the couch and her lover.

Tim panicked. Condom. We agreed they would use a condom! No. This is not right. Did she trick me? WHAT THE HELL! He finally remembered the signal. He almost chose to slap the chair three times. He could end this suffering now, but there would be consequences. Quickly he slapped the chair twice. She paused. He slapped it again twice. She turned to him and smiled. No, she wouldn't insult him by going bareback. She would not intentionally ignore the rule. She loved him, right?

Then Linda winked again and reached behind a cushion to present a condom package. Tim hated her in that moment. He loved her more than he thought possible. And he desired her like nothing else. He would give up anything, ANYTHING to have her again. What a fool he was. She was his, all his. And he threw that away.

Linda looked in her lover's face with that angelic smile, removed the condom and put it on Mark's tool.

She looked at Tim.

"This is it. Your last chance. Either say no or I am going to become Mark's lover. What? Speak up!"

Tim shook his head violently and tried to shout, plead and beg. In his head, he said, "Please stop, I change my mind". But all that came out was incoherent gibberish.

Linda sat on Mark's lap facing him. She straddled his waist on the couch, lifted herself and grabbed his cock. Slowly she lowered herself upon his shaft. About halfway down, she let out a deep, guttural groan. That was the moment. That was the moment it was too late for Tim to stop it. Here she was, pumping herself slowly and sensually on someone else's manhood. Not his. Not her husband. But some guy she did not know very well or particularly like. While her husband, the man who loved her with his whole heart was watching, impotent, with even his penis confined to a cage far to small to allow an erection.

Tim felt like he was in a dream and a nightmare. He was as excited as he had ever been. He had never seen his wife look so sensual, so erotic. He had never been so jealous and furious at this asshole grinning as his wife, his WIFE, pleasured him with her vagina. No. Nothing could ever be the same again. And God he was horny as hell in his mind while his dick was tortured.

Her breasts gently bounced on each stroke. Her thighs tightened and released each time she raised and lowered her pelvis. Her head leaned forward as she braced her hands on Mark's shoulders. Up and down. Tim could not ignore the smells and sounds of sex. It could not get any worse. Until it did.

She leaned forward and kissed Mark as a soul bound lover. And Mark groaned not in sexual pleasure, but in heart felt emotion.

That is what did it. The undressing was bad. The fucking was torture. But the kiss broke him.

The struggles and yells ended. The tears began. He did not know he could feel so bad. He stopped paying attention to the world. He existed in a world of numb agony, rejection and loneliness. And his dick was trying to break out of the contraption.

Then it ended. Linda got up and went to the hall bathroom. Mark got dressed and just before he left, he said, "I hope you had as much fun as I did".

Mark was gone before Tim heard the commode flush and Linda returned. She removed the ball gag and chastity cage but left his arms and legs bound. She hadn't uttered a word. She kneeled between his legs, grabbed his swollen cock and licked it slowly from the base to the tip. Maintaining eye contact, she swirled her tongue around the knob. And then her glorious mouth began to bob as her hand gently stroked him. She took a tissue from the box next to his chair as he began thrusting his hips and then his soul erupted out of the end of his meat into her mouth.

Linda spit his ejaculate into the tissue. That was normal for her. She did not like to swallow. She would only do so if he won a bet or they negotiated. For example, when she wanted him to go to a social function during the Super Bowl. What was not normal was that she left some on her lips. What was also not normal is that she kissed him, smearing it on his lips.

Chapter Two

Linda took the restraint off his right wrist and frowned.

"You bruised your wrist. Does it hurt?"

"It's okay. I guess I got carried away for a moment there."

She kissed it, removed the other wrist and kissed it too. Then the final two straps were released from his legs.

"Stretch your muscles while I get us some water and fruit."

Tim's mind was still in overdrive, and he was mentally exhausted. He got his fantasy. It was the best thing he had ever experienced and the worst. He was confused. He also was concerned about what the consequences would be in his marriage.

Linda returned and Tim noticed her clothing for the first time. She was in loose comfortable shorts and t-shirt. Clothes that normally indicated that she wanted to relax. He could tell that she was not wearing sexy underwear beneath it but was probably in plain cotton panties and a utilitarian bra. She was not in heat. She handed him a small bowl of mixed fruit and a bottle of water and they consumed them in silence. They both had a lot to think about.

She said, "You promised to hold me in bed".

As he lay spooned behind her, he was afraid. She did not look excited or happy. She did not seem herself.

"I'm sorry. You don't ever need to do that again."

"Ever is a long time".

Tim was perplexed. Was she saying that she now wanted men in her life? Was she saying that she did not trust him to not want his dark fantasies played out again? He felt like matters were running out of his control.

Linda patted his arm around her waist.

"I am going to take a bath. I think I would like some alone time".


As Tim lay alone in his bed, the events of that afternoon played in his head. He felt the emotions of jealousy, loss and anger. He recalled erotic feelings he had never experienced. Sure, he had the fantasy for many years now. But the actual playing out of it was both the worst thing he had ever experienced and the best. The aftermath was still in doubt. And he knew they needed each other. They needed to deal with bringing someone into their house for his wife to have sex with for his benefit.

He judged it was time to act. He gently knocked on the bathroom door and opened it. There she was. The most precious thing in his life.

"I don't like what this did to you. It feels like the light left your eyes. I am serious about never doing this again."

"It wasn't that bad. Mark was a sweetie and was very gentle. But I don't want to repeat it anytime soon."

"Well, lets agree to not talk about any plans for at least a year."

"That sounds good."

Tim sat on the toilet as the awkward silence filled the room.

"Tim, would you agree that you owe me?"

He did not like where this was going. Was she going to punish him? Was she going to humiliate him for asking her to do this?

"Linda, you do not need me to owe you in order to get your way. I love you."

She looked at him with no emotion.

"For the rest of the night, you will address me as Mrs. Darcy, and you will be Mr. Darcy." [Mr. and Mrs. Darcy are characters in the romantic novel Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen, set in 19th century England.]

"No. No. No. Not Jane fucking Austen."

"Yes, Mr. Darcy, the best novelist in the English-speaking world. Furthermore, I hunger from my afternoon's labors. You will send a messenger to have spicy chicken of the Buffalo style, celery sticks and chips."

Time grinned. "You want buffalo chips? That sounds gross."

"Mr. Darcy! Such uncouth language does not become a gentleman. You know very well I mean the fried potatoes that traitors vulgarly call French Fries. Furthermore, you shall prepare for my mealtime entertainment the dramatic reenactment of Ms. Austen and shall be my companion with the most loving of embraces."

Tim laughed and was relieved. This was the woman he knew and loved.


"Mrs. Darcy, you mean."

Mrs. Darcy, that is a fine idea. It really is. I also have an idea. If you don't mind, I would really like to present an alternative."

Linda's face transformed into disappointment, and cautious suspicion. Tim knew he needed to press on before things got worse.

"Mrs. Darcy, please let me make my proposal. It is important to me. What would really make my day is to be with my wife. I don't think I can get enough of her. I suggest that I take her to the den and hold her in a loving embrace and watch a dramatic recreation of the undisputed best novelist in English history."

Finally, the smile and amusement he was looking for appeared on her face. He continued making it up as he went.

"I am also hungry. I was thinking of buffalo wings and curly fries, with some celery on the side. Then in the middle of the movie, I thought I would make fruity rum drinks. My wife, she has a weakness for the things. I think I can get her a little tipsy tonight. And at the end of the move, if I'm lucky, I just might seduce her and make love to her gently and lovingly, and whisper in her ear how much I love her, and how wonderful I think she is. And then I hope that holding her in my arms as we go to sleep, she feels more loved and protected than any woman ever has. What do you think?"

"I suppose I am willing to compromise, Mr. Darcy. But I have a condition."

"Yes, Mrs. Darcy. Please continue."

"In times past, my lover has resorted to the most horrible strategy to avoid sharing the stories of the celebrated Ms. Austen. He has pawed at my bosom and my lady parts to enflame my lusts and sexually attacked me like a rutting beast of the wilds. While a lady is duty bound to assuage such unseemly lust in her husband, I shall not have it this night. This night there will be no pawing and groping of my bosom, or of my secret lady parts nor even of my tender bottom. There shall be no pawing tonight, Mr. Darcy."

"Mrs. Darcy, may I make a query of such a demand?"

"A query, yes, but I am doubtful to grant any amendments."

"I wonder if a husband might not paw, but perhaps gently hold a breast and occasionally might briefly run with his thumb over the most sensitive part of his wife's bosom. It seems cruel to me to have him so close to her and deny him a simple, but intimate gesture."

"Mr. Darcy, I am willing to allow such intimacies, but only if he is able to control his beastly instincts. I must warn you that there are limits until the entertainment is concluded. My husband owes me and shall be my companion during the entertainment. He should also make the appropriate exclamations during the movie. When his wife sighs, then so should he. Am I understood, Mr. Darcy?

Mark stood up and leaning over gave his wife a gentle kiss before leaving the bathroom to begin his tasks.

"Of course, Mrs. Darcy. I look forward to this evening."

Final note

In case it is not obvious, this was a planned, consensual event. The wife consented not because she wanted to add a man to their marriage but agreed to act out her husband's fantasy for his pleasure, because she loved him. The other man was merely acting a part. The end of the story is the wife role-playing a romance. I thought it added symmetry but am not sure how well known the book/movie are to the general public. My wife and daughter loved it. I endured watching it for their sakes.

In case I screwed this up and it was confusing. His "alternative" is the same as what she originally wanted. He is trying to be playful.

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Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohio12 days ago

Disappointing. Unclear why “Mr. Darcy” wanted to be cuckolded. His character is not developed and all we got were the stereotypical, conflicting emotions described in numerous cuckold tales. Feelings of regret countered by excitement, feelings of anger countered by feelings of love for his wife. We don’t even know why he wants humiliation as part of the scene.

The contradiction of willing cuckoldry is that most women want security, hence marriage, so why jeopardize the relationship by fucking another in front of hubby, regardless of his perverted fantasies? And men want their women to want them and love them physically. Why risk that by having her be intimate with another man, such intimacy that inevitably generates feelings of love as a result of orgasm and pleasuring the other partner? What if the sex is so wonderful that hubby is boring by comparison? Why bother having sex with ordinary hubby, when lover boy can do so much more and do it better? And if the sex is lousy, then it would be a waste of time to do it, not to mention that hubby might not get past the act.

Then he’ll want sex with another woman to be “equal,” perhaps, which would create jealousy for his wife. The negatives far outweigh the positives. Why be married if one or both want sex with others? The reality usually is different from the fantasy. I once knew a couple where the guy had this fantasy and convinced his wife to swing. She ended up liking a variety of cocks and got into it more than he did. He got jealous and asked her to stop, admitting he made a mistake. She refused and they ended up divorced. Three stars are all I can give for this.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Throw in a car chase, snow and a reference to spinach omelets, and it's a solid 4.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Great story - unique and well developed. Interesting concept- well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Rule of thumb, disregard anyone who says they gave it one star, insists that you're in the wrong category, has a profile without a single story posted, or outright insults you.

You know what you like, you know why you're here, be you. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well written and an amusing ending.

The subject matter is obviously not to everyone's tastes, and the category in which it has been placed here (Loving Wives) may preclude it from being viewed in a truly objective manner - perhaps 'Fetish' or even 'Romantic' may have been more suitable homes for it, as the chances of it finding a more receptive audience there would likely increase.

Nevertheless, this does not take away from the overall quality of the story, which made for an interesting read. The interaction at the end added a sense of realism, as well as humour - one of those silly little interactions that one imagines might play out in the everyday lives of many a married couple, even if what came before was a particularly niche interest.

Good job overall. Hope you keep writing.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Even as fantasy, cuckolding is abusive to men.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

Exactly what you expected from a cuckold you delivered. Your stupid statement alone: you're not in a partnership and therefore can't be a cuckold shows that you can't process the topic mentally. You are not cuckold because you are in a partnership, you are cuckold if you think like a cuckold! And you do it with all your heart. Why do women want to have anything to do with such mentally damaged men? I do not know it. Maybe because it allows them to live out their slut site without too much trouble. Any woman who can witness the torment (whether physical or psychological) of another without taking action is not worthy of being called a woman. And any man who puts a woman in that situation is not worthy of being called a man. 1*!!!

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 2 years ago

Your story went South at the Mr & Mrs Darcy.

SikemSikemover 2 years agoAuthor

I appreciate all the comments.

I was asked, "His thoughts were saying he wanted at some point to stop it but would be punished if he did. What would that punishment be?"

The consequence was that they would stop the scene and the wife would never consider doing it again.

Dylan1Dylan1over 2 years ago

I liked it up until the mr and mrs darcy. If you had finished this story with them both talking it through and kissing/cuddling it would have scored far higher.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good and I as well do not like or would ever participate in any sharing. I would like one clarification. His thoughts were saying he wanted at some point to stop it but would be punished if he did. What would that punishment be

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

While there was an attempt to normalize cuckoldry in this story it still remains a fetish. The author Sikem even states in the comments that he has "fetish inclinations". As such, this work, along with all others of this ilk, would be better placed in the fetish category. Literotica could make a category specifically for cuckoldry and place all those stories there. But alas, they choose not to. Even so, as different as this was from other tales in the genre I cannot bring myself to rate it above one star. The very idea of a husband being behind his wife's entry into such a vile lifestyle is repugnant! For a husband to encourage and entice his wife to perform sex with another man is among the lowest of moral behaviors. His wife should have said no under the shield of divorce. While the Lord says "I hate Divorce" she would likely be justified in doing so. He was acting the adulterer by compelling, coercing and pressuring her to accept sexual relations with a man not her husband. And worse he did this not for her but rather for his own sexual gratification. How can such a low man call himself a man at all? How can the words 'I love my wife' ever pass his lips? 1☆ - TANSTAAFL

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You know I like it. Original,

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Baloney. What alleycat morals you wife and daughter have - along with several STD's. Bad story.

SikemSikemover 2 years agoAuthor

Dear @Anonymous I fear it will never work. We are far too similar. My other work , The Intruder, expresses my fetish inclinations. I am a sadistic asshole in my sexual fantasies. Or, perhaps a loving, benevolent Master and Owner of vulnerable young women.

But I appreciate the offer, and simply decline.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Willing cuckoldry garbage. How anybody can give this a five star rating boggles the human mind. Couldn't get past the first couple paragraphs. Pure trash. Wish there were minus scores to give. 1* and that's being generous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I thought it was an interesting take on a subject that very few men have actually experienced outside of their active imagination when they are alone. Almost all would be horrified if it actually became a reality but it can be so delicious in a fantasy world. Your literary exposition on it was such a mixture of the mundane actuality of the sexual act and the wonderful romanticism of the later fanasy. Such a juxtaposition made it a wonderful story. You could have left out the postscript.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

America does not have the covid virus it has been over taken by the cuck virus in loving wives though this should be renamed hating wives.

GarySmith69GarySmith69over 2 years ago

No just no. Even as a "fantasy" cuckolding is not erotic to most people. No husband should ever tell their wife they want to be cuckolded. And equally no wife should accept that request.

invisible_bridgesinvisible_bridgesover 2 years ago

While I respect the intentions behind this story, and I find the contrasting Austen fantasy to be a clever touch, I think that there is something fundamentally misconceived in the narrative's attitude to the cuck fantasy being acted out.


Cucking is not equivalent to BDSM, which deals in fantasies of power and submission. Cucks are traumatized men who have made a sexual fetish out of deep feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing. Should a "loving" wife indulge her husband's self-hatred? Some fantasies should remain just that, fantasies.


Anyway, a brave attempt to bring something fresh to an exhausted sub-genre.

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