Unbroken Ch. 18


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"Hey!" Luis kissed softly, slowly turning him to face him.

"Hi!" Aidan beamed as he came face to face with the most wonderful man in the world.

He took in a deep breath, wrapping his arms tightly around his husband's neck. Luis was looking really handsome with his little hair blowing back. He was putting on a dark blue short, yellow t-shirt. He was looking super cute especially with the wonderful grin on his face. He was looking really lovely.

"So..." Aidan breathed sensually, bringing Luis' lips closer to him. "What does my wonderful husband has for me."

"Hmm," Luis gripped Aidan's waist harder, bringing him closer to himself. He licked his lips, looking straight into Aidan's sexy green eyes. They showed him nothing but pure love. He loved staring into them. It was like he was looking into his own soul. "I have a lot for you. To start with," He breathed audibly through his teeth. "I would like to start with a wonderful kiss and..."

"Hmm," Aidan beamed, getting really closer to Luis. "Really?"

"Yes!" Luis said in the sexiest voice he'd ever used on Aidan. "Now aren't you glad Jacob is not with us today?" He got really close to those wonderful lips.

"Why's that?"

"Because I can have all to myself today." Luis breathed, getting really closer to Aidan. "I am glad mother took him from us today. That means that I can do anything to you without any disturbances. I can kiss you all I want and... I can make love to you all I want, baby?"

"Hmm," Aidan quickly removed his hands from Luis' neck. "I would really love that. But you are gonna have to work harder to kiss me, Prince Carter."

"Hmm, is that how you want to do it?" He slowly dropped his hands to Aidan's big ass, giving it a tight slap. Then he grabbed them harder, squeezing them softly. He quickly pulled Aidan closer to him with a loud moan. "I don't want to do anything. How about I just kiss you right now without having to work for it?" He tried to kiss Aidan but Aidan blocked him with his hand.

"I don't think that's fair, Mr. Carter." He laughed. "You are gonna have to work hard to taste these lips. They are quite expensive."

"Okay." Luis raised his eyebrow. He was dying to kiss Aidan like crazy. His cock was even getting harder. "What do I have to do to have a taste of those lips?"

"Well!" Aidan started tracing Luis from his chest, going down to his crotch. "You are gonna have to..." He moaned softly when he reached Luis' crotch, feeling his cock growing. Then he gave Luis a firm rub that made him moan and loosen up. Aidan laughed and then quickly pulled away from him. "...you are gonna have to catch me first."

With those words, Aidan started running as fast as he could on the shore. Luis laughed hard and then started running after the cute boy. He had a plan. He was gonna catch him and then kiss him harder than before. Yes! He needed to make it intense and satisfy his kissing urge. His lips were twitching terribly in need of those hot puckered lips.

"Here I come." Luis hollered, increasing his pace. Aidan was not a fast runner so Luis was almost catching up with him. "I am coming and I am roaring like the wind." He laughed.

Aidan tried to increase his pace when he heard Luis' voice near him but he couldn't do it. Luis on the other hand laughed as loud as he could when he was about to reach Aidan. Just when he was about to catch him and... voila! He disappeared, making Luis stop and look all around. He appeared a distance from Luis, laughing at Luis.

"Hey!" Luis complained, staring at Aidan. "No fair. That's called..."

"Being smart and knowing how to use your ability." Aidan laughed at the frowning guy. "Yes! I think that's what it's called."

"But you have just cheated and..."

"You want a kiss?" Aidan teased, licking his lips sensually. "Then better run after these lips or you will not get anything okay."

"Ah..." Luis complained. "If I catch you... I swear I am gonna kiss you until forever."

"Well! What are you waiting for? Are you afraid you can't handle this boy tonight?" He pointed at himself.

With a quick groan, Luis started rushing towards the boy that was still a bit far from him. Just when he had run a little distance he...

"Ouch!" He cried out in pain, sitting on the sand while holding his leg. "Ouch! It hurts a lot. It fucking hurts," he cried out in pain.

Hearing Luis' sudden cries of pain, Aidan got so scared that his heart pounded. He didn't even waste any time and he was already running towards Luis. He reached him and quickly knelt down on the sand, holding his leg.

"Oh my God..." Aidan almost cried. "What happened to your leg? Why are you..." Aidan trailed off when he heard Luis laughing as hard as he could. He moved his eyes towards him and then saw that he was really laughing.

"I got you didn't I?"

"What?" Aidan dropped Luis' leg.

"Did you think you are the only one with the ability to cheat and..."

"This was a joke?" Aidan furiously got up. "This was not funny and..."

"Hey!" Luis quickly got up and turned the angry looking Aidan to face him. "I was only..."

"This was not funny, Luis." Aidan said angrily. "Do you know how worried I was? I thought something bad had happened to you and I..."

Luis raised his hands, holding his ears. "I am sorry, baby. I just wanted to..."

"Please." Aidan got closer to Luis. "Don't ever do that to me, ever again?"

"Okay." Luis dropped his hands to Aidan's waist. "I will never, ever do it. I promise." Aidan smiled brightly, giving a sigh of relief. "Can I get a kiss now?"

Aidan smiled brilliantly, nodding his head. He felt like the luckiest guy on earth. "You may do whatever you want with me. I promise I will give you anything."

"Just a kiss for now."

Aidan smiled brighter than before, coiling his arms around that sweet neck. Luis chuckled nervously, moving his hands to cup Aidan's cheeks. He took in a deep breath and leaned down, capturing Aidan's sweet lips into the sweetest kiss ever. He started by slowly sucking on his hot lips, drawing a moan from him. He sucked harder and nipped on them while enjoying the sweetness of each other's lips. Then he demanded entrance into his mouth and explored it with his tongue. He sucked on his tongue slowly, moaning softly in his sweet mouth. It was an explosive kiss which filled them with pure bliss. None of them wanted to pull away from a kiss as hot as that one. It was one of a kind. Their bodies were on fire. The feeling of lust and desire took control of their mouths and they moaned even louder. Each second they spent into that kiss only drew more breaths from their lungs.

When they eventually pulled away from those sweet lips, they were breathing faster than anything. Their lips were pretty swollen but the happiness that had enveloped their bodies was just to die for. There was nothing like this on this earth.

"Those lips are gonna be the death of me, one day." Luis joked. "I just can't get enough of them. I just want them on mine the whole time." He had his eyes on Aidan the whole time.

Aidan chuckled, trying to catch his breath. "It feels so good to know you are satisfied. I really love it so much. You are the best husband and the best father in the entire world. Jacob is really lucky to have you."

"Yeah..." Luis chuckled, gripping Aidan's waist, bringing him closer to his super charged body. "Speaking of fathers," he breathed in deeply, putting his head on Aidan's. They were breathing really fast and their lips were almost touching. "So I was thinking,"


"Would you like to have... another child?" Luis asked softly. "I was thinking of adding another baby to Jacob and..."

"Are you serious?" Aidan was a little surprised. "Jacob is still a baby and I don't even know if..."

"You said you could will anything and it would happen." Luis moaned. "I was just thinking and besides," he kissed him on the lips. "I will make love to you whole day and enjoy it."

"You are crazy." Aidan said softly. "But I love you and we will talk about it later. However, if it is a child you want then I will give you one."

Luis exclaimed, planting another kiss on his soft lips. "You are absolutely right and... thanks."

They kissed one more time before Luis wrapped his arm around Aidan's shoulder, bringing him closer. They both chuckled softly and started walking on the wonderful shore, enjoying the cool breeze and the sweet water on their feet.

Aidan walked for a little time when he stepped on something hard. "Ouch! I think I stepped on something."

"Wait!" Luis knelt down, moving his eyes to Aidan's leg. "Let me see. Are you okay?"

"I am fine but..." He trailed off when he saw something half buried in the sand. It was glowing brightly like gold but he couldn't make of what it was. Aidan moved his hand, pointing it at the place where he'd seen it. "There is something over there."

Luis followed Aidan's direction and found what he was pointing at. "I will see what it is."

Luis chuckled softly, moving to the item. When he got his hands and picked it up from the sand, both Luis and Aidan's eyes widened. They looked at each other and then the item. Their hearts began racing and they both couldn't hide the surprise on their faces when they actually saw what it was.

It was the golden necklace, the same golden necklace that Luis had given to Aidan during their night of introduction two years ago. They both couldn't understand what was going on. Aidan was the most surprised because he was the one that had gotten rid of that necklace. He took a good look at it, seeing that it was completely fine without any scratch or anything loose. He was pretty sure he had... anyway, never mind that.

"The necklace..." Luis gasped, staring at Aidan as he got up. "How did it get here?"

"Beats me." Aidan exclaimed, moving closer to Luis. He got the necklace away from him and held it in his hands. Then he remembered how he'd gotten rid of it. For a reason or another he'd have rejected that it wasn't his necklace but he still could remember it even after two years.

"I thought I had gotten rid of it." He chuckled happily. "How did it get here and..."

"I think we have a lot of memories with it, like our first love and meeting." Luis chuckled softly. "It came back to you because it belongs to you and it looks good on you." He laughed. "The person I bought this necklace from told me it was unique so..." he stopped and just stared at the teary Aidan.

"I am so happy." Aidan said softly, gripping it in his hands. He'd never thought he'd be happy seeing the necklace which had bad memories, he thought. But all he could remember from then were good memories. "It has so many beautiful memories with you. Please. Put it on me once again."

Luis smiled brightly and took the necklace from him. He got behind him and then slowly put the necklace on him while planting soft kisses on him. When he was done, he went to the front and stared at him, holding his hands tightly. The necklace still looked new and it was glowing brighter than before. The jeweler was right. That necklace was really unique. It was one of a kind.

"Oh..." Aidan was more than happy. "I wish I had a mirror to..."

"You don't need any mirror." Luis got closer to him. "I can tell you right now that the necklace is still beautiful but..." he held the back of his head, bringing him closer. "You are still more beautiful than it any day."

"Thank you so much."

Luis chuckled happily, bringing Aidan's lips closer to him. They kissed passionately, enjoying the pleasures of each other's mouths and the happiness that enveloped their bodies. They were really happy with everything in their lives. It was more than it was. It was growing stronger and stronger every day.

"I love you so much." Luis said as he wrapped his arm around Aidan's shoulder, securing him tightly close to him. "I will never love anyone else."

"I love you too, so much."

They both chuckled, smiling at each other. With a final passionate kiss, Aidan and Luis started walking romantically on the shore, enjoying the setting sun. Then they romantically started chasing each other on the shore and the water. It was amazing. Their life together had just begun.

They both knew from that moment that things were gonna be different in their lives. They were not only thinking about themselves but also about their son, Jacob and their future children whom they were looking forward to. They also knew that they were gonna rule the kingdom someday but before that... they knew they had to have as much fun as they could.

Aidan and Luis' relationship had taken a great turn for the better. Nothing was gonna come between them. Their love and their bond was gonna remain unbroken till the end of time.

And they lived happily ever after.

The end...


Aidan had come a long way in his life. He had come from being a fierce poor waiter into a fiercer prince and later on a fearless wizard, a successor of the most powerful magic. He had begun his journey as a fierce poor boy with dreams to lead a good life and provide a better life for his family. His life had taken a great turn when he met an arrogant gay playboy prince. Though their love proved to be stronger, they hated each other like crazy. Strange circumstances led to a marriage which they both didn't want but they had no idea they were bonded by something even greater that made them fall deeply in love with each other.

Though Aidan had developed powers which he had no knowledge of, he used it to save the throne but those powers also cost him more than he had ever imagined. Through those powers came hatred, betrayal, pain and anger. After departing from his husband, Aidan thought it had ended but he never knew he had started another journey of his life. He discovered he was stronger. He rebuilt himself and called himself the unbroken and truly he was unbroken. But as they say, love is stronger and some bonds are unbroken. Aidan got back with Luis after defeating the threat in his kingdom. Now their bond is stronger and it will remain unbroken, forever.


Thank you so much for taking this long journey with me. Although it was long, I just hope it was really interesting to you guys. I have never tried any fantasy story and this was my first. I just hope I gave it to you guys better. This story or rather this journey has been a great one. There were some funny moments in my writing, some happy moments, some sad moments and some romantic moments. In other words, this was a really emotional journey for me. As a writer, this story is one of my most successful stories and I thank you guys a lot for it. You have come to the end with me and I love you and thank you a lot.

Don't forget to drop your comments about this chapter and your thoughts overall about this story. Thank you again for making this story successful. I couldn't have done it without you lovely fans and readers. I really love you a lot.

Watch out for a hotter story which will be different from all my other stories. I just hope it will be a hit like the others. Thank you for this story and I love you.

Vanalas out...

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josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

helo Angria,why ar u so silent???

Plz vanalas

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

Hello vana-family..Here in Angria every one is welcome,our home is free.....Hope tomorrow our Head will post soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
loved it

Even though there were tiny errors u bombed it I would love to read more of your work n maybe a drama with more fight n no easy forgiving but love the works

josranvictorjosranvictorover 6 years ago

Merry christmas to us vanaholics and to OUR LOVELY SO FAR WRITTEN STORIES


oh,do u guys know that iron Rose is going to premire in these festive season.????

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Side story

Can u make a side story for ethen and justin

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