Tom and Gabby Ch. 09 - Linda's Parents


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Linda flashes her eyes at him, aroused by his commandeering of the situation.

He swiftly begins his campaign of thrusting, without any need for words,

He's merciless as he plunges the dildo in and out of my cunt, and my previous confidence disintegrates.

I begin vocalising loudly, making all manner of noises as I feel my insides being roughly stimulated.

The room seems to melt away, and the only thing I can think about is Tom and his relentless pursuit to force me to cum. He throws his entire weight behind fucking me with the dildo. I implore him to stop as I feel myself beginning to respond positively to the assault, and look to Linda to intervene on my behalf, despite knowing she'd never do this.

The pleasure progresses quickly. I feel pressure building inside my pussy, and I squirm in coerced ecstasy, before being completely consumed by it.

As I surrender control, I hear Daz's voice, sounding loudly. "What the fuck?" he almost shouts.

Tom gives a final few thrusts, before removing the dildo completely and setting it down.

I peel my eyes open and feel myself surrounded. Daz and Wendy have moved closer towards me again, and are standing behind Tom, looking confusedly from the view between my open thighs to the floor at the end of the table.

"What a mess Gabrielle!" Linda enthuses. "We weren't expecting you to squirt! You're putting on quite a performance for our guests, aren't you?"

"She's some kind of freak!" Wendy cries out, disgusted by my unintentional gush.

"How did you make her do that?" Daz asks, confounded. "I thought it was some kind of party trick that pornstars had to teach themselves?"

"Don't get too close, Darren," Wendy frets. "She might do it again!"

Dom and Linda try to hide their amusement at her overreaction.

"It's not something she can control mum," Linda seeks to debunk her mother's concern.

"It just happens sometimes," Tom expands. "A happy consequence of the right pace, the right angle and the right pressure," he boasts expertly.

Daz looks intrigued by the explanation, as though it's some mathematical problem he can solve.

"I've seen it a few times in porn. But I thought it required some kind of skill or self-control? Clearly porn lies."

Tom sniggers. "All the time mate," he confirms. "But we don't really watch it for its realism, do we?"

Linda pretends to playfully slap his arm.

"And here was me thinking that I fulfil all your needs?" she teases, pouting as though she's offended.

Tom catches her hand and pulls her towards him. "You know you do baby. But you have to go to work sometimes," he reassures her and kisses her.

Wendy beams happily.

When Tom and Linda have finished kissing, they turn back to face Linda's parents.

"Right," Linda says. "Shall we go and finish our drinks?"

"What about her?" Wendy reminds them, demanding I be debased further.

"Oh, don't worry. She's coming with us," Tom promises, before speaking to Linda. "I'll go and get the machine all set up for her, love."

Linda nods and watches as he leaves the room.

"I really wasn't expecting such a fascinating morning," Wendy says. "I have a new appreciation for everything you do, my darling."

"It's nothing mum," Linda plays it down. "All part of daily life."

"Don't be humble darling," Wendy adulates. "You've done admirably with her. And from what you told me upstairs, there won't be any foreseeable problems with keeping her here, will there?"

"None whatsoever," Linda confirms. "I keep all my employees informed on how unhinged she's become, and they fully believe that she's in the best place with us. Some of them occasionally ask about her, but I just explain that her state of mind has continued to decline. The directors have insisted that I take paid time off if Tom and I ever need to take her for appointments or treatments. They've been fantastic about everything."

I find her flippant discussion of public opinion highly insensitive.

"As they should be. You've got your work cut out with her. Which reminds me, I mentioned to Tom earlier," Wendy presses. "If ever you and him want to go out together, by yourselves, for a break from her, Daz and I would be happy to drive down and watch her for you? There's no need to rush into taking her out anywhere. I'm convinced there's more going on inside her head than she lets on. She's devious. She should be kept here, where you've got the tools to control her, and you can stop any misbehaviours by doing all those fancy tricks you just showed us."

Linda looks over at me, seeing me listening, eagle eyed.

"We've already discussed this mum. We're looking to replicate those 'fancy tricks' out in public. And if we're going to sort that issue you brought up earlier, we're going to need to take her out."

Having not been privy to their conversation, I don't know what she means by this.

"I'm not going to argue with you Linda," Wendy sighs.

"Good," Linda smiles sweetly. "Because I'd win."

Tensions feel as though they're starting to build between them again when Tom returns to the room cheerily.

"The machine's all set up in the lounge," he enthuses.

Wendy straightens herself and paints a smile back onto her face. "Wonderful," she humours. "Shall we go and get ourselves sat back down Daz?"

She bustles out of the door and Daz follows behind, casting a pained look back at Linda.

"Did I interrupt something?" Tom asks, light-heartedly, once Daz and Wendy are out of earshot.

"She won't drop this issue of us taking Gabrielle out," Linda exhales.

"Just ignore her," Tom scoffs. "She has no say over what we do with Gabby. I know how much you're looking forward to taking her out in public, and that's exactly what we're going to do. We've just got to get all the proper precautions in place first."

He pulls her in towards him and hugs her tenderly. She nuzzles into his chest.

"God, she stresses me so much sometimes!" she moans.

"I know love," he empathises. "But just think. They'll be going soon, as soon as they've watched Gabby's last little demonstration and finished their drinks. Half an hour at the most. And then it's going to go back to being you and me...and my mentally incapacitated ex."

"You're right, I know you are. Come on, let's get her on the machine," Linda agrees.

I hate 'the machine', as they've taken to calling it.

It was the item delivered on the morning of my almost escaping. They'd both been highly anticipating its integration into their arsenal of punishments for me, and in both their opinions, it hasn't disappointed.

As someone ignorant to even the most basic of motor mechanics, I don't know the science of how it works, I can only describe the aesthetic of it. It's essentially a dildo which is run by a motor and attached to some moving bars. The bars are screwed onto a wooden and foam baseboard, that Tom considerately 'improved' with the addition of thick, uncompromisable cuffs to keep me in place during its usage. It's a solidly built piece of equipment, almost sitting in the category of furniture. It can't be collapsed, and so it's concealed behind the sofa when I'm not attached to it. The dildo attachments are interchangeable, and Tom and Linda have already seen fit to find larger models to replace the factory default. The machine can be powered to penetrate me at one of four speeds, ranging from glacial to vigorous, all of which Tom and Linda have experimented with, using me as the singular test subject.

I'm sure there are many ways to use the damned contraption, however Tom and Linda only use it one way. Theirs.

I'm always put onto it on all fours, with my arse pointed upwards and my shoulders sloping down to allow the deepest possible poundings.

It allows them to take a passive 'hands off approach' and they've enjoyed several afternoons of watching television or fucking, while I'm fixed onto it, bleating feebly in the background as an artificial cock of their choosing slams into me. It's excusable for me to feel pessimistic about their plans to put me onto it this afternoon.

Linda approaches the table and begins undoing my ankle restraints. Tom aids her by unfastening my wrists.

"Come on now Gabby," he says, as he's unstrapping me. "Let's go and get you set up in the lounge."

The manner in which he speaks makes the upcoming part of the punishment sound like something that I could feel positively about. He seems to expect me to bound from the table excitedly to commence it. I offer no such reaction.

Once my limbs are freed, I make no effort to move. It's an approach I've not yet tried.

"Come on Gabby," Tom prompts, slapping his thigh at me, encouragingly.

I act as though I've not heard him.

"Gabrielle?" Linda presses, after a brief pause. "Let's go and get you comfortable on the machine," she invites me.

My continued silence provokes Tom to loop his hand under my shoulders and begin to heave me upright. I let him support me into a sitting posture, before lying back down flat.

"Gabrielle?" Linda snaps. "What are you doing?"

I ignore her.

"Are you refusing to cooperate Gabby?" Tom demands, becoming irked by my deliberate ignorance.

He breathes deeply. He's obviously annoyed at me and is taking the requisite steps to calm himself.

They communicate with each other nonverbally, devising a strategy to deal with my noncompliance.

With a sudden nod from Tom, Linda snatches for my calves and Tom sweeps behind me, hooking his arms under my own. They lift me and haul me off the table, before carrying me out of the dining room, up the hall and into the lounge, ignoring my calamitous writhing.

When we reach the lounge, Wendy and Daz are sat down, but they jump from their seats to offer assistance as I'm carried in.

Tom graciously declines and instructs Linda on when to drop my legs. I'm dropped down beside the machine, right in the centre of the room, before being mauled onto it roughly and manhandled into position.

Tom holds me down on the baseplate brutishly as Linda glides around to get me secured.

Once I'm affixed, with my arse pointed crudely up in the air and my cunt presented as a target for the dildo, Linda kneels to align it with my hole. Nobody seems deterred by the vicious expletives I'm shouting at them.

"Do we need any lube?" Tom enquires, speaking calmly over my hostilities.

I feel as Linda pushes a couple of her fingers inside me, uninvitedly.

"No baby, she's still soaking," she calls back.

"Alright," Tom responds. "Can you keep her cunt spread, while I turn it on?"

Linda pries open my lips as Tom moves around to the back end of the machine.

The motor sounds for a second before powering the arm to start moving and I'm coerced into momentary silence as the dildo mindlessly pushes into me. Tom confers with Linda about my positioning. She's studying the dildo as it disappears between my lips, like a magic trick. I'm optimally positioned to be pounded and as soon as I've accustomed to this new penetration, I resume my verbal abuse.

Tom crouches straight in front of me, levelling himself with me. "That's enough now Gabby. We'll forgive the fuss you've been making and put it down to excitement but if you carry on like that, I'm going to go and get your gag. Do you understand? You wouldn't want everyone to miss out on hearing all the noises you're going to make, would you?"

"Fuck off," I tell him, almost foaming at the mouth with contempt.

Tom stands and offers a hand to Linda to help her up.

"I apologise for Gabby's chuntering," he addresses Wendy and Daz. "We'll give her a chance to calm herself down."

"She must've had a terrible upbringing," Wendy interjects. "You'd never catch my Linda acting in such a disgraceful way. I suppose it's the difference between being brought up and dragged up!"

"How dare you make assumptions about me, you vicious old drunk," I fire back at her, too furious to pay attention to the dildo sliding in and out of my stretched pussy.

"You're poison and I want you out of my house," I insist, hoarsely.

"Enough," Linda states and storms out of the room.

"This isn't your house anymore, you perverse little degenerate," Wendy retorts. "As soon as Tom's solicitor sorts his divorce out, your name is going to be scrubbed off the deeds once and for all! It'll be like you and Tom never happened. And as soon as he's put a ring on my daughter's finger, another of your dreams can come true. You can watch as he gets her pregnant with my grandchildren!"

Tom spins his head to look at her, but she's too busy verbally attacking me to notice.

I knew that they'd been referring to matters of divorce earlier, but hearing the word told in this context, by this woman, stuns me into silence.

I'm not a delusional person, of course. I have always held a generally rational perspective of the world. I know that Tom and I could never reconcile after the things he and Linda have done to me, but I hadn't considered, that they were pushing for a legal separation. Not yet.

I'm more upset that Linda's mother seems to know more about their intentions than I do. I haven't been consulted once. Surely if Tom is planning to apply for a divorce, I'm entitled to some legal representation myself? Isn't that the way these things work?

Linda returns, holding the ballgag. She brings it over and wedges the ball into my mouth without any resistance. She pulls it tight and buckles it behind my head.

"What's going on?" she asks, once I'm silenced.

"The cat's out of the bag, Lind," Tom discloses. "Gabby and your mum got into a bit of a slanging match, and it slipped out that I'm divorcing her."

"I didn't mean to tell her darlings. She started shouting at me, and it just slipped out," Wendy insists, despite not appearing apologetic in the slightest.

"Alright," Linda utters, barely audible, and turns to Tom. "I'm sorry baby. I knew you wanted to tell her at a more...opportune moment."

"It's fine love," Tom tells her, shrugging. "It's not how I planned it, but it's alright. It's not like she can do anything about it, is there? And at least we won't have to try and hide it from her anymore."

"Shall we all just sit back down and finish our drinks without getting into any more arguments?" Linda says, waiting for Tom to sit before she takes her place beside him.

Daz looks at Wendy disapprovingly. She looks back at him with no discernible remorse, before sitting back down.

"We'll be off shortly kiddo," Daz says, and Linda smiles over.

I bite down onto the ballgag as I feel inklings of pleasure starting from the dildo. I close my eyes, and let the first waves of it build, deeply disheartened by the knowledge I've just obtained, and the cavalier way Tom reacted. The cum crescendos and I groan feebly under the gag.

"Did you see her Daz?" Wendy calls loudly. She's perhaps the only person in the room taking any satisfaction from my suffering now.

Tom and Linda are talking quietly between themselves, assumedly devising a way to deal with me knowing about their plans for divorce.

I almost pity Linda for having such an ogress as a mother, however I can't bring myself to, given this latest revelation.

After about twenty minutes of small talk, and three more involuntary cums, all watched and commented on by Wendy, Daz stands up.

"Right," he asserts. "I think we need to be going now."

Linda rises and Tom joins her.

Daz holds his arms out to hug her. He seems to apologise for Wendy's insensitive bombshell, but Linda smiles and tilts her head, before hugging him.

Wendy stands last, seeming aggrieved to be torn away from looking at me. She also holds her arms out to Linda, who steps inward and feigns familial fondness, despite her mother's obvious overstepping. Unsurprisingly Wendy doesn't feel a need to apologise.

"It's been lovely to see you both, darlings! We'll have to do it again very soon," she gushes.

Even in my compromised state, I can sense Tom and Linda's internal thoughts, much like my own, hoping that a repeated get together like this one doesn't happen again for some time.

Tom does his due diligence; shaking Daz's hand and hugging Wendy, before she leaves the room. There's a moment of contemplation between the more rationally minded of the group, before they follow Wendy to the front door.

As they exit the room, Tom turns and smirks sadistically at me, before going to wave off the guests, properly this time.

To be continued...

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ring__rust_winering__rust_wine8 months agoAuthor

Hi GetBitcoin,

Thanks for your comment.

This definitely won't be the last of Wendy, I promise.

Best wishes,


GetBitcoinGetBitcoin9 months ago

I LOVE Wendy. I really hope to hear more about her because she is the perfect person for Gabby to be humiliated in front of. I want Wendy to have a second chance to dominate Gabby.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

They need to go to jail

ring__rust_winering__rust_wine9 months agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for your interest.

Both Tom and Linda are both mad on the power, absolutely. As you astutely said, they couldn't afford for Gabby to end up in hospital or seriously injured, as too many questions would be asked. I'll try to include a bit of detail on this point in the next chapter for clarification.

Tom obviy does have some unresolved issues about not having children with Gabby, but in the same way she 'became defensive' about having not conceived, Tom became defensive in his own way. Now he's with Linda, he sees a future in which he can have kids.

I'm delighted you're enjoying the story so far and I'll try to be prompt with the next installment!

Best wishes 😃


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

One thing I am curious about is Tom's motives. Does he really hate Gabby this much? Does he ever feel any remorse, guilt, or shame? Did he ever love Gabby? Or does he really enjoy torturing and humiliating Gabby? I was also really curious to know how he felt about not having kids with Gabby.. It seems like maybe a sensitive situation?? I hope you continue writing!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I'm really enjoying the story! However, I equally feel so bad for Gabby. I wonder how Linda or Tom would react if Gabby became so incredibly broken that she doesn't even care and just goes along with everything and does everything they want but with no true emotions (happy, sad, or angry) -- how would they get any sadistic pleasure out someone who has nothing left inside of them. Or what if it got to the point that Gabby wants to commit suicide.. Or what if somehow Gabby got physically injured (injured in the sense that she would need to go to the hospital) from Tom and Linda's crazy actions. How would they respond to a situation like that!? I hope Gabby finally does get to be free of them and live a full life.

ring__rust_winering__rust_wine9 months agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for your comment! Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

When the time comes, I'll definitely give Gabby an ending worth all her suffering. Can't say when it'll be for sure, but I think she's definitely earned it. :)

Best wishes,


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I am hoping for more than “being free of them” I would love to see a spectacular revenge! I must admit I am finding some of the chapters uncomfortable to read but I can’t stop reading!

Thank you

ring__rust_winering__rust_wine9 months agoAuthor

Hi Josexi,

I'm still a way off the end, but my long-term plan is for a happy ending 😀. Gabby has and continues to suffer a lot with Tom and Linda, but someday, she'll be free of them.


JosexiJosexi9 months ago

I don't speak English, I hope you understand what I mean, is there a possibility of Gabby's revenge? Will Gabby be happy in the end?

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