Touch Ch. 03


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"You are so good at that Kerry!" I burst out as she took me deeper than before without gagging. I didn't quite hit her throat and I was glad for it, deep throating wasn't worth her discomfort to me.

She soon had me climbing toward release and as soon as she realized it she back off, just stroking me while cupping my balls lightly. She looked up into my eyes and I could see feverish lust in them. I could only hope her breasts were as sensitive as before so I could try to satisfy that lust a little.

"Ok Little Sister, are you ready?"

"No. I just love doing this with you. It's hard for me to stop, even for a moment." She didn't look away or seem embarrassed at all. I smiled at her and lightly touched her nose like you would with a little kid.

"I understand Kerry. If you want we can finish just like this." I said as she smiled up at me and wrinkled her nose, happy from the touch rather than insulted.

"No, just let me lie back. Follow me so I don't have to let you go ok." I nodded and she swung her legs around onto the bed to lie back.

I followed her as best I could, leaning over the bed so she had easy access to my dick while she scooted away from the edge and put her head on the angled pillows. I scrambled to get on my knees over her just like the night before. This time as I looked down at the slightly pancaked perfection that were her breasts I reveled in the knowledge that I just might be able to make her orgasm with them again.

"Just let me taste you again before we start, ok?" She asked and I pushed my hips forward so she could do as requested. My cock slipped into her mouth and she sucked firmly on me. I didn't thrust and it seemed she didn't want me to.

"Ok, I'll hold the sides while you slide between them," she said as I pulled my glistening dick back from her mouth. "Sound good?"

"Sounds heavenly," I answered and she grinned and stroked me harder. I waited for her to release me but she just couldn't.


"It's alright Little Sister, take your time." I encouraged her, hoping she'd just enjoy whatever she wanted to do with me. It no longer mattered to me how she brought me off, though I did want her to be there with me when it happened.

She nodded at me and stroked me faster and faster until I felt my climax rising rapidly in me. I was thinking about warning her when she pulled her hands from me with obvious effort. She gasped as my cock slapped back against me and her eyes followed it as if magnetized to it.

"Push your breasts together Kerry," I said softly once I had recovered and she still just laid there staring at me. Immediately her hands cupped the sides of her tits and she started to press them together.

"Like this?" She asked.

"Yes, just like that. Does it feel good to touch your breasts?" I was anxious to slide between them but I wanted to know if it would be possible to get her off too.

"Kinda. Not really. I don't know. It was way better when it was you touching me." She tried to explain. I just nodded in understanding and let her cuteness overwhelm me again.

"Touch the nipples."


"Just a little. You liked it so much before it would be a shame if you couldn't do that without me." I smiled throughout to encourage her and not make it sound like I was ordering her around. She hesitated a bit and then released the sides of her breasts and swept her hands over top of them.

She pawed herself roughly with her nipples pushed into her palms and her fingers massaging deep into the flesh as if trying to get rid of tension. Her face held an unimpressed look and it was no wonder, once again she seemed unable to use finesse on herself.

"Come on, not like that. You need to be gentle, use light touches just like with your pussy."


"I just want you to enjoy this as much as I do." She fell silent and stopped groping herself, pulling her hands back until only her fingertips touched her skin.

"That's it, just like that." She drew her fingers together around each nipple and pinched a bit too hard. She yelped in surprise and tried again, this time using much less pressure.

"Good. Nice and light. Just like that." I encouraged her as she slowly warmed to the act. "Does it feel good?"

"Yeah, but nothing like when you did it. I don't think I'd cum from this if I did it all day long."

"Ok. Well I guess I'll see if I can make a difference myself." I was reaching down to replace her hands with mine when she shook her head and drew my eye away from those incredible mounds.

"Wait. Put your dick between them first." I frowned a bit at her but when her hands slid around to the sides of her breasts again I acquiesced.

I pushed my straining in hard on down to lie flat on her sternum as she gathered her breasts around me. Once again it was uncanny how well we fit together. Her small breasts and my small cock were made for each other. They were warm and soft and oh so milky smooth. I couldn't imagine there could be any better sensation from bigger breasts.

"How does it feel?" She asked somewhat timidly as we both watched my cock slide back and then push forward between her tits.

"Oh, I can't describe it!" I panted out as she rose up a bit beneath me and arched her tits up. "How about you?"

"It's great. Ugh, I didn't think it would feel so good." I could see she was enjoying it so I reached down to touch her little nipples. She watched wide eyed as my fingers traced circles just outside of her areolas.



"I think I'm gonna cum really fast!" She was talking fast now and I could see the strain in her face that showed the effort it took.

"Really?" It seemed like we'd just started, I wasn't even really feeling it yet.

"Oh my God, your hands!" She gasped as I drew my fingers over her nipples for the first time, just barely making contact one finger at a time.

I watched in awe as she rose up higher and pressed hard on the sides of her breasts to hold me tight between them. Her eyes rolled back as my fingers continued to dance with the lightest possible touches all across her nipples at every possible angle.

"I'm sorry, I can't..." she ran out of breath and drew in a shaky lungful. She might have been about to go on but instead she let out a throaty growl and arched up even higher beneath me while I made sure I wasn't putting any weight on her.

I kept my slow thrusts as she held herself arched up high and called out incoherently. Little tremors shook her body and then a very hard shiver went through her as her hips twisted beneath me. I was hard pressed to keep contact with her as she spasmed and twisted away and then back.

Once again she arched up high and held it. She stayed like that for only a few seconds before finally falling to lie flat beneath me again. Her eyes, which had been very tightly closed, opened and the lust in them seemed to have been multiplied tremendously. Her face held a look of such hunger I felt in danger of having my cock eaten for good.

I stilled my hips as she looked from my eyes to the head of my dick where it stuck up from between her breasts. Her hands came up and she started to caress the head with little swipes of her fingers, two at a time as if she were petting me, while her forearms held her breasts pressed tight over me.

"Wow! So I guess you will be able to cum just from this huh?" I said in amazement as she purred beneath me. Her fingers were smooth and sure as they played over my cock.

"Oh yeah, I guess so," she said almost as absent mindedly. "I want you to fuck my tits again, but this time you can be a little more aggressive. I'm not that fragile."

"I know you aren't fragile, but you seem to react to a softer touch better than a firmer one."

"I know, but if you keep going slow I'm not gonna be able to keep my arms up by the time your ready to cum too." It made sense in a way. She wanted me to express my lust a bit more and at the same time provide a bit less stimulation for her so she could last longer.

"Your wish is my command Princess," I said with exaggerated politeness.

"What was that?" I had expected a giggle but instead I got confusion.

"I was just trying to be silly."

"Oh, well alright."

"I'm also thinking of choosing a pet name for you. How's Princess sit with ya?" I asked with thick humor in my voice.

"Jay!" she giggled then and the feel of her laugh was amazing with her breasts pressed tight around me. "I'm not a Princess and that's kinda a little girl thing anyway."

"Alright, well tell me if I find a good one or if you think of one yourself." I started to slide through that silken tunnel again and her eyes once again focused on the view she had from above.

"What's wrong with Kerry?"

"Nothing, I love your name. It's just not very intimate that's all." She reached out and grabbed my hip and started to urge me to go faster as the sensations seemed to be getting to her too much. She quickly returned both hands to hold those perfect breasts around me again.

"I...I think our intimacy is pretty...intense already. Don't you?" She managed to get out, gaining strength as I picked up speed and drew my fingers away from her rosy nipples.

"Yeah, but anyone can call you Kerry. I want to have a name for you that expresses how I feel about you, one no one else knows." I explained as the feeling of her smooth skin brushing over my cock started to make my hips hitch as I tried to keep my stroke even.

"Oh. Well then I get one for you too. But they can't be...embar...ugh." I slowed down as I felt my orgasm starting to rise within me. Kerry was definitely feeling it as my cock poked out slowly under her chin and she sighed with bliss.

"Are you close?" I hissed through my teeth as she started to arch up beneath me again.

"Yes!" She hissed back and I slowed down even more until I was pushing very lightly through her and just faintly touching her nipples. "Jay! Jay! Oh, not yet! Not yet!"

"It's alright, I'm there too," I groaned out as she rose even higher. Her eyes rolled back again but I wanted her to see when I erupted on her. "Look at me Little Sister! Look at me, you can do it. That's it. That's...!"

I lost it as her eyes forced themselves open and the blazing lust within them flowed like unstoppable lava over me. I pushed forward as far as I could as she arched in the extreme beneath me. I was surprised when the first shot sprayed out and painted her chin entirely white. I hadn't felt it forcing its way through me and couldn't stop it. I shuddered hard and so did she as her body strained ever higher.

The angle was changed when another burst fired from me, sending it arcing over her and all over the head board. The tail of it fell across her face beside her nose and over her eyebrow and before I could even begin to comprehend what was happening she sank down in a shivering, jerky motion. I exploded again and this time it flew straight into her mouth as she opened it to catch my offering.

She let her hands fall away and reach up to pull me into her mouth as I covered her left cheek with another huge wad. When I slid into her mouth I felt like I was starting all over again as she pulled yet more cum from me. I strained up high and forced my eyes to stay on her face as I kept on emptying myself in her. She sucked happily on me, her tongue gathering gobs of my sperm and rubbing them into the sensitive skin of my cock head even as I gave her more to play with.

The hard clutching spasms slowly fell away to leave me with my dick in her mouth and cum everywhere. She sucked lightly on me but it was still too much so after a few moment she released me into the very capable care of her hands. She just held me, not stroking or trying to further stimulate me.

"Oh Jay! That was so great!" She was energized from yet another intense orgasm and I felt like I might be lagging a bit. I slid my hips back from her face and did my best not to sit on her chest.

"Whew! That was pretty intense. It seems like every time you make me cum I shoot more than the last time." I managed to pant out as I tried hard to catch my breath.

"Yeah!" She giggled out as her hands started to move on me and then stopped. I could tell it was hard for her not to keep stroking me even as I slowly shrank in her grip. "I'm really covered with it!"

"I know. Sorry about that, I just couldn't control it."

"Oh, I didn't mean...I like it. It's so hot when it first comes out and feeling it cooling on my skin is so sexy." She tried to explain. I just shook my head at her and smiled.

"I'll never understand that, but I guess I'm not really programmed to."

"Well you don't need to understand it. Just keep covering me with your cum and leave the enjoying the feel of it to me." I laughed as she said that and after a moment she giggled too.

"You are such an amazing woman you know that!"

"Only because of what you do to me." She wrinkled her nose and shook her head as if to display the lie in her words with her amazing abilities on display on her face. The contradiction was all the more sexy.

"I told you before; I don't do it to you. It's all you."


"I'm serious." She fell silent for a moment, once again getting that adorable look on her face that said she was trying to figure something out.

"Remember when I told you I have a disorder?"

"Yeah. You scared the shit out of me with that." I answered honestly before I could think better of it.

"Really? Why?"

"I thought you were gonna tell me you were dying or something. Shit, that's the closest I ever want to come to even thinking about that again." Even there with her hands on my flaccid dick and my semen all over her I could feel the deep tremor of fear at the very mention of her death. Nothing could be more frightening for me.

"Oh. I didn't mean to put you through that. I'm sorry if..."

"Don't apologize Kerry, you didn't do anything wrong. I just jumped to a rather... unpleasant conclusion, that's all." She nodded at me and looked down at the limp thing her hands were enveloping.

"So, what I was gonna tell you was you really DO do this to me." She said once her eyes found mine again. I was surprised because she wasn't trying to be complimentary; she was just speaking as if stating fact.

"What do ya mean?"

"Well the hormonal imbalance thing kinda ruined my ovaries. I guess the short story is that I don't get aroused like other girls. I don't really have a sex drive. Or at least I'm not supposed to." I frowned and felt my brow knit deeper than ever.

"What do you mean you don't have a sex drive? You're completely insatiable!"

"I know. But you're the only one who's ever been able to make that happen in me. Maybe it's because I'm in love with you, or because you're my brother, or some other medical reason that I'll never get. I don't know why, but you're the only person I've ever felt sexual around in any way. Ever!"

I was blown away. Was this for real? Is it possible that a girl whose ovaries aren't functioning to provide the hormones to get aroused could suddenly develop the insatiable sex drive Kerry displayed with me? I had to admit I didn't know anything about the inner workings of the female anatomy. I guess it had to be true. Why would she lie?

"I don't understand how that could happen."

"Neither do I, but it does. The proof is all over me." She said as her hands twitched on me. "And right here."

"Did you have to take pills for the imbalance?" I asked, wondering if maybe she'd had some medical treatment that did this to her. The thought sent a chill through me as I realized that could explain her long held attraction to me.

"Yeah. I still do. Every morning." I slid off her then, stunned by the implications I saw in that. Could our relationship be based on bad medicine?

"What? Jay! Jay, stop!" I was stumbling away from her, not really trying to do anything. I was too stunned to really have a goal. "Come here! Lay down Jay, please. Don't leave me like that again, please!"

I collapsed on the bed next to her and she leaned over to peer into my face as if trying to read my status in my face. She made a hell of a sight, with so much cum on her that half her face was white with it as it hardened. I felt near to hyperventilating as all I could think was she was a slave to her hormone replacement medication.

"Kerry..." I forced out but was unable to continue.

"What? What happened Jay?" I gathered my thoughts as best I could and plodded on.

"Do you think it's possible that you developed an attraction to me so early because the hormones being added to you by the pills were too much for your young body to take?" She immediately realized what I was getting at and her head fell. All I could see was the top of her head as she contemplated the implications of such a thing.

"How did I not know about this? How did you and mom and dad keep that a secret from me? Why?" I asked desperately.

"I don't know, mom never told me. I don't think we purposely hid it from you, it just..." She trailed off and I was left with the sinking feeling that she was about to realize the price she'd paid for mistaking a medical problem for true feelings.

"I...I don't care if it is. I mean, if I started to feel attracted to you because of the pills then so be it. I don't care. I love you Jay. Listen to me!" I rolled my head to the side and she grabbed my chin to force me to look at her. "I LOVE you! Jason, it doesn't matter what allowed me to feel like this. The point is that I do."

"Kerry, you were changed by some pills. If you hadn't had to take them you never would have even considered feeling like that about me." She knit her brow and for the first time she was well and truly angry at me.

"No Jason! No! That's not how it went. Listen to me, please listen." Once again she pulled my head around but I kept my eyes from her. I felt like I had taken advantage of her in the worst way, even if it had seemed like she was more than willing.

"All the pills do is give me the ability to mature the way anyone else would. That's it. Maybe they woke me up to sex early and I attached to you as a result, but that was only because I knew I could trust you. I knew I loved you already."

"Kerry..." I pulled back from her grip on my chin, which had become painful, and looked away again. "The bottom line is you only feel like this because of some drug you had to take. I don't want to be the only outlet you have for sexual energy because some doctor fucked up."

"Look at me Jay! Please! Am I really that repulsive to you that you'd rather stare at the wall than look at me?" My heart wrenched at that and I gave in. I stared into her eyes and tried to find some way to explain it to her.

"You aren't repulsive. I'm just sick with myself. Sick that I took advantage of..."

"Don't you even think about saying that!" She grabbed my face and for a moment I thought she might slap me. Instead she held my cheeks in her soft hands and stared me in the eye again.


"You didn't take advantage of me! How many times do we have to go over this? I love you Jay! I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!" She was frantic as I squirmed in her grip and tried to escape her insistent tone.

"Don't you understand? It doesn't matter. I love you too, but I still went about showing it in the wrong way. You were vulnerable, unable to control urges you didn't have anywhere else, and I just pounced on the opportunity to have fun with it."

"Stop it! Stop this bullshit right now! Maybe some other girl would let you convince her that you're like that, but I know better!"

"Kerry you don't know what I'm capable of."

"I know everything there is to know about you! Now more than ever, I know you Jay. Think back on what happened before and tell me you don't understand me better than anyone else!" She was right, I knew her better than anyone else ever could. The same went for her.
