Together Ssn 02 Ch. 09 - In Therapy

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Counsellor is taken through woman's trauma.
3.1k words

Part 10 of the 88 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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***All characters portrayed herein are of age, 18 years old at least, and all sexual activities depicted are consensual. Enjoy!***

Alone in an office, Tiffany, 20, sits in a comfy armchair, awaiting her first counselling session. The door to the office opens, and in steps a woman in formal dress: a skirt, blouse, and blazer, as well as tights and heeled shoes. She closes the door behind her and takes a seat opposite Tiffany at her desk, and introduces herself, "Hi, my name is Melissa Fisher. I'll be your counsellor over the coming weeks, and we'll go on a journey together to try and get you to a better place. How are you feeling?"

Tiffany barely breathes as she sits in her chair, and she reservedly replies, "Nervous."

Melissa, 39, says, "That's okay. I want you to be honest, not only with me, but with yourself throughout all of this. By doing that, we can help you get to your goal so you can leave my service feeling better about yourself, but, I need you to understand that if you aren't honest with yourself, there's nothing I can do to help you."

Tiffany timidly responds, "I understand."

Melissa says, "I just need to go over a few things before we start. I am required to let you know that everything we discuss is confidential, and doesn't leave this room. Any notes I take are purely so I can keep track of what is said during our sessions so we can see how far we've come by the end. The only time I will break confidentiality is if you say you are harming yourself or have thoughts about ending your life, or if you pose a significant risk to yourself or others, and I will have to notify the relevant authorities. Do you understand?"

Tiffany says, "I do understand."

Melissa opens a notebook on the desk, and grabs a pen, and asks, "So, tell me why you are here."

Tiffany takes a deep breath, and wriggles around in her seat nervously, and begins her story, "I was... raped... by people I know, or thought I knew. They were my boyfriend's footie teammates, and I knew them all from long before I started dating my boyfriend, hanging out with their wives and girlfriends, many of which I knew through school and college.

"It was one of the lads, Linford, who interrupted me and Craig, my boyfriend, in the changing rooms after a game, and tried to seduce him. He forced himself on my boyfriend..."

Melissa interrupts Tiffany to ask, "Is this when the rape happened?"

Tiffany shakes her head, and says, "No, I fought Linford off then. Gave him a punch to the face, and he ran away scared. He came to Craig's house later that day to threaten us, but Craig's dad scared him off.

"I had hoped that would be the end of it, but Craig was called to the footie ground for what he was told was a team meeting, and the team ganged up on Craig, led by Linford, and they raped him. He tried to fight back, but they held him down."

Melissa says, "I'm sorry to hear that. Did you report this to the police then?"

Tiffany explains, "No. We thought it would be over at that point. Linford got what he wanted from Craig, so, why would he continue, right? And, Craig quit the team.

"What happened to me was after that. I was in town, visiting the clinic, and I was given the news what I had thought for a while, that I was pregnant..."

Melissa interrupts to say, "Congratulations."

Tiffany resumes, "Linford and the footie lads ganged up on me on my way home and took me into an alley and... and, they... they," and Tiffany sobs and tears well up in her eyes.

Melissa says, "I understand. That's when it happened."

Tiffany nods in confirmation, tears streaming down her face, and Melissa hands her a box of tissues which Tiffany takes one from, and mops up her eyes and cheeks, sniffling as she says, "After that, they threw me in one of those big dumpster bins and left me for dead. Some of the residents of the building noticed and got me out of it, and they called me an ambulance, and they took me to hospital, and the doctor told me I miscarried because of them."

Melissa says, "Oh, I'm so sorry. That is terrible. One of the worst things I've ever heard in my line of work. But, you're still here. You are strong, and I know you don't feel like you are, but you are."

Tiffany continues to sob, upset from the resurfacing of her traumatic thoughts, and Melissa says, "Hey, look at me," and Tiffany obeys, and Melissa soothingly says, "You are strong, because you are here seeking help, and because you told me something incredibly painful. We're going to get through this, but, I won't lie to you; this is going to get harder, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but, please, stick with me. I'm going to be with you every step of the way."

Tiffany suddenly stares at Melissa with a very scared look, and Melissa soothingly asks her, "I want you to take me through the rape in as much detail as you can. I want you to tell me your thoughts and feelings how you remember them. Can you do that for me?"

Even more scared, sitting bolt upright and stiff, Tiffany asks, "Do I have to?"

Melissa calmly explains, "You don't have to do anything, but whilst those feelings are raw and prominent in your mind, I want to know them. It will give me an idea of the root of your trauma, and I can help to move you past that from there. I just need you to be brave and open up for me, and I'd rather do this sooner rather than later so we can start to put this behind you so you can move on."

Tiffany nods, and says, "Okay, I can do this."

Melissa says, "Take all the time you need. Close your eyes if it helps."

Tiffany casts her mind back to that alley, and she begins to recount, "I was held down, unable to move. One by one they forced themselves in me, filling me up. I remember screaming but no one heard. I pleaded for them to stop, but they kept on coming, one after another. The faces I recognised became a blur to me, and I began to feel numb all over from what they were doing. Before I realised, at some point I just stopped fighting. I stopped screaming. I stopped pleading.

"I remember feeling like I was being choked; a hand gripping tight around my throat, or maybe my mouth. I found it hard to breathe with a musty smell like cigarettes filling my head, feeling like it was seeping into my skin.

"Linford was recording me on my phone. He caught every second of my pain on video and put it up on the internet under my name. He created a profile for me using my email address, and uploaded the video in front of me, and made it so I have no way of accessing that account or taking the video down. It's out there for the whole world to see."

Melissa asks, "Anything else you remember?"

Tiffany sobs, "I was so scared. I was thinking all the time that my boyfriend would come around that corner and fight them all off, and come to my rescue, but he had no way of knowing what was happening or where we were. Anyone coming to save me would have been nice. I was so helpless. In the past, I was always so feisty and confident. I used to think I could protect myself. What do you even do against so many people?"

Melissa relaxingly replies, "You did everything you could in an extremely difficult circumstance. There isn't much anyone could have done, but what matters is you got through it."

Tiffany recalls, "I remember my only concern was protecting my unborn baby. I don't even remember who it was, but they punched me or kicked me or something right on the belly, and I think I knew I lost it then, but kept on holding out hope that everything would be alright. Just the smallest chance that I hadn't failed them. I just wanted to get home to Craig and know everything was going to be okay. They took that away from me."

Melissa enquires, "Did you enjoy the sex at any point?"

Tiffany looks offendedly at Melissa, but thinks on it anyway, and answers, "I didn't enjoy it, at first. I was so concerned with trying to fight them off. I even tried to force their sick cum out of me, but they quickly kept swapping between them when they were done. Eventually, I got used to the feeling with so many of them doing it for so long. I don't know if I can say I enjoyed it at any point, but I feel just as bad for stopping fighting. Even when they let go of me at the end, I didn't have the will to do anything, and, in the bin, I felt like I just wanted everything to end."

Melissa asks, "Do you still feel that way? Like you want everything to end?"

Tiffany says, "I haven't given it much thought, if any I can pin down and think about anyway. All I've felt since is that sense of having given up. Feeling empty and cold inside."

Melissa asks, "How has this affected your sex life with your boyfriend?"

Tiffany replies, "It's affected me a lot. I've not felt like doing it at all. Except for one night recently, my best friend took us out on a double date and helped me to feel for once like I actually wanted to do it, and I did with Craig, and it felt good, while it lasted. As soon as it ended, I went straight back to how I was feeling; that cold empty feeling."

Melissa soothingly says, "It sounds like you have some amazing friends. It's good to have people like that you can be close with. Hold on to those connections. You need a strong support network."

Tiffany thinks for a few moments, and says, "I don't have anything else I can say about it all. That's all I can think about for now."

Melissa soothingly says, "That's great. You really gave me a lot to get a clear picture of what happened, especially inside your mind, which is good because I have something we can work with.

"What I want to do with you is try to turn around those negative feelings from the incident, and turn them into positive feelings. Create a power fantasy in your mind to feel like you are taking back control from these people, which I'm hoping will open you up to being more intimate with your boyfriend and maintain a strong and healthy relationship for the both of you."

Tiffany asks, "What do you want me to do?"

Melissa suggests, "I would like you to go back over the incident once again, but imagine yourself in a position of power over those people."

Tiffany says, "I don't know if I can do it, but I will try," and she thinks back on the time in the alley, but it plays out the same. She tries again and again to change how she thinks and feels about the situation, trying to imagine alternate scenarios, but she says, "I just can't. I keep going back how it was, and feeling those same feelings."

Melissa thinks for a moment, and says, "Well, don't give up on it just yet. Perhaps we can try a different approach," and she digs her hand through her handbag on the desk, and pulls out a vibrator.

Melissa approaches Tiffany's armchair and kneels down, and asks, "Sit forward a little for me, and relax."

Tiffany asks, "What do you think you're doing?"

Melissa explains, "I'm hoping this will help to disassociate those negative feelings and help you create a version of the incident in your mind that you might enjoy more, so you can recall that version when the real one comes back to mind and brings you down. If we can change the narrative, this new version can seem more real to you. Are you willing to try?"

Tiffany says, "I will try," and Melissa flicks aside the seat of Tiffany's panties, and turns on the vibrator and holds it against Tiffany's pussy lips.

Tiffany closes her eyes and tries to release as much tension in her body as possible, and hears the hum of the vibrator, feeling the pulsating vibrations rippling through her body.

Going back to the alley, Tiffany imagines herself strutting along it, turning the corner to see the soccer team assembled, turning their heads to see her make her entrance. She walks along, running her fingertips across their naked chests as she passes. Everyone on the team is completely naked for her, as she struts around casting her gaze over each of them.

From behind her, Tiffany hears Linford shout, "Slut!" She turns around to see him recording her on her phone. Tiffany snatches the phone out of Linford's hand and kicks him with her trainers, pushing him away. Linford comes back at her, gripping her throat tightly, and he says, "You're a bitch. You will never... You will never... never-ever be good for Craig, bitch. You... You will never be... Craig is mine... Mine... All mine... He belongs to me now, bro." Laughing and jeering can be heard all around.

Tiffany feels small, falling, arms flailing around, then tight as they are held by ropes or cables, dark and matted, gripping tightly. She sees herself held on the floor, unable to move herself at all as the soccer team leer over her, and Linford comes right up to her face, mocking her as he tells her, "This is how it will always be... Always be... This is how it will always be... It's what you deserve... Deserve-serve... What you deserve..."

One of the members of the team presses his dick inside of Tiffany's pussy. She strains her eyes to see who, but the face is blurred, unable to distinguish any features at all on even his body, and all the others around her appear the same. She feels her pussy clench tighter and tighter, her heartbeat hastening, pleading aloud, "Stop. Please, stop. Please. Please. Plea- Plea- Plea..."

Linford glares down at Tiffany, and he laughs as he calls to the group, "Look, she's begging us for more, bro. She's such a slut. She loves it, bro. Still a bitch, though. Just a slut... Slut... Slut... Just a slut... Slut... Just a slut-slut-slut... and you know it-slut..."

Tiffany squirms and wriggles, struggling as much as she can, and she screams, "I'm not a fucking slut. I'm not a slut, but you... You are just a cunt. Craig is mine. My boyfriend, and you can't have him. Craig is mine, and I love him. I really love him. Not what you call love ganging up on him in the showers and gangbanging him. I actually love him. Not just for sex either. I love who he is, and how I feel about him, and how he feels about me, and I wouldn't give him up for the world, and he'll always be there for me."

Linford scowls at Tiffany, and her arms feel heavier and number, and she struggles harder to free herself as Linford leans down close to her, and he says, "You don't really believe that, bitch. You are just a slut. Admit it."

Tiffany feels anger swell in her heart, and her fists clench, and she says, "No."

Linford says again, "Admit it."

Tiffany repeats, "No."

Linford squeezes Tiffany's throat tight, choking her, and says, "Admit it... Admit it-mit it... Admit it-it..."

Tiffany wriggles around more intensely and screams, "No," and punches Linford hard on the head, panting heavily as she tries to pull herself off the shadowy figure fucking her pussy as it reaches an orgasm. At that moment, Craig appears behind the shadowy figure and throws it off, and holds out a hand to help his girlfriend up as she feels a powerful orgasm rush through her body, filling her up completely, squinting her eyes closed tightly.

When Tiffany opens her eyes again, she finds herself sunk into the armchair with Melissa between her legs turning off the vibrator and fixing Tiffany's panties to sit neatly against her crotch again. Tiffany is panting heavily, lost for breath, and Melissa remarks, "You really needed that. It must have been a while since you last came like that."

Tiffany moans contentedly and musters up the energy to respond, saying, "I haven't felt like that for a while," and laughs almost in disbelief.

Melissa asks, "Was it good? Your retelling of the incident?"

Tiffany recalls, "It was scary; almost like a nightmare. But, I got a happy ending out of it. I got my hero."

Melissa goes back to her desk, sits down in her chair, and puts her vibrator back in her handbag, and she soothingly says, "It sounds like we're making progress. We will work on that over the coming weeks to try to reinforce a better state of mind surrounding your trauma. I don't want it to be scary or nightmarish for you, but instead a dream you can take with you and fall back on."

Tiffany catches her breath and sits up in her armchair, and says, "That sounds good. I look forward to it."

Melissa says, "For homework, I want you to, at least once, have sex with your boyfriend, and really try to feel it as deeply as you felt that vibrator just now. Can you do that for me?"

Tiffany says, "I will. Definitely. Yes."

Melissa closes her notebook and sets down her pen, and says, "Well, that will be all for this week, Miss Bright. I'll see you the same time next week," and she stands up to open the door for Tiffany to allow her to leave.

Tiffany walks out into the waiting room, where Craig sits waiting for her, and he stands up to hug her as she approaches, and they hug tightly and kiss, and Tiffany tells him, "You're my hero."

Craig smiles, not knowing exactly what his girlfriend means by that, but he tells her, "You're my hero, too."

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DevilbobyDevilbobyover 1 year ago

Tiffany needed that, happy that nothing negative is on the horizon for her. Bit disappointed at the shortness of these last two chapters, and the lack of character definition in them but it's good as far as it goes.

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