Transformations - Travelers Ch. 04


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He wanted to go to Nancy's room and rescue her, carry her to safety.

Why this woman? How many times had he seen similar cruelties?

More times than he could count.

What was it about her that made it all seem so much... worse?

The machine part of his brain could make no sense of it.

But the man knew.

He had fallen in love with Nancy Davis.

That was something the machine could not comprehend but the man knew. He knew this just as clearly as he knew, without a miracle, Nancy was doomed.



Nancy woke to the sound of someone knocking on the door. She rose groggily and grabbed the hotel bathrobe from the hook on the bathroom door.

Eric was still sleeping on his side of the bed.

The knocking commenced again.

"Just a minute," Nancy said as she pulled the robe around her shoulders and tied it closed. She walked to the door and opened it.

The hallway was empty.

The knocking started once more.

She blinked and turned toward the door that opened on the adjoining room - Christine and Don's.

She opened it.

Christine was smiling at her. She was dressed in a sheer, short white robe that barely hid her crotch. "We're going to be late!"

"Late? Late for what?" Nancy asked.

"The couples massage class, silly. Sensual Massage and Overcoming Inhibitions 101? Auditorium B? Did you forget? We're supposed to be downstairs in an hour - just enough time for breakfast if we hurry," she said as she pushed her way past Nancy and into the room. Christine looked at Eric who was just sitting up in bed. "My, my... it looks like you two had some fun last night."

Nancy rubbed her eyes. "Listen, I think we're just going to skip the class, right, Eric?"

Eric looked back and forth from Nancy to Christine. "No. We should go. I mean we did sign up for it."

"But I thought..."

"Jesus, you two can fuck later! I'm starving," Christine said. She pushed a cup into Nancy's hand.

"What's this?" Nancy asked.

"Tea. It'll wake you up. Go on, drink."


Nancy went into the bathroom and closed the door. She smiled at herself in the mirror.

Last night had been... amazing. Strange, unlike any other intimacy they had ever shared.

Intimacy wasn't quite the right word. He had used her for the first time in their marriage. He'd simply taken what he wanted.

It wasn't exactly the passion Nancy had hoped for, but it was a start.

She took a long sip of the hot tea and smiled.

It was something herbal - a little overly sweet but she could already feel the buzz from the caffeine.

She started the shower.


As soon as Christine heard the shower start, she walked over and tore the blanket off Eric.

She reached out and grasped his cock, stroking him. "So, did she treat my man like he deserves last night?"

Eric glanced in horror over Christine's shoulder at Don.

"Don't mind him. We don't fuck anymore, do we, Don?" She asked and smiled.

"No. No, we don't." He was glaring, but only at Christine. If he held any animosity toward Eric, he was holding it in well.

Christine jacked Eric's cock and stared into his eyes. "Did you fuck her in the ass like I told you?"

Eric swallowed. "Y... Yes."

"Mmm, bet she's nice and tight back there, huh?"

"Christine..." Eric whispered.

"Don't be shy, Eric. We have no secrets anymore, do we?"

Eric was growing hard under her expert manipulation. "No." He moaned. "Yes, she was tight."

"Good. You need to think about all the modifications you want done to her, Eric. I want her to get this tongue modification they do - it turns her tongue into a dildo. I can't wait to ride her face."

Eric gasped and then groaned as Christine released his cock with a giggle.

"Don't you cum yet, Eric. They only gave me the drugs to spike her tea, not to keep you hard."

"What?! What drugs? Who...?"

Christine climbed onto the bed and straddled him. "Two Church Agents came to our door earlier. They gave me something to put in Nancy's tea. It will make her very... malleable was the word they used. She'll do anything we ask for the next few hours. Anything."

Eric stared at her in disbelief.

Don hissed and shook his head.

Christine twisted at the waist and glared at him. "Don't you say one fucking word, you cheating piece of shit! Don't think you're going to play all high and mighty after the way you've treated me all these years. They haven't made you one of those Whoremasters yet - you're still nothing but a lousy husband and thug, Don."

He nodded. "Yeah, I know. But, Christine? At least I'm going to be a better person when this is all over."


Nancy stepped out of the shower to find Christine smiling at her. She held out a towel to Nancy.

"Jesus. A little space would be nice, Christine."

"Oh, you know you don't mind if I look at you, Nancy."

Nancy blinked and shook her head. Well, she was being silly. What did it matter if Christine saw her naked?

She began to dry off with the towel.

"You have a very beautiful body, Nancy. I want boobs at least as big as yours."

Nancy laughed. "You don't need different boobs, Christine."

"Oh, no, I want huge breasts when I join Professional Caste. I've already picked them out."

Nancy couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Professional Caste?! You mean you're going to emigrate?"

"Already put in my paperwork. I'm being transformed this evening at the Cathedral of Morpheus. There's some sort of spa in the basement."

"What does Don say about all this?"

She shrugged. "Who cares? We're splitting up. He's going to become one of those Whoremasters."

"I'm... sorry, Christine."

"Sorry? Why?" She laughed. "He's always wanted a bigger dick."

Nancy shook her head. "But you said you were splitting up?"

"Oh, that. That's been coming for a long time." She held out a sheer silk robe.

"Oh, no. I'm wearing clothes."

"What for? You'll only take them off again in the class."

"I don't know if I will..."

"Of course, you will. You're already so turned on. You can't wait to see what they do to you in the class, can you, Nancy?"

Nancy blinked. Her heart skipped. "N... No. Wait. I... I don't want to..."

"You don't want to disappoint all those people who want to see you naked, do you?"

"No... No, I wouldn't want to do that." What was she saying?! Why did being naked in front of this class seem suddenly like a good idea?

She took the robe from Christine's hand.

Christine helped her pull it up onto her shoulders. "Don't bother tying it. Give everyone a good look, Nancy."

Nancy stood with the silk clinging to her nipples - her cleavage, tummy, and pussy on full display.

"You... did something. What was in that tea?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, slut. Oh, you love it when I call you slut, don't you... slut?"

Nancy smiled and tried to focus. She liked it when Christine called her slut.

Christine put her hand on Nancy's shoulder. "Come along now. We mustn't be late."

Nancy nodded and let Christine guide her back into the bedroom.

Don looked at her. He looked embarrassed.

Eric just stared. He had dressed in a terry cloth robe and stood by the door.

"Doesn't she look so fuckable? A regular little slut, our Nasty Nancy," Christine said and smiled.


Nancy tried to speak as Christine led her down the hall in front of Don and Eric.

She drugged me! She wanted to scream it.

But she couldn't.

It might displease Christine or Eric or Don. When she thought about displeasing them, she felt like she was standing on a high ledge. Making them unhappy would mean falling off that ledge. Falling forever and never stopping.

She was terrified.

The elevator doors opened as they reached the end of the hall.

And then Nancy was lying flat of her back on the floor.

She stared up into Colin's glowing blue eyes. He had collided with her, and they had both fallen onto the floor.

"You clumsy, mother...!" Christine hissed.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Davis," Colin said.

Nancy gasped as she felt a sharp pain in her arm. Colin's hand was gripping her forearm near the elbow.

She felt the needle pass through her skin and find the vein.

Then something warm was flowing into her.

"It will only take a few minutes," Colin whispered. "Find me, then."

The needle retracted back into his finger.

Nancy glanced at Christine and Eric.

They couldn't have seen the injection Colin had given her.

Colin stood up and pulled her to her feet. "I am so terribly sorry, Miss Davis. Did I hurt you?"

"N... No. No, I'm fine."

He smiled. "I'm sure you will be." He pulled her robe closed and tied the belt. "There." He brushed a lock of her hair out of her eye.

"I'm going to file a complaint with the hotel!" Christine said.

Colin continued to smile into Nancy's eyes. "Please do. It is only through feedback and comment that we improve the La Lilitu experience for our guests." He bowed deeply at the waist. "Again, my apologies, Miss Davis."

Nancy smiled. "Apology accepted."

Colin continued down the hallway leaving them to get on the elevator.

As the doors closed, Nancy came to believe that this strange, wonderful, plastic man had just saved her life.



Yesterday and Chicago seemed a million miles, a million years away. Yesterday, she had been a grad student trying to figure out what the next stage of her life would be.

She stood outside the Cathedral of Morpheus, under the statue's enormous crystal phallus, and waited for her car.

Her dress was white, not too short, not too long. The label had been hand stitched and bore the name of a French designer. A large diamond engagement ring was on her left finger. Expensive sunglasses hid her eyes from the blinding Cuban sun.

She placed her hand on her stomach.

She imagined she felt the baby move.

That was ridiculous, she knew. The baby was nothing more than a collection of cells, dividing, multiplying, growing.

But it was there. Her baby. His baby.

She smiled. Yesterday, this situation would have seemed like a nightmare.

Yet, she smiled. She was in love, truly in love for the first time in her life. Monica hadn't chosen this, any of it.

Except the love.

She chose that. Chose to embrace it. Yesterday, she would have laughed at the sappy songs that told you how much better things were when you were in love.

It's easy to deny what you've never felt.

But once you feel it?

She smiled as the black limousine pulled up in front of her, silent with its electric engine.

A tall, muscular man wearing a black suit got out, his own eyes also hidden behind dark shades.

She almost laughed when she saw Paul's shaved head.

He looked just like one of the Church Agents - which was the point.

He opened the door for her and gave her a half grin.

She sat down on the spacious back seat.

Paul closed her door and then went around to get in the driver's side.

He closed his door, and the car began to glide away.

"Do you know where you're going?" Monica asked with a smile.

"No. But the car does," he said as he took his hands off the wheel which turned left and right on its own.

"Then what exactly is your purpose, Mister...?"

"Just call me Paul, Ma'am. I'm your bodyguard." He smiled at her in the rearview mirror. Then he pointed to the camera mounted in the dash, watching them.

"Oh, I see. So, you're going to take care of me?" She asked.

He turned and looked at her over the seat. "Yes, Ma'am. For the rest of my life."

She smiled at him and then turned to look out the window.

The street was crowded with sex workers of every shape and classification, towering street whores and street studs, smaller cheerleader whores, dominants, submissives, demons, and nuns.

She recognized some from the plane as they passed: a Whoremaster and two identical twin street whores, both very pregnant, and a shorter blonde with huge breasts.

Were they as happy as they looked as they entertained with their bodies on the Cuban street? Had they chosen what they were or were they more victims of this insatiable machine called the Church of Morpheus?

She looked at their smiling faces and chose to believe they were, indeed, happy.



Whatever Colin had injected her with was clearing her mind. She stole glances at Christine during breakfast but never made direct eye contact: first, because she was terrified Christine still had some sort of control over her. And, second, because she didn't want to tip her hand. She wanted Christine to continue to believe she was drugged and in her power.

Part of her was seething with anger: the bitch had drugged her! The question was, why? Was it a joke on her part?

Christine was sitting right beside Eric - you don't mind, do you, Christine? It's okay that I'm sitting beside Eric, isn't it?

She had told her she was fine with it.

In reality, Nancy would have dearly loved to scratch her eyes out.

The question was: why was Eric going along with this? Was he so unobservant he didn't even realize what Christine was doing?

Nancy wasn't sure.

Don kept looking at her with embarrassed glances - he definitely knew what Christine had done to her.

And he obviously did not approve.

Her mind went back to Colin's words after injecting her with her salvation: Find me, then.

He had somehow known what Christine had done and had put a stop to it.

There was a clock on the wall. It was almost time for the class.

She glanced at Eric. She needed to get him alone and tell him how Christine had drugged her. They needed to get the hell out of here.

There was something very different about Christine. She was not the mousey woman Nancy met in the airport. She seemed... predatory. It was like her personality had been completely changed.

And she was fairly certain the new and improved Christine was dangerous as fuck.

"Stand up, Nancy," Christine said as she drank down the last of her orange juice.

Nancy hesitated. If she didn't obey, Christine would know.

She stood up and looked at the floor.

"Tsk, tsk," Christine said. "We talked about this, slut. You're not supposed to close your robe. Don't you want everyone to see you?"

"S... Sorry."

"Untie it," Christine said.

"Christine," Don whispered.

"Do you really want to interrupt me, Don? Really?" She asked.

Don sighed. "No."

She turned back to Nancy. "Untie your robe, slut."

"Stop calling her that, please, Christine," Eric said. He wouldn't look Nancy in the eye.

"She likes it, don't you, Nasty Nancy the slut?"

Nancy stared at Eric. "Yes. I like it." She untied her robe and let it fall open.

"Mmm, isn't she delicious, Eric? Of course, you would know, wouldn't you?"

Eric finally looked at her. "Yes. She's beautiful."

Oh, God, he knows what she did! How could he know? Nancy thought. Worse, he seemed to be going along with it!

"Come on, the class is starting," Christine said. She took Nancy's hand and led her out of the hotel restaurant.


Sensual Massage and Overcoming Inhibitions 101 was being taught in Auditorium B. Two very tall, very perfect human specimens were seated at a table in front of Auditorium B.

That is, if they were human at all, Nancy wondered. They were clearly Whore Caste, a man and a woman, both nearly seven feet tall. The woman was blonde, and the man had black hair.

Another table was setup a few feet away, in front of Auditorium A. The placard on this table read Orgies and Etiquette 101.

Two more Whore Caste sat at this table, again a man and a woman, both perfect physical specimens and towering in height. The only difference was that instead of wearing blue latex outfits like the pair at the massage class, this pair wore red latex outfits.

That and the fact the hair color was opposite - the woman was a brunette, the man blond.

All four wore wholesome, brilliant smiles.

"Decisions, decisions, huh?" Christine leaned in and asked Nancy. "I'll bet the orgy is more fun."

"Are you guys here for the massage class?" The perky blonde asked. She was beyond adorable, an Amazonian beach bunny with huge blue eyes the color of the Caribbean sea.

"Golly, we sure hope so," the man said. He stood and took Nancy's hand. "I'm Bobby, this is Bambi."

"Of course, you are," Christine laughed.

Nancy stared into Bobby's dark eyes and her entire body tingled. Was she still under the influence of the tea? She just stood there and stared, still holding onto his hand.

Bambi giggled. "It's pheromones." She took Nancy's hand as Bobby released it.

Nancy gasped.

"See?" Bambi said. "Still feel it, huh?"

Nancy nodded slowly. She was completely enthralled by the blonde.

Bambi released her hand. "We're Whore Caste. Bobby is a Street Stud and I'm a Street Whore."

Christine put her hand on Nancy's shoulder. "Nancy is thinking about becoming Whore Caste herself, aren't you, Nasty Nancy?"

Nancy fought the urge to pull away from Christine's touch. "No... no, I'm not."

"Don't be silly, Nancy. You really want to be Whore Caste."

Nancy felt a moment of panic. Christine was programming her and, if she didn't submit, Christine would know the tea was no longer working. "Yes," Nancy said. "Yes, I really want to be Whore Caste."

Bambi came dancing out from behind the table, her breasts jiggling as she ran on the stiletto heels. "You'll totes love it!" She hugged Nancy tight. "You get to live in a big house filled with people who really love you! And everybody loves you. People are so nice to you. They don't laugh at you because you have acne and you're weird and you never have bad thoughts about hurting yourself..."

Nancy looked at her, looked at her flawless skin that showed no sign of ever having been afflicted with so much as a single blemish. Bambi had the smile and bright eyes of someone who laughed often and, if she did cry, they were most likely happy tears.

The blonde looked lost in thought, as if she were remembering something far in the past. Then she giggled and the sparkle returned to her eyes. "They can fix anything."

It wasn't until then she noticed Bobby's gentle hand on Bambi's back, the look of love and concern in his dark eyes, and Nancy understood.

Sometimes very broken people come to this hideous Church, and, for some reason, they are made whole.

How many people, if asked, would choose this life over their own?

If not for Eric, would she choose it?

She looked at the girl's huge breasts and her dizzying height and knew that she certainly wouldn't choose Street Whore in any event.

Bambi danced back around the table. "Clothing is completely optional in the class. We want you to be totes comfortable."

"If you have any questions, just ask," Bobby said.

Nancy stepped into Auditorium B.

There was a flexible partition that divided Auditorium A from Auditorium B. It could be opened, collapsing accordion style to make one huge ballroom if necessary.

There were thick mats with pillows arranged in an array on the floor of Auditorium B. Most of them were already occupied by couples but they managed to find two mats side by side near the folding wall.

Christine and Don sat down on one and Nancy sat down with Eric on the other.

Most people in the class were dressed, though most had taken advantage of the bathrobes from their rooms.

Bambi and Bobby walked inside the auditorium and closed the door behind them.

"Welcome to Sensual Massage and Overcoming Inhibitions 101," Bobby said as he and Bambi made their way to a large mat on a raised dais near the center of the room.
