Truth of the Matter


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He put the water aside, stood and kissed her.

After the kiss she moved away and began to think. She had felt warm and secure with his arms around her. She remembered how she felt safe and wanted when she woke against him. And he didn't just use her, he made love to her. So many in her past had just screwed her and then been on their way. Every time she doubled with Ann, the next morning she was alone. Her date was in bed with Ann and her date. But she realized that wasn't all bad. For she didn't care to face the man in the morning. But with Jeff she was comfortable waking with him.

Jeff sat and watched. He was worried. He was fearing the frown on her face.

That frown was from the realization that the lie had all come from Ann. Martin had told the truth. She realized she should have handled it differently. Maybe if she had, she would still be married. She remembered how it felt to be loved. But that was in the past. Martin had remarried and had a child. No matter how that happened it was a fact. It could not be changed.

She looked at the man again. She began to remember how wonderful it had felt when they made love. When she arrived home in Houston she thought of calling him but the way he left her caused concerns. What if it had all been an act to seduce her? Then on Monday when she walked into a hornets' nest what they had shared was a far from on her mind.

He stood and walked over to her. She just looked at him as she towered over her. He bent and kissed her. She didn't fight it as she had wished to, and soon she was returning his kiss. When he broke away he helped her to her feel and kissed her again.

"Connie I have thought of you ever since you left. I want and need...I need to feel the emotion. I can get my body's wants met in many ways but not my emotional needs. I hoped you felt the same way and would have called me. But you didn't so I came. What I am trying to say is I love you Connie, but I need you to love me in return."

"I'll have to think about that. I have a thousand questions and we'll have a 100 issues to work through. But right now my body says I need to try and make a baby. And I need the emotional part too." She took his hand and pulled him toward the bedroom.

I'll leave it up to each reader to decide how the visit ends. And I will give a side bar on Ann Barton.

Ann left her job telling all her friends she was moving to Florida. But in fact she moved to Los Angeles. There she found a low key bar that was for 'Cougars'. A term for older married or single women that sought younger men. She found the boys there preferred married women. At work she dressed to tease but at the bar she dressed like a librarian. She wore a wedding ring and acted bashful and intimidated. It took her three months but she got on invitation to join an orgy. The timing was perfect. She was just starting to have an outbreak of herpes. Her initiation was to greet the boys at the door. She had to take care of their first orgasm. Her sponsor explained the boys lasted so much longer the second time around. And since no condoms were allowed the other members didn't get filled till they had at least one orgasm.

The college boys were always anxious for 'new meat' as she was referred to. And they lined up at the door. The first just bent her over and took her from behind. By the time they got her clothes off and began in earnest they thought the red puffiness of her 'snatch', as they called it, was from being so well used after lack of attention. Many came down with with the disease. It was three weeks before it was traced back to her. But by then it was too late for them to find her.

She had planned well and left LA two days after the initiation. She had used a false ID and had covered her tracks well. And in a couple of weeks she had a job in Baltimore. All was well and she was seeking another bar that catered to Cougars so that she would continue to reap her revenge on men in particular and the world in general.

It four months after arriving in Baltimore she found the circular that had been slipped under her front door. I advertised a new spa and offered a fee "VIP Package" to the first 50 callers. She thought 'what the heck'. She called and found she was one of the 'lucky' fifty. She confirmed her appointment for the next Friday. They were even sending a limo for her.

The time came and she as driven away in style. She sipped the complimentary champagne. She didn't even feel herself falling a sleep. She woke up strapped down on a gynecological examination table. A man with a back mask over his eyes was looking down at her.

"I see you have joined us Miss Barton, or should I call you Sophie Morris?"

Morris was the names Ann had used in LA.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"That is why I'm here. Now if you will let me explain. You made the mistake of infecting a person that my employer loves very much. He had thoughts of killing you. But he felt that was too good for you. So here is what he has planned for you."

"What are you taking about! I'm Ann Barton and you have made a big mistake. When I finish with you and your boss, you'll wish you had never been born."

"Really Miss Barton you are in no position to threaten anyone. Well unless you consider your medical condition. But we are here to remedy that."

"What are you taking about?" Ann asked in a frighten voice, for she realized she was in deep trouble.

"I was about to tell you before you interrupted. My employer wants to make sure you never have sex with a person again that does know of your infection. So what to do. We will make sure anyone that sees you naked knows. You will be branded in a way. Actually tattooed. We will give you a 'tramp stamp' on the small of your back. It will read, "With Malice I Spread Herpes, Where Ever I Did Go, But Now I Am Well Branded, So Everyone Will Know."

Ann gasp, "You can't!"

"Oh but we can and we will. But it will not stop there. On your right breast we will place 'Slut' 'Whore', and on your left we will place 'Has Herpes'. On your stomach vertically starting just below your breasts will be bold red letters spelling 'Caution', then across your pubic mound 'I Carry Herpes'. On your inner thighs starting at your knees will be bold letters, 'Herpes' and a red arrow point to...well you know where. On your upper arms, about a ¼ way down from your shoulders will be a band of black with red letters spelling 'I Carry Herpes'. The same will be on the nap of your neck. Last you will have lime green lips with large red sores tattooed in place."

"You can't do all that!"

"We can and we will, because we have been paid handsomely to do just those things. You infected over 60 people from your actions. They will have to live with it. And you will too."

The man moved away and three tattoo artists began their work. Ann woke in a motel 10 miles from her apartment. It had been 30 days since she took that limo ride. All the tattoos had healed and she looked at them in the mirror after she showered. She had come to the reality she would have to live with them the rest of her life.

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Waldteufel61Waldteufel6126 days ago

The story added very little additional information, or additional perspective, from Connie’s side of the story. Connie‘s parent a piss in either and lied, where did that come from? In the follow on stories about Connie moving the Denver and some guy From Atlanta, and Ann spreading herpes and getting tattooed, what the fuck was that about? Hated it.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

But did Connie ever find out that Ann lied to her about the alleged sexual encounter with Martin? That was a critical question that so far has gone unanswered.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I hate that nothing bad really happened to Connie. Looks like at a young age all is well and she has a guy chasing after her. A guy that knows this woman has Zero character and credibility.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

So let me get this straight:

Connie starts off her new life LYING to the person she wants to marry (He wants children-highly unlikely for her).

Connie never tells her husband that she herself blew up the marriage.

Connie has multiple partners but does not get infected. Ann, who Connie KNEW was a slut, gets all the payback.

Must be nice to live in Connie's world.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Cheating bitch won’t get much action with those tattoos.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Connie just could not believe her husband that nothing happened. Zero doubt. And nothing changed. No self reflection. Just a caricature of a harridan who values her traitorous friend more than her husband, who she admits to cheating on a couple weeks before marrying. Ann was a crappy liar. But Connie swallowed it whole. There is no improvement or growth on her Connie's character as evidenced by her vitriol at Cathy (who admittedly hated her and milked it). Rambled near the end.

Boardman68Boardman68about 1 year ago

Geez, with friends like Ann who needs enemies???

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 year ago

Did nothing to improve on the horrible original story.... Maybe made it worse. She finally realized her friend lied? Wouldn't talk to her husband about it? Maybe shit the two down to figure things out. Fuck if she really right he raped her why the fuck would she want him back? If she didn't then she knows her friend is lying... So if she's lying a little why not a lot? Most important part of the story want addressed though .. Why the fuck did Anne lie?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

There are some good things, but also problems.

The editing was horrendous because plot conflicts were not caught and corrected and there were many peeling and grammas errors. These detract from the story. The starting potential was 5, but too many things kept being distracting.

In the end the author wanted to wrap things up for the reader, a noble gesture. The cheating wife found true love again a boig plus. She learned her lessons. The punishment of Ann was ridiculous, and few would care about her anyway, as she was a complete mental case and should have been institutionalised. Best lesson, be careful who you trust. What is the old saying: Trust but verify! (Spoken by President Ronald Reagan. It comes from an old Russian rhyming proverb- – Doveryai, no proveryai – and literally means that a responsible person always verifies everything before committing himself to a common business with anyone, even if that anyone is totally trustworthy.

RuttweilerRuttweileralmost 2 years ago
Why would Ann lie in the first place?

What would she hope to achieve? What is the payoff for her? Besides all the nonsense of hoping she’s gay or making her gay or something. Ann doesn’t have to bust up her friend’s marriage to seduce her. So what’s the point?

The story was far too long, repetitive beyond belief, and didn’t make any sense. Other than that, it was mediocre and imitative

des67des67about 3 years ago

Great story... Ann got what she deserved... Disappointed by Connie's reaction after realizing Martin was telling the truth... She should have called him and apologized... 5 Stars and added to favorites...

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 3 years ago

Not like Ann can prove anything even if she contacted the police...

Not as if a rich person couldn't have flown in tattooists from almost anywhere...

And she infected 60 people... how many people care about those 60...? 100s? 1000s?

I'm disappointed about Connie's reaction when she finally realized Ann lied and Martin was innocent...

She'd flipped out on Martin... it was almost no more than an "eh" moment with the realization...

Too bad she didn't *also* realize *she* was a cheater...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This needed to end sooner. You made Connie into a complete cartoon character with the bullshit with Jeff. Totally unbelievable. And the tattoos with Ann? She wakes up and calls the police. Guess how many people go to prison, including Daddy and the tattoo artists. Ann wins a boat load of money in her Civil suits, has all the tattoos removed and visits the men in prison to congratulate them on being turned into prison bitches. You really think Ann was going to turn the other cheek??? Horrible ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

so she never found the truth, to bad.

And really with her history what guy would want her, long term anyway?

Always astounds me in real life when a cheater gets into a relationship again.

I mean, why risk it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

This didn't tell us much that we didn't already know from the original story, and the new info we got didn't seem crucial. It'd have been nice if her side of the conversation with Cathy was funny, but it just sounded like she had Tourette's. And personally, I didn't have any interest in her life post-divorce. She's a shrill, annoying, hypocritical, humourless character - don't really care what happens to her outside the original story.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Read again

Changed my mind. That revenge should definitely cramp her style for a long time.

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