Transformations - Naughty vs. Nice Ch. 02


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She shook her head. "No. I'm not human. I can feel it. I feel like my mind is inside something alien. It doesn't feel like my body, Drew. You don't want this."

He squeezed her hand. "Patricia, it's you. I look at you and I see you. The same woman I married."

She laughed. "I wasn't like this when we got married."

"Maybe not quite the same on the outside, but the inside? Yeah, it's you. Maybe it's conceit on my part but I feel like part of the reason you haven't embraced this is you're afraid I will stop loving you. That is never going to happen whether you're Patricia Combs or Tricia Tease di Combs."

She looked down. "You don't know what you're saying. You don't know what I feel urges to do. Drew, when Gina did what she did to Joey? I was excited. When I found out Carter and Brenda seduced and transformed Hannah? I got wet just thinking about it."

"That's normal."

"Normal?! No, Drew, it isn't normal at all. It's not normal for a human..."

"It's normal for the transformed, Patricia."

She stared at him. "I wanted to have sex with Richie. I wanted him to fuck me."

"I know."

"Carter too. Both of them at once," Patricia said.

Drew laughed. "Are you trying to shock me? You're not going to. Any of the girls could have seduced me at any time, Patricia. Oh, I would have resisted but it wouldn't have mattered. You transformed are irresistible." He looked at the jar. "I wanted to put my hand in this jar and join you. I didn't because I love you. You said you didn't want this, so I resisted."

She shook her head and smiled. "And I love you, so I resisted all my urges. I denied that... oh, God, I feel better than I've ever felt in my life. I feel like I'm alive, Drew."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

She stared at the jar. "Could we? I mean, embrace it?"

He nodded.

"I've never cheated on you... other than with Honey."

"Doesn't count. I've never cheated on you either."

She rubbed his face. "I'm afraid I won't be able to handle seeing you with someone else. And, I'm just as afraid that I will be able to handle it. I'm afraid I'll like it." She laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm so confused."

He took a deep breath. "You know, when my students come to me wrestling with some big problem? I tell them to fix one thing at a time: break the problem into pieces."

She nodded. "What's the first thing we need to fix?"

"Our friends are walking into danger, and we need to help them."

She sat up. "Yes, we do."

He held up the jar. The centipede clattered around on its metal legs and stared at him. "Two superheroes stand more of a chance than just one."

She nodded. "Drew the Dominator?"

"Stupid name. Honey might be a genius on some things, but she's shit at making up names."

Patricia laughed. "Don't know. Tricia Tease is starting to grow on me."

"Tricia Tease di Combs," Drew said.

"We'll see. I haven't decided if I want to bind myself to you for all eternity. I'll wait and see how you turn out."

He kissed her. "I've created a monster."

"Actually, Honey did that."

He put his hand on the Mason jar lid. "Yes, but I'll be a self-made monster." He took a deep breath. "I've been thinking about doing this all day but now I'm... a little squeamish."

She peered into the jar at the silver centipede with glowing red eyes. "Why'd they have to make it look like a damned bug?"

"Form and function - a parasitic worm would have been an even better choice."

"Okay, eww..."

Drew laughed and shook his head. He stared at the jar.

"It doesn't hurt. A little weird when it's moving around inside you..."

"Thanks for that," he laughed.

"No, it really doesn't hurt. It's just odd."

He nodded. "And, you know what to tell it?"

"Yes... I mean, I have to make you a Whore Master - Honey didn't tell me any of the other options."

Drew did a double-take. "Yes, Whore Master! I don't want any of the other options whatever they might be."

She scoffed. "I wasn't going to do anything... weird."


She laughed. "I promise I won't!"

He stared at her in shock. "Jesus! Yes, you are! What are you thinking?"

"Drew? After all these years you don't trust me?!"

"Well, you were hiding a bi stage from me until last night."

She punched him in the shoulder. "It was harmless experimentation years before I met you."

He smiled. "It was actually very hot."

"Pervert." She smiled.

He leaned over and kissed her. "I trust you. Completely."

She nodded.

Drew leaned his seat back. "Okay, here goes." He opened the lid.

The centipede zipped around the inside of the jar and jumped over the lip. It landed on Drew's arm.

"Fuck!" Drew said and he swallowed hard.

It crawled up his arm and then under his sleeve.

"Just relax," Patricia said.

A centipede shaped lump moved under his shirt sleeve before emerging from his collar.

Drew trembled as the centipede crawled up his face and then disappeared up his left nostril.

"What happens n...?" He said and then his eyes rolled back in his head before they closed.

A moment later his eyes opened. "Specify Caste?"

"Whore Caste," Patricia said.


Patricia smiled. "Whore Master."

"Default Parameters?"

Patricia bit her lip. "Um, what are the possible parameters?"

"Height, variance 6'0" to 6'8". Musculature, variance lean muscle to heavy muscle. Eye color. Hair color. Penis length maximum of 17". Tongue modifications for length and pleasure texturing."

Patricia stared at him.

"Default parameters?" He repeated.

She smiled and licked her lips. "Manual mode."


Kayla, otherwise known as Mrs. Claus, walked into the kitchen. Something heavy landed on her head. "What the fuck?"

She froze when she felt the edge of a knife blade against her throat.

"Berniece! That's Kayla!" Willy said as he appeared from behind a row of shelves dressed in his snowsuit.

The homunculus had been hiding on the doorframe and now sat on Kayla's shoulders, a long butcher's knife pressed to Kayla's jugular.

Berniece hissed and growled, "Sorry." She hopped down and scampered across the floor. When she reached Willy's side, she put the knife blade between her sharp teeth and climbed up his snowsuit.

She sat down on his shoulder and licked the blade of the knife.

Kayla rubbed her throat. "She talks?"

"Of course she talks. She's very smart," Willy said.

Berniece giggled and balanced the knife point on her pudgy index finger.

"She looks like a demented, featherless parrot."

Berniece hissed and pointed the knife at her.

"You two be nice," Willy said. "Did he take the bait?"

Kayla walked over and leaned on the table. "Yes, he's on his way down to the house - unfortunately alone. You're sure that house is empty?"

"Yeah, I wanted to check it out last night when we were looking for Honey. Loretta told me the people who own it are out of town for the holidays."

"We won't have much time. When he finds out it's empty, it won't be just your head he comes for. Oh, by the way, I'm supposed to bring him your head."

Berniece hissed and growled.

Kayla reached over and stroked Berniece's smooth head. "I wouldn't do that, Berniece. I like his head attached to his body."

Berniece smiled and purred like a cat.

"One good thing: the minions and the possessed are searching for the remainder of the lodge guests. That should make it easier for us to escape."

Willy frowned. "What?"

"A lot of the guests have disappeared. They're hiding somewhere in the lodge," Kayla said. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Kayla, those people are in danger."

"So? They're human."

He put his big hands on her cheeks. "Kayla, we're Whore Caste. We're here to save the world. Don't you understand that?"

She stared at him in disbelief. "Willy, he's coming back, and he is going to kill us."

Willy nodded. "Take Berniece and go. Find Honey. I'll find the guests."

Berniece screamed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He patted her arm. "No, go with Kayla. I'll be fine."

"You're insane!" Kayla said. "He beat you to a pulp last time."

"Yeah, well, I'll be ready for him this time. I learn from my bruises."

She wrapped her arms around him and cried against his chest. "Don't do this!"

He tried to console them both. "Shh, it's okay."

"I won't leave you," Kayla said as she wiped her eyes. She smiled up at the homunculus on his shoulder. "Berniece won't either."

The little demon smiled at her.


"Jesus Christ, he's bigger than Richie," Brenda whispered as she squeezed Carter's hand tight.

They were hiding in the bushes outside the lodge.

Luckily they had been able to dive behind the bushes when the front doors opened, and Hell's version of Saint Nick came lumbering out the front door.

He was shirtless and wore red leather pants and black boots.

He had a fire axe balanced on his shoulder as he stepped into the cold air and stalked down the slope.

"Fuck," Gina whispered as she knelt behind Brenda.

Richie was crouched so low he was basically lying in the snow. "I can't fight him, Carter. He'll wipe the floor with me."

Carter nodded. "We're going to do everything we can to make sure it doesn't come to that, buddy. And, if it does come to that? You won't be fighting him alone."

Honey stood up.

Loretta grabbed her hand and tried to pull her down.

"He's not so big. Willy's a lot bigger than he is," Honey said.

The giant didn't look back as he trudged down the hill.


Willy knelt on the concrete floor in front of Berniece. "Think you can find the people, sweetie?"

Berniece smiled and licked her fangs.

Then she turned around and started sniffing the air.

She scampered on all fours across the room. She put her nose to the gap under the kitchen door. She sniffed loudly then she stood up and opened the door slowly.

"Let's go," Willy said.

"Not so fast," Kayla said. "Hands behind your back."

Willy stared down at her. Then he turned away and put his hands behind his back.

Kayla took a length of chain from the restraint device they had used on Willy.

She wrapped the chain around his wrists. "Just in case the minions get suspicious."

The chains went tight.

"Unnh, I think you're enjoying this."

She bit her lip. "You can take the girl out of hell, but you can't take the hell out of the girl." She yanked her end of the chain. "I kind of like having you on a leash."

Willy laughed. "If we get out of this? You can chain me up anytime."

They followed Berniece into the hallway.


Loretta looked at the flamethrower as they stepped through the automatic sliding doors and into the lodge lobby. "We can't use this inside. I mean, I expected resistance outside. But if we have to use this in here? We'll burn the place down."

Carter reached over and turned off the pilot flame with the knob on the side of the barrel. "You're right. Hang onto it, though. We may need it to get out of here."

The lobby was empty, the guest services desk abandoned.

"Where's the kitchen?" Carter asked.

"Downstairs. There's a stairway in the restaurant that leads down to it," Loretta said.

"Everybody stay on your toes," Honey said as she stepped past the desk.

A woman screamed and they all turned.

A dirty, disheveled woman in a ripped business suit was running toward them.

"Jesus, it's the receptionist, Dinah," Loretta said.

Dinah held a long kitchen knife high in her right hand.

Richie tried to step in front of Honey.

"No, I got this," Honey said.

Dinah covered the distance between them quickly. She brought her arm down in an arc, the blade aimed directly for Honey's chest.

Honey brought her left pink latex encased arm up and blocked the knife blow.

Then she threw a short right that rocked Dinah's head back and sent her sprawling on her back on the hallway tile.

The knife clattered away from her.

Honey walked over on her stiletto heels and snatched it off the floor. "Knives. Eww. I hate things that hurt people." She took the knife in both hands and bent it, snapping the blade as if it were nothing but a twig. She dropped the pieces in a trash can in the small lounge area off reception.

Brenda knelt beside Dinah. "She's breathing. She's just out like a light."

Honey returned to stand beside Dinah. "See? We don't have to kill anybody. We just punch them in the snot locker and down they go."

Hundreds of screams erupted from the other end of the long hallway.

The space was filled with howling, naked elves.

"Oh, shit," Carter said.


"Clothes!" Patricia said. Why hadn't she realized?

Drew's body was growing inside his pants and shirt.

She quickly stripped off his shirt and undid his pants.

"Holy..." His chest had expanded, and his abs were now much more defined.

She reached out and ran her fingers down his chest.

Patricia squeezed her eyes shut. "Focus." She pulled his pants down and pushed them down to his ankles.

That's when she saw that his sneakers were beginning to tear.

"Goddamn it!" She yanked them off along with the socks.

She looked up. His legs were expanding and growing longer.

And his boxers were turning into briefs on their way to becoming shredded cloth.

The bulge along the left leg was growing pronounced.

She reached out and hooked her fingers in the fabric. She pulled them down freeing his cock.

"Oh... wow."

He was already two inches longer than he had been and much thicker.

She reached out and fondled him.

Then she looked at his hands.

He was moaning in his sleep.

His left ring finger was swelling.

His left ring finger where he still wore his wedding ring.

"Oh, fuck!" She grabbed it and tugged. "Please come off... please come off." His hands were growing, and he would lose the finger if she couldn't get the ring off.

What had they been thinking trying to do this without Honey?

The ring wouldn't budge.

Patricia started to cry. "No. No, please."

The ring snapped.

His finger had broken the wedding band in two.

She held up the two halves.

She continued to cry as she lay her head down on his chest.


The lodge basement was huge.

Willy and Kayla followed behind Berniece as she ran from door to door along the gray hallway.

At each, Berniece would lean down and sniff the gap between the bottom of the door and the concrete.

"Maybe they're not down here," Kayla said. She was smiling.

When they went into the hallway, Willy had taken her hand.

It was ridiculous what an effect that had on her. He was holding her hand. So what? What was the big deal?

But she knew what the big deal was.

He had simply wanted the intimacy of holding her hand. There was no pretense to it, no expectation.

When the children of Demonica did anything, there was a reason. Kindness meant someone wanted something from you.

Willy wanted nothing.

He only wanted to hold her hand as they went through this basement.

Kindness without a consequence, without a price to be paid.

It was at once completely alien and completely wonderful.

"Aiggh!" Berniece squealed. She grabbed the knob of the door she had just sniffed and tried to turn it. "Heeyah!"

"Berniece, don't scare them," Willy said.

She ran back to them and, with her knife in her teeth, climbed back up his snowsuit to perch on his shoulder.

She senses it too, Kayla thought. She's drawn to him the same as I.

Willy stood in front of the door and knocked. "We know you're there. It's okay. We're here to help you."

There was silence behind the door.

"My name is Willy. I'm here with my mate, Kayla, and my..." He stared at Berniece.

"Mate! Mate!" Berniece squealed. Then she licked his cheek.

"My other mate, Berniece. We won't hurt you."

"We're armed!" A man said from the other side of the door. "If you try to come in, we'll shoot!"

"It's okay. Just calm down. Listen, we're here to help you but there are others here who want to hurt you and they couldn't care less if you're armed. We found you and they will as well. If you'll open the door? All of us can get out of here." Willy put his hand against the door and closed his eyes.

"You're hypnotizing him?" Kayla whispered.

"I have to. We're running out of time."

There was a scuffling sound on the other side of the door.

"Shit," Willy said, his eyes still closed.

"What's wrong?"

"There are more people in there. He's trying to open the door and the others are trying to stop him." Willy reached for the knob.

"But they're armed!" Kayla hissed.

"No, he's lying." Willy twisted the knob and the locking mechanism snapped. He pushed the door open.

A group of men were trying to hold a thin, balding man back.

Someone threw a large can of soup at Willy's head.

Berniece screeched.

Willy caught the can one handed. "Everyone just calm down."

A woman near the back of the room pointed at Kayla and screamed. "It's her! She's one of them!"

"Please let that man go, he's going to get hurt," Willy said. "Kayla is not one of them and neither is Berniece. Kayla was..." He looked at her and smiled. "Hypnotized. It was like a bad dream but it's over now." He turned back to the crowd of about two dozen men and women who were crammed into the storage room. "We have to get you someplace safe. He's going to come back."


"Maybe we can reason with them?" Hannah said as the naked elves surrounded them.

The transformed stood back to back in a circle with their armaments of uprooted road signs and the flame thrower pointed toward the little demons.

The elves screeched and hissed as they climbed on tables and over the seats in the lounge area.

"Somebody ought to talk to them," Honey said.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Brenda.

Brenda looked at each of them in turn. "Fuck you, you bigots. What? You think the little person is going to have some kind of rapport with goddamned elves?"

Carter shrugged. "Well... they're little... you're little."

She flipped him off. "If we get out of this? You're sleeping on the fucking couch, Carter."

"We got your back," Honey said.

"Not reassuring, balloon tits," Brenda muttered. She laid down the Stop sign she was wielding. "Hi... elves. We're friends."

"Try to sound friendlier," Honey said. "Like use a nicer voice. You sound... angry."

"I am angry," Brenda said through clenched teeth. "And right now I'm angry at you."

"See that's the kind of voice you don't want to use," Honey said.

"I swear to God if you don't shut up I'm going to kick your fat ass."

Honey looked over her shoulder. "Is my ass fat?" She whispered to Richie.

He shook his head.

One of the elves ventured closer to Brenda.

Brenda bent over. "Hi, little guy. You look friendly..."

The elf turned his bald head to the side and stared at her.

Then he grabbed his dick and started stroking.

"Yeah... definitely friendly," Brenda said. "Guys this is really gross," she whispered.

The elf jerked his hips forward and jacked his prick faster. He smiled at her with a mouth full of pointed teeth.

The other elves started chuckling.

"Jeepers... awfully big for such a little elf," Honey whispered.

The elf's prick was growing. It was already as big as its own forearm.

Brenda took a deep breath. "Hand of friendship... Nixon went to China..."

"Huh?" Carter whispered.

Brenda stepped forward and gently pulled the elf's hand away from his dick.

Then she wrapped her hand around it and continued stroking.

The other elves drew near and watched her closely.

"What are you doing?" Carter hissed.

"Giving an elf a handjob, what does it look like?" Brenda whispered.