Twins Pt. 01


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Adam slipped into her mind and searched for her views on herself, her wants and needs and what she wanted for the future.

She was desperate for love, to be loved and for other people to see her as the nice girl that she felt that she really was, not the slut that she knew she was, she also believed that sex was the only way to get that love.

That was the first thing he changed, he made her realise that sex is a gift only to be given to someone she really loved and who loved her, and that she was not a slut any more. If her old friends just wanted her for sex then she would make them ex-friends.

He changed her perception of love a little, to add the feeling of the love of friends to be given and received, to be enjoyed together without sex being involved. He made her think that she had been an abused girl but now she would hold her head up and be proud of herself as the new she would be from now on, she would study hard and go to college and get good grades and have a career.

*Well done Addy, now get her dressed again, her panties are in her bag.*

Adam found them and rather enjoyed putting them back on her and getting a close-up to her hairy pussy and getting a nice handful of her ass cheeks as he manoeuvred the panties over them. He lay her on her back and put her hands behind her head as though she was watching the clouds, straightened her skirt and lay back himself remembering to zip up his fly.

#Okay Ali all done, oh one more thing.# And he went back in and torched the memory of her starting to have sex with him.

*Okay, now before she wakes up, I'm going to add a couple of things.* Alison added Adam and herself as good friends, to be trusted and would help her if she started to doubt her worth again and a revulsion to alcohol and drugs that would instantly make her sick if she tried them.

*Okay, all done. See you later.*

A minute later Connie woke up and stretched.

"I fell asleep, I feel a bit funny, I remember kissing you and then..."

"You must be really tired, we had burgers and came here to talk, you kissed me to thank me for the food and lay back to look at the clouds and we talked about your problems with... you know... sex and then you fell asleep. It was only for a few minutes, do you feel better now?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes I do and thanks to you and our talk, I'm going to change my life. I'm not really a slut, I was pushed into being that and told over again that I was only good for having sex with, but I'm not and won't be again. I wish you were my boyfriend because I would love to have sex with you because you are such a good friend, but you are going out with Lindsey so we won't do that, but I can kiss you as a friend and enjoy that, if you don't mind"

"As a friend, I would be happy to kiss you, then I'll walk you home because I expect that you have homework to do, same as me"

"Yes I have and quite a lot to catch up on, I'm going to go to college and get a career, now about that kiss"

When he got home Marie asked how his date had gone.

"It was a success but I think we will be just very good friends, we talked a lot, she has a few problems..."

"Ahh another friend's problems sorted out, you are becoming a regular Claire Rayner." She said, laughing.


"Ohh she was an 'Agony Aunt' in one of the newspapers, people would write to her with their problems and she would give advice on how to solve them."

"Ohh, I suppose so, Alison helps too."

"Maybe you two could make careers out of problem solving." She said, still laughing, "Do you want anything else to eat Adam" he shook his head, "Then you better go and do your homework."

*How did it finish up, I wasn't nosey.* Alison asked, he told her what had happened after she had left him with Connie.

*You know, I felt that kiss from here, gratitude, friendship and love, she will make someone a very nice girlfriend and she wanted it to be you, she would have taught you a lot about sex.* And she laughed.

#Oh I learned a lot about that from her mind and some of them looked fun, do you fancy being spanked Ali?#

*No, do you?*

#Maybe if you were really nice afterwards...#

*To quote the former Chrissy, 'FUCK OFF!'* And he laughed and she joined in too.

Chapter Eleven.

In their science class Lindsey asked him how it had gone with Connie, but she looked suspicious, knowing Connie's reputation. Adam told her what had happened (leaving out the mind therapy), but did include her attempt at grateful sex for the food and that he had refused and pointed out to her that she was better than that.

Persuading her to dump those so called friends that only wanted her for that and be proud of herself and work towards college and make new friends that liked her for who she really was and what she wanted to be.

"Wow! And you didn't have sex with her."

"No, my body wanted to do it but my mind said that it would just put her back where she was before, so I told her that sex should be given to someone you love and who loves you, not to anyone who pays you a compliment or buys you a burger or a beer."

"And that was it?"

"Well no, she kissed me but as a friend and I was good with that and walked her home." he finished.

"Smith! No chattering!" the teacher called out.

A bit later she said,

"There's a fair on at the Recreation Ground this weekend, do you fancy going on Saturday afternoon?" she whispered loud enough for him to hear. 'She really wants me to say yes' he thought after a little peek.

"Of course, I'd love to go with you, you don't live far from me and the Rec (recreation ground) is only ten minutes' walk from there, what time shall I collect you" Adam whispered back, keeping an eye on the teacher.

"About three would be good."

"What do you want to do about dinner?" He asked.

"Well we could slum it and have fish and chips if you like."

"I love fish and chips, there's a good one near the Rec with tables outside, then decide if we want to go back to the fair or walk home"

"That sounds great, I'll okay it with my parents"

"And I'll do the same"

"Do you still have to ask, it's different for me because I'm a girl."

"So I'd noticed," and she giggled cutely, "For me, it's my grandparents and maybe I don't have to ask but it's just good manners."

Alison peeked in on Connie at break and reported back to Adam.

*We did a good job on Connie, she's surprised her parents by not going out after you took her home last night, she worked on her homework for two hours and went to bed. She has dumped three of her friends who were giving her booze in return for Connie having sex with the guys, and she was praised by one of her teachers for not misbehaving in class today and she is really proud of that.*

#Good, I'm glad it was worth it, she's a nice girl inside and now I hope that nice girl can be on the outside.#

*But that means you won't be touching her pussy or ass again.*

#Yeah, that's a shame, she has a bigger ass than you, all nice and squidgy.#

*You wish I had a big fat ass and hairy pussy?*

#Nah... just teasing, you have a perfect ass and your pussy's nicer and neater, hers has too much hair.#

*Like Lindsey's?* she asked, smiling at the compliment.

#I don't know... yet.# And he laughed.

*Do you want to know, because I could tell you...* Alison teased.

#No, hopefully I'll find out for myself one day, thank you very much!# He snapped mildly.

When they arrived home from school, Adam found his grandfather in the garden.

"Granddad, could I go to the fair on Saturday for the afternoon and evening?"

"Are you taking Alison?"

"Err, no I was going to take another girl." Adam replied.

"Oh, that one from last night?"

"No a different one, she was just a friend who needed someone to talk through a problem with."

"What sort of problems does this one have?"

"None now, since the bullying has stopped."

"Oh, I'll tell you what, if you take Alison to the fair on Friday night, then you can go with your friend on Saturday." Steven said.

"But I can't..."

"...afford to do both. I guessed you'd say that so I'll give you some money for Friday as my treat, you get your homework done straight from school and we'll eat early, then you can go, but be back by ten, okay?"

"Thanks Granddad."

#Did you hear that Ali?#

*Oh yes Adam, I get to go to the fair and my big brother gets to look after me."

#Only by five minutes little sister, and I will always look after you Ali, I love you.#

*Just teasing Bro, I love you too.*

#Hey Ali, I've just had a thought, is that guy who tried to abduct you still in a coma?#

*I think so, why?*

#Well I thought if we could go to the hospital and get near enough to him to get in his mind, order him to wake up and confess and agree with your version of the 'push and trip' story.#

*Good idea, we can go there straight after school, I'll have to find him because he's in my memories not yours then we can work on him together.*

The next day they rode to the local hospital where he was being treated, they guessed that he would be in a single room with lots of monitors and things attached to him, so Alison went inside to find out which floor that was on. Adam waited with the bikes until she returned and they sat on a bench and concentrated.

Adam went into her mind and got behind her to give her more power and she started searching the fifteenth floor. It took about ten minutes to locate him and enter his mind which was awake but trapped,

*He's suffering in here Addy.*

#Good, do you see that memory, he's done that once before, with a boy and a girl, a year before trying for you.#

*Yes and look what he did to them and made them do to each other before he killed and buried them.*

#First we make him want to confess to your attempted abduction, then to the other two and to say what he did with them and where the bodies are buried, then you can tell him that he can wake up.#

Alison did exactly that with Adam's help, and then they went home satisfied that justice would be done.

The twins raced home on Friday and got stuck into their homework and had it all done in an hour. After their early dinner Steven gave Adam twenty pounds, not knowing Marie had already given Alison ten. It was about a twenty minute walk but they ran it in ten, only walking when it came to crossing the roads.

They went on the Dodgems, the Switch-back, the Waltzer and the Ghost Train, they found that the rifles in the galley were slightly bent so didn't shoot straight so Adam pushed and Alison won a teddy. They ate hot-dogs and candy floss and did their favourite rides again before going home, tired but happy.

Saturday morning was going slowly for Adam, to Alison's amusement, so he went to help Steven in the garden to pass the time, he went in for lunch hot and sweaty so decided to shower first before eating his sandwiches.

He still had an hour and a half to wait so he went to his room to play his current computer game but had trouble concentrating, he thought of Lindsey and found himself peeking as she was only ten minutes' walk away and suddenly he was in her mind and she was standing in front of the full length mirror set in her bedroom wardrobe... and she was looking at herself... naked!"

'Beautiful' he thought and she smiled, then realised where he was and snapped back home.

*ADAM! I saw that! That's a form of abuse, and I didn't expect that of you!* Ali shouted from her room.

#I'm sorry I was just going to play for a while and just to pass the time, I lay back and thought of her and suddenly...#

*Yes, suddenly you were looking at her naked in the mirror.*

#Look, you know I didn't do it deliberately and I came out as soon as I realised that it was real and not a dream.#

*I know but we are going to have to be more careful, did you realise she caught your thought?*

#What thought?"

*You said 'beautiful' and she caught it and smiled but I don't know if she thought that it was her thought or yours. I am going to have a little peek and see if I can find out which so stay put.* She left him to ponder the possibilities. 'It was true though, she is beautiful with a small but perfect figure.' He thought.

*She was confused for a moment, she heard the 'beautiful' in her mind with your voice but knew it couldn't be you but it was a strange thought for her.*

#I will definitely not go there again today, but I think this needs some delicate investigation, maybe tonight when she's asleep. If we set out phone alarms up for one am, you go to her and have a gentle peek and I'll sit quietly behind you, Okay?#

*Okay, she'll be relaxed then and think I'm part of a dream.* Now play your game, you still have an hour to go.

An hour later an excited and slightly nervous boy left the house to choruses of 'have a good time,' 'be careful' and *good luck* from Alison. He rang Lindsey's doorbell, right on time and Lindsey answered the door and said,

"Come in Adam, I'm almost ready, just need my trainers." He stood inside the front door and waited, when her mum came from the kitchen and saw him and said,

"Hello, you must be Adam, it's nice to meet you, Lindsey has told be all about you and how you helped with that Chrissy girl that was bullying her, thank you for that. Now don't be too late, please bring her home by ten."

"I will, I am expected home by then." Adam replied, noting that her mother was also short and very pretty and friendly, which helped him to relax a little.

Lindsey came back, ready to go and said 'See you later' as they left, walking together but not touching, just talking about random things, then she suddenly asked,

"What did you do to Connie?" It took Adam by surprise and he thought fast.

"Uh... Well you know what she was like?" he answered carefully.

"Yes, she was our year's bike, anybody could ride her for a drink or a packet of crisps"

"Somebody overheard her talking to a friend that she didn't want to be like that anymore but couldn't see a way out of it. I thought that was a shame and maybe if she talked to someone neutral, she might be able to make some sort of decision or something..." he explained with the first thing he could come up with.

"That doesn't make a lot of sense Adam." Lindsey said.

"No it doesn't but I couldn't think of a way to get to talk to her on her own other than to ask her out. I know Ali explained all this to you before I even asked her."

"Yes she did and after what you did for me with Chrissy and Brenda, I was happy to go along with it as I felt sympathy for her, tell me what happened."

And so Adam explained that they'd had a meal and walked in the park and she dragged him into the bushes for her usual payment, but he stopped her and they talked about her past and why she felt so bad about herself and persuaded her that she was better than that and she should save her love for a proper boyfriend who loved her.

"Hmm... And you didn't have sex with her?"

"No I didn't, although I admit I was tempted but that would have ruined everything that I'd done. She did give me a very nice kiss to thank me for the advice and the food, then I walked her home and rode home in time to do my homework" he said glad that this had come out all right.

"I saw her the next day and she seemed like a different person, a bit like Chrissy and Brenda." Lindsey said suspiciously.

'I have to be careful' he thought.

"Oh don't make me out to be something special, if people want to change they can, with a little logical persuasion, as long as they really want it and she was desperate to get away from what she had become through no fault of her own, she called herself 'a worthless fuck slut', her words not mine."

"Are you going to train as a psychologist, I think you'd be good at it, you seem to be able to get inside people's minds?"

"Now there's a thought, I bet there's good money in that, let me see what you're thinking..." he said in mild panic but refusing to call Ali, "Ahh, you're thinking 'Why are we dithering about here when we should be having fun at the fair,' am I correct?" she looked at him oddly and replied.

"Close enough, come on, I'll race you!" and she was off but he soon caught her up and they laughed as he let her win by a yard. He did the same things with her as he did the night before with his sister and had just as much fun, if not more. He won her a teddy on the rifle range and had to 'push' the suspicious stall holder to give him a good one instead of the poor one he was going to hand over.

It was pale yellow and he hugged it and saw the confused look on her face then laughed and handed it to her.

"It matches the colour of your hair" and she hugged it too and surprised him by kissing his cheek, giving him a warm muzzy feeling then said,

"Thank you Adam, I love it."

By nine forty-five he was broke and didn't care, he'd had a wonderful time, she was as bright and bubbly as her golden hair and he was smitten. He walked her home and at the front door she turned to him and said,

"Thank you Adam for a wonderful evening." Then she hugged him and the teddy, she looked up into his eyes and slowly pulled him down for a proper kiss gently but full contact and it was amazing.

Not the rockets and explosions when he kissed Ali but more like the glow of mind kisses with her. They separated lips, he was shocked and she looked confused.

"Where did you learn to kiss like that Adam?" Lindsey gasped, that was... I don't know what that was... it... I think I'd better go in, thank you for tonight..." and as she closed the door she whispered, "I'll see you later." and smiled brightly.

He turned and walked down the path to the road and turned to head home in a bit of a daze.

'What was that, it was like kissing Ali but different, sexy but not passionate like Connie, I need to get home' he thought and speeded up and arrived with a couple of minutes to spare.

#Where are you?#

*In the lounge watching TV, why?* He set a smile on his face and walked in and sat next to Ali on the couch.

"How was your date Adam." Marie asked with a smile.

"It was good fun, we did the same things as last night and I won Lindsey a teddy the same colour as her hair"

"Good for you," His grandfather said.

*What's up Addy?*

#Something strange, a mystery, we'll talk later.# He watched a few minutes of the film they were watching, then said,

"I've seen this one before so I'm going to bed, goodnight everyone."

#Watch the rest of the film, it's got a good end, chat later.# He got up and went to the bathroom and then to bed and ran the evenings events over in his mind, there was definitely something strange.

*Okay Addy, what's the mystery?* Alison said as she got into bed, half an hour later.

#Come on in and run through it with me.# And they did it with far more accuracy than if he tried to tell her.

*There's a few odd comments like, "What did you do to Connie?" and "I saw her the next day and she seemed like a different person, a bit like Chrissy and Brenda," and "You seem to be able to get inside people's minds," and that 'kiss,' it's a bit like ours but different and the last comment, "I'll see you later."*

#Yeah, I'd forgotten about that one, how could she know that I'd 'done' something to them or was she putting two and two together and coming up with five? And it's as if she knows I got inside their minds, that's a big clue and that 'kiss' like ours but less.#

*Maybe because we love each other it's stronger? And the, "I'll see you later" that's really odd.*

#Looking at it all like that, I think she's one of us.#

*What, a mind reader?*

#Yes, but not as strong or as practiced but it feels right.#

*Set your alarm for one am and we'll creep in and have a look while she is asleep.*

Chapter Twelve.

The alarms went off and they made sure that they were thoroughly awake before they reached out.
