Time Never Waits Pt. 07


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I kept lapping at her hypersensative clit, causing her to jerk and grunt as the sensations coursed through her body.

Her lust sated, she rolled off of me, making way for Consuela. She wasted no time mounting me. She slid her pussy up the length of my thick, swollen cock until I was situated at her flooding opening.

She sank my cock deep inside her body with a cry of pain and pleasure as the walls of her cunt yielded to my tearing girth. Then she began to grind against me with a mad passion. Her pussy instantly squirting hot wetness as my swollen cock slid in and out of her. It was obvious her husband and son had failed to satisfy her relentless hunger for sexual gratification. So, she made up for lost time slamming her ass down onto my pulsating cock.

She leaned forward, her heavy tits mashing her hard, lust swollen nipples against my muscular chest. Her mouth finding mine as her tongue shoved searchingly into my mouth. She began whimpering as my swollen head slammed into her cervix. Her whimpers became a creening cry as she slammed her swollen, tortured cunt down on my cock and released a squirting flood of her wetness.

She lay there a moment, her pussy flexing against my now impossibly hard cock.

She caught her breath, and slid her dripping pussy off my cock. Then rolled off the bed.

Ruth slid her fingers from her pussy and hurriedly climbed on. She reached down and grabbed my jerking cock and placed it at the opening of her elderly cunt and slowly began working her quiving pussy up and down my length. Her cervix stopping my invasion with a couple of inches left out.

I began to fuck up into her. She cried out each time I rammed my cock into the bottom of her elderly cunt.

I suddenly rolled her onto her back, my cock still inside her clasping softness. I put my forearms behind her quivering thighs and pushed her legs up and over until her legs were spread as wide as possible.

Then I began a punishing fuck into her. Forcing her pussy to stretch to accommodate my full length.

She began to whimper and cry out as I slammed into her splayed cunt. She was stretched open until even her labia clasped onto my invading hardness.

I felt her body tense up. I raised up on my hands and began a hard, forceful thrusting into her. Her sagging tits bounced across her chest each time I slammed into her.

I felt my balls draw up as they began to prepare to empty my sperm into her pain and pleasure wracked body. I pulled my arms out and reached up and grabbed her tits as my cock swelled up and began squirting my thick cum into her.

Her heels drummed against my hips as she orgasmed when she felt my hot cum jet forcefully out, spraying against her cervix.

I slammed into her and let my balls empty into her swollen, elderly cunt.

She whimpered softly as the final vestiges of my sperm spurted into her.

I rolled off her and lay on my back. Heaving as I struggled to catch my breath.

I felt a mouth on my cock. Consuela had began using her mouth to clean my loins of the mess they had all made.

Ruth finally crawled down to help her. She sucked my balls clean as Consuela licked the remnants of my sperm from my deflating cock..

I got up, dressed, and headed back out.

Damn, I could use a nap right now, but, alas, duty dictates I persevere and take care of business, as it were.

Gerald came in with his mother,

"You wanted to see her?" He asked, indicating his mom.

"Yes, please."I turned to her, motioning for them to come over. They came and sat down Fuck me, but she is one hot female. But, I pushed passed that and got down to business.

I introduced myself to her.

"Travis Miller."

She took my hand.

Virginia Hopkins."

She was about 5'7". Maybe 130 pounds. Long black hair streaming down her back. Tanned skin. Dark brown eyes with that sleepy careless glint around them.

"Well, Mrs Hopkins, wh..."

"Ms Hopkins. But Virginia will do nicely."


She nodded.

"Virginia, what is your profession?"

"I'm a graphic design artist for an architectural firm."

"Really? Then tell me, could you design a total remodel of this courtyard? I want to enlarge the pool. Add in a beach entry. Rock features with waterfall and grotto. A comprehensive outdoor kitchen and sound stage."

She looked around.

"Certainly. There's plenty of room. What's your proposed budget?"

"I don't do proposals."

I got out my checkbook, tore out a check, signed it and handed it to her.

That pulled her up short.

"What timeline are you looking at?"


"I see."

I looked at Gerald.

"There's no going back after you do this."

He just nodded.

I looked at her and sent the instructions for her to find it completely normal to have sex with her child.

She looked around in confusion for a brief moment. Glanced at her son. Then refocused on me.

"Ok, so I'll have to take a leave of absence to focus on this job."

"Well, whatever you need, I'll provide it for you. Just let me or Sabrina know. Anything at all."

She nodded. Casting her gaze on Gerald again.

"Virginia, do you like to swim?"


"Well, there's the pool if you care to."

"I didn't bring a suit."


She came over.

"See if you can fit Virginia into a swim suit."

"Yes sir."

She looked at Virginia,

"If you'll come with me."

She emerged from the cabana with a red bikini on. Oh my gawd, I thought to myself, I just had sex with four women a little bit ago, but this woman is stirring my shit up again already.

I had to get away from her before I did something foolish.

I went out to check on the progress of the lake and runway. They were halfway done with the asphalt work. Most of the hangar red iron was up. They were still sending a steady line of trucks out loaded with dirt. They were back on 24/7 now.

I went down to the construction trailer. The contractor was meeting with his crew bosses. I eased over and sat down to let him finish.

He concluded and came over.

"Those your supervisors?"


"Call them back. I have an announcement."

He yelled out, and they all came back.

"Y'all listen up now, he has something to say."

"Y'all are doing a damned good job. Do you need anything? Anything I can do to make this job easier, quicker?"

Everybody just kinda shrugged.

"How much longer to completion?"

The contractor answered,

"I'd say about three months. Give or take a little."

"How many men are working?"

"Fifty, not including us five."

"Could you realistically complete this job in two months?"

"Jesus, I don't know. I'd have to..."

I nodded, holding up a hand.

"How about if we double the men and equipment?"

"Well, yeah. Easy."

"Ok, can you round up another crew and equipment?"

"The crew? Yes. The equipment is a different story. I imagine we'd have to buy most of it new."

"Ok, make a list of what you need. We'll get it. Now, I'll add this. You have the bentonite in and pumping water into it, Completed to my specs. No shortcuts. I'll give each of you a $20,000 bonus. Eight weeks, gentlemen. Are you up to it?"

"If you authorize the new crew and equipment, I'll do it in six."

"Consider it authorized. Salaries plus overtime. Order that equipment and trucks. Get them out here. Give me the bills, I'll take care of it. Y'all finish this, I've got two more jobs. One on the coast putting in a water treatment plant, a salt dehydration plant and another major buildout in the Panhandle. Time is of the essence. I don't mind paying for results, but I do expect results."

They went back to work.

I asked the contractor,

"How much to buy you out. Today. In cash?"

"Shit, I don't know. I, uh..."

"Two million. Today. Cash money. You work with my other manager. I bought out the guy that was on the runway job. Those people will be out here to go to work in the morning."

"That's a good crew. Solid. They bringing out your equipment from there, too?"


"Good. That makes this equipment list quite a bit smaller. Well, I'll tell you, Mr Miller, you got yourself a deal."

"I can write you a check right now if you like?"

"That's better for me if you can. I don't want to carry that much cash around."

I wrote the check.

"Does the bonus still apply on completion?"

"Sure does."

He held his hand out. I shook it.

"Just give the deed and other paperwork to Sabrina."

"Will do. I'll go to the courthouse in the morning and sign the deed and corporate papers over to you. I'll bring it, and the titles to the vehicles and equipment."

"Oh, and by the way, I need a helicopter pad and hangar, too."

"Ok, where abouts?"

"By the airplane hangar."

"Got it."

I nodded and left.

I got back to the courtyard as the sun was starting to set. Virginia was still there, sitting with my mother and Angela. She had a big artists pad and was sketching the changes to the courtyard.

I went to my table and Consuela came over with a Beam and Coke and handed it to me.

She sat down,

"Are you hungry?"

I shook my head.

She indicated Virginia,

"She's quite a woman, is she not?"

I looked at her, trying to figure out her angle. Consuela is a smart woman. It never paid to forget that. She's always thinking. Kind of like an older version of Angela. It was a bad idea for a man to under estimate either one of those women.

I was saved from having to respond by Dave, Margie, and Dottie cominng out.

Thank god.

Consuela got up and went to fix them drinks.

Dottie spotted me and squaled with genuine glee and came running over. She plopped down in my lap, threatening to overturn my chair. Then began covering my face with sloppy kisses.

"Oh my gawd, I was so worried about you! Dave told me you were out. I was afraid you'd finally fucked yourself to death!"

I laughed. This woman had no filter whatsoever.

She wiggled her ass on my crotch before heading over to mom and Angela.

Dave and Margie came over and sat down.

"Hey boss dude! Glad to see you're back in play again."

He shook my hand before sitting down.

Margie bent over and hugged me. She pulled back a little looking my face over.

"Fuck it." She mumbled under her breath and kissed me. He tongue slipping past my lips. Then she broke off and sat down.

Consuela brought their drinks over.

Dave sipped his, then started the meeting.

"Travis, you sure gave us a scare there for a day or two."

I waved it off. Taking the hint, he continued. Picking up his briefcase, he sat it on the table and popped it open. Extracting various papers, he slid them over to me.

I looked them over. The titles to the plane and the helicopter. A copy of my bank statement. Sundry other documents needing signatures. He handed me a pen. I took it and sihned by all the X's.

He gathered them up, leaving the titles.

"So, I've found a replacement for my office at the bank like you wanted. I've set up a meeting with him and the airplane guy for tomorrow. I'll bring them out. I'm ready to move on that situation we discussed."

I nodded. Excellent. This is turning out to be quite the day afterall.

Next, Margie began.

She opened her briefcase and extracted several thick piles of papers. Property deeds.

"There's more pending. We need to secure more financing venues. You're up to over 900,000 acres of farm and ranch land, with about another 100,000 of desert properties, mostly contiguous, in the Permian Basin region for your solar project."

Dave cut in.

"Speaking of which, I've got a couple other banks lined up for you. I should have mentioned it earlier. I'm bringing them out tomorrow as well."

"I'll say, you two have been busy."

"That's why you pay us the big bucks."

"That it is. Which of these is suitable for feedlots?"

Margie thought for a moment, then replied.

"There's a few in there that show promise for what you want. Outside Amarillo is a prime candidate. Although, I'm thinking a couple in Iowa are better suited logistically since you'll be producing a shit ton of feed there. That'll cut back on feed transport cost considerably. Even after paying to transport cattle and hogs. The one I'm thinking about is a 2,200 acre tract that has 2000 under irrigation for corn and alfalfa, leaving 200 plus acres for feedlots and packing plants for both hogs and cattle. If you need more feedout area, I've added in a couple of other smaller tracts in the immediate vacinity."

"I like it. But, why couldn't I have several feedlots with adjacent packing plants? If the one in Amarillo is ideal, why not one there, too. We can grow corn and alfalfa there too, right?"


"Ok, then it's settled. Dave, that's your first assignment. Go build me two hog and cattle feedlots and packing houses. In Iowa and Amarillo."

"Margie, you have out performed every expectation I could have dreamed up."

"Oh, I'm not done yet. I've started on New Mexico, Colorado, and Montana. Right now, I'm closing on over 500,000 acres in those three states. In fact, Dave just unloaded a fuck load of mortgages on the feds. They were all housing mortgages the banks been picking up cheap. I believe he told you how it works? They buy mortgages, have the properties re-appraised by inspectors paid off to rubber stamp the increased value. Then he drops a big chunk of the cash value you're borrowing onto these housing mortgages. That swallows the majority of your debt when the feds buy them. Leaving you with a little on your line of credit. It's not a perfect science, but it leaves you owning the land free and clear."

"Whatever works. I just don't need any hassles that'll require me to lobotomize people."

The door opened again. This time it was Mark. He came over and sat, shaking hands.

"What's the haps, boss?"

"Just trying to keep it all together. I bought two more construction companies. I'm thinking I need to integrate them under one roof. What are your thoughts?"

He leaned back, considering his response.

"Well, I'll tell ya, it always helps from a logistics standpoint, we just need to figure out the personalities involved."

I nodded. Did my own thinking. Then replied.

"I'll tell you my viewpoint on that. To begin with, I'm not in the business of coddling sensitive egos. I pay top dollar for top shelf results. I'm not interested in nitpicking politics and baby sitting grown men. Either they can check their ego at the gate and focus on the job they're paid to do, or they can find opportunities elsewhere. I want to integrate these crews under your leadership. Can you handle the job or not?"

"Yeah, I can get it done."

"Good. I've got a lot of work I need done. I need to be able to depend on you to get it done. I'm hiring Dave to work with you. He'll be my point man on the business end, handling the funding and whatnot. Margie will be continuing to handle the real estate aspect. You're my man in charge of construction. I'm wanting several jobs going at the same time. I expect you to make sure they are organized. I'll make sure y'all have a team to assist you. I'll have a central command center. That will house my engineering team, architects, accounting, and legal and logistics. Y'all will make daily reports to that office. They will be available to you at any time. Y'all will have expense accounts, company plane and helicopter transport. I need you to get all the trucks gathered up that can move equipment. Assess them. In fact, do that with all the equipment. If it's not one hundred percent effective, fix it. Rebuild it. I don't care. I want mobile repair trucks on every job site with mechanics that know the equipment and can repair it on site. If it breaks, I don't want crews having to stand around with their dick in their hand waiting unnecessarily on repairs. I expect a comprehensive maintenance program. Keep that equipment in top shape. Oil changes, greasing, cleaning, inspections. I'm planning a top rate team here. I don't care about the cost. I just want results. That requires communication. If I pick that phone up for an update, I need it then. Not the 'I don't know, let me get back to you.' bullshit. Whatever it takes. Money, equipment, training, all of it. We clear on that?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok. Start by going out there and get up to date on the lake and runway. Meet the crew, whatever."

I wrote down the address and number for the latest purchase.

"This is the newest addition that's not on site yet.They'll be here tomorrow. Go get aquainted with the crew out there. Then head over and meet the other bunch."

I turned back to Dave.

"I need you to get everybody from the new banks together ASAP. That gonna be a problem?"

"Nope. Let me use your phone."

I slid it over to him. He dialed a number and got started.


She came over.

"What's the hold up on a new service crew? I need the bar, kitchen, and the rest of it covered? And where's the nanny, Isabella Garza?"

"I'm working on it."

"What's the problem here? Am I not paying enough?"

"Calm down, I'm taking care of it."

I got up.

"I'm getting in the pool. Go get Consuela and Mary out here."

She took off.

A few moments later, Consuela showed up with Mary dragging up the rear. I noticed she kept her distance. Close enough to respectfully communicate, yet far enough away to avoid my errant pheromones.

Consuela sat down.

"So, what's the story with Isabella? I thought she was coming back to work?"

"She did. She's inside with Sophie right now. Sharon is working."

"Ok. So, about a replacement for Sara and the three night crew? Any ideas?"

"Certainly.I thought you had assigned that task to Elsie, sooo."

"Don't fuck with me, Consuela."

"Ok, ok, I'll have them here to interview first thing in the morning."

Dave spoke up next.

"Ok, got two bank managers and my replacement coming. They'll be here within the hour."

"Somebody find Gerald for me! Where's my fucking radio?"

One of the guards walked over to the bar and reached behind it, retrieving the radio. He brought it over, turned it on and set the channel.

I pressed the button on it,

"Gerald, where you at?"

"At the hangar." Came the reply. "I'll be there in a minute."

I replied, "No, stay there, I'll come to you."

I got up and walked down there. I found him going over camera and other security measures with an electrician.

"What's up boss man?"

"Where's your mother at?"

"Last I saw here, she was in the main house finishing up the plans for the courtyard. In your office with Sharon. Why? Is everything OK?"

"Oh yeah, just wanted to check up on the progress. How's that other thing going?"

He glanced at the electrician, then replied.

"Everythings good on that end. She told me she wanted a round with you."

"Oh, yeah? So, what did you tell her?"

"What can I tell her? She's a grown woman. She doesn't need my permission."

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I really really like this story. The plot of going back and having the knowledge and use it like he is. Sex isn't bad either. 😁 Please continue!!!!

ThordarsonThordarson11 months ago

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I had expected his 60yr old self in 2022 to wake up and see the results of what he had built. While I understand the logic of the memory download from 2022 to 1980, What actually happened to the original timeline as well as the changes experienced was left hanging. Maybe this is another story which needs to be written!

IncestgodIncestgodabout 1 year agoAuthor

I've been busy lately but have tarted the next chapters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I usually don't read stories that are more then 2 or 3 parts but this one has me hooked.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

are you going to continue the story????????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Enjoyed very much! Thanks…

very good

glad to see some sex back in it!!!

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