Transformations - Travelers Ch. 04


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Nancy could hear moans and murmurs coming from the other side of the folding partition.

Other people with mats by the folding wall began to laugh.

Bambi giggled. "The orgy class gets kinda loud."

Bobby stepped onto the dais and held out his hand for Bambi. She took it and stepped gracefully onto the mat beside him.

Bambi smiled at the group. "Show of hands, how many of you are totes nervous about taking off your clothes."

Almost every hand went up.

Nancy wasn't surprised that Christine didn't raise her hand.

"Well, let's get over that right now," Bambi said. "Everybody is beautiful, we're just all different, that's all."

With that, both she and Bobby took off their latex outfits.

If Bobby had any body fat, Nancy couldn't see it... and she was looking closely.

Even his cock looked muscular.

Bambi, on the other hand, had a little body fat and all of it was in the perfect spots.

"If this is supposed to make me want to take off my clothes?" Don said. "It isn't working. That guy's packing twice my length and it's as thick as Christine's wrist."

"Mmm," Christine said. "It certainly is." She tossed off her robe and sat cross legged on the mat. Then she leaned back and began fingering herself.

She smiled up at Nancy. "Come on, Nancy. Take off your robe and masturbate with me."


Colin stood at the front desk and stared down the hallway toward the auditoriums. The hypno drug antidote he had injected into Nancy should have taken full effect by now.

The others could no longer control her.

So why hadn't she tried to escape yet?

He knew why: Eric.

He should have told her Christine and Eric were now an item and were planning her future as a sex toy.

Colin just couldn't bring himself to do it. The truth was going to destroy her, and he just couldn't be the one to inflict that pain.

But the longer she was in that room, the greater the possibility she would slip up and Christine would realize she was no longer under the influence.

On top of everything, she was running out of time, though she couldn't know it.

The paperwork had been filed and...

"We're here for Nancy Davis," a voice said. "Where is she?"

"Time's up," Colin whispered. He turned to his left.

Two Church Agents stood across from him, their eyes hidden by their dark sunglasses.

"Davis? Not sure we have a Davis in the register." He turned to the computer terminal and began typing - a pointless exercise. The machine part of his mind was linked to the hotel computer. He knew the name and location of every guest in La Lilitu.

He just hoped the agents wouldn't know that.

"The spouse signed her over for Whore Caste," the second agent said. "We know she's in the hotel. The paperwork came from here."

"Oh, Davis! Yes, I filed that paperwork."

"Where is she?"

"I believe she might have left the hotel for the morning."

The agent was silent for a moment. "We provided a hypnotic for her this morning, and we were told she would not be leaving the La Lilitu."

"Oh, well, I will ring her room." Colin picked up the desk phone and dialed. With his free hand, he touched the handle of the handgun he had hidden under the desk. Could he kill someone? Even a Church Agent? He wasn't sure.

He had signed an oath to harm no one, though that had been long ago in a different life.

Colin was resolved to help Nancy no matter what.

Or die trying.



She lay on her back as Eric clumsily massaged his way up her inner thighs.

Bambi giggled. "No, silly, you aren't tenderizing a steak. Like this."

Nancy gasped as the Street Whore's strong, nimble fingers caressed the inside of her thighs, sliding higher and higher toward her bare pussy. She bit her lip to keep from moaning.

"You see it's all about tenderness, Eric. The human body is an instrument, and everyone should learn how to play it," Bambi whispered.

The woman's scent was mesmerizing. A touch of vanilla and fresh baked cookies mixed with cinnamon.

Nancy gazed up into Bambi's huge eyes and felt the tension draining from her body despite her growing fear.

Bambi smiled. "See? Her body is responding. She'll get wetter and wetter before you ever even get close to her clitty."

Eric took over, not quite as clumsy as before.

He looked into Nancy's eyes.

He looked uncomfortable. No, more than that, he looked upset.

"Do you want to stop?" Nancy whispered.

"No. It's just... there are so many people."

She smiled and nodded.

The room was filled with soft moans and whispers.

And then there was the growing sounds of the orgy next door.

"Ooo, yeah, use your tongue, Don," Christine whispered from the next mat.

Nancy glanced over to see Christine smirking at her.

Don's face was buried between her thighs as he ate his wife out.

Bambi giggled. "They've moved on to the advanced class, I think."

Then Bambi reached out and stroked the back of Eric's head. "Maybe you should too, huh?" She guided him between Nancy's thighs.

Nancy felt his lips on her clit, and she moaned out loud.

When she opened her eyes, Christine was still staring at her - the smirk was gone. Instead, Christine looked angry.

Christine used her foot and pushed Don away.

Bambi turned and looked at her. "Golly, that wasn't very nice."

"Eric. Stop eating out that whore," Christine said.

Eric stopped immediately and raised up.

"What... the fuck?" Nancy said.

"I'm not evolved enough yet to watch him eat out your whore cunt!" Christine growled.

Bambi frowned and shook her finger at Christine. "We use our inside voices in class, Christine."

"Oh, fuck off, tramp." She sat up. "Eric, I want you to think about all the men who've filled your wife's pussy with jizz. Still want to eat her out?"

Eric sat up and stared at her.

"Good Christ, Christine," Don said. "Can't you leave her alone?"

"When I want your opinion..."

Don stood up. "You'll what? I don't know who the fuck you are anymore, you delusional bitch. I'm sorry for what I did to you, Christine, I truly am. But that doesn't give you the right to hurt Nancy like that." He looked down at Eric. "You want some advice, man? Run."

Nancy started to sit up.

"Why, Nancy?" Eric asked.

She had been so focused on wanting to re-arrange Christine's face she jumped when Eric spoke.

"How many was it? How many of our friends, my business partners, did you fuck?" Eric asked.

"Eric... I..." She began to sob. He knew! "I'm so sorry."

"You're sorry? Sorry?! You humiliated me. Now I know that all my friends were laughing at me behind my back. You made me a cuckold!"

"No! It wasn't like that! I just... none of them meant anything."

Eric laughed and shook his head. "No, that's where you're wrong, Nancy. Every one of them was a knife in my back. Did you ever actually love me?"

She rolled to her knees and reached out for him.

He pulled away.

"I did love you. I still love you! That's why I'm here. Why I wanted us to come here. Oh, Eric, I've ruined it all. Please..."

"None of this matters, Eric," Christine said. "We can spend the rest of our lives punishing her for what she did..."

"What?" Nancy asked.

Christine smiled. "We've decided to make you our little sex slave, Nancy. Eric and I are joining Professional Caste and you're going to be our little Whore Caste house slut."

Nancy looked at Eric. "You... want that?"

Eric looked at the floor and shook his head. "You brought this on yourself, Nancy."

"I don't understand," Nancy said.

"It's simple, Nancy," Christine said. "Eric is a lawyer and I'm a doctor. The Church wants us for Professional Caste, and you're sort of our signing bonus. Like a free gift."

Nancy looked at Eric. "You'd do that to me?"

"Why not?" Eric said. "Is it any worse than what you've done to me?"



"What's taking so long, Robot?" The Church Agent said.

Colin glanced up from the terminal. His hand closed on the handgrip of the gun under the counter. "We don't like that word, agent."

"I don't care what you like. How can you like anything, exactly?"

The other agent thought this was funny.

Colin smiled.

Some members of Whore Caste were hardwired not to cause harm. Some, however, were not so encumbered. Whoremasters and White Witches could kill when necessary.

Synthetics like Colin were also capable of violence.

The other agent turned and looked down the hall.

"I hear a crowd in the auditorium," the agent said.

"What's going on in the auditorium, Robot?"

"Classes on sensual massage and orgy etiquette."

The agent talking to Colin turned to his partner. "Check out auditorium A. I'll take B."

"I doubt Miss Davis is in..."

"We'll see," the agent said.

Colin watched them head down the hall toward the auditoriums.

He relaxed his hold on the gun.

They would find Nancy in Auditorium B. Then they would have to pass him to remove her from the hotel.

He would shoot them then.



The worst thing about all of this? The very worst thing? Nancy knew deep down she had brought it on herself. She had been caught in a trap woven from her own lies, her own infidelities.

Most people didn't change, were incapable of it.

But Nancy made herself a promise in this moment when she stared through tear-filled eyes at Eric: no matter what happened now? She was going to make sure she was the hero of her own goddamned story from this point forward.

Because no heartache, no pain could compare with the knowledge she had been the architect of her own demise.

"I've had enough of this conversation, haven't you, Eric?" Christine said. "Luckily, we don't have to listen to her whine. Nancy? Masturbate. Show us what a slut you are."

Nancy turned and looked at Christine sitting on her mat, the smug look on her face.

The tea Christine had given her should have had Nancy under her spell.

She would have no choice but to do whatever Christine commanded.

The sound of Nancy's fist hitting Christine's narrow jaw was satisfying, a solid crack.

Christine's head rocked back on her supple neck and the brunette's eyes crossed.

She collapsed on her mat.

Nancy winced and looked at her own hand, still balled up in a fist.

The room echoed with laughter - Don was laughing so hard he couldn't stand up straight. "Hurts like a motherfucker, doesn't it? A little ice will help with that," he said with a wink. "Goddamn, she is out!"

Eric jumped to Christine's side. "Christine? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He glared at Nancy. "How did you do that?"

Nancy stared at him. "You knew. You knew she drugged me..." She shook her head and stood up. "I've been a fool. What was I thinking?"

The auditorium door opened and one of the Church Agents stepped inside. "Nancy Davis? We're looking for Nancy Davis." He looked directly at Nancy and then at Christine lying motionless. "You!"

Bambi stepped in front of Nancy and turned to the agent. "Excuse me but this class is full. And Church Agents aren't allowed. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

The agent walked straight toward them. "This is Church business. Stand aside."

Bambi's left hand flashed out and grabbed the agent's right wrist, twisting it at the same time.

The agent dropped to his knees in pain.

"I said, you aren't allowed here. Now kindly leave by the nearest exit," Bambi said and flashed a dazzling smile.

The agent slapped at her arm, unable to dislodge her grip.

As for Bambi, she simply smiled down at him and twisted harder.

Another agent came in. "What the fuck is going on here?" He spoke into the sleeve of his black suit. "We need backup in here."

"Bobby? A little help, please?" Bambi said.

Bobby ran forward and shoved the second agent out through the auditorium door.

Don grabbed Nancy's hand. "You need to get out of here."

More agents were pushing through the door.

Nancy looked around. There was only one obvious exit: the door that was now choked with Church Agents trying to push past Bobby.

"Thank you, Don," Nancy said. She looked down at Eric who was cradling Christine. "I'm sorry. For everything, Eric."

He turned away.

Nancy ran toward the back of the room wearing nothing but the untied silk robe.

She heard a snap and looked back to see Bambi had succeeded in breaking the agent's arm.

He howled in pain on the floor.

Bambi ran to help Bobby with Don running along behind her.

Nancy scanned the back wall looking for any kind of exit.

On the back wall, there were two red buttons: one marked open, the other close.


"Why... are you... fighting us?" A Church Agent asked as he tried in vain to push past the towering Street Whore blocking the auditorium door.

"Why... are you... interrupting our... class?" Bambi asked. "You attacked us."

"We're here... to retrieve... Nancy Davis," the agent grunted as he tried once more to throw his weight against the immensely strong woman.

Bambi took a step back. "Well, golly, why didn't you just say so?" Bambi turned around with a smile on her face. "Nancy? These men are here for you."

The agents fell through the door.

One stood up and Don punched him in the mouth.

"Ooo, don't do that, Don," Bambi said. "They're like the cops, you know?"

There was a rumbling sound to Don's right.

The folding wall began to open, compressing accordion style from the back of the room to the front.

Auditorium A came into view.

The room was dark, the floor a mass of naked intertwined bodies enveloped in pink mist.

"Uh, oh," Bambi said.

The naked orgy began to spill over into Auditorium B.


Nancy ran into the darkness of Auditorium A.

Hands grabbed at her ankles as she danced past the giggling orgy goers.

Her body began to tremble - the pink mist was some sort of aphrodisiac.

She ran, heading toward the door at the front of Auditorium A. The wall was still sliding open on her left.

She could see the agents trying to follow her into the room, but they encountered a sea of disoriented orgy participants trying to make it into Auditorium B.

"Get back! We're on official Church business!" An agent yelled and then he was overwhelmed, pulled down to the floor by a half dozen pairs of hands.

Nancy began to laugh - it was insane: why would she find this so funny? How could she laugh at a time like this?

But the tension, the worry of the past few days was gone.

She literally had nothing to lose. No husband, no home. There was only the mad rush headlong through the darkness toward the exit.

She body slammed the door, and it swung open. The door hit an agent square in the face, and he fell back on the marble floor, dazed.

Nancy jumped over him and ran down the hall.

Toward reception.

Toward Colin.


Colin jumped over the reception desk and looked down the hall.

Nancy was running toward him, the silk robe barely clinging to her body as she sprinted.

Behind her, a dozen Church Agents were struggling to pursue her while simultaneously being dragged back into the room.

And, Nancy Davis was laughing.

She threw herself into his arms. "You... were right... I..."

He picked her up and hoisted her over the reception desk. He set her gently on her feet on the other side. "Through the door in the back. There's a service hall. Run, Nancy. It leads to the alley."

"Wait. Come with me."

He smiled. "I can't. Trust me. Run to the alley. You'll understand."

Two agents managed to extricate themselves from the orgy and were running toward reception. "You! Stop her!"

"Go," Colin said. "Go now."

Nancy ran through the door at the back of reception.

He smiled as he watched the door close behind her.

"Why didn't you stop her? Didn't you hear us?" The Church Agent growled as he reached reception.

Colin half turned. "I'm sorry?"

He stepped down on the agent's foot.

Bones crunched and the man howled.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry," Colin said.

The other agent vaulted the desk and pursued Nancy.

Colin looked toward the door behind the desk and smiled.


Nancy ran. The hall seemed like it was a mile long as her bare feet slapped on the concrete.

She heard the door open behind her.

She didn't dare look - she knew it was one of the agents running after her.

It was like a nightmare. The door to the alley seemed to be getting farther away, not closer.

She imagined she could feel the agent's breath on the back of her neck.

She wasn't laughing now.

Nancy was screaming.

She hit the door with her whole body.

It flung open and she was blinded by the bright Cuban sun.

Strong hands were on her, and she screamed louder.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

She was lifted into the air and swung around to the right side of the doorframe.

Her eyes adjusted to the bright light.

And she found herself looking into Baphista's face.


The big succubus pulled her into a bear hug.

"Baphista! One's coming through!" Terri's voice called.

Nancy looked back over her shoulder.

Terri was standing with a pretty brunette beside an old Chevy.

The biggest human being Nancy had ever seen was standing nearby.

Whoremaster, Nancy thought.

"What's happening?" Nancy asked.

"Hold onto me," Baphista said. She held Nancy in her right arm, then she swung her left arm across the doorway.

Just in time to clothesline the agent pursuing her.

His throat collided with her forearm and his feet flew out from under him.

He fell flat of his back on the concrete landing.

"Come on!" The huge Whoremaster yelled. "There're more coming." He grabbed the lid off a trashcan.

Baphista didn't say a word. She simply wrapped both arms around Nancy and jumped from the landing. She landed beside the Chevy and put Nancy in the backseat.

There was a whishing sound as the Whoremaster threw the top of the trash can like a discus through the door to La Lilitu.

Crashing sounds and screams came from the hallway.

Baphista climbed into the convertible's backseat beside Nancy.

Terri squeezed into the other side.

Then the brunette and the blond Whoremaster jumped into the front.

Tires squealed as the Chevy barreled out of the alley and down a side street.

Terri was hugging Nancy tight. "We rescued you! I knew we would. I just knew it!"


Nancy wasn't sure when she started crying. All she knew was that, as soon as she began, Terri and Baphista were holding her, consoling her.

The brunette in the front seat, Loretta, reached back and held her hand.

The blond Whoremaster, Willy, drove down backstreets, explaining he knew where all the cameras were and, more importantly, where they weren't.

The technological sprawl of Havana gave way to jungle and that gave way to rich farmland.

Willy pulled off the road and into a huge sugar cane plantation.

He slowed to a stop under a copse of trees.

Nancy could see the huge, hulking members of Worker Caste harvesting sugar cane in the distance.

Finally, Willy let go of the wheel and sighed.

"Do you think they got a look at us?" Loretta asked.

"No. That first agent saw nothing but stars," Willy said.

Baphista reached out and high-fived him. "Yeah, and the others saw nothing but flying trashcan lid."

Terri giggled and kissed Nancy's tear stained cheek.

Nancy let Terri hold her. "Thank you. All of you. You didn't have to do this."

"Yes, we did," Terri said. "You're one of us."

Nancy shook her head. She looked out at the naked and, for the most part, sexless Worker Class drones. "God, it's horrible."
