Unexpected Love


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"Okay, just try to stay focused on why we're here. I'm gonna call her and let her know I made it. You need to keep quiet when I'm on the phone, I didn't tell her you were coming. I'm hoping I can talk to her and see the place where she's living. If it's as bad as you say, I may just let her think nothing is wrong and maybe get the police involved.

She picks up on the second ring, "Hi, you made it! How was the flight?"

"Long, I'm beat. I'm here in the same motel you stayed in, Ray still had an advertising flyer on them so that made it easy. I was wondering if it'd be best if I came over to your place?"

"Of course, we were expecting you and Angelie has made some good food for us. She's gotta go to work at six, can you come over now so you can meet her?"

"Sounds good. Let me write down the address ... got it. I'll get cleaned up and be over in awhile."

"Okay. You probably heard all of that, they have some food fixed but Angelie has to get to work by six. So I'm gonna grab a quick shower and head on over there and see for myself what she's into. She sounds happy, so that's a positive."

I wait until I hear the shower running, then look at the address Lauryn gave to Carter. Pulling the drawer open on the night-table, the pad and pen are where they were the last time we stayed here. Now I at least know where she's living. Just let Carter play it his way — he'll see. Then we can get something done about it maybe. I don't really want her back, never figured her for a lezbo — no way am I going near that. With my address safely tucked away, the TV takes my mind off of all of this craziness.

"Ray, you have the car keys?"

"Yeah, here you go. Better take these rental papers with you too, in case you get stopped or something."

I put the keys in my front pocket and fold the papers and stick them in my back pocket. "Man I wish that car had GPS. Wonder if they have city maps in the lobby?"

"They did when we were here, I'll go down and get you one. You finish getting dressed and I'll be right back."

Together, we figure out what looks like the easiest path to Lauryn's house. I mark it out with a pen so I can see it as I drive. "Okay, I'll probably be gone at least a couple of hours — I'm sure we have a lot to catch up on. Wish me luck Ray, see you later."

"Good luck Carter — I wouldn't turn my back to that bitch if I were you."

"I'll try to not let her get the drop on me buddy. Put on some porn and chill out for awhile."

The afternoon is heading toward evening as I drive the route to Lauryn's temporary home. I see why she would like it here, there is an openness here that would appeal to her. The other woman is the big unknown — why would she be so interested in a stranger? I glance at the time and move along a little faster — at best I'll have an hour to check her out before she goes to work ... in a bar.

The neighborhood is a lot nicer than I imagined it would be — it looks like it belongs in the desert, stucco and bright colors. It's actually really nice. Lauryn must have been watching out the window, she's out the door before I can get out of the car.

She runs to me and hugs me the second I get free of the car. "It's so good to see you. I can't believe you came all the way down here to check on me. Give me another hug!"

As we walk to the house, my first thoughts are that she seems fine and healthy and happy. She wasn't pretending on the phone. I'm relieved, but also suddenly confused — maybe Ray's poison talk had clouded my own perceptions? I guess I'm about to find out — I'm just happy that she is happy.

"Carter, this is Angelie Aguilar, my savior and hero."

"Angelie, we have heard so much about you and from our parents and myself, a heartfelt thank-you for helping Lauryn."

"No thanks are necessary, but it's kind of you to come and tell me that Carter. You remind me of my older brothers, always there if needed."

Well, fuck Ray again — lying bastard. Everything he said about her is wrong — a total fabrication.

"Is it too early to eat something Carter?"

"Even if it was, I think the good smells would tempt me. Lauryn said you made us all some special dishes. I know you have to get to work, so let's eat and talk and get to know one another."

I listen with keen interest as Lauryn retells the story of when she and Angelie first met. The details are clear and they both say the same things — I know my sister, I know when she's lying and I know she is not lying now. I regret bringing Ray along — he's worse than useless and more likely to be in the way.

"So Ellen really thinks she can sell your paintings? That's so perfect Sis. You gave Mom the list, why don't you send the images of the paintings you want to my phone and when I get back I'll help make sure we send the right ones. Wow, I can't say how happy and proud I am of you."

"That's a good idea — I'll send them to you. I wish you could stay longer, there's so much I want to show you. Promise you'll come back when you can spend more time, you won't regret it, I promise."

"I promise. I want to see Arizona and keep in touch with you and Angelie — I don't want us to drift apart like so many families do. And I think you should bring Angelie up to our part of the country. Have you ever taken a swim in the Pacific Ocean?"

"No, but I have seen pictures and I'd love to travel there some day. We'll make a pact to stay in close contact. And on one of your trips down here, I'll introduce you to my family and you will be overwhelmed and overfed all in one trip."

As the afternoon speeds by, it is Lauryn who notes the time. "Angelie, look at the time. I wish you could have taken tonight off, but you better get going."

"Aye! Most nights I could, but we're already going to be short staffed tonight. When are you flying back home?"

"We're scheduled for day after tomorrow."

"We? You didn't tell me you were with someone?"

"Yeah. Ray insisted on coming. I figured he might be of some help since he knows the airport and town a bit. We're staying in the same hotel you two stayed in Sis. He's not going to bother you. I think he's sorry for everything, but he's got some crazy ideas too. Anything you want me to tell him?"

"Carter, the only thing either of us wants is for Ray to go away and forget he ever knew us. Don't let him fool you big brother, he fooled me for too long. But I've seen the real Ray, and it's not pretty. Trust me on this Carter — he's not all there in my opinion."

"I'm sorry I let him come. I've noticed a few odd things too lately. I want to spend some time with you tomorrow, he's pestered me about bringing him but I'll just keep telling him he has to stay at the hotel."

"I'd like that, we can drive around and you can at least see some things. But it really sort of spoils your visit now that I know Ray is still around."

Angelie had gone to get dressed and she walks into the living-room. I decide to not mention Ray before she has to go to work. "I'm really sorry I can't stay longer, but I'll see you tomorrow Carter. Nice thing about working nights, I have the days to enjoy life."

She turns to Lauryn and they hug, "I'll see you later Babe. You both make yourself at home." Turing to me she adds, "I consider it Lauryn's home now as much as it is mine."

"Really nice meeting you Angelie. I'll see you tomorrow."

With Angelie off to work, Lauryn and I sit on the sofa to catch up. She puts on a teapot for hot water and soon we have our cups of tea and it's just us now. "So, you're really okay? You can fly back with me if you want to. Mom and Dad and me, we just want to make sure you're safe and happy."

I have to hug the big lunkhead. "Carter, I'm more than okay. I'm the best I've ever been. I really see this place as being my life. I've got an opportunity here that would never come to me back home. Carter, I've also got Angelie. I don't know how to say this except to just say it, we've fallen in love." I glance up to his face and am relieved that he isn't shocked. "You knew?"

"I suspected. I've never seen you this happy Sis. Your face is alive with your happiness. Are you sure you know her well enough? It's pretty fast, it seems to me."

"I know. I've thought of that too. But we're taking our time, getting to know each other. We like the same things. She can be bad ass, I wish you could have seen her when Ray went wild on me. He thought he could push her around like he did me, he ended up on his butt with a bloody nose. Carter, I'm more worried about you being around Ray than anything. Honestly, I think he's having a breakdown or something. Watch your back."

"Okay. I was sort of already thinking the same thing about him. It's really none of my business, and you don't have to answer, but how long have you been into other women?"

"It's been awhile, but I never acted on it. I just figured it was fantasies and make believe. With Angelie, it's like a light just got turned on. Like one of those ah-ha moments when everything becomes clear. How do I tell Mom and Dad?"

"Sis, I don't know. But, really there is only one way to tell them — just tell them. Or don't. If you're going to live down here, it may be a long time or never before they will find out. But I think you'd feel better to just tell them and get it over with. You might want to wait awhile and make sure it's not a passing crush. And maybe give Angelie enough time to be sure too. Just rambling thoughts, but it's up to you in the end."

"How do you feel about it?"

"I see how happy you are with her. I saw how she treats you. How do I feel? I'm happy for you. But, you and I both know our generation is more accepting than a lot of the older folks. Still, Mom is pretty enlightened and she supports gay rights. Dad, well I think Dad will look to Mom on how to handle it. And I'll chime in with my two cents too."

I have to give him a hug — "I'm so glad you came. There was a lot going on, so many changes and all so fast. Thank you, you've always been my buddy and sometimes bodyguard."

"Now don't bring that up again — that guy deserved what he got."

"Indeed he did. Every girl should have a big brother like you. And speaking of you, how is your love life going?"

"Not as good as yours, I think. But I'm dating this one girl, you don't know her. But we're getting closer I think. I may have to bring you up to check her out and make sure I'm not being a fool."

"Well, that's fair. You came down here to do that for me, didn't you?"

"Guilty as charged. Well, I better get back and make sure Ray hasn't done something stupid. I don't know how he's going to take staying in the room again if we all go cruising around. I'll figure something out — maybe I'll let him have the rental car and you and Angelie can pick me up in your car?"

"I think that would work perfect. Call me in the morning and we can get it worked out."

"Sounds like a nice day. I better get going and I'll see you tomorrow." We stand and hug one more time. I never imagined I'd miss her so much — it hurts to realize she is slipping away, but I'm relieved that she is happier than I've ever seen her.

The drive home in the dark dampens my mood and I dread getting back to the room and Ray. I gotta just tune him out or it could blow up. I'd already like to punch his face in for what he's done to Lauryn — that would serve no purpose. But Ray and I have seen the end of our friendship. Should have seen it sooner.


When I walk back into the motel room, it's obvious by the beer bottles on the table that Ray hadn't stayed home and watched some TV. When I set the room key, the car keys and my phone on the table, I notice the baggie with brownish colored capsules in it. There are also several opened and empty capsules on the table and a plastic straw cut in half laying with it. I look over at Ray on the bed, he looks back at me and just shrugs his shoulders. "Ray, what the fuck are you doing? Where did this stuff come from?"

"It's just some meds my doctor ordered for me. Helps me breath better."

"Bullshit, you don't use a straw to take asthma pills. My guess is it's speed and that explains a lot of how you've been acting lately. Lauryn was right about you dude, you're off the rails!"

With that Ray jumps off the bed and is on me like a monkey — I push him away, but leave myself wide open for the punch with the empty bottle to the side of my head that sends me to the floor. Before I can even get back up, I see him snatch everything on the table — the car keys, my phone, the city map, and his dope — then he's out the door! I stagger to the railing on the walkway outside the room just in time to see him close the car door. "Motherfucker — damn-it!'

I get back in the room and go to the bathroom to see what damage he's done. It could be worse, and I wash my face with a cold washcloth. As I stand there, I see him with my map in his hands — he's going to Lauryn's house! Without my phone, I go to the room phone only to find the wire to the wall jack cut — he was planning this all along. My brain isn't working very fast and the only thing I can think of is to find a phone and call both Lauryn and Angelie to warn them!

I rush into the lobby and the look on the guys face behind the desk tells me I look a mess. I've got an emergency — phone's not working in my room, can I use a phone?"

The kid sets his phone up on the counter, eyes still wide, and step back. I look at him, "I need a number can you look up the Monte Vista Hotel — please hurry, it's really important."

As the young guy tells me the numbers, I enter them and wait for someone to answer. "Monte Vista Hotel, how may I help you?"

"My name is Carter Lacomb, this is an emergency and I need to speak to Angelina Aguilar right now."

"Monte Vista Lounge."

"Yes, this is an emergency call for Angelina Aguilar, tell her it is Carter Lacomb." The seconds feel like hours ... come on Angelina.

"Carter, what's wrong?"

"I think Ray is on his way to your house. We had a fight and he's got the rental car — Angelie, he has my map that I marked showing how to get to you house."

"Okay, I'm leaving now. I'll call her and tell her what's happening. I'm going straight home."

"Ray has my phone too, so I'm going to try to get a cab to your house — tell me the address again. Okay, got it — be careful, he's drunk and doped up on speed."

Turning to the young desk clerk, "I'm sorry about all of that — could you call me a cab?"

"Yes sir, right away."


What's with that fucking Lacomb clan anyway? Too high and mighty, too good to be true. If nothing else, little miss Lauryn Lacomb is going to hear me out and then I'll kick her little cheating butt out'a my life for good. I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole now — freaking dyke.

Well, the map brought me to the right spot. Taking up Carter's phone I text her: 'I'm outside forgot my wallet'.

Leaving the car at the street, I hurry up to door — good, no peep hole. I see the curtains at the front window move, then the click of the door lock. At the first crack I push the door open just in time to see Lauryn go sprawling to the floor. "Hello Lauryn, that wasn't very graceful."

Her phone rings — before she can answer it, I have it in my hands. I drop it on the floor and jamb the heel of my shoe down on it. "Oops, sorry."

"Ray, you need to get out of here right now. You leave now and I won't call the cops. Ray, I can smell the booze, listen to me — you don't want to do this."

"You need to shut up. I'm sick and tired of people telling me what I need to do."

"What do you want Ray?"

"From you? Not much. How's it going being a lezbo?"

"Really Ray, let's just remember we were all friends. You and Carter are still friends, lets try to go back to that, okay?"

"That's not gonna happen Lauryn. You're a liar and Carter is a liar, and I don't run with liars."

"Then why are you here Ray?"

"I think you owe me. I'm not sure what'll pay off all you've done to me. But for now, we're going to go for a little drive to talk about it. Let's go."

'Ray, no! I don't want to go for a ride — I'm not even dressed to go out."

"Yeh, you are all sexy looking — waiting for your girlfriend to come home and ... hell, I don't even know what good she would do you in bed. What's she got, a rubber cock for you?"

"Ray, this is all going to get a lot worse if you kidnap me. You leave now and I'll forget all of this happened."

"Not gonna happen Lauryn, I'm tired of talking — get up."

Ray grabs a handful of hair at the back of my head and yanks me to my feet. Still holding my hair he pushes me toward his car. For the first time I'm beyond panic and feel a numbness wash over me as raw fear paralyzes me.


The moment I pull into the driveway I know I'm too late. The front door and screen are wide open. The house is dark and I know she is gone. I debate for a few seconds if I should call the cops now or wait for Carter to get here so he can provide them with more information. My dilemma is resolved when the cab pulls up at the curb.

I run to meet him, "She's gone! He's taken her!"

I hug Angelie and we comfort each other for a moment. "Let's go inside Angelie. We have to call the police right now."

With the police on the way, we walk together through the house to make sure he's not hiding here someplace and to see if he did any damage. "I don't think he came in very far beyond the front door. Pretty sure that was Lauryn's phone smashed into the floor."

"It's hers, I recognized it."

"Let's go outside and wait for the police Angelie."

We didn't have long to wait before a squad car pulls up with lights flashing. Two officers get out and walk to where we're standing. "What's happened?"

"My name is Carter Lacomb. I came down here from Vancouver, Washington to visit with my sister. She was down here with her fiancé' and they had a parting of ways. Long story short, he flew back to Vancouver and my sister Lauryn stayed down here. She is a friend of Angelie's here, and this is her house. Tonight, her former fiancé', Ray Sloan, hit me in the head with a bottle and took the rental car. My sister was alone here and he's taken her. We have no idea where they are. You can see he got inside there and that's her phone smashed on the floor."

The officer thanks me and turns to Angelie, "Ola Angelie, sorry we have to be here under these circumstances. Do you have anything to add to what Mr. Lacomb has told us?"

"There is a lot more to say Manuel, but the bottom line is this Ray Sloan has taken my friend out of my house. She has been staying with me because it was me who stopped him from physically abusing her when he and Lauryn were here the first time less than a month ago. He's a nut case Manuel. I'm truly worried what he might do to her."

"Mr. Lacomb, it looks like you've been in a fight tonight, can you tell me about that?"

"It wasn't so much a fight, but when I got back to the motel room I was sharing with Ray, I walked in to find a bunch of empty beer bottles and a baggie of pills on the table. We had some heated words, he grabbed an empty bottle and hit me in the head with it. He took the rental car keys, my phone and his bag of pills off the table and ran out the door before I could get my wits about me. He had also cut the wire on the room phone, so I went down to call Angelie and warn her to get home — I figured this is where he would go. I should have seen this all coming, but Ray has been a friend for a long time. I'm now thinking it's whatever those pills were that's really changed him."

Both officers were writing as we all talked. "Did you get a good look at the pills?"

"They were light brown capsules. They looked like medicine, I think they may be some kind of speed — Ray is definitely not the same guy I've know for a long time."

"Is Ray armed? Any weapons that you're aware of?"
