Transformations - Travelers Ch. 04


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One spring afternoon, Nasty Nancy had visited the apartment building where Christine and Eric resided. She saw them walking hand in hand through the park beside their building.

They passed her without recognizing her.

This made Nancy smile.

In her heart, she wished them well.

There was no room in that heart for anger anymore.

A few months later, Nancy walked across the cobblestone square leading to the Temple of Morpheus on a bright, summer day. She wore a flower print dress, her image modified to be a combination of Marilyn Monroe and Rita Hayworth.

She walked through the crowd of gawking sexcationers, drawing their attention away from the amazonian Street Whores.

She smiled inwardly. Nancy had enticed many to be transformed - this was the job of a Whore Caste seductress. She was good at it.

But her main job had nothing to do with seduction.

Nasty Nancy was a spy.

She looked up at the towering crystal statue of Morpheus in front of the Cathedral.

Nancy had been summoned by Mother Superior Hecate herself.

She had no idea why.

Had she been found out? If so, could she fight her way out of the cathedral?

It was a risk all of Willy's coven took on a daily basis.

No matter what fate lay ahead, Nancy would face it with defiance.

If she had to die, she hoped she got to spit in Hecate's eye before she drew her last breath.

She stepped across the threshold and into the cavernous, air-conditioned interior.

Nancy stepped up to the security desk.

"Nasty Nancy di Wanker to see Mother Superior Hecate," she said to the nuns at the desk. Normally she liked to use her Marilyn Monroe voice at a time like this, but she chose something closer to Bacall's sultry lilt instead.

Bacall sounded tougher.

"Right this way," a pretty nun said as she walked around the desk.

Nancy followed her to one of the central cluster of elevators.

The woman had a tight little ass in her latex robes. Nancy smiled as she watched her walk.

She would have made a much better whore than a nun, Nancy thought. A Cheerleader Whore, perhaps?

They stepped into an empty elevator and the nun touched her keycard to the panel. She pressed 'P' for penthouse.

The doors closed and the elevator began to rise.

"What's your name?" Nancy asked.

"Sister Agnes," the woman said. She didn't make eye contact.

"What do you do for fun, Agnes?"

"Fun?" She glanced at Nancy and looked away. "I pray to the living god."

"Good for you. I fuck. Have you ever orgasmed while praying to Morpheus?"

Agnes turned and looked up at her in horror.

"No, of course not. Ridiculous question," Nancy said. "I mean the thought of you kneeling in your chambers in your latex robes, rubbing yourself, thinking of that huge... god... cock. You would never do that." She inched closer to the nun as she spoke.

"It's... sexual freedom is one of the living god's teachings. The Church simply believes that lust must be controlled..."

Nancy laughed. "See that's why I'm Whore Caste. I absolutely cannot control my lust, Agnes." She was very close to the nun.

She could hear the woman's heart beating.

Nancy leaned in and kissed her.

The nun moaned, her eyes shutting.

Nancy pressed her against the elevator wall.

"You're so beautiful," Sister Agnes whispered.

"What color is your hair under this coif?" Nancy whispered in her ear.


"Mmm, I'd love to see you out of these robes some evening. That's allowed, isn't it?"

Agnes nodded her head. "It's... frowned upon but not... unheard of."

She squealed as Nancy kissed her again then smiled as Nancy took a step back.

Nancy held out her wrist and showed her the barcode on the underside.

Agnes fumbled in her robes for her cellphone.

She found it finally, cursed when she realized she had it upside down, and then snapped an image with the phone's camera.

"Call me anytime," Nancy said as she stroked the nun's cheek.

"I will," the nun promised with a smile.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened on the penthouse level.

A long marble hall led off toward huge double doors at the end.

"Mother Superior Hecate is the last door on the right before the Throne Room," Sister Agnes said as she made doe eyes up at Nancy.

"Thank you, Sister Agnes. See you soon," Nancy said as she walked into the hallway.

She knew the little nun was still watching her as the doors closed.


Mother Superior Hecate was nothing like the shy nun in the elevator.

After knocking at Hecate's office door, the woman had beckoned Nancy with a single word from the other side: "Come."

The big oak door opened on a modern office with a panoramic view of downtown Havana.

Hecate sat behind a large glass and steel desk, her eyes hidden by small, dark lenses.

"Mother Superior Hecate, I am Nasty Nancy di Wanker."

Usually stating her name drew at least an amused smile.

Hecate merely stared through her.

She tilted her head to the right. "I see now what all the fuss is about."

Nancy kept her eyes on the floor. "Fuss, Mother Superior?"

"You're very beautiful."

"Thank you, Mother Superior."

"Where were you transformed?"

"Ithaca, New York, Mother Superior. The Stallions facility," Nancy lied.

"One of Dr. Demona's creations?"

"Yes, Mother Superior."

"You didn't enter the Republic through the Slave Market. Why not?"

Nancy smiled as she recited her cover story. "Dr. Demona created me to specifications for Willy - he's my Whoremaster."

"And, do you remember who you were before your transformation?"

Nancy shook her head. "No, Mother Superior. I was human before and therefore unimportant."

Hecate smiled. "How enlightened." She rose from behind her desk. "Do you know why you are here?"

"I assume to service you, Mother Superior," Nancy said and licked her lips.

"You assume... incorrectly."

"I'm... sorry, Mother Superior?" Nancy's mind raced. Was this a trip? The woman could kill her with a single word.

Could she rush her? Tackle her before she could cast her pain spell?

Crash with her through the penthouse window and end them both?

"You've come to the attention of someone high up within the Church."

Nancy's heart skipped a beat. She blinked. "High up? Higher, you mean, than you, Mother Superior?"


Nancy stared at Hecate's feet.

"Disrobe. I'm not in the habit of repeating myself."

Nancy quickly reached behind her and unzipped the dress. She let it slide down her body. Then she stepped out of it and folded it across her arm.

She stood naked other than her heels.

Hecate took the dress from her and laid it over the back of a chair.

Then she circled Nancy.

"Eyes forward. Chest and buttocks out. Spread your legs slightly. Wider. Yes," Hecate said as she inspected her. "Sister takes a lover very rarely. It is a great honor."

Nancy swallowed. "I am overwhelmed, Mother Superior."

"Your discretion is expected. You understand that?"

"Of course, Mother Superior."

"If I suspect you are divulging anything you hear or see? I will kill you myself. Slowly. Painfully."

"I would never do that, Mother Superior."

Hecate ran a finger down Nancy's left side and Nancy shivered.

"You will see to her needs without question and without hesitation. You will speak only when spoken to, you will refer to her only as 'Excellency' or 'Imminence' - never as 'Sister' or by any other name. When you are to attend her, I will summon you. After you have performed your duties, you will leave... quietly. You will not come here of your own volition."

"I understand, Mother Superior."

"And if you speak of this with anyone? You will wish you had never been born."

"I won't say a word to anyone, Mother Superior."

Hecate nodded. "Follow me. Leave your garment here."

Hecate led her to a small closet off her office. "Are you familiar with this type of device?"

She opened a wooden box sitting on a small table. The box was a little over two feet long with a hinged lid.

Inside was the largest dildo Nancy had ever seen.

It was bigger than Willy's cock - at least two feet long and thicker than a man's wrist.

"I've never seen anything like it, Mother Superior."

"Touch it."

Nancy reached out and her fingers glided across the 'skin' of the shaft.

She jerked her hand away.

The dildo was warm! The huge veins throbbed, and the entire cock had moved when she touched it.

"Yes, it is alive," Hecate reached in and pulled it from the box with two hands.

"Alive? How...?"

"A synthetic life form, created by the living god himself and given as a gift to Sister." She stroked the testicles, and they moved as well.

Hecate pointed to the base. A mass of gently glowing tendrils waved in the air. "When placed next to a woman's pussy, the tendrils will attach themselves and draw the cock tight against her body. Nerve impulses will be sent up to the wearer's brain from the organism."

"The wearer?"

Hecate smiled. "You will wear this when you service her Excellency. I'm told the sensations are quite enjoyable. The wearer learns what it is like to have the cock of Morpheus as part of their own body."

"Mother Superior, I'm not sure..."

Hecate cocked her head to the side. "Come now, Whore. You know you are curious."

Nancy took a deep breath.

"Spread your legs."

Nancy parted her thighs.

Hecate stared directly into her eyes as she maneuvered the cock's base between Nancy's legs.

Nancy gasped as she felt the feather soft caress of the tendrils.

The tendrils drew the base against Nancy's crotch.

Then she felt something extending from the base, something thick that slid deep inside her pussy!

"It needs a solid anchor," Hecate said with a chuckle.

Then Hecate ran her long nail over the head of the stiff cock.

"Oh!" Nancy cried out.

She could feel the caress!

Hecate slowly jacked the cock with both hands. "In time, you will learn to control the male orgasm of the device. Until then, enjoy your female orgasms - you won't ejaculate until you learn control."

"Oh, God," Nancy moaned.

Hecate stepped away and left her, literally, hanging.

"There is a loin cloth in the top drawer. Put it on and I will take you to Sister." Hecate stared at her coldly. "One word in the wrong ear, Nancy. One word and your life is forfeit. I will not warn you further."

"Not a word, Mother Superior. I promise."


Hecate led Nancy to the 'Throne Room'. Sister's apartment was on the far side through a small, non-descript door.

Hecate opened it and motioned Nancy through.

The door closed behind Nancy.

The apartment of the most powerful person on earth was not at all what she expected.

There was a simple bed and a small desk.

An inverted pentagram made of red metal hung on the otherwise unadorned wall.

"I'm outside," a woman's voice said.

A glass door led onto a rooftop terrace. Tropical plants grew everywhere in planters - a tiny version of the jungle perched at the top of the glass spired cathedral.

Sister stood near a glass half wall that overlooked the city.

She was nude, her skin the color of warm caramel. Her full, wavy black hair fell below her shoulders.

Nancy stopped in mid-stride.

She had seen Sister's face a million times on television, but her body was always hidden by her robes.

Sister was quite simply the most beautiful woman Nancy had ever seen - her physique the perfect blend of muscle tone and fullness.

"I saw you walking into the cathedral," Sister said. "Everyone was stopping and staring. You are very beautiful."

"So are you, Excellency."

She still had her back to Nancy.

She laughed. "I warn you, I do not wear my sunglasses in my chambers. My eyes might change your mind."

"I am not afraid, Excellency."

Sister turned her head slowly.

Her eyes were two shiny black orbs that seemed to stare right through Nancy.

"Still think I'm beautiful?"

Nancy smiled. "Yes, Excellency."

"Beautiful and brave." She held out her hand.

Nancy took it.

"Inside my chambers, you may call me Sister."

Nancy swallowed. "Mother Superior Hecate told me..."

Sister shook her head. "Mother Superior Hecate is not my lover. You will be. In private, I am Sister, and you are Nancy. Is that clear, Nancy?"

"Yes, Sister."

Sister smiled. She reached out and pulled aside Nancy's long loin cloth.

The cock was flaccid, and it hung halfway down Nancy's calves.

"Do you know what it is like to be in love with a god, Nancy?"

Nancy shook her head.

"Lonely," Sister said. She ran her finger down the cock shaft.

Nancy sighed as she felt it begin to stiffen.

"He took me on a boat the first time. More than half a century ago now. I was a Catholic nun working against the Castro regime. Castro's soldiers took me to Morpheus to have me... conditioned. They wanted me to be an obedient whore. And, Morpheus did make me a whore. But he also made me powerful. He gave me a purpose: to create everything you see here. To form the Church and to make the world bend to the will of Morpheus." She closed her eyes. "And, as payment for this? He abandoned me."


She nodded. "I haven't seen the god who made me into a goddess in over twenty years. He communicates with me only through the demon goddess Lilith." She stroked the cock attached to Nancy's crotch. "He made this for me so I would be satisfied in my loneliness. Typical man. He believes the satisfying of lustful urges is all that is required for happiness. He completely overlooks intimacy."

Nancy stared in disbelief at this woman who represented everything evil in the world.

And Nancy actually began to feel sorry for her.

She reached out and touched Sister's cheek.

Tears streamed down from the black eyes.

Nancy kissed her, gently at first, then with more passion.

Confusion filled Nancy's thoughts. How could she feel passion for this woman who had hurt so many? How could she want to comfort this woman who had engineered the destruction of Nancy's old life?

She searched within herself and found that she could make love to this woman. She could because Nancy was Whore Caste and there was no room in their hearts for hatred - hatred was for humans and Nancy was no longer a member of that species.

She had embraced love and become the hero of her own story.

If love could do that? Maybe it could even redeem someone like Sister.

Sister turned in her grasp and leaned forward, spreading her thighs and arching her back. "I suppose I'm a hypocrite," Sister whispered. "Lust first but intimacy will follow... please?"

Nancy panicked for a moment. Sister wanted the massive cock inside her.

It didn't seem possible.

"You won't hurt me," Sister whispered. "I was made for him. You understand, don't you?"

"I understand." Nancy stroked the heavy cock. She moaned out loud - this was how it felt for a man, to stroke and squeeze and have it grow even harder, to have your excitement increase exponentially.

She pressed the tip against Sister's wet hole.

The woman moaned and shook.

Nancy slid into her slowly.

The sensation! The feeling of Sister's tight opening gripping her 'cock' in a velvet vice.

Nancy wanted to thrust forward and impale her, but she made herself slow down.

Sister's body convulsed and shifted allowing the massive cock to slide deeper.

Colin had told her the nuns preferred fisting to normal sex - was this why? Were they all transformed to accommodate the god cock? Christian nuns were supposed to be the brides of Christ.

Apparently, the Sisters of Morpheus were meant to be Morpheus's harem.

Sister cried out and her body convulsed in orgasm.

Nancy could feel her 'balls' pressing against Sister - her cock was completely inside the moaning woman.

Smiling, Nancy began to fuck the most powerful woman in the world.

Sister screamed in release a moment later, crying out for her living god.


"Sister was the one who summoned you?" Willy asked in disbelief.

Nancy nodded. She sat on the big couch in the beach house living room.

Colin was holding her hand. He had not let go since she had returned from the cathedral.

When the summons had appeared on her cellphone, Nancy had immediately phoned Loretta and told her.

Nancy had not told Colin.

She was afraid he would try to stop her and, in so doing, endanger himself.

Loretta was standing beside Willy. "Has she ever taken a lover before?"

Willy shook his head. "Not to my knowledge. According to all the reports we've heard, she has sex only with Religious Caste and the demon goddess Lilith when she visits from Morpheus's island."

"Evidently I got her attention," Nancy said with a shrug.

"What if this is a ruse?" Colin asked. "What if she knows our coven spies for Maria and she wants to find out what we're up to?"

Nancy shook her head. "I don't think so. I mean, why go to all this trouble? She could just kill us. Plus... I just don't get that vibe from her..."

"Darling," Colin said. "I love you, I do, but a vibe can be a lie. Sister and Hecate are geniuses - evil geniuses. It's not beyond them to use manipulation to accomplish their goals."

"I'm not arguing that, Colin," Nancy said. "But... goddamn it, the woman is lonely, maybe the loneliest person on earth. She used me as a proxy for her lost lover. She fucking cried when we made love, Colin."

Willy held out his hands. "Look, the simple fact here is: it doesn't matter."

Colin looked at him. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!"

"Look, pal, I'm scared shitless too," Willy said. "But this is the closest anybody in Whore Caste other than Maria Marapova has been able to get to Sister. In one afternoon, Nancy has gained access to the penthouse, visited Hecate's inner sanctum - hell, she was in her freaking closet! And, nobody in Whore Caste, not even Maria has ever seen Sister's quarters. Nancy can draw us a fucking blueprint."

Nancy smiled. "Yes, I can."

"We have to assume this isn't a trap," Willy said. "The possible payoff is too great. We have to assume that Nancy has simply hit the Church of Morpheus lottery for us." He knelt down in front of the two of them. "That being said? Nancy, it's your neck - by extension all of ours, but, if something goes wrong?"

"I die first," Nancy said quietly.

Willy nodded. "Yeah. You're the one who's going to be on the front line. Honestly? I don't like the odds."

Nancy nodded in agreement. "Trust me: Hecate made it clear how fucked I am if I cross them."

"Then hear me out," Willy said. "We made you disappear once and, by Christ, we can do it again. You say the word and Nasty Nancy will vanish. We have friends in upstate New York. I couldn't get Nancy Davis off the island, but I can get Nasty Nancy to Ithaca and safety. Nobody in this room is going to think less of you if you cut and run." He smiled at Colin. "And you'll take this ape with you. He'll just cry and mope when you're gone anyway. Probably rust or something."

Colin chuckled and shook his head.

Nancy smiled. "I appreciate that. But this is my coven. The Wanker coven are spies and saboteurs, right?"

Willy nodded.

"I just want one promise from you."

"Name it."

"What's the first thing you thought of when I told you Sister had an open rooftop garden attached to her apartment?"

Willy stopped smiling.

Nancy nodded. "I want your word: you will not send Berniece up the side of that building with a hunting knife in her teeth. We are not going to assassinate Sister in her sleep."

Willy looked at the floor and sighed. "I can't promise that. We're soldiers, Nancy."

"Promise me or no deal."


"Because I want to be the hero of my own story. And for my story? I want to save Sister from herself, not kill her."