Two Couple's Suspicions


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"And after," Adel teased, as Carsten dipped under the water and lifted her on his shoulders.

Barrett did likewise with Fiona, and they were ready for battle.

As they circled, Fiona decided she'd give Barrett what he wanted, and she thrust her body forward, reaching for Adel's bikini top. There was some thrashing, and she realized her own top was around her waist, and Adel was pinching a nipple—hard.

"Oww," Fiona squealed as Adel finally released her. She quickly realized that these games were not new to Adel, and she needed to get serious. She was more used to dunking and splashing and not the painful nipple twisting. She nudged Barrett with her knees, and he barged forward, crashing into Carsten and Adel.

Not willing to miss this opportunity, she wrapped her arms around Adel, firmly grabbing hold of the top and pulling it off even as she felt her nipple being painfully twisted again. She wasn't about to give up this time and grabbed one of those giant boobs, quickly finding the large nipple and, gritting her teeth against her own pain, gave it a big twist to a loud squeal from Adel.

Adel let loose of Fiona and grabbed her hand, working to free her nipple, but Fiona was relentless now that she realized how the game was played.

"I give up, I give up," Adel yelled, and, with one last squeeze, her nipple was free.

Adel looked down at the nipple that was a mite brighter red than the other. She giggled.

"How about a glass of wine and then round two?" Adel delicately touched her sore nipple. "It's not used to that. We'll see how the next one goes."

Fiona touched her own very tender nipple and wondered about round two.

All four went to the table, poured a glass of wine, grabbed a chair, and sat down. The two ladies were topless now as each quickly drained their wine glass.

"Love that buzz," Fiona giggled. She quickly poured herself another glass. Within a couple of minutes, the other three had done the same.

"For round two, let's change horses," Adel suggested. She smiled at Barrett, whose heart sped up a bit at the thought of those hooters resting on top of his head. At the look on his face, she leaned back in her chair, putting those huge breasts on better display.

"How many guys you had sex with?" she asked Fiona very casually.

Fiona gulped, the question taking her entirely aback.

"Oh, jeez, I don't know." She glanced quickly at Barrett. "I guess maybe five or six."

"How about you, Barrett?" Adel continued.

His turn to glance at Fiona. "I guess about the same as her," he replied hesitantly.

"About the same for us," Adel assured. "So, what do you guys think about sex?" Seeing the puzzled expressions, she continued. "Carsten and I 'make love,'" she said. "That's different than just having sex. Sex is fun, like lots of other things." She smiled.

"So, you can have sex ... just for fun?" Fiona was interested in this kind of thinking.

"Why not?"

Yes, why not. She smiled at Carsten. When she looked at Barrett, she was amazed by the size of the smile on his face, which, she was sure, was matched by the size of the erection in his bathing trunks.

With all four of them buzzing nicely from their four glasses of wine, they were back in the pool, Barrett anxiously pushing his head between Adel's legs while Carsten did the same to Fiona.

The men circled, but it was Adel who made the first move, launching herself at Fiona, and they were both off their "horses" and under the water. Fiona squeezed a breast as she felt her bikini bottoms being pulled down her legs and off. More thrashing, and then both were sputtering and standing, Adel holding a bikini bottom and Carsten's trunks, which she tossed out of the pool.

She stepped toward her husband, and he grunted loudly. She giggled.

Back on the "horses" again, they were ready for round three. Fiona was determined to get Adel's bottoms off this time ... and Barrett's trunks as well. There wasn't much strategy, just splashing and grabbing. Fiona dove at Adel and found almost no resistance to pulling her bottoms off. What she felt instead was a finger penetrating her pussy and rubbing across her clit. She gasped, sucking in water, and thought she might drown. She swiped at Adel's pussy, but missed.

Opening her eyes underwater, she saw Barrett's trunks coming down ... and a little more as his erection disappeared for several seconds. Fiona stood up, coughing, to see a wide-eyed look on Barrett. Adel was standing in front of him, smiling. Everyone was naked now.

"One more chicken-fight?" Adel suggested an evil smile on her face. Fiona remembered the pain from the twisted nipple. She also remembered the pained squeal from Adel. She wanted to hear that one more time. Plus, those long nipples of Adel were much easier to grab than her own much smaller ones.

"Ready for some pain?" Adel teased.

"You better be ready," Fiona countered, "but don't worry, Barrett will kiss it and make it better."

"Counting on that," Adel laughed, sticking a finger in Barrett's mouth and pumping it in and out.

The men circled, the women feinting and faking until Barrett stumbled slightly, throwing Adel off-balance, and Fiona was onto the right nipple before she could recover. Adel squealed and reached for Fiona, who twisted hard. This time Adel screamed.

"Give up?"


Another hard twist.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I give up."

Fiona freed the nipple, a big smile on her face.

"Shit, that hurt."

"Learned it from you."

"I do have a disadvantage," Adel laughed.

"Two of them. I'm counting on Barrett to take care of that," she said, putting her arm around him and rubbing a boob against his chest. "Right?"

Barrett was nudging her toward deeper water. When they were neck-deep, he went to work squeezing those giant hooters. They were surprisingly firm —he was expecting them to be much more squishy. After what she had been through, he was reluctant to do much with her nipples.

"The left one is not sore," she whispered. Barrett rolled it gently between his thumb and forefinger. He loved Fiona's nipples, but they were very different than these. "You can take care of the right one later."

She slowly dropped under the water, and Barrett waited. His erection was in her mouth, and she was pumping back and forth, his breathing quickly becoming labored. He wasn't sure how long she could hold her breath, but he hoped for at least another few seconds.

She popped up in front of him. "Your turn," she sputtered, working to catch her breath.

"I'm probably not very good underwater."

"I'll decide," she answered quickly. "Deep breath." She put her hands on his head as he filled his lungs with air and followed it under the water. Her body tensed, and she gasped. Barrett was plenty good enough, she decided as her legs gave way, and she slid under the water with him. They both slowly stood.

Adel looked around.

"If we slip out of the pool on this side, the grass slopes away, and we'd be mostly hidden."

"Let's go, then." They quickly crawled down the hill and were alone

Fiona and Carsten had been watching the other two and were now alone in the pool.

"So," she said, "looks like we have the rest of the yard."

"All that grass," Carsten said, echoing his comment from the other day."

"You and the grass while Barrett is in tittie heaven."

"Who says I'm not there too?"

"You've got them all the time."

"I'm looking at a pair right now that I can't wait to get at."

"Should I be afraid?" Fiona asked as she started to climb out of the pool, which put her in a very vulnerable position. Before she realized what was happening, she had two of Carsten's fingers embedded in her pussy.

"Oh, shit," she groaned, clinging to the side of the pool.

"Ready for the grass," he asked, pumping the two fingers.

"I'm good right here," she mumbled, arching her ass toward Carsten, who immediately bit it.

He climbed out past her and offered his hand to help her up. They took a few steps onto the grass, and Carsten grabbed Fiona and pushed her down. He lay down beside her and immediately was caressing a breast.

"Fantastic," he murmured as he took a nipple between his lips and sucked hard.

"Oww," she squealed.

"Shit, sorry."

"No,no, I love it. Do it some more."

Not believing what he just heard, his lips went back to work, his hand twisting on the other one, accompanied by small squeals and moans from Fiona.

"I'm a fucking slut," she said suddenly. "Just put your cock in, and we'll do the rest later." She grabbed Carsten's erection and pulled it toward her now spread legs.

His two fingers had told him she was ready, and he'd been prepared for several days, so when she pressed his swollen head against her lips, he just jammed it the rest of the way in, accompanied by a loud groan from Fiona.

As he savored the feeling of being buried in that warm and wet place that he had anticipated enjoying for a couple of days, Fiona moaned loudly enough that Carsten knew Adel and Barrett heard it.

"I'm loud," she said a little more quietly. "If I'm not loud, it means you aren't worth a shit," she added as she pumped her hips in encouragement. As they moved in unison, the slapping of bodies echoed in the night air, accompanied by a loud exclamation with each slap.

Across the pool and down the hill, Barrett whispered to Adel, "I hope you don't mind fucking to someone else's moan."

"Sexy as hell," she answered, letting loose of Barrett's cock, "since I know it's Carsten's cock that's causing it. Now, put yours right in here," she directed, one hand on each of those giant breasts.

Barrett leaned forward and lay his erection in the cleavage between the two mounds Adel was grasping firmly. She squeezed them together, and the cock disappeared but, as he began to pump, the head appeared just enough that Adel could flick it with her tongue. He'd never dreamed he'd know someone with tits that could do this. Fiona liked to try occasionally, but her more-than-normally-adequate breasts barely squeezed the sides of his cock. This was so different.

"You like?" she teased. "Faster, then."

He was already going faster and enjoying the way she carefully left her nipples exposed so he could watch them. It wasn't going to take long, particularly with the way her tongue was working.

"It's gonna get your face," Barrett grunted.

"It better," she said.

It was about fifteen seconds later that he felt it building, his breathing labored.

"Oh, shit," he groaned as his erection erupted into Adel's face.

"Oh, yeah. Nice," she murmured as her face was filled with his jizzum.

On the other side of the pool, a still loudly moaning Fiona had wrapped her legs tightly around Carsten, her fingernails digging into his back as she rode the wave of euphoria his cock was creating inside her. Whether he knew it or not, he was working her g-spot, and she was about to explode.

"Fuck, fuck, Carsten, I'm coming," she fairly screamed. Then, as her body spasmed, she yelled with each contraction.

Carsten had never experienced anything like this and, with Fiona's orgasm, his own began, shooting stream after stream of hot liquid inside her, his body jerking with each release.

For the first time in a while, Fiona was quiet. "You know," she finally said, "it's not totally appropriate, but your mouth on mine could quiet me."


"Yeah. Since we're neighbors, it seems okay. We're not exactly strangers or running off together. When we get you ready for number two, we can try that." She smiled at him.

"And you were the 'no hands' person."

"Worth the wait?" she giggled.

He slid backward, freeing his now-drooping erection from her pussy.

"I guess we know what just happened," Barrett said. "At least I do."

Adel spread her legs nearly as wide as they'd go, wound her fingers in Barrett's hair, and pulled his face to her pussy. He needed no more instructions as his tongue was moving up and down her slit. He used his fingers to spread her, and when his tongue found her clit, she squealed loudly, her hips twisting from side to side.

He found she was not quite as loud as Fiona, but as his lips sucked hard on the now-engorged nub, her sensual moans let him know she was getting to where she wanted to be. He added his tongue to what his lips were doing, and her hips rocked up and down.

"You're pretty good," she gasped, "and don't be surprised if you hear a loud yell 'cause I'm ready." Her hands pressed his head against her pussy, grinding it against his mouth as she screamed a drawn-out, "OH FUCK."

"Quiet!" came a call from the other side of the pool.

"Fuck you," Adel yelled back.

"We will, and you too. Meet in the pool in twenty-minutes," Fiona answered. She continued to Carsten. "My mouth will have you ready in two minutes. This one will be for our quiet enjoyment."


"I won't be coming, so it will be quiet ... quieter anyway," she giggled.

Without saying anything else, she brought his partial erection to full hard in the given two minutes, then rolled to her back, and pulled Carsten on top of her. In just a few seconds, he was inside her, moving in and out more quickly, his breathing ragged. He just knew it felt good. And Fiona was not being quiet. Her moans and groans were getting louder and louder as his cock was once again working on her g-spot. Her quiet one ...

Carsten's mouth engulfed hers, his tongue probing as her lips sucked it in even deeper. If anything, her moans muffled but more intense.

"Gonna come," she murmured into his mouth, her body trembling, then spasming as her hips vibrated in the throes of the orgasm. Carsten yelped as her teeth closed on his tongue, his body jerking with his orgasm.

"You bastard," she gasped. "I wasn't going to come again. I was saving that for Barrett."

"You won't have any problems. He'll be telling you about Adel's tits and nipples." Carsten laughed. "He may need a cold shower."

Barrett had his cock buried in Adel, his hands massaging and squeezing her breasts and occasionally pulling on one of her hard and very erect nipples. Her hips were bouncing in time with his thrusts as she watched him playing with her boobs. It wasn't the first time she'd watched someone's fascination with them, including even her college roommate that one time. She loved it every time it happened.

She heard his breathing getting ragged, and, quickly, he stilled, his erection pulsing and filling her with hot cum. She held him tightly until he quieted.

"Pool time," she whispered.

"We might be interrupting," Barrett suggested, catching his breath.

"Don't think so," she assured him.

They walked up the slope in time to see Carsten and Fiona slipping into the water. Adel and Barrett quickly joined them, the women particularly anxious to clean up a little.

"We need to get more of the neighbors involved. I'm sure there are some of them that would love it."

"A couple I'd love to have involved," Adel giggled.

"You talking about the couple on the end of the court?" Fiona laughed. "The Petits?"

"I think so. She was a basketball player, about six-foot-three, and he has to be six-seven."

"Have you met the single guy on the other end of the court? Lorenzo something. Has to spend four hours a day at the gym, the way he looks."

"I hope the Riddell's are broad-minded since their place overlooks the pool," Carsten said as he climbed out of the pool, offering a helping hand to Adel. "Sorry to run, but we have something to take care of." He put his arm around Adel and squeezed her boob."

"Bye, y'all," she said over her shoulder.

Fiona looked at Barrett. "Here or inside?" she asked, a sultry tone to her voice.

"Put your ass on the grass," he said.

Fiona was quickly on the ground, arms open to Barrett.

Everyone was ecstatic, but the two questions present at the beginning hadn't been answered. Were they questions that needed to be answered, or were they merely misunderstandings that could be easily explained?

* * * * *

My sincere thanks to chasten for his beta read and helpful comments. Thanks also to the Akron Aristocrats and MsCherylTerra for their continued support and encouragement.

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SsnowmannSsnowmannabout 2 years ago

Very good story, it had both plot and steaminess. Please continue writing additional chapters about the adventures that occur with additional neighbors, this storyline is too good to stop at one installment…

rodavrodavabout 3 years ago
Nice and exciting

Would be waiting for the next chapter. Would be exciting to see that 6'3" female neighbor naked.

mybikecruisesmybikecruisesover 3 years ago
Good reveal

Fun story.

Proof not neighbors doing the running together, but!!!

The lead in at end suggests other possibilities, Adel wants back with a female occasionally or is running with the single guy in the circle and Barrett is smooth he didn't let any slip, but is likely running with the single lady in the circle, based on writers comments in opening.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very hot and well written!!

OneAuthorOneAuthorover 3 years ago
Terrific story

This was hot... and fun to read. 5 stars for sure!

RTR10RTR10over 3 years ago

I thought, at the very end, it would come out that Adele & Barret were planning a surprise party or joint couples trip....something completely innocent to explain their meeting up. Or maybe they weren't meeting up at all. Maybe they were going exactly what they said they were doing. And their spouses would be eaten up with guilt. That's just MY thoughts.

DunkirkDunkirkover 3 years ago

Invite the neighbors. The more the merrier

Tls2753aTls2753aover 3 years ago

Very nicely written. I need to know what Adel has been up to.

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