Transformations - Travelers Ch. 04


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"Yeah," Willy said. "Best place to hide. No cameras. The Church doesn't want any reminder of the evil they're capable of."

"Please tell me there's a way off this island?" Nancy whispered.

He opened his car door and got out. He held out his hand. "Miss Davis, could you take a walk with me?"

Baphista looked at her and smiled.

Then she got out and helped Nancy to her feet.

Willy took her hand and led her across the open field toward the Worker Caste. "Miss Davis, I'm sorry but there's no way you can escape from Cuba."

"There has to be some way. I... can't live like this."

"Nancy... may I call you Nancy?" Willy asked.

She gave him a weak smile. "Under the circumstances? I think that will be fine."

"Nancy, nothing enters or leaves Cuba without the Church knowing. By this time, the entire island has been given your picture. Every camera in the republic, over a million of them, is scanning for you. The feeds are being watched by an AI that can react within milliseconds as soon as you are located. In a few hours, they'll even have satellites tasked with looking for you from orbit."

Nancy felt like she was going to collapse.

He held her up.

"There's no hope, is there?" Nancy asked.

"For you to return to Chicago? No. Even if by some miracle you were to make it? Your husband's assets, your home, it's all been liquidated. And, the Church would find you, even in the States."

"What will happen to me if they catch me?" Nancy whispered.

Willy nodded toward the drones. "You've embarrassed them. They don't like to be embarrassed. They have creative ways of eliminating their problems."

"So, it's hopeless?"

"Not necessarily," Willy said. "You fought transformation. Rebelled against being made Whore Caste." He smiled at her gently. "Whore Caste is the last place they would look."

"Become one of you?" Nancy asked. "But wouldn't I have to go to one of the clinics? They would recognize me."

Willy nodded. "We have ways to make someone into Whore Caste without going through a clinic." He pulled a pink capsule about three inches long out of his pocket. "My coven did the test run on this device a few years ago. We've made a lot of improvements since then."

"So, I ran away just to be forced to become one of you anyway?" Nancy whispered.

He nodded. "I'm afraid so. The difference is: you won't be a slave. You'll be free."

"This doesn't sound like freedom, Willy."

"I know. But, it's what we have, Nancy. For now."

She reached out for the capsule. "How does it work?"

He pulled it away.

Then he popped it in his mouth.

He pulled her close and kissed her.

The capsule slid into her mouth.

It moved.


Willy held her as she convulsed for a moment, the tiny robot emerging from its cocoon and rushing down her throat.

Her body tensed and then went limp in his arms.

A moment later, she opened her eyes. "Specify Caste?" She said.

"Whore Caste," Willy said.



Waves crashed nearby.

Nancy could hear wind in chimes, felt the breeze across her face.

She could smell chicken frying and chilis, the tang of pineapple.

"Pretty. I like her, Willy," a voice said.

She opened her eyes.

The girl had long black hair and red skin almost like Baphista's, but she seemed softer somehow. She lay beside Nancy on a bed with Egyptian cotton sheets. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey."

Nancy smiled. "Who are you?"

"Berniece di Wanker. Whore Caste. Homunculus," the pretty girl said. "We keep her, Willy?"

"I think that's up to her, Berniece."

Nancy turned her head.

Willy was standing in jeans and a white shirt by the open bedroom window. The night ocean breeze blew back the sheer curtains. "How are you feeling?"

Her chest was heavy. She blinked and looked down.

Two huge mounds were concealed beneath the crisp sheets. "Oh, Jesus, what the fuck?"

"Big boobies. Pretty," Berniece said as she eased back the sheet.

Her new breasts stood straight up from her chest and were topped with nipples as thick as her fingertip.

Nancy moaned. "God, I'm a freak."

"No! Beautiful. I picked boobies, didn't I, Willy?" Berniece said.

"Yes, she did. She picked them out for you."

"You like them, right?" Berniece asked.

Nancy sighed. "Of course. Yes, they're beautiful. Thank you, Berniece."

Berniece smiled from ear to ear. Literally. Her skin seemed to be made of something akin to rubber and a mouth filled with entirely too many pearly whites appeared like a Cheshire Cat's.

"Berniece, can you give Nancy and I a moment?" Willy asked.

The red girl jumped to her haunches and launched herself off the bed. "Okay, Willy!" She bounded out of the room.

Nancy sobbed. "What have you done to me?"

He held out his hand. "Stand up and I'll show you."

She stared at his hand and then stood up without assistance.

There was a mirror beside the bed.

She fell backward into Willy's arms.

"Steady. It's okay."

Blonde hair. She had blonde hair, long and full and completely different. Her face was similar in structure but there was not a hint of aging - she looked nineteen. Her eyebrows were thin and arched, her eyes blue and huge.

She had the body of a bombshell, an hourglass figure with huge breasts and full hips.

Nancy had the legs of a dancer.

"What... how could you have done this to me? I don't look anything like myself!"

"That's the point," Willy said.

She turned and slapped him.

He didn't react. "Go ahead if it makes you feel better... just don't let Berniece see you. She's fiercely protective of me and quick with a knife."

"How could you?" She sobbed and pounded on his chest.

He turned her around and pointed toward the bedroom door. "My coven is in the kitchen right now - most of them, anyway. The rest will be here later on this evening. We saved you because it was the right thing to do. We don't regret that, Nancy, but it put us at risk."

"I didn't ask for this!"

"No. This?" He slid his hand down her sides. "This was our decision. If you're caught? If you're recognized? My coven will be killed or worse. I love them, all of them, and it is my job to protect them. Making sure no one ever recognizes you is part of that protection. Can you understand that?"

Nancy sobbed. "Yes. Yes, I can. It's just..."

"I know. You look in the mirror and it isn't you. I'm sorry. I truly am."

Nancy took a deep breath. "It's... okay. I just need time to adjust."

"And you'll have it. As much time as you like. For now? Come and have dinner with us."


Willy stood in the kitchen and kept his eye on the bedroom door. He wasn't sure if Nancy would come out or not.

Loretta put her arm around him. "It's a lot to get used to, Wanker. Give her time. We all needed time."

Willy sighed. "I know." He kissed her gently and stepped out of the kitchen. He walked out onto the lanai.

There were other things to attend to.

He pulled out his cellphone.

"New York Pizza," a voice said on the other end.

"I need to place an order. The pizza and drink special, please."

"Is this Whoremaster Wanker?" The voice asked.


"What would you like?"

"One supreme pizza and do you have the white Russian tonight?"

"Hang on a second," the voice said and paused. "Yes, sir, the white Russian is on the menu tonight."

"Sounds great."

"We'll be on your doorstep in an hour."

"Thank you," Willy said as he hung up.

Willy heard people talking louder in the kitchen.

Nancy had come out of the bedroom in a flower print dress.

She looked at him and smiled.


"You can feel it, right?" Terri asked.

Nancy was sitting on the beach in the moonlight between Terri and Baphista. "You mean love for you guys?"

"Yes," Baphista said. She smiled toward the breaking surf. "It makes you feel warm inside."

Nancy nodded. "I feel that, yeah."

Terri laid her head over on Nancy's shoulder. "It's even better when you're bound. You'll see."

She stroked Terri's hand. "I'm not going to be bound, Terri."

Terri's mouth dropped open. "Don't you want to be joined to me and Baphy?"

"Yes, I do, but..."

"She doesn't feel like she deserves it," Baphista said. Then she looked at Nancy. "But she's wrong."

Nancy squeezed Baphista's hand. "Well, I don't deserve it but that's not why I can't be bound. I'm in love." She smiled at them.

"But he rejected you!" Terri said.

"No, no. Not Eric. That's done. Someone else I met. He saved my life today and yesterday? He made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time."

"What's that?" Baphista asked.

Nancy smiled. "Happy. He made me feel happy."

"Well then you should be bound to him," Terri said.

Nancy laughed. "I can't be. And, I'm pretty sure I'll never see him again - he risked a lot helping me today. I'd be putting him in danger if I saw him again."

Terri shook her head. "A doomed romance. That's very romantic."

Nancy nodded. "Yes, it was."

Baphista stood up and stretched. "Ready to go in?"

"In a while," Nancy said. "You guys go on ahead."

She stood on the sand and smiled, staring out to sea.

"Are you going to spend a lot of time doing this? Staring pensively out to sea?" Willy asked as he walked up beside her.

She laughed. "I feel... wonderful and that upsets me because I shouldn't. I'm a horrible person."

Willy laughed. "Well, we have that in common. I'm partly responsible for the subjugation of a community in upstate New York. I've helped transform people against their will. I'm part of an organization that wants to take over the world, even if the stated goal is to save it. I work for a woman who looks like an angel but sometimes I think she has a heart of pure ice. Yeah, I'm a horrible person as well. Most of us are."

"Then why do you go on? What keeps you going?"

"I've seen what I think the future can be. So now I'm working toward making that future come true. We're part of the resistance against the Church."

She looked away. "Becoming the heroes of your own story."

Willy smiled. "Something like that. My coven is a coven of spies, thieves, saboteurs... worse at times."

Nancy nodded. "I could get into that but..."

"But you don't want to be in our coven? That's okay..."

"Listen, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you and your coven have done for me, Willy, I do." She shook her head. "I'm in love with someone."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"No. Except I'll never see him again. I think it would be dangerous for him to be associated with me."

"Who is he?"

"His name is Colin. He's a synthetic. He works at the hotel."

"Oh," Willy said. "I see."

"Do you think you could get a message to him and let him know I'm okay?"

Willy smiled. "Yes, I think I can."


Loretta met Willy on the lanai. "Is she coming in tonight?"

Willy shrugged. "Maybe. That's a lady with a lot on her mind." He looked at his watch. "But I have a feeling she'll be coming in soon."

"Your after dinner pizza arrived - you're going to get fat, Wanker."

"Can't get fat. It's in the metabolism. Where's my pizza?"

"In the kitchen along with your cocktail. Seriously? You don't even drink."

Willy smiled as he walked toward the kitchen. "Thinking about picking up the habit."

The pizza sat on the kitchen counter, a styrofoam cup beside it.

Berniece came in and sat down on a bar stool by the counter. "I smell alcohol."

"White Russian. Want it?"


He handed her the styrofoam cup.

She peeled off the lid and put the cup to her lips.

She tilted it back and guzzled it down. She looked at Willy and burped. "Vodka good. Rest disgusting."

"Cup, please," Willy said holding out his hand.

She handed him the cup.

"Thank you. Take the pizza into the living room and see if anyone wants it?"

"Sure," Berniece said. She took the pizza and walked out.

Willy rinsed out the styrofoam cup and then tore off the bottom.

Stamped on the inside of the cup's bottom were the words: MISSION APPROVED. GOOD HUNTING. -M.

Willy smiled and then crushed the styrofoam in his hands before dropping it in the trash.


"Nancy Davis, spy," Nancy whispered to herself.

It had a ring to it.

She was one hundred percent in favor of anything to hurt the Church.

She was going to need a new last name, though. Maybe even a new first name.

She no longer looked like a Nancy. More like a Savanna or maybe a Heather.

Nancy jumped when she felt someone wrap a blanket around her shoulders.

"You'll catch your death out here," Colin said.

"Colin?! What are you doing here?"

He looked puzzled. "Why wouldn't I be here? I live here."

"What?! I don't understand."

He pulled the blanket higher around her shoulders. "My name is Colin di Wanker. I'm part of Willy's coven. Didn't they tell you?"

She threw herself around his neck, kissing his face. "I thought... I thought I'd never see you again."

"I called Willy last night and asked if you could join our coven. I needed his help to save you. Then I found out about Terri and Baphista. Happy coincidence."

"They never said a word."

"Oh, very good at keeping secrets, our coven. Works out well for spies like us."

"Yes," Nancy said.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I want to be bound to your coven."

He smiled. "I didn't ask yet."

"You're going to."

He nodded. "Yes, I am. Want to be bound to our coven?"

"Yes. How does this work? Does Willy have to..."

"No, but he will sooner or later. We all share and share alike." Colin took her hand and put it on his lower abdomen. "The finishing Ambrosia is in here. We take Willy's cum and distill it. Everyone's DNA gets added, except Berniece - she doesn't appear to have DNA. Doesn't matter, she loves everyone, and everyone loves her."

"And your DNA?"

He smiled. "I had some extracted from my organic tissue today. You'll be bound to me. But I won't be able to feel it. I'm sorry."

"You'll be bound to me."

He smiled. "I think I already am."

He kissed her, standing in the sand with the waves crashing nearby.


"Ahh, I love a happy ending," Honey said as she snuggled against Willy's right side on the lanai. "I got home just in time."

"Yes, you did," Willy said.

Colin was standing with Nancy on the beach, kissing her.

Loretta hugged him tight from his left. "We're going to need a bigger house, Wanker."

Willy watched as Colin lifted Nancy into the air and brought her down on his cock. She threw her head back and screamed into the wind as Colin held her, impaled.

Berniece climbed onto Willy's back and put her arms around his neck. "Oh! Didn't know they were fucking. I want to help!"

Willy turned his head and kissed her. "No, no. Leave them be."

He held the three of them as they watched Colin and Nancy make love.

The three of them waited for the binding, waited for the consummation that would bind them all together for eternity.


The Transformations Saga continues in Transformations: Latigo Key



Willy lay awake in the coven's 'bedroom'. The floor was a huge mattress and the coven, now including Nancy, slept in couplets and triplets after the orgy.

The coven had settled into their normal sleeping arrangements: Willy with Loretta and Honey snuggled against him, Berniece near his head.

Kayla lay with Michael, a Street Stud they had added the summer before. The two of them were inseparable.

And, now, Colin lay with Nancy in his arms.

Everyone was asleep.

Everyone except Willy.

He rolled over gently and maneuvered Honey and Loretta into each other's arms. Then he crawled up to Berniece. "You awake?"

She opened her eyes and smiled, stretching. "Fuck again?"

Willy shook his head. "We have a mission."

"Secret mission?"

Willy nodded.


Willy stood outside the house and waited for Berniece.

She came skipping out the front door in a black, form fitting outfit. She smiled up at him and held out her hand expectantly.

Willy handed her a large hunting knife hilt first.

Berniece smiled her toothy grin. "Stabby-stabby?" She balanced the blade on her index finger, and it stood perfectly on its point.

"Hopefully not but it's best to be prepared."

She flicked her fingers and caught the tumbling knife by the hilt, then she spun it on her finger and sheathed it in the scabbard attached to her thigh. "Prepared. Yes, Willy. Prepared to stabby-stabby."


They drove through the Havana night, taking roads Willy knew would expose them to the cameras he wanted and escaping those he wanted to avoid.

Spies, thieves, and saboteurs... worse at times.

Sometimes far worse.


"Bishop is leaving the building," the Church Agent said into his sleeve.

The four agents walked with Bishop Moloch between them. He was the Bishop in charge of the Slave Market and, as such, required protection.

Whore Caste were becoming increasingly antagonistic toward the market.

Only the day before there had nearly been a riot over the agent's treatment of a succubus whore.

They stepped out of the building and into the shipyard.

A foghorn blew in the distance.

The wind whistled through the framework of the huge cranes looming over the yard and bright lights illuminated the stacks of shipping containers.

They reached the black SUV and got in, two agents in the front and two in the back with Bishop Moloch.

"Where to, Bishop?" The agent in the driver's seat asked.

"The cathedral. I'm exhausted," Moloch said.

"Bishop Moloch moving," the agent in the passenger's seat said into his sleeve.

Then he winced.

"What's wrong?" Moloch asked.

The agent pulled out his earpiece. "Feedback. Comms are down."

Moloch looked troubled. "Get me to the cathedral and then find out why comms are down. I'll have someone's head for this."

The SUV picked up speed as it passed through the canyons of shipping containers.

Then the driver slammed on the brakes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Moloch hissed.

The driver nodded toward the windshield.

A tall blonde Whoremaster stood in the path.

Moloch's eyes narrowed. "Wanker. What's he doing here?"

The agent in the passenger seat pulled a silenced pistol from his jacket.

"Put that away! I can handle a Whoremaster," Moloch growled.


Willy stood in front of the SUV and stared above the headlights at the dark interior.

A rear door opened, and Bishop Moloch climbed out. "What do you want, Whoremaster?"

"A word, Bishop."

"The hour is late and my bed is calling. Move aside."

"You'll rest soon enough," Willy said. "I want to talk about you and your men torturing Whore Caste in the Slave Market."

"The cattle prods? They are livestock after all," Moloch said and chuckled.

"I don't think we're going to allow our people to be tortured in the market any longer, Bishop. It's bad enough they're put through the market at all, but torture? No more, Bishop."

"You're not going to allow? Allow?!" He pointed to his mouth. "One word and I will teach you the meaning of torture, degenerate."

Willy raised his right hand. "And one snap of my fingers will end your miserable life, you piece of shit."

Moloch laughed. "Is this some new power you Whore Caste have I don't know about? Stand aside before I kill you - oh, and we will continue to treat the livestock any way we see fit."

"There's a reckoning coming, Bishop. You can hear it in the air if your ears are keen enough. Can you hear the winds of change?"