Twist of the Knife! Novelette


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He shoved his hand into my panties and slipped two fingers between my soaking wet pussy lips as started finger fucking me hard. I was getting so fucking hot at the feel of his hard cock straining against his pants as he humped my ass and finger fucked me to the music, I started moaning out loud right there in the middle of the dance floor!" She paused to catch a breath as she let go of my raging cock, her evil grin now just a thin smile as her tears flowed harder. I knew she was in pain as she continued her confession.

"But then I felt his bare cock touch my ass cheek, and Something in me snapped! I was suddenly horrified at what I was doing as I spun around and slapped him hard across the face! Darrin just stood there stunned with his cock hanging out as everyone took a step back and I started pushing my way out of there, embarrassed and ashamed, quickly tucking my tits into my bra and pulling up my zipper. I heard Darrin angrily holler, 'fuckin, dick-teasing, slut!' as I made my way off the dance floor and went to find Eric. I knew he would keep me safe!" Lori gave me one last pained smile as she fell into my arms and started bawling.

I held her tightly as I began to cry at what I just made her do, hating myself for the conflicting feelings I was having. It was an indescribable gut-wrenching pain mixed with deep unfathomable arousal, and I felt ashamed and more alive than I've ever been as my loving wife shook and wailed in my arms.

I Lovingly kissed the top of her head and scooped her up saying, "It's okay, honey..., I'm so sorry, but things will only get better from here, everything's okay," as I carried her to the couch, laid her down and spooned her in my arms until we fell asleep mentally exhausted.

An hour later I woke up angry! Angry at myself as Lori lay sleeping, curled into me. It hit me like a ton of bricks, how stupid going to the club was. Somehow, I had to make Lori understand I was in the wrong as I carefully slipped my arm from under her head and got up to retrieve her club dress, panties, heels and little silver purse. I laid them out on the coffee table and sat in my recliner as I watched her sleeping going over in my head what I needed to say. About twenty minutes later Lori started to stir and reached out for me, but when she realized I wasn't there she rolled over and her face twisted with pain as she saw everything on the coffee table.

"I have to say something, and I need you to listen," I said. I knew Lori was confused as she nodded, looking like she wanted to cry, but I had to get this out, "I know Girls night out is your play time, and I had no right to go to the club last night. I should have been content knowing that you love me and always come home to me. I agreed to you going out, and I have no right to interfere, no matter what you decide to do with your playtime."

Lori looked at her outfit again, then stared at me with a pained confused look. I knew she didn't understand why I put it there, but I hoped she would soon as I leaned forward in my chair asking, "When you came through the door last night were you happy to see me? Were you happy to be home? Did you love me just as much as when you left?"

Lori looked puzzled, hesitantly answering, "Yes,"

"And if I hadn't said anything about the club, would you have even given it a second thought?"

She thought for a moment, "I don't know..., I guess not."

"Then, please, do this one thing for me. Put everything back on and come back through the door so we can start over like it never happened," I pleaded with tears filling my eyes.

"Oh baby..., It's just not that simple, I really wish it was, but it's not," she replied as her tears started to flow.

I started to cry as I slid out of my chair and crawled to her begging, "Please..., please, honey!" I laid my head in her lap and wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, blubbering, "Just come back through the door and forgive me, please!"

Lori started petting my hair and cried with me. "No..., I didn't have the right to do whatever I wanted at the club. You put your trust in me, and I broke it. But you were right, being completely honest is the true strength of our love, our whole lives together, and I love you more than anything in the world, Baby."

I was still pissed at myself, blubbering out, "But if I hadn't gone to the club, we would be blissfully happy right now. We would be holding hands and enjoying a nice brunch. But no, I fucked everything up for my own selfish pride, and I was wrong! Please forgive me, honey."

Lori gently caressed my face saying, "I know what you're trying to say, and I wish I could take back everything I've done, too. But what's done is done, and I'm just grateful you still love me in spite of it. Hey, speaking of brunch, are you hungry, baby? We really should eat something."

I climbed onto the couch, and we hugged. "Yeah, we really should eat something, honey," I agreed.

Lori broke our hug, giving me a weak smile as she got up and headed to the kitchen saying, "Grab a cup of coffee, and I'll whip up some bacon and eggs, baby."

I grabbed our cups out of the cupboard saying, "I really do regret going to the club, honey, but you know what I regret more," pausing for Lori to respond.

Lori was leaning into the fridge, "Okay I'll bite, what do you regret more?" she asked as she grabbed the bacon and peeked around the door to look at me.

I gave her a cheesy grin, "Not letting you fuck my brains out in that hot little dress before I said anything," I replied.

Lori actually smiled at that saying, "You are a selfish bastard, aren't you!" as she flipped the burner on and started putting the bacon in the pan.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, when it comes to my wife, I can never get enough..., and I love you more than you can know, honey."

"I love you too, baby, and maybe someday I will be able to put that dress on for you. But right now..., it just makes me sick to look at it! That's why I threw it away," Lori said with a disgusted shiver.

"I know honey, but I think you will be able to wear it to the club again, sooner than you think. That's why I saved it!"

Lori gave me a wide-eyed shocked look shrieking, "I'm never going to that 'fucking' club again, and I'm never going out without you, ever again!" she said, obviously pissed-off that I even thought she would.

"Whoa!" I said, "I know you're still upset about everything, but you're not seeing the big picture here. You have to go out with the girls, and you can't say anything about me going to the club, not even to Kristin."

Lori moved the bacon off the flames, "What the hell are you talking about?" she asked, glaring at me and saying, "I know you said you weren't mad..., but I just can't!" as her face twisted with pain and she began to cry.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I don't think you understand what's at stake here. I broke the rules! If this starts a 'shit storm' and ruins girls night out, we won't have any friends."

Lori was still raw and hadn't had time to think about any of that as she started blubbering, "But I can't go back! I can't face Kristin, she'll know something's wrong the second she sees me."

Lori was leaning over the stove sobbing as I set my coffee down and tightly wrapped my arms around her saying, "It's alright honey, we will get through this. I know it's going to take some time and we'll have to work through things before you get together with the girls again. I'm sure we can come up with a reason for you to skip aerobics and sewing night this week, and maybe by next week, you'll feel better about things. But you need to understand that our friends don't have the same kind of playtime we have. Girls night out is their play time! You know it's been good for their marriages, and we can't screw that up for them."

"Your right, I just can't think about it right now," Lori sniffled as she put the bacon back on.

I rubbed her shoulders and gently kissed the top of her head. "I understand, honey, we'll take as much time as you need," I said, adding, "By the way, you have two weeks!"

"Ha-ha..., very funny!"

Over the next week, we fumbled along trying to find our rhythm. We had deep discussions and moments when we completely forgot, and everything seemed fine. But Lori was still very fragile, and I found it hard to see the strong, confident woman I love, break down at the slightest provocation. She knew I wasn't blaming her in any way, and that I had forgiven her before I left the club that night. But I knew she may never be able to completely forgive herself.

During one of our long discussions, Lori told me about her friend, Eric. He lives on a farm with his Mother and three brothers near Menominee in NW Illinois. His father died in a car accident when he was fifteen, and his mother insisted he use some of the life insurance money to go to college before he took over running the family farm. But Eric wanted his mom to save the money so she could travel and see the world when he took over running the farm.

Lori told me Eric was a great football player in high school, so he tried out for several college teams and got an Athletic scholarship grant from WMU. He is in his third year and already has his Agriculture Business Degree and will finish his Veterinary technician Degree next fall. Lori said she really enjoys talking to him because he reminded her of Robby, and he likes talking to her because she is not just another bubble-headed football groupie.

On Saturday, I finally got her out of the house to go grocery shopping. We had a pretty good day, and that evening Lori felt the need to reconnect intimately. We took it slow, and she cried, insisting they were tears of joy as I gently caressed and kissed every inch of her. But she didn't care about an orgasm saying she needed me inside her to feel whole again. I gently penetrated her and Lori shuddered as we tightly embraced, both of us needing to reconnect.

"It's okay, baby..., please give it to me! Please, baby!" Lori said with desperate pleading in her eyes. I caressed her face and slowly began to take full strokes with tears welling in my eyes, but I only managed a few strokes before I had a weak fly-by. Lori gently took my face in her hands, and we began kissing madly as my tears flowed down her cheeks. She wrapped her legs around me as she broke our kiss to put my head on her shoulder and started gently petting my hair saying, "It's okay, baby, we will be okay. I love you so much," as she squeezed me so tight, I could hardly breathe, keeping my head tightly nestled against her shoulder as we rolled onto our sides.

I whispered in her ear, "I love you too, honey," as we drifted off and had our first good night's sleep in a week.

Sunday morning April 2, 2016. I awoke to Lori smiling at me in her bathrobe as she leaned in with a soft easy good morning kiss, then stood and caressed my face saying, "Get a shower, baby, and I'll make some breakfast." I was glad to see Lori in a good mood.

I took a quick shower and went to get some coffee. Lori was washing some pans from dinner as I began rubbing her shoulders and snuseling her neck.

"Good morning, baby," she giggled as she turned her head to get a kiss.

I tightly wrapped my arms around her, and she dropped the pan in the sink as our kiss became passionate and needy. I finally broke our kiss saying, "Good morning, honey," as I looked at my loving wife's happy face. Lori looked truly happy, and it warmed my heart.

"Get our coffees, breakfast is almost ready," she said. I set our coffees on the gourmet counter as Lori brought our plates.

"I know you told Sandy you had the flu, so the girls wouldn't wonder why you didn't go to aerobics last week. Think you might feel up to it tomorrow?" I asked, "you seem to be over the flu," I said with a poor-baby smile.

"I was planning on going. I finally called Kristin, Friday, and told her I was feeling better, and no! I didn't say anything about it to her," Lori said a little defensively.

I reassuringly squeezed her hand. "I'm glad you're feeling better, and I know you wouldn't do that. But I'm sure it's really hard not to tell your best friend, everything."

"Yes, it was hard! But I did talk with Mistress Katrina yesterday. I needed to talk to somebody that would understand and be honest with me. We've kept in touch with her over the years, but we haven't talked since last summer before this all started."

"Well..., what did Mistress Katrina have to say about all this?" I asked very curious to hear her take on things.

"She said, you were right..., I should have talked to you about playing at the club before I let things go that far. We could have avoided all this. Actually, Mistress Katrina was surprised that I didn't talk to you because we have always been so open and honest with each other. But she wasn't surprised to hear how I let my power over men go to my head, saying, it can be very intoxicating for women like us." Lori said with a look of deep thought.

"Sounds a lot like what I've been saying," I replied. "Well, she also told me you were wrong to go to the club. You should have asked me what was going on first. Then if you still felt I wasn't being honest, you would have had every right to go."

"I know that," I said nodding my head in agreement and feeling stupid all over again.

Lori smiled thinly saying, "I told her what you've said, and how good you have been to me about everything. She was very happy to hear that, saying, that means you understood I was just playing and I didn't mean to hurt you, and she made me promise to keep her updated. She told me there will be a lot to talk about as we move forward."

I gave Lori a questioning look, and she shrugged saying, "She sounded very serious and told me that for now we should just focus on our everyday lives, and keep moving forward. Oh, and she said you were right about our friends, it wouldn't be fair for me to mess up their playtime. I love you so much, baby," and we fell into a kiss, not desperate, just warm and loving.

It was cold and rainy out, and we spent the rest of the day lazing around, eating popcorn and watching old movies. We laughed, cried and cuddled, it was just the kind of relaxing easy going day we both needed.

No matter what we face, our love always comes out of it stronger. I can't believe it's not a dream!

Chapter 10. Are you sure, Hubby?

Fall 2016. It looks like I could touch the beam of moonlight angling across my room as I watch the tiny dust particles floating through it. I just heard town clock tower chime three times, but I'm not tired yet. I'm afraid this part will be hard for me, but I'm sure my doctors would say I'm making progress if I can talk about it, we'll see. Although, it has been really nice reminiscing. Here's the rest of my story. ###

After our relaxing Sunday, Lori went to aerobics Monday, and she even seemed glad to have the girls over for Tuesday sewing/girls night. I didn't figure we would do Wednesday porn night but Lori was all for it, and I was surprised by the videos she picked out towards the end of the night. Hubby's getting their 'Hot Wives' ready for a night out, or date night. I could tell she was gauging my reaction, but I didn't say anything thinking it might be too soon. We even had a good hard fuck session after watching those videos.

Friday, April 8, 2016. When I got home from work, Lori was in a good mood and gave me a lot more than a peck on the cheek when I came into the kitchen. We had a nice dinner and a relaxing evening but tomorrow was 'girls night out,' and we hadn't talked about the club since Monday when I asked how things went at aerobics. Lori told me it felt good to get a workout, and she was glad to see the girls, but she wasn't sure how she would feel about going to the club.

About eight that evening, Lori came out of the den with a big smile on her face as she strode into the living room and hopped onto my lap going right for a deep passionate kiss. Then she stood and took my hand as she pulled me out of my chair, and lead me to the bedroom saying, "I think you need to remind me again, baby." She had a point, it had been a while since I gave her the royal treatment, and I pulled out all the stops. Lori was speechless for quite some time as we lay there gazing into each other's eyes, basking in the afterglow. But something wasn't adding up, it seemed too soon to put the events of two weeks ago behind us.

I took Lori's hand and gently squeezed, "I'm not complaining, honey, but have you really put everything behind you, or are you just putting on a front for me?" I asked, "Be honest!"

Lori satisfied face morphed into a soft smile, "I'm fine, baby, Mistress Katrina and I have talked several times this week, and she has really helped me get a handle on things," she replied.

I gave her a questioning look asking, "Is that why you played those videos Wednesday night, to test me, because of something Katrina told you?"

Lori raised her eyebrows with a chortle as she gave my balls a playful twist saying, "That's 'Mistress Katrina' to you, and yes, baby, I wanted to see your reaction. Mistress Katrina said I had opened a door I can't close, and I may as well get out in front of things. She also said it was very important not to give up my control."

I wasn't sure what that meant. "I never wanted you to give up your control," I said, asking, "and what do you mean by, you opened a door you can't close?"

"Okay, you know Mistress Katrina has helped me plan many of our play sessions over the years, and she knows you as well as I do. She told me what to expect, and the things that you will want. She said I must take control of those needs, for your own good, and that's why I played those videos Wednesday night. I know how much you want to be my obedient little cuck, and from now on, you will be. Do you understand, Hubby!" Sandra said sternly.

I was blown away as I tried to process what she just said, answering the only way I could, "Yes, Dear."

Sandra gazed into my eyes with her evil controlling grin saying, "That's a good little cuck, and tomorrow night you will get your 'Hot Wife' ready to go out clubbing!" I wasn't sure about that knowing how quickly she can change, but I did have a raging hard-on, and Sandra gripped it tightly growling, "You made quite a mess, Hubby..., clean it up!" The harsh edge in her voice sent a shiver down my spine and I dove on her creamy pussy eager to slurp up every drop as she added, "And you will make me cum again!"

Saturday, April 9, 2016. Everyone was meeting at Rick and Kristin's tonight, and I was looking forward to preparing my 'Hot Wife' to go out clubbing, but I wasn't sure if that would really happen. Lori was on a cleaning binge, and I could tell she still had some apprehension about going out. But I tried not to dwell on it and spent most of the day working out in the Pole barn doing maintenance on our cars and getting Tinker-bell ready for summer.

It was about six when I came in the house to the smell of a roast in the oven with all the fixings. Lori was putting away dishes and she heard me come up behind her, "You put your cold hands on me, and your balls will regret it!" she sternly warned, then turned around smiling and we kissed. I was glad to see her in a good mood as she squeezed my cold hands saying, "Go get a shower, baby, then we need to discuss the ground rules for the club tonight."

I nodded and squeezed her hands saying, "I love you, honey."

"I love you too, baby, now go get your shower," Lori said with a very serious look.

I got in the shower with a lot of questions on my mind, and when I returned to the kitchen, Lori was sitting at the gourmet counter waiting for me, looking calm and collected. I was feeling pretty nervous not knowing how all this would go, "Okay, I'm ready to talk, but I have some questions," I said as I took my seat.
