Transformations - Naughty vs. Nice Ch. 02


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Drew looked like he wanted to lick the dark material.

Patricia looked toward the stairs.

Honey was watching them and smiling.

"Maybe... we shouldn't," Patricia whispered.

Drew looked at her, his eyes half-lidded. "Patricia, I couldn't stop if I wanted to. I... you smell so good." He reached out and lifter her t-shirt, exposing her big breasts with their pentagram nipple clamps.

He caressed her nips and Patricia shuddered. She took over, caressing her full breasts and rubbing the nipples above the clamps.

Her juices flowed from her, wetting the couch.

Drew began kissing the inside of her left thigh, trailing the kisses up almost to her pussy before switching to the right thigh and kissing his way down.

"He's really good at that," Honey whispered.

Patricia gasped.

Somehow the girl had descended the steps and was now leaning over the back of the couch behind her.

"No... I don't want you here."

"You don't mean that. You're just scared. But that's okay."

"This isn't what..."

And then Drew ran his tongue up the side of Patricia's pussy.

"Oh!" Patricia leaned back farther.

Honey's hands caressed her temples.

"No, stop, Honey, don't."

"Shh, stop worrying. Everything is okay now," Honey whispered.

Her fingers worked magic as they gently circled Patricia's temples.

Drew found the repurposed engagement ring with his tongue and Patricia sighed. "Just like that. I never dreamed that could feel so good."

She felt Drew's breath on her clit, the gentle tug as his teeth took the diamond ring and pulled.

Honey's hands were caressing her jaws now, the tension draining from Patricia an ounce at a time. She felt herself sinking into the couch.

Drew sucked her pierced clit into his mouth - his warm, wet mouth and Patricia reached down and ran her fingers through his hair.

He sucked and licked, making love to her clit the way that only someone who knew every inch of her body could.

Honey's hands trailed down to her breasts, cupped them from beneath.

The girl's sweet breath whispered over Patricia's face.

Drew's thumb was on her clit as his tongue pushed deep inside her, tasting her.

"He's completely lost in you. That's the way humans are when they're with us," Honey said as she gently nudged Patricia's hands away from her breasts. She took over rubbing and caressing Patricia's sensitive nipples. "That's what we're for. We make them happy. It's all any of us wants - just for everyone to be happy."

Patricia opened her eyes.

"It's not so bad." Honey leaned closer and Patricia stared at her lips.

She kissed Honey gently, then harder.

Drew gasped between her thighs.

She looked down and he was looking up at her.

Patricia was afraid he would be angry.

Instead, he smiled and nodded and returned to her pussy.

"See?" Honey whispered.

Patricia said nothing. She simply kissed Honey again, letting the girl's tongue slide between her lips and suckling it.


The female elf stood on Willy's stomach and snarled at him.

If he raised his abs fast enough, he was fairly sure he could launch it through the air.

However, he was afraid if he made it mad? There was a strong possibility it might chew his dick off.

So he smiled at it. "Come here often?"

She glared at him and bared her sharp little fangs.

The elf reached down and picked up his soft prick.

The creature was only eight inches taller than he was long.

"Oh, sweetie, I don't think that's going to fit."

She hissed at him and ran her small pink tongue up the shaft.

He began to stiffen.

"Get off him," Mrs. Claus said as she came into the hotel kitchen.

The elf leaned over and hissed menacingly.

"Hiss at me again and I'll have Santa rip you to shreds," Mrs. Claus said.

The elf stared menacingly at Willy and licked its lips.

Then she jumped off and scampered out of the room on all fours.

"Not sure if she was going to fuck me or eat me," Willy said.

"Neither am I," Mrs. Claus said as she stood over him. Her eyes darted to his stiffening cock.

"Sorry. If you don't want that reaction you really should dress in something other than red latex," Willy said.

"I have some more questions for you..."

"Willy Wanker, Whore Master, serial number... well, we don't have serial numbers," Willy said.

Mrs. Claus scoffed. "Name, rank, and serial number now? You were talkative earlier."

Willy shrugged as best he could with his hands encased in the makeshift steel bondage. "I've got more of my wits about me now."

She glanced at his cock again.

A Whore Master is trained to read prey. Mrs. Claus's skin was flushed, her pulse had risen since she walked in the room, and she was breathing rapidly. Couple that with her pupils being dilated and the slight aroma of arousal?

Willy could work with this.

He smiled. "I'm not going to answer your questions."

"Wait, did you say your name is 'Willy Wanker'?" She burst out laughing. "You Whore Caste with your ridiculous sex names."

"Actually... ahh, skip it."

"You came here with a girl, a street whore. Where is she?"

Willy frowned. "Street whore?" He shook his head. "No, I don't remember a street whore."

She leaned over him. "We know you're here running an experiment for Whore Caste. Your beloved Church has sold you out."

"Beloved Church is a bit of an exaggeration. Is that perfume you're wearing?"

"Willy, I can't help you if you don't help me."

"You took a shower since you were here last. Then you fixed your makeup and your hair. Why did you do that?"

"How can you tell...?"

He wiggled his nose. "Heightened sense of smell."

"I see. Now what about the girl?"

He shook his head. "No, can't smell her."

"You think you're charming but you're not. He's going to kill you if you don't cooperate."

"He's going to kill me anyway," Willy said.

She paused. "You anger him."


"You challenged him..."

"He won."

"He doesn't like to be challenged. He demands to be the alpha male in all situations."

Willy burst out laughing. "Alpha male? Wow. You guys really missed the evolution train didn't you?"


"Whore Caste don't have alpha males - we're all equal, Mrs. Claus. Dick measuring ended when all the guys got the same equipment. We follow Morpheus because he's trying to save the world. We follow the Church because they say they're his hand. But mostly we follow a living goddess who's kind of amazing."

"But, you Whore Masters are physically perfect. You are better than the other transformed males."

"We serve a purpose. We're protectors, Mrs. Claus, not bullies. The physique helps us do the job, but it doesn't define us. We're lovers not fighters."

"The Church isn't like that."

"Religious Caste? No, they're not. We're not them and they are most definitely not us. Whore Caste would die for each other. We'd die for Professional Caste. We'd die for the humans. Hell, we'd even die for the Religious Caste. So, if you want to know the whereabouts of the girl I came here with? Fuck off. I'd happily die before I'd tell you."

"Why?" She asked.

"Why? Oh, you poor woman. I love her more than I love my own life." He turned his head to the side. "You don't even know what that means, do you?"

Mrs. Claus straightened up. "Of course I do. I'm Santa's mate."

"Would you die for him?"

She stammered.

Willy stared into her eyes. "More importantly? Would he die for you?"

She turned and walked out of the room.

He watched her go as best he could. There was something about her. It made no sense but there was something.

The girl elf jumped back onto the table and climbed on his stomach.

"Oh, hello, darling. I missed you," Willy said.

She smiled at him with her sharp fangs and began stroking his cock.


Mrs. Claus stood in the hallway outside the kitchen and shook. The Whore Master was infuriating. He got under her skin everytime she talked to him.

Shouldn't she have expected that?

The Whore Masters were manipulators in addition to being protectors. They were designed to seduce and transform their victims.

Why did he bother her so much?

She paced on her tall heels in the narrow hall. It was absurd: she was a dominant. Human males were reduced to groveling slaves at her feet. She would be worshipped as a goddess if she chose.

And this Whore Master seemed to be enjoying himself at her expense!

Santa will have his head!

She frowned at that thought.

Why did that bother her?


"When you're a Whore Master? You'll be able to touch a special place inside her that will make her brain melt," Honey said as she knelt beside Drew between Patricia's widespread thighs.

They had taken turns licking her to orgasm.

Patricia was lying back, smiling, lost on some orgasmic cloud.

"Are you talking about a second clitoris?" Drew asked.

Honey nodded. "Too deep for a man's cock to touch." She leaned forward and kissed Drew gently. "But a Whore Master? They hit that spot every time."

Drew shook his head. "I have to hand it to you, Honey: You're a first class salesperson."

Honey giggled. "My pheromones have worn off, haven't they?"

Drew smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

"That's the problem with pheromones. Mind control works totes better."

"I suppose so," Drew said.

"I really like you Drew. You and Tricia Tease are supposed to be together."

"Her name is Patricia and I think so too."

Patricia was breathing slow and steady.

"She's asleep," Honey said. "Listen, Drew, you're going to have to be like the most understanding husband in the world. She's going to need a lot of sex and not just with you."

"I know. That is if I can't undo the transformation."

Honey shook her head. "You can't, Drew. Once you're transformed, there's no going back."

"We'll see."

Honey laughed. "Okay. But, when it doesn't work? Come live with me and Willy? We have a house on the beach and it's super nice."

Drew shook his head. "Not sure we'll be up for the whole polygamy thing."

"You won't but she will. If you're not transformed? You're going to grow old, Drew. She won't. And, when you're gone? She'll be lost. We'll take care of her then."

Drew stared at her. He hadn't thought about that. If she was truly immortal...

Someone knocked on the door.

"Huh? What?" Patricia said as she woke up.

"It's Willy!" Honey said as she jumped up and ran to the front door.

Patricia looked down at Drew. "Oh, God... did we... the three of us?"

"It's okay. We made love to you."


Honey threw open the front door. "Willy!"

Then she frowned.

The pretty girl from the night before was standing on the front porch.

Only she was about to burst out of her ski jacket.

She had been transformed.

Honey squealed. "He did it! I told him to! You're so pretty!" She threw herself at Loretta.

Loretta looked like she was in shock as she let Honey squeeze her. "Not expecting a naked fetish model to throw herself around my neck but... okay."

"Where's Willy? Why hasn't he claimed you?" She took a step back and frowned. "What'd he do?"

"He didn't do anything. He's in trouble, Honey."

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?"

"Santa Claus and his elves. They took him."


Dr. Demona went from shelf to shelf in her level 10 lab beneath Stallion's Adult Video in Ithaca. She was grabbing everything from surgical instruments to vials of Insta-Heal.

"What are you doing?"

She turned to see Sugar Tits standing in the doorway. The tall, curvy redhead's brow was knitted with concern.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Baking a cake?" She dropped a package of disposable scalpels in her backpack. "Somebody might be hurt."

"You're not going to Greek Peak," Sugar said.

Demona turned slowly. "What?"

"Demona, you're not going."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Sugar sighed and crossed her arms in front of her large, white latex clad bosom. "Maria says no. Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"You need a doctor, goddamn it!"

"Yes, but not you. Dr. Thompson is going."

"Thompson?! What? Are they going to haul him in on a flatbed?" Thompson was huge, the first prototype Whore Master, and he almost never traveled anywhere.

"We'll manage."

"I don't understand why..."

"Yes, you do. She might be there," Sugar said.

Tears filled Demona's eyes. "Do not ask me to stay here, Sugar!"

"Mona, honey, I'm sorry. But if Demonica is there...?"

"I'll kill her!" Demona growled.

"No, honey, she'll kill you and then a whole hell of a lot of people are going to die." She walked into the lab. "Whore Caste will avenge you and then we'll be at war with the Church. It's too soon." She drew closer and held out her arms.

Demona backed up. "No, don't you..."

Sugar wrapped the smaller woman in her arms.

"Fuck Maria! And fuck you too!" Demona said as she struggled against Sugar's iron grip.

"I know."

"I hate you," Demona said but she collapsed against Sugar and sobbed.

"I know you do."

"Demonica is going to get away again, Sugar. It's not fair."

"No. It isn't. I don't know what Havana is doing. Maria is raising unholy hell."

"Promise me you'll kill Demonica if you can?" Demona whispered.

"Maria wants her dead. If the opportunity presents itself, you can be sure Maria will take care of it."

Demona nodded. She wiped away her tears and took a step back. "Any word from this Willy and Honey?"

Sugar shook her head. "No. Nothing since early this morning. They had several transformations in progress. Willy said he was going to gather them all and get out as soon as possible but we haven't heard from him since."

"They're in trouble," Demona said.

"Most likely. Maria's on her way here. We're going in with Dr. Thompson, Ray, and Rita at nightfall. Maria wants an army as well."

Demona sighed. "If my dear aunt is involved? That might be too little too late." She opened her bag and pulled out her dart gun. She handed it to Sugar.

"I don't even know if knock out will work on them," Sugar said.

Demona smiled. "Who said anything about knock out?"


At the Combs's house, everyone except Hannah was sitting in the living room. Hannah was still transforming in her bedroom.

Honey stood in front of the fireplace in her pink latex snowsuit. "I really wish I had the satellite phone thing they gave Willy."

"We left it behind," Loretta said from an overstuffed chair. "We were sort of in a hurry."

"What are we facing, exactly?" Drew asked. He was sitting on the couch with his arm around Patricia.

"There were... Jesus, it sounds crazy now," Loretta said. She took a sip of coffee Drew had poured for her. "They're... well, elves. About two feet tall, only not cute like in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. These are mean little fuckers. It's like they're made out of rubber - they can squeeze right under a door. Sharp claws and teeth."

"That doesn't sound possible," Patricia said. She clung to Drew but avoided making eye contact with Honey.

"Neither do robot centipedes that crawl up your nose and turn you into sex machines," Gina said. "Yet, here we are."

Josie giggled at Gina's feet.

"There were people too... I'm pretty sure they were people from the lodge. Only, they're different - hairless, pointed ears, ruddy complexion..."

"Running around in the snow?!" Drew asked.

"Yes. They act like animals. Like they're possessed or something. They're a lot faster than the elves." Loretta bit her lip. "And, Willy said something about a 'monster Santa'."

Honey nodded. "Yeah, that I know a little about. I heard stories - last year our supercomputer transformed a man into sort of a combination Whore Master and Santa Claus. But, he was supposed to be dead. The bus they were transporting him and Mrs. Claus in was destroyed."

"We need the police," Patricia said.

Everyone looked at Honey.

"No, no police. I told you - if the government comes in, they'll kill us. We have to save Willy and get to Ithaca. There's an installation there and a White Witch. She'll know what to do," Honey said.

Drew squeezed Patricia's hand. "Honey, I know you want to help Willy, but we're not equipped for this."

"Yes, we are," Honey said. "We're Whore Caste. We take care of our own."

"Honey," Drew said. "All of your transformed here missed out on most of their programming. Were any of you trained how to fight?"

The students all shook their heads.

"Wait," Loretta said. "I know what you're saying but Honey is right. Three of those possessed people caught up with me on the slope and instinct just took over - I went ninja on them. I mean Bruce Lee shit."

"We're programmed for self-preservation," Honey said. "And to protect others."

Patricia looked at the floor. "Let's say we did rescue Willy and go to Ithaca. What happens then?"

Honey shrugged. "Nothing much. Willy will claim Loretta and we'll go home to Havana. Richie, Gina, and Josie will all be together. And, they'll let Brenda and Hannah stay with Carter until he becomes a Whore Master."

"What about me and Drew?" Patricia asked.

Honey bit her lip. "Umm, well, Drew would be... well, the doctor at Stallion's - that's the installation - will transform Drew and you can live happily ever after too!"

"So it will be our choice?" Patricia asked.

"Sort of... I mean they'll probably make Drew Professional Caste but sometimes they assign a Whore Caste to stay with a professional as their..."


"I was gonna say girlfriend."

"But maybe they won't. Maybe they'll send me to your auction. Maybe they'll send Brenda or Hannah since Carter isn't a full Whore Master. Maybe they'll do something to Drew and send him there as well?"

"That almost never happens," Honey said.

"Almost never?" Patricia said and burst out laughing.

Drew pulled her close.

Carter looked at Brenda who sat beside him on the couch. "Mrs. Combs has a point."

Honey frowned. "What are you saying?"

"We want to help you, Honey," Drew said. "But you're asking us to put blind trust in your caste and this Church."

Loretta stood up. "Listen, I get what you people are saying, I do. You want to cut and run? Go on. But Willy is..." She looked at Honey and smiled. "Willy is our mate. I'm bound to him even if we haven't consummated our relationship yet. We're going after him."

Brenda looked up at Carter. "We're going with you."

Carter leaned down. "Brenda?"

"If we have to? Richie or this Willy can bind Hannah and me - we're going to stay together, no matter what." She looked at Honey. "We are Whore Caste. When we seduced Hannah up there? It felt right. It's who we are. And Whore Caste takes care of Whore Caste."

Gina rubbed Josie's hair and smiled at Richie.

Richie nodded.

"We're in," Gina said.

Patricia stood up. "Good luck with that." She reached down and took Drew's hand. "We need to get to the university and your lab."

Drew stood up and nodded. He looked at Honey. "I'm sorry but I'm going to find a way to undo this."


"What the fuck?!" Mrs. Claus said as she came back in the kitchen.

A female elf was passed out on his chest. Small, empty vodka bottles were strewn along the floor.

"Shh, Berniece is sleeping," Willy whispered. "I've found that these elves are sort of like cats - you don't want to wake them."

"What happened?"

"Oh, well, after you left, Berniece... I named her Berniece, does she have a real name?"

"No, they don't have names."

"Well, this one's Berniece. She tried valiantly to impale herself on my cock. She failed - flexible and rubbery as she is, she's still too tight. Anyway, when that didn't work, she got enraged. She found the minibar supply closet, broke in, grabbed some vodka bottles, got shit faced, and then masturbated on my chest before passing out."
