Toofy Ch. 14


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Saia stared in fright as the priestess was suddenly bleeding shadows from every direction. The woman shouted in frustration, throwing up a hand and knocking back the royal guards that ran forward to secure her.

The succubus cringed as there was a cracking sound and Efina toppled to the ground, her magic stripped away from her by the overwhelming force of dozens of expert mages.

Westcolm drew a sword from his waist slowly, "You will be purified, Lady Efina. Your soul, made ready."

Saia winced and looked away as the man cut off the priestess' hands. Preventing her from using any kind of directed magic. Forcing her to try and use spoken magic if she was going to try and escape.

Not that there would be a point to it.

Westcolm turned to the other guards, "Seize all who spoke against Lord Yu. They will be interrogated, to determine their innocence... And kill the succubus."


Tyre held up a hand as they approached a village, together. He indicated her abomination, and gently suggested that Trician order it not to accompany them within sight of the living.

Trician pressed her will to her toy, and it lumbered out of sight. Sitting down at the edge of the road, where moss seemed to sprout out of the ground and swallow every surface of the twisted mass of bodies.

The elf glared at him, and then froze up as she realised she might have done that too late.

There was a human standing on the road, one that had somehow escaped her elven ears, who was smiling broadly at the two of them.

The woman had white hair, falling down in a messy bundle to her waist, but that was the most normal thing about her. One of her pupils was shaped like a cross, and the other like a heart.

Tyre breathed out slowly, "The White Witch. Shit."

"Hey, Tyresome." The woman giggled and screwed up her nose, "Tai said you might be coming by. Isn't he the best boyfriend? And you even brought the cutest elf with you! Kinda wish I could meet your girl, though. How is Li'l Saia?"

"She... Was okay. Last I knew." The man said slowly and swallowed, "You know me."

Trician tapped the man's shoulder and nodded towards the woman.

"Oh, so rude of me!" She announced, and bounded closer, grabbing one of Trician's hands and grinning into her face from way too close. "My name's Eratigan. I've been waiting for the both of you. Tai said you'd visit. Must be... Oh, two decades ago. When he told me off for saving the kitten. I made her cry, so someone noticed her."

Trician tried to jerk her hand away. Not knowing who Tai was, not knowing who the kitten was, and not particularly wanting to know who Eratigan was, either.

"Don't... Annoy her." Tyre said cautiously, "She's the White Witch. She's... Not normal. Human, technically. But... Not a mortal, like you or I. She can't die."

Eratigan bit her lip, "Technically, I've been trying to die, for a while. I'm not allowed to see Tai again until I do. I just... Don't get it? I don't know how to die."

Trician punched the witch.

Who then took that as a sign that she should hug the elf, giggling as she did. "Aw! You're so touchy-feely! That's so sweet. Death hates it when I hug her."

Trician stared at Tyre in terror.

He shrugged, "Tai is a local name, for one of the gods. In an ancient tongue, no longer spoken, it means... Ticking noise."

"Mmm. My boyfriend is the god of time. Mr. Tik Tok, himself." Eratigan said, still hugging Trician. "He's a sweetheart. But, then, you know all about stuff like that, don't you, Tricksy? You've kissed our favourite fox."

Trician shoved her way free of the grasp, rasping as she tried to snarl at the witch. She was absolutely terrified of whoever, or whatever, this was.

Eratigan looked at her, and cocked her head, "Fear. Terror. You've got lots of weird words in your head, that I don't get. But... Oh well. That's none of my business. I was only supposed to tell you something, and give you a bed for the night."

Tyre spoke quietly, "Your ladyship, what is the message?"

"The pretty one, the one you're both tied to by fate, she's on her way here. Right now." Eratigan said proudly, "The girl that the goddess of mischief fell head-over-heels for. She's not a fox, that was just a symbol. Silly elf. She is... Well, Tai said she was trouble. I don't really get what he was meaning."

Trician stared at the witch, and then lifted her hand hesitantly to look at the diamonds, and to the stars. She saw her fate lighting up in a way it never had.

More clear than ever.

She was bound to the goddess of mischief, and she was close.

Eratigan giggled, "Silly Tyre. I don't mean me, I'm spoken for. I've got a boyfriend. And once the two of you meet the avatar of mischief, I'm going to get a chance to fuck Tai. So... I ain't sticking around."

Trician coughed politely.

The witch frowned and then suddenly snatched something out of the air, a fleshy and writhing object. She smiled at the elf, "Open wide!"

She didn't get a chance to protest, as the human shoved the object down her throat, and made her cough violently.

Eratigan grinned and put her hands on her hips. "There you go. Now you can kiss the kitten when she turns up! She'd really like that. So would you. I mean, you're going to fuck her brains out, pretty soon."

Trician ran her tongue over her teeth cautiously, and coughed again. She spoke, hoarsely, "The avatar of my goddess? She's coming here?"

"Mmm." Eratigan nodded excitedly, "She's the kitten I saved. When I wasn't supposed to. That's why I'm not allowed to see Tai, usually. Your goddess arranged visitation rights for me. Conjugal visitation. As a way of saying thanks for making sure you meet her."

The elf winced slowly, "Kitten. The avatar is a neko? I thought... They were pretty much... Extinct."

"I don't know that word. It doesn't sound happy." Eratigan shook her head, "I made the kitten cry. So someone took it to the temple. Death got so mad at me for that. Cursed me. I don't understand what curses are, but that's the reason Tai can't see me whenever he wants, anymore."

Tyre swallowed nervously, "A kitten. Raised by the temple. Who is the avatar chosen by the betrayer god of mischief. Oh, for fuck's sake! It's fucking Twenty Four, isn't it?"

"You know her?" Eratigan said in surprise, "Well. That saves on the introductions then. You can make sure Trician meets her, yeah? So I can... Go... Have some extra time with my boyfriend?"

With that, the enigmatic figure vanished.

No magic twinkle, no popping sound. Simply disappearing like she might have been some kind of hallucination.

Trician glared over at Tyre, "Two questions. First... The fuck was that? Second. Who the fuck is Twenty Four?"

"The first is easy. That was the White Witch, Eratigan." He swallowed, "She... Doesn't have a concept of evil. Or pain. Which means that she can't die. There's stories that she's actually kissed Death itself, and survived. As you can tell, she's a breeding factory for stories. No limit to her power, and fucking insane."

The elf laughed weakly and resumed walking towards town, "My tongue was stolen by a god, and a mere witch returned it. I... I believe the rumours that she has great power. What of my second question?"

"Lady Twenty Four is the mistress of my master, Lord Sai." Tyre said cautiously, "She is a neko, raised by the temple. She is also... Erratic. She dislikes the rule of the land, and is willing to flaunt law and regulation. She is skilled at politics, and has set her eyes on rising from a slave, to a lady of influence. Quite successfully, thus far."

Trician rubbed at her throat, "A neko. My fate, and yours, is bound to a fucking neko. No wonder the goddess didn't tell me. Disgusting little creatures. I use sex for magic, because I have no choice. They... Revel in it."

"If Lady Twenty Four is on her way here, than I expect that my master, Lord Sai, is not far behind." Tyre said cautiously, "He... Is like me. An abomination. He was granted a title because he killed more than the rest of us combined. It weighs on him, the guilt."

"I won't attack him on sight." Trician rolled her eyes, "Tell me more of this... Cat. That I am supposed to serve and protect."


"So, to be gettin' dis on da straight." Tammy began, looking at Sai dubiously, "Ya Da be an orc. And Da wanna be wantin' ya on side. So he gives ya a fuckin' orc whore, who ya have ta fuck or it be war?"

Sai sighed heavily, "I take her as my mistress, confirming it by sleeping with her, and it will cement a tenuous peace. Tomorrow she will act as my translator, and negotiations can begin. No more people need die."

The fox's tails splayed out behind her for a moment, letting Sai count five before they disappeared, and the woman frowned, "Well, ya be pissin' on da neko. So... I guess I be into it."

He frowned, "So... As I requested before, may we have some privacy?"

"Nah. I be into it." The woman replied, smirking as her orange eyes showed some excitement.

Khild slipped her arms around Sai's waist, leaning into his back and growling quietly. "I have no issues with the watching. I've often been watched. Your father has had me bear him two runts, in the presence of others."

"That I am about to sleep with a woman that my father has, is not a turn on." Sai stated firmly, and glared at the kitsune, "Tamamo. Please. I would like some privacy."

"Prefer Tammy, or I be pissin' in ya mouth." The foxgirl was unmoved, "Can ya be gettin' on da move be? I ain't never seen an orc rut. 'Specially not when da be a neko who get all pissin' when it be happenin'."

Khild growled some more, and began attempting to undo his belt.

Sai was already feeling guilty about this, but he didn't have a choice. If he didn't confirm the transfer of ownership, then Khild would return to Hammerhand, who would be insulted enough to cut off the negotiations.

Rejecting the gift of a woman was nigh unforgivable to an orc.

The last time Sai had done that, he had been thrown out of the stronghold and marked as someone who shouldn't be allowed to return.

He couldn't allow his personal feelings to get in the way of a negotiated peace. The chance to turn around this bleak battlefield without a slaughter was nothing shy of divine intervention, already.

The chances that both Hammerhand and he were sent to this same fight were impossible. Either the gods were fucking with him, or the emperor was.

If only he could do this without a jealous and hungry foxwoman staring at his privates.

He gave in.

Khild's hands were nimble, especially for an orc, as she undid his belt. She had the broad knuckles of her mother, but the rest of her hands were dainty, like a human woman.

She circled around in front of him, and smiled at him in anticipation as she dropped his pants. Her eyes were a bright green, like all orc-kind. It was the magic that did that.

Once upon a time, the eyes of orcs were a motley of colours. Blacks and browns. The very rare blue, and then the rarest was the green.

At birth, you could tell if an orc had magic, because of their green eyes.

A vicious campaign of breeding was enacted by the first warlord to unite all the clans. Frak'noa in ork, Butchertusk in human. He ensured that within two generations, the only surviving children were the magical kind.

That was hundreds of years ago, and now no orc was born without magic. And if there was... If there were ever children born without green eyes... It was the role of the Khild to murder her own child.

If Sai succeeded in impregnating her, despite what he had said, he would not allow the child to die. Not by his hand, and not by her hand. Whatever might be the result.

Her small tusks were barely wide enough apart that they didn't brush him as the woman took him excitedly into her mouth. Her tongue wasn't like Toofy's, it wasn't rough. It was a kind of warm softness, almost silky.

Khild was enthusiastic, preferring to massage the underside of his cock with her skilful embrace. Teaching Sai about sensitivities he hadn't been aware he even had.

She drew him firmly into her mouth, pulling him down into her throat with a flare of her flat nostrils. There was no gagging or anything of the like as he felt the tightness surrounding more than just the head of his dick.

Sai's heard jerked as he was deafened by an ear-piercing shriek of agony.

He stared at the kitsune as she blushed and stared at the ground. She shrugged in embarrassment, "I be into it. Shuttin' o' ya dumb mouth."

Khild tried to coax his attention back to her, apparently unperturbed by the mating call that sounded exactly like someone dying in pain on the field of battle.

A half dozen guards burst through the entrance of the commander's tent, freezing up as they saw him with his privates fully engaged in the orc woman's throat.

Sai raised an eyebrow, and they retreated.

He certainly couldn't blame them, but saying anything at all right now wasn't really an option. It was all he could do not to groan until they were gone.

As the tent flap fell shut, he gasped quietly, "Oh, fuck, Khild."

"Mmm. He be gettin' o' da close." Tammy grinned lopsidedly, "Don't wanna be 'avin' him cummin' in ya mout'. Gotta fuck 'im, preddy t'ing."

Khild reluctantly pulled her mouth back, with a massive string of cum and drool linking the two of them. She grunted quietly and wiped at her jaw.

Sai felt himself flex involuntarily, and the woman stood up. She raised an eyebrow, before turning around and lifting her ass out towards him. The woman spread her legs, and then looked over her shoulder at him with hungry green eyes.

He looked at the way her rough hair framed her face, the softness of her form despite the muscle, and tried to convince himself that Toofy wasn't going to kill him for this.

He was the master, the neko the mistress.

He had every right to take a second. The politics of the situation required it, and Toofy understood politics better than most.

Besides, she had fucked Elia and Lady Castelle against his very explicit instructions. He had told her, even pulling her ears, that she wasn't to do it.

Sai gave up trying to argue with himself, to think at all, and pushed himself towards her hungry slit.

Khild let out a deep and reverberating growl as he began to enter into her. Her motley skin pushed aside revealing a pinkness as he slowly entered into her tightness.

He grunted, "Fuck. No way you've given birth."

"Three, actually." Khild chuckled, and he felt her flex around him, becoming like a blacksmith's vise. "Take me, master. Take me and fill me. I am all of yours."

Tammy shrieked again, and this time Sai could smell something like a damp fur coming from her direction.

"Fucking me. Be fucking me." Khild directed his attention back to her, as she drove herself back onto him. Her warmth enveloping him with an aggression that reminded him she'd already nearly got him off with her mouth.

He took her hips hesitantly in his hands, and then drove his sensitive length deep into the woman's pink snatch. She squealed in joy, snorting as he began to take over.

Sai never had a chance of lasting that long.

With the smell of two excited women filling his nostrils, one of them staring hungrily at him with orange eyes, whilst the other one begged for him to spill his seed into her, he found his limit.

"Fuck!" Khild roared with a deep voice, as he slammed into her a half dozen times more, before he gave one final violent thrust and felt himself spilling into her. "Yes, master!"

Tammy grinned lopsidedly, "Do be it. Do be it. Make da neko pissin'."

The guilt washed over Sai, as he filled his orc woman.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Inspired story telling! You portrayed that sudden lurching feeling of impending doom really well when he realised that the unhinged immortal ‘white witch’ was talking about Twentyfour!

Thanks for sharing.

Tess (uk)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Absolutely spectacular story telling. So convoluted! Who is pulling the strings? How can this possibly be resolved? So many intriguing twists. I am enthralled!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is getting _really_ complicated. wonderful!

skippersdadskippersdadalmost 3 years ago

Another great chapter

HargaHargaalmost 3 years ago

Toofy is going to be so pissed. Great story.


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