Too Sweet Pt. 03


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"Sorry," Teddy whispered in my ear. I twisted in his arms to face him. The real devastation on his face was enough to break my heart. "I would never. I didn't realize who grabbed me fast enough to stop him."

"Está bien, querido," I said after pulling him down to speak into his ear. "Te confío mi corazón." My rough Spanish worked as intended. Teddy relaxed against me, stroking my hair and speaking soft affirmations into my ear.

"Feliz aniversario, beautiful," he added before he let me go as Freddy's Dead took the stage. I grinned up at him. He had figured out why I insisted that we go out that night. We clung to each other and pushed through the crowd to get as close as we could.

The crowd surged around us, but Teddy had me in the safe confines of his arms. I let the drive of the drums and the raging guitars take my brain away, content and grinning in the one place where I knew I fit perfectly.



We walked back to Kit's apartment with our ears ringing and our arms around each other. I was expecting to fall into a blissful sleep with my punk rock goddess in my arms, but Kit slammed me back into the door as soon as it closed.

She pulled me down to kiss me. I shook off the surprise and hooked my hands under her thighs to lift her in my arms. She immediately wrapped her legs around me, letting me hold her in the air.

"Teddy," she murmured softly into my ear as I trailed the kiss down her neck, licking along the slightly salty skin at the collar of her shirt. "I want you. Please, Teddy."

I was high just on those words. I shook some sense into the desperate, horny fog in my brain to grit out an answer, "You don't have to, Kit. Say stop whenever you need it."

"Please, sir. Please make me beg," she whimpered against the side of my head. "I'll say red if I need it, but please, please. I need you."

I put her back on her feet, warring with the part of me that wanted to run with that bait and the part of me that wanted to wrap her in silk and keep her safe. Kit blinked up at me, her eyes blown out to almost all pupil and her lips parted in a soft pant.

"Strip," I ordered her. I went to the bed and sat to watch her. She followed standard protocol, stripping quickly but carefully and folding her clothes neatly. I watched her pale, freckled skin come into view and groaned.

She came to stand in front of me, already trembling and flushed.

"Take my clothes off. Slowly," I said. She knelt in front of me to unlace and remove my boots with a little grin.

Kit was too short to take my shirt off without pressing her delectable body to mine. I growled in appreciation and pinched her nipple. Her eyes fluttered and she looked up at me through her lashes.

"Thank you, sir."

She struggled to yank off my jeans, so I helped her peel them down. She knelt in front of me again, carefully lifting each foot to help me step out of my pants. She stayed on her knees to drag my boxers off. I watched her lick her lips and I realized she was getting ready to swallow me, so I pulled her up off the floor.

That wasn't the mood I wanted to curate here. I wasn't that interested in what she could provide for me in that moment. I wanted her to feel like the precious treasure I saw her as.

She looked at me curiously as I led her to the bed and gently pushed her back until she had her back to the headboard.

"Aye, diosa. Déjame adorarte," I whispered to her. She blinked as she translated in her head and then slowly nodded. I felt a lazy grin on my own face as I ran my hands down the curves of her sides, into the dramatic valley of her waist and over the swell of her soft hips.

I felt uncharacteristically possessive of those curves and the smooth, soft skin that covered them. Her freckles stopped at her shoulders and upper chest. These hidden parts of her never saw enough sun to develop the scattered patterns I so adored on her face. I kissed over the scars on her thighs, as always feeling unworthy but favored to be allowed to see my goddess so vulnerable. I softly bit her hip and she jumped in surprise.

"Calmate," I chuckled. She trembled beneath my hands. I wasn't sure if she was nervous, excited, or both. "¿Verde?"

"Yes," she gasped, then shook her head and added, "Sí."

"Puedes hablar Inglés, si necesitas," I told her. "Voy a hablar Español."

"Ok, please, Teddy. Please?" she almost sobbed. "¿Por favor?"

"¿Qué por favor?" I asked and started replacing the marks that had healed on the insides of her thighs. She groaned and twisted her fingers in my hair.

"Por favor, um, fuck," she whined as I skipped over the glistening, aching warmth between her legs and kissed up the soft lines of her stomach, over the graceful curve of her ribs, to rake my teeth over her breasts. She writhed beneath me, sending another rush of need through me that I pushed back. I dragged my lips over the feathered line where her freckles faded away to creamy skin on her chest.

I spoke praise into her skin that I knew she couldn't fully understand, but she understood enough to flush pink under my lips and give me a gentle, broken moan.

"Teddy," she whimpered above me. "Por favor, tócame."

"¿Dónde debería tocate?" I asked her with a grin. She groaned in frustration.

"No sé las palabras," she sobbed.

I didn't tease her any more. I slipped two fingers into her, firmly laid a soft circle over her sensitive clit with my thumb, and indulged in the deep, sobbing moan she offered me in reward.

"Like this, beautiful? Is this what you wanted?" I switched back to English so she could just focus on the feeling of my hands searching out exactly what she needed from me.

"Please, harder," she gasped.

"Don't rush," I chastised her. "We have all the time in the world."

"Teddy," she moaned. "Please."

"I love hearing you beg. Moan my name again," I growled into her hair and pushed a third finger into her. "Moan my name and I'll reward you."

"Teddy, please, I need you," she moaned obediently.

I tugged her down the bed so she lay flat on her back and slowly rubbed the tip of my dick over her dripping slit.

"We still green, beautiful?" I asked her softly. She blinked at me, her eyes hazy and glazed over, and nodded. "Just me? No condom?" I clarified. Our tests had come back clean, but I still checked in. It had been a while, I didn't want to assume it was still ok. "I have one if you'd prefer it. It's ok."

"Please just you? Please, I need to feel you. I'm so empty, Teddy. Please?" She stroked my chest as she whispered those words into my soul.

The feeling of her directly on my skin with no barrier was unlike any other. The way she gasped and dug her fingernails lightly into my arms pushed me, but I maintained the slow, gentle pace I had already set.

Kit's back arched off the bed. That feral sound she made when she wasn't paying attention escaped her. That sound went straight to my guts to twist me even tighter. She wrapped her legs around me to pull me deeper and sighed.

"I missed this," she whispered. "Thank you for being so patient."

A tear slipped down her cheek. I leaned in to kiss it away and stilled our movements.

"Don't thank me for that," I told her. "You deserved patience and love way before you met me. This was the bare minimum you should have accepted from anyone."

"Let me compliment you," she said fiercely. "Let me tell you how grateful I am that you love me enough to show me how I should expect to be treated."

"Oh, Kit," I murmured. There was a sob in my chest threatening to bubble out. It was tinged with anger. Who the fuck hurt my Kit? I swallowed that and stroked her cheek. "Ok. You can thank me if you really think you need to."

"Good," she whispered. She rocked her hips against me, pulling out a surprised groan from somewhere deep in my chest. "Now fuck me. Please fuck me hard? I want to feel you cum in me. Please, Teddy? Please?"

"Fuck," I mumbled and picked up the pace. It was involuntary after she said that. She moaned and twisted beneath me, giving me as much as I gave her. I closed my eyes, trying to block out some of the stimulation in an effort to last longer.

Kit realized I was close. She pushed on me until I let her put me on my back. With a crooked grin, she sank back down on me and leaned back. I knew her next move very well, so I moved faster, slipping my own fingers down where she was about to put hers. She whimpered and planted her fists behind her on my thighs, instead. That position got her deep and hit all the right spots while giving me a bit of relief from the friction. I could focus on coaxing out her orgasm without stressing about mine coming too fast.

I heard her moan my name again and opened my eyes in time to see her muffle herself as she tensed up. A little sob of a moan escaped her when that tension broke and she collapsed on my chest. She whined softly at the little shudders that ran through her.

"Cum inside me, Teddy," she murmured. "Please? Please, I want to feel you."

I didn't need to hear it twice. I moved her to a spooning position and slid back inside. She gasped and thrust back on me. Her gentle, whispered desperation underscored my release. I heard her giggle softly when my head cleared again.



Teddy invited everyone over for dinner, which was a very Teddy move. He liked to lean hard into the idea that we were all a family. I usually enjoyed it, but it was strange being over there that night. I was wound too tight, like I was waiting on something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I was sort of keeping up my part of a conversation with Teddy and Kit in the kitchen. It didn't really matter. They had devolved into speaking Spanish and giggling at each other like the lovestruck teenagers they both were at heart.

The door to the garage opened for Foster and Ira. They both looked tired. Foster grumbled on the way through to his bedroom. Ira grinned when he saw me, all that exhaustion lifted from his face and he threw himself into the chair next to mine.

Oh, shit. That was what I was waiting for. I pushed that away. We had agreed to be friends. I wanted him as my friend. It wasn't worth poisoning our well again with the complication of feelings.

"Didn't know you would be here," Ira said. The smile he wore was a little too genuine. His sarcastic smirk would have been easier to take.

"Family dinner." I jerked my head at Teddy. He had Kit chopping vegetables for him. They were still speaking Spanish and glancing adorably at each other. "But it's mostly just watching this really tame telenovela."

"Hmm, yeah, they are the worst," he agreed. "Cute and all, but the worst company. Come on, Xbox."

"No video games on family dinner night," I reminded him.

"Teddy won't notice," Ira laughed. "Come on."



Mike seemed to know just as many people as Teddy when he breezed into the coffee shop later that week. He stopped to chat with a few regulars before he made it to the counter to leer at Ben.

"Hey," he said. Ben arched an eyebrow and rolled his eyes.

"Um, hey? Surprised to see you back in the town you dubbed, what was it? A shithole backwoods full of idiotic fuckheads?" Ben said and laughed.

"Ah, I was young and didn't understand the cost of living benefits of this particular backwoods," Mike said with a big grin.

"Right," Ben said doubtfully. "And you're here at the coffee shop because Theodore is taken, Ira probably still has you blocked, and I'm the only other gay guy you know in Monroe?"

"Ira blocked me?" Mike said in surprise. "Well, that explains some stuff. But no, I know more than three men here and I'm actually here to talk to Kit. Catching up with my old buddy Ben is just a bonus."

Ben shot me a questioning look.

"He kissed Teddy at the Tavern and now I guess he and I are friends because he likes my clothes?" I said. Mike laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, that," he agreed. "She's a hot punk. I'm a hot punk. We need to combine our strengths."

"You're going to combine Kit's coffee skills and your fuckboy status for what nefarious reason?" Ben snorted a bit of laughter as he spoke. Mike was still grinning.

"Guess we'll find out!"

"Come on, I'm taking my break," I said and led him out to the patio.



Ah fuck. Mike.

I texted Ira, "Call me."

My phone rang immediately.

"Are you ok?" Ira asked instead of letting me talk.

"Yeah, Mike's back in town," I told him and held my breath. The reaction from Ira could have been anything from excitement to dread. I selfishly hoped he wouldn't be excited.

"Yeah, Teddy already warned me," Ira said. I let myself breathe again. He wasn't excited. That was good. "I still have him blocked on everything."

"Ah, good," I answered and felt a little silly.

"Benji, were you worried I would go back to him?" Ira asked with a chuckle. I knew exactly what kind of smug smirk he was wearing.

"You two bring out the worst in each other," I said defensively.

"Oh, no, Ira! I don't want to date! I'm not your boyfriend! Let's play Mario Kart and stop fucking so we aren't accidentally boyfriends," Ira said mockingly, but he was still laughing. "But don't go out with Mike, either!"

"Ira," I sighed.

"No, no," Ira interrupted me. "I got it. I can't go out with anyone. I'm in a celibate not-relationship with the hot barista."

"You can date! I'm not stopping you!" I hissed into the phone. "Just not Mike!"

"How? When? I spend all my time with you hanging out and not fighting at all. Kind of like two men who matured enough to outgrow all the petty shit and now just, you know, get along really well," Ira pointed out. He had stopped laughing.

"I, um," I stammered a bit. "Let's talk about this later? Not on the phone and not when we're both at work?"

"Yeah," Ira agreed. "But, Benji, really think about it before we have that conversation. Don't make me do all the work."

"Ok," I agreed quietly. "And don't go fuck Mike?"

"Never again," Ira groaned.

"See you tonight? At my place?"

"Yep. I'll be there after work. Same time as usual."



"Why did Ira block you?" I asked him. I cared a lot more about Ira than this new stranger.

"Because I'm a fuckboy and he's a reformed fuckboy," Mike said amiably. "He's avoiding my bad influence."

"Hm, right," I muttered. "And I shouldn't avoid your bad influence?"

"I only fuck dudes," Mike said. "So you're safe from my evil clutches. Plus you're Teddy's girl and he's too pure to fuck over. I don't believe in love, but that guy definitely does. I can't shatter his world like that."

"Teddy's girl, huh?" I said dryly. "Just a friendly word of advice, I'm not anyone's girl. I'm just Kit."

"See, I like that," Mike nodded approvingly. "Straightforward. No bullshit. Nice. So, do you usually date gay guys? That can't be good for your sex life."

"Teddy is bi," I said pointedly. "I am too."

"How have we not met before? I feel like I know most of the queer punks in Monroe," he said, ignoring the actual point of what I was saying.

"I don't get out much," I answered. "What do you do?" I asked to change the subject.

"I'm a bar consultant," he told me.

"You can do that here?"

"I travel. It doesn't matter where I live," he said. "Did Ted finish school? He was saving to go to Tech when I left."

"He graduated with honors," I said proudly. "He's so smart."

Mike agreed with me. He let me brag about Teddy for the rest of my break with an amused smirk.

"You and Ted really are a perfect match," he said thoughtfully. I didn't know what to say to that, so I just shrugged. I bid Mike goodbye and went back to work.

"That guy is strange," I told Ben.

"Mike is a character," he agreed. "He acts a lot tougher than he is."

"He and Teddy dated?" I asked.

"Um, maybe that's a Ted question," Ben said cautiously.

"Got it," I said. "Not sure I like how he talks about Teddy. He's a little too..." I trailed off, not sure exactly how to explain.

"Too familiar?" Ben suggested. "Yeah, that's Mike. Just tell him to fuck off. He won't push you. Honestly, he seemed kind of desperate to impress you."

"Desperate to impress me? Why?" I stammered.

"Probably because you're hot and you didn't put up with his bullshit," Ben mused. "And you landed the guy he couldn't. He's probably jealous and curious to know what you have that he doesn't."

"Ugh, well, ok," I said with a frown.


"Your buddy Mike came by the coffee shop today," I told Teddy that night. He rolled his eyes.

"He's not really my buddy," Teddy said. "He's just some guy I know."

"He wants to be my friend for some reason," I said. I was watching Teddy paint a bowl of fruit in watercolor and ink. My mom was going to be thrilled.

"He's harmless enough," Teddy said. I didn't like the way he put that.

"He seems fixated on you," I told him.

"Yeah, he might still be. We didn't work out," Teddy said and shrugged. "You don't have anything to worry about. I'm yours."

"I wasn't worried about that," I told him fondly. "I don't plan on encouraging him. I guess I'll see him around the shop."

"Yeah, um," Teddy winced and looked back at his painting for a minute. "Mike proposed to me a few years ago. I said no. Just, um, that feels like something you should know."

"Oh," I chuckled uncomfortably. "No wonder he's fixated."

"Yeah. He, um," Teddy grinned awkwardly, "he was a terrible partner. I didn't think we were, like, dating dating. He was sleeping around. I didn't care because I was just killing time. I guess he was desperate to keep me around a little longer, because he went down on one knee when I told him I was over it."

"He did say you were the hottest guy who ever fucked him," I told Teddy. He laughed in surprise. It was a good sound. I loved that deep, easy laugh.

"Ah, well, good for me, I guess."

"Querido, I'll tell him to fuck off. I don't know what his game is, but I was perfectly happy having zero friends before you made all of yours be nice to me. I definitely don't need some guy who's weirdly obsessed with my boyfriend," I reassured Teddy. He smiled at me and sighed.

"You don't have to do that. Mike and I are cool. I just wanted you to know the backstory," Teddy said. I stood up and hugged his head to my chest.

"You're too sweet," I told him. "I don't mind being mean. Did you forget that I like fighting for other people? Puedo luchar por ti." Teddy wrapped his arms around me and pressed his face to my sternum. I rested my chin in the nest of his curls. "Soy muy aterradora."

"He never tried to learn any Spanish," Teddy murmured into my skin. I was confused by that, but I waited for him to go on. "He liked how I looked and he liked to hear me speak it, but he didn't actually give a shit about that part of me. No one before you ever has."

"Lo siento, querido," I told him softly. "Shit, I don't know the words for this. Hold on." I let go of him and looked up the vocabulary words I was missing on my phone to finish the thought I was trying to get across. Teddy watched me with a little, stunned smile. "Ok, I think I have it. Um, I mean, creo que lo tengo." I took a moment to make sure I understood the correct pronunciation before I went on. "Me preocupo por todos ustedes. Mi hombre dulce, puedes esperar algo mejor."

"Diosa, te amo," Teddy said and pulled me close again.

"Te amo, Teddy."



Ira was already in the parking lot when I got home, which didn't make sense. He should still be at work. He saw my truck pull in and got out of his car to wait on the sidewalk for me.

"How are you here so early?" I asked him.