Too Sweet Pt. 03


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"I, um," I stammered. "I kind of already knew Spanish." That wasn't the right thing to say. Stupid, desperate Kit. Still can't fit in. Still the pariah no one actually wants at a party. Still the one everyone can see right through.

"Maggie, stop," one of the other girls said severely. "You're being a bitch right now."

Maggie rolled her eyes, but she let it go. The girl who had come to my defense smiled at me and asked me to show her the bathroom. I took the out she was offering and led her into the house. She stopped in the kitchen and sat at the table.

"Hi, I'm Amelia," she said and looked pointedly at the chair across from her. Amelia, much like Maggie, was tall and beautiful. Her long, blonde hair hung in perfect, glossy curler ringlets. She had bright green eyes and perfectly berry red lips. "Maggie is upset so she's trying to distract herself. She can go too hard on the teasing, but she only does that to people she really likes."

I sat down and nodded slowly. I wasn't sure what was happening and I didn't have any idea of what I was supposed to be saying. Amelia, apparently an uncommonly perceptive and kind human being, went on to provide me with the context I needed.

"I don't want you to feel unwelcome out there. We can be overwhelming. Maggie is trying to include you, she's just a bit off and desperate for distraction today," Amelia said. "She has to really like you if she thinks you're good enough for her brother. She looks up to him so much. He really is her hero."

"Teddy is really special," I agreed. I winced. That was a dumb thing to say. Amelia smiled kindly at me.

"He is. And he obviously loves you," she said. "I'm going to tell Maggie to back off of you. I just wanted you to know that she only acts like this when she likes you. She isn't trying to make you feel ostracized."

"I, um," I still felt instantly out of my depth. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Amelia smiled so genuinely that I felt some of my doubts melting. "Welcome to the family. I really do hope you stay around. I haven't ever seen Teddy so obviously in love."

Amelia left me to gather myself again in the kitchen.



Ira and I had agreed to take this slow. We were carefully introducing the idea that we were back together without making a big announcement. I was pretty sure Kit already knew. She was perceptive. Foster might know, but he generally kept his opinions to himself. Ted wouldn't know until someone spelled it out for him. That man was all intelligence and no wisdom.

It was hard when Maggie's friends started a little dance floor. Sure, Ira and I always danced together unless one of us was dating someone else, but the way he looked at me when we got close was a little too loving to hide with his smirk.

"You're about to lose your hair tie," he advised me with that little smile. I reached back and realized that was true. My hair was escaping because the elastic of the hair tie was giving out.

"Ah, shit," I said and pulled it out entirely. Ira watched with that little crooked grin while I shook out my locs and left them loose around my shoulders, instead. He tucked one that fell across my face behind my ear. It occurred to me, as always, that Ira's gentle touch in my hair felt so different than anyone else's. Like he loved me.

"You're being really obvious," I teased him quietly. He shrugged.

"Good. I'm not hiding anything," he said softly under the music. "I want everyone to know I'm yours now."

"Oh," I giggled involuntarily. "That's not how I expected you to phrase that."

"Come on, Benji," he murmured close to my ear. "You know I'm hopeless for you."

"Jesus, Ira," I mumbled.

"But today's about Maggie, yeah?" he said and straightened up. I nodded shakily and he gave me a cute, crooked grin. "Let's go distract our little sister."

I watched Ira work his way through the crowd, making people laugh and exchanging friendly barbs with the ones he knew better. Maggie was grinning at him as he demonstrated some cheesy dance or another, fully under Ira's charismatic spell. I joined in on her other side, but I couldn't keep my eyes off Ira.

God, I had it as bad as he did.



Maggie's friends turned the weird maudlin get-together into a little impromptu party. They were like that, always happy and eager to turn a hard day into a reason to enjoy each others' company and feel the support of their love.

Someone had taken control of the music from Kit. Her Spotify kept rolling back to punk even with Ira obviously trying to soften it. It was standard party music now, like the kind of easy, obvious songs a DJ plays at a wedding to get all the white people jumping around on the floor.

Kit looked deeply uncomfortable. Ben and Ira had her out in the little group and were teaching her the steps to the Electric Slide. I was honestly pretty surprised that Ben knew it, but it seemed to fit perfectly in Ira's niche of cheesy enough to enjoy ironically. I jumped into line next to Kit and enjoyed her shocked smile when I proved that I knew the dance, too.

When the song ended, Kit used my presence as an excuse to escape back to the patio where she sat across from a darkly brooding Foster with me at her side.

"Hey, Foz," I greeted him. He gave me a tense smile. "Go to the gym, man. Take it out on the heavy bag."

"I might have to," Foster sighed. "Maggie seems ok. That should be enough, right?"

"It's not, but it will have to be," I said. Maggie was away from David. That was the important part. I wanted him punished, but that wasn't realistic. Foz and I couldn't take the matter into our own hands without causing a hell of a lot more trouble.

"I'm going to go work out," Foster said with his jaw tight. "I can't do a fucking party right now."

"Yeah, man, go on," I agreed. He went into the crowd of Maggie's friends to pull her aside and speak quietly. Whatever he said broke the mask on Maggie for a moment. She nodded shakily, wrapped him in a hug, and kissed his cheek before she let him go. She reset her face as he left and rejoined her friends.

"¿Estás bien, querido?" Kit asked me. She leaned against me and snaked a hand into mine.

"No, not really. But I will be," I answered her.

"¿Qué necesitas? ¿Puedo ayudar?" she murmured softly with her lips inches from my ear.

"Ya me estas ayudando," I said into her hair. "Gracias, diosa."

"¿Puedo quedarme contigo esta noche?" she asked quietly. "Quiero abrazarte. Quiero hacerte sonreír de nuevo."

"You already make me smile," I told her. "And I always want you here with me."

"¿Por qué en Inglés?" she teased.

"I'm tired," I told her. "I default to English when I'm tired."

"Voy a hablar Espanol para, um," she paused, trying to work out grammar with an adorable look of confusion. "Ah, shit. I was going to say I'll speak enough Spanish for both of us, but that sentence structure is hard. Sorry for butchering your language."

"You have no idea how much it means to me that you do," I sighed into her. I let her wrap her arms around me even though it always felt a little silly to have her tiny frame hold me instead of the other way around. Kit's fingers trailed over my scalp and I relaxed into her.

Maggie interrupted the moment when she sat in the chair that Foster had vacated. I wanted to be annoyed, but I was still too worried about her to really be upset.

"Kit, I'm sorry," she said sincerely. Kit looked up warily. "I'm sorry for teasing you and embarrassing you in front of all these people. You've been nothing but kind to me. I'll be better."

"Did Amelia talk to you?" Kit said with a note of caution. "I didn't ask her to."

"Amelia will hold my feet to the fire whether anyone asks her or not. She's a good friend like that," Maggie said. "I really mean it when I talk about you being so perfect for Ted. I'm used to teasing him pretty mercilessly, but I need to reign it in for you."

"I, um," Kit stammered. She looked really out of her depth. She blinked a few times and took a deep breath. "Thank you. I know you're having a really rough time right now. I'm not going to hold it against you."

"Good," Maggie said and grinned. "I can't risk ruining anything between you and Teddy. You two are my favorite Hallmark movie right now."

"Hm, well, I'm not a big city lawyer visiting home for the holidays and falling for a Christmas tree farmer, but I can appreciate the idea," Kit giggled. Maggie reached out and squeezed Kit's hand for a moment before she went back to her friends.

"I like that you get along with my sister," I said softly to Kit. She giggled again and pulled me close. "Sorry if she upset you."

"I'm fine," she said. "Just little Kit sometimes remembers the pretty girls in middle school when I stand in a group like that."

"You are a pretty girl," I reminded her.

"I wasn't in middle school," she said dryly. "They're all nice. I'll get over it."


Holidays are hard.

I can't say that I've ever loved Thanksgiving. Family holidays were always strained, even when I was a kid. My dad was never a man who was pleasant to be around and he was always quietly cold with my mom's side of the family. I sometimes missed holidays at my abuela's home. Those were warm and echoed with what I imagined most families had when they got together. Abuela passed before I came out. I don't like to think about how that might have changed how she felt about me.

I don't go home for holidays. Mom always tries. I get long, pleading emails that she insists on signing from her and Dad as though he cared at all if his disappointment of a son sashayed into his home or not. I usually spent the day with Ira's family. They welcomed me with the same unconditional love they had for Ira.

"We should talk about Thanksgiving," Kit said one night. We were in her apartment, on her bed in a contented tangle of limbs. I had her hair still wrapped around my fingers, idly playing with the copper silk.

"Do you go home for it?" I asked her.

"I haven't in a long time, but, um," she tensed up beside me and growled softly to herself. I waited. That was usually the sign that she was about to talk about her therapy work. She hated to acknowledge it unless she had to. "I've been told I should try to spend time with my parents as long as I enforce some firm boundaries."

"Do you want me to go?" I asked.

"I didn't want to get in the way of whatever you normally do," she said doubtfully.

"I usually go to Ira's parents' house. They will understand if I'm not there, though," I reassured her. "I'll just tell them I met my punk rock dreamgirl. They'll be happy for me."

"Hm, dreamgirl? That sounds intense," she giggled. "I want to try and I would like for you to come if you want to. I just have to figure out what those boundaries are and how to explain it."

"Explain it before you go," I suggested. I spent a lot of my time setting and enforcing boundaries. "Tell them what is off the table and tell them you will leave if they push."

"That's a good idea," she nodded. She ran her fingers over my chest to the lines of my stomach and giggled at my twitching reaction. As much as I normally hated to be tickled, the way she grinned at me was more than enough for me to put up with it.

"God, you're so cute," she sighed.

"Most guys don't like to be called cute," I told her, catching her hands and pushing them up above her head. I shifted one leg over hers to hold her still. Her grin turned hungry when she realized I had pinned her down. "Most guys want to feel manly and strong."

"You are manly and strong," she gasped and whimpered as I bit her shoulder without any warning. The way she melted in my arms set something deep and needy on fire inside me. "And so, so cute. My cute, pretty, good boy."

"I'm your cute, pretty sir right now," I growled in her ear. She shuddered.

"You think?" she challenged me, but she was whimpering under my free hand and my mouth. I looked up at her and bit her again.

"I know," I told her. "You up for round two?"

"Looks like you're already up for it," she giggled and struggled in my hold to press against my erection where it rested against her thigh.

"That's not how you're supposed to talk to me," I told her, letting my voice go low and gravelly. She always fell apart for that. "Be a good girl and I'll let you cum."

"And if I'm not a good girl?" she asked with her chest thrust up to meet the rough pinches and nips I was offering her.

"I'll fuck your face until I shoot down that tight little throat. It's going to take a while, but you're just going to have to take it. I'm slow on the second go," I warned her and bit a little harder. "Then I'll just go to sleep and leave you desperate and aching for me. You'll be so wet. I know how much you love it when I stick my dick down your throat. Be a good girl and I'll make sure you get what you need." She whined desperately. She knew as well as I did that it was an empty threat. I wouldn't make her do anything painful and I definitely wouldn't make her blow me and leave her unsatisfied like that. She still liked to hear it, though.

"Teddy, sir, will you, um," she paused and trailed off. I released her and moved so I could see her face better.

"Will I what, beautiful? The answer is probably yes," I chuckled. Usually yes. I couldn't really stomach the idea of actually hurting her, but I would play up the threat if she wanted.

"Will you tie my hands up?" she whispered. She was blushing. My breath caught in my throat just looking at her flushed face.

"Are you sure?" I asked her. "I'll do that, but are you really sure it's ok?"

"Yes, it will be," she said firmly. "I know I'm safe with you."

"Do you have-" I started, but Kit was already off the bed and pulling a box from beneath it. She opened it to reveal colorful silk ropes and the standard medical safety scissors you found in any responsible kinkster's gear.

"I used to be into shibari," she explained and bit her lip. She was looking at the floor and her entire body was nearly red with embarrassment.

"I don't know how to do shibari," I told her and pulled out a shorter length of red rope. "But I'll learn it if you want me to."

"I can teach you," she whispered, looking up through her hair. "Let's start smaller, though. Just my wrists to the headboard?"

"Hands out," I ordered her. She hesitantly put her wrists together and held them out to me. I looped the rope over and tied an efficient if not particularly beautiful knot. I paused there and lifted her chin. She was still staring down at the floor and trembling. "Green?"

"Yellow," she whispered. "But I want to try."

I had her chin up, but her eyes were still firmly down. "Look at me. I need to see your eyes."

She blinked and looked up. Her eyes were sparkling with unshed tears.

"Kit, hey," I said and dropped the act entirely. I started to untie her hands. "Don't do this for me. I don't care if you don't want to be tied up."

"Please?" she whispered. "Let me try. I used to love this. I want to get over it."

I winced and left the rope where it was. I paused for a moment, trying to collect myself and figure out how to help her through this.

"What if we swap? I'll tie you up, but I'll be your good boy," I suggested. "I'll tie your hands up and you control me with just your voice."

Kit's eyes widened at that suggestion and a little smile played on her lips. I grinned and knelt in front of her, my hands on my thighs and my knees apart.

"Please, Kit," I begged her. "Please let me touch you." She licked her lips and looked me up and down in that predatory way that made me shiver. "Green?"

Kit nodded and bit her lip. Her hands were still tied in front oher her, so she reached out with both to twirl her fingers in my curls.

"Tie me to the headboard," she said softly.

I grinned up at her and rose to reverently lead her into position on her back. I lifted her hands, planting light kisses on each knuckle, and looped the robe through the headboard to pull it just tight enough to hold her arms above her head, but not so tight that she couldn't move. I kissed down her right arm, across her collarbones, and up the left.

"Good boy," she murmured in appreciation. As always, I felt my dick twitch at that. Something about the way she growled those words sent my brain on vacation.

I sat back at attention at her side. Maybe I had taken a few liberties with the task of tying her up, but that was the only order she had given. It was time to prove that she was in charge.

She was looking at me thoughtfully. I waited. She obviously had something in her head, though, because a little smirk was on her adorable face.

"Teddy, you're such a good, sweet boy. You know you can red in this, too, right?" she confirmed. "This isn't just for me."

"Yes, Kit," I answered, though I couldn't imagine what she would ask me for that I might not do.

"Kiss my feet?" It wasn't quite an order. She was worried about pushing a limit. I almost laughed. That was so tame. I had expected something much harder.

"Yes, Kit," I told her and let her see my hungry grin. Like I wouldn't kiss her feet? A chance to worship my goddess and hear her praise me? I was getting harder just thinking about it. I moved down to the bottom of the bed. I started slowly, more for her sake than mine, just lightly kissing the top of both feet. She giggled a little and flinched at the light touch. Oh, Kit was ticklish, too. What a wonderful discovery. I didn't push that for now. I would bring that out when she wasn't pushing her own limits. Instead, I moved on to her toes to kiss and gently nibble at each one.

Kit groaned and twisted in my grip, I grinned up at her and licked along the arch of her foot to hear her whimper. I took my time, experimenting and repeating the actions that got the best results until Kit panted at me to stop.

I sat back up, wiping spit off my face, and resumed my waiting position.

"Oh, such a good boy," Kit purred. "You're so good at that. I'm so wet for you, querido. I need you to clean that up." Kit pulled her knees up until her feet were flat on the mattress in front of her with her thighs spread wide to show me the dripping mess of her pussy.

I forgot to answer. I just fell to my task, licking at the flood of her arousal and delighting in the strangled little squeak of her surprise.

"Can I use my hands?" I asked against her skin.

"You're such a good boy for asking," she gasped above me. "Yes, use your hands."

She was slippery inside from just an hour before. I slid three fingers in without needing to warm her up and firmly stroked along the bundle of nerves inside that would drive her wild. Kit jumped, twisting against the bindings on her wrists and trying to force my fingers in deeper. She wasn't going to manage that. My fingers were long, but they weren't what she really wanted.

Still, I kept to my task, pushing her hard and listening to her gasp and moan.

"Teddy, good boy, stop," she panted.

I stopped immediately even though it felt like I would die if I couldn't keep touching her. The entire point I was trying to make was that I would stop the second she asked. I couldn't stop myself from trembling as I returned to position. My dick was achingly hard. There was a patch of wetness where I had been pressed to her sheets before. Kit took me in and her eyes darkened. I wondered what she was seeing right then that excited her so much.



Teddy knelt back beside me. He was panting with his lips parted and his eyes wild and nearly black with desire. His hair was stuck to his forehead and his face was wet with spit and my own arousal. I took the time to admire the straining muscles in his thighs and abs. He was so horny that he was twitching even without any stimulation. His dick was straining in front of him, pointing straight up as he knelt, leaking precum like a faucet. But he had still stopped the second I said. It didn't feel possible.