Unexpected Torture

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Hot student gets under young Professor's skin.
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Chapter 1

Too. Damn. Perfect. He hated her for that. But at the same time, that was what made her so irresistible. Unattainable. Unexpected. He pushed her from his mind. He didn't even know her name for Christ's sake. He shouldn't be thinking about her. He sighed slightly and got back to work.

Fifty multiple choice essays later, he got up, stretched, and grabbed his jacket and headed out. Funny how things worked out, wasn't it? If anyone had asked him three years ago what he thought he'd be doing by now it sure as hell wouldn't have been this shit. Being an assistant professor had its good points, but in general it wasn't all that exciting, not compared to what his life had been like. It wasn't even who he really was, he didn't have the personality for it. But it was a way to get by, until he figured out what he was going to do.

Three years ago Holden had had his sights set on working for the force, but had realized halfway through training that he was no one's drone, and that what he was doing didn't make up for what he had done. He was a different person now. He missed some of it though. Some of the guys, the stories, the crazy adrenaline rushes. His body had become a ripped machine. He worked hard to keep it in the exact condition he left in. That was the biggest perk. Jackasses didn't fuck with him, girls checked him out.

Holden walked to his car, got in, and drove to the gym. He had to go, it was more than just keeping himself in shape though, it was a way for him to release, get his anger, aggression, frustration out. It kept the darkness at bay. Two hours later he was in the shower, soaping off his sweat. When he got out he called Matt, who had become his best friend over the past couple years. This was unusual for Holden, who didn't generally have "best friends." Matt and he had clicked though, and was important in his life now, and before he knew it he was back in his car, on the way over to one of Matt's football parties. Holden wasn't even that into football, but going to the party was a good excuse to kick back and chill, to be social. Hell, he might even meet some girls there. The prospect of getting some didn't excite him that much though. It had been a long time since he had last gotten laid, and it hadn't been all that great. He hated that. If it wasn't going to be good sex, he would almost rather just take care of himself at home watching porn . When was the last time that he had had good sex? At least a year....

He pulled up at Matt's house, and was surprised by how many cars were there. Nice cars too, he saw a new Beemer, an Escalade, and a Range Rover. Walking up he was somewhat relieved to see a Civic or two and some more "normal" cars. Matt knew some high-end people, and Holden didn't want this to be some spoiled-rich kid gambling party. He never would fit in with that sort of crowd, they didn't understand him, couldn't. That was the other thing, Holden didn't get along with people who's lives had been easy, effortless. People who had never been through anything. Even though Matt was not some prime example of hardship in life, he seemed to... understand it, in some way.

He walked in to a decently full house, a couple of kegs were out, and there were people in different rooms, not just the one with the game on. That was good, it meant he wasn't obligated to act like a bro cheering and hollering and throwing shit at the screen. He said hi to Matt and a couple of guys he knew. There were some pretty cute girls there, and some okay girls.... He grabbed a beer and started talking to some people, when something caught his attention. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something down the hall, but as soon as he saw it, it was gone. He turned his attention back to the guy he was talking to.

Later, going to get another beer, the same thing happened. But it didn't disappear this time. She was blonde, with long hair that was straight for the occasion. She was wearing little tiny daisy duke type shorts, and one of those girly shirts that's supposed to look like a jersey but shows way to much midriff and is way to tight to actually do anything in. Those killer legs were tan and taught, the best legs he had ever seen. Her stomach was flat and toned, with those little vertical lines that run down on either side of the bellybutton, which was little more that a tiny slit on her. From what he could see of her ass, from the way she was turned, it looked good. Her breasts were full-she had to be at least a C cup, probably more. The tiny shirt stretched over them. He looked up at that face- pouty nude lips, green eyes framed in long lashes, and arched brows. She had painted black underneath both eyes, and the effect was that she looked like some powder-puff pinup.

What was her name? He hadn't matched names to faces yet, it was only a month into the semester, and he had mostly just done a lot of grading the minor stuff and helping to prep lectures.... He realized that she had caught him blatantly checking her out. Fuck. Luck saved him, he knew the girl that she was talking to, so he came up with some lame "Hey, Sarah how's it going?" or otherwise somewhat civilly generic form of greeting and excused himself.

In the other room one of Matt's friends walked through, "Damn man, did you see some of those girls? They sure are ready for some kind of tackling... especially that blonde! Did you see that ass? Fuck me!" Of course Holden had seen. Although this was the first time he had seen her outside of class, and in so little clothing. He had definitely noticed her though, it would take a blind man not to. Even at that, they could probably smell her or hear her or something and know that she must be hot. He stayed away from her the rest of the party, he didn't quite trust the combination of alcohol and being in her presence, he could get fired for sexual harassment for just flirting with her. He didn't need to be affected by a girl, anyways. It didn't matter that he wasn't a full on professor. Anyone hired by the University couldnotfraternize with a student.

Chapter 2

The next week, Holden had to teach class, the class thatshewas in. Dr. Martin had asked him to hand out the test and go over it, as he was going to be late due to some political theory conference. Holden would be finding her name out... Students filed in, the eager ones coming in first and sitting in the front, then the average students or quiet ones in the middle and back. She came in, and for the first time, she looked more sexy than usual for class. Nothing outlandish, just tight white track pants and a tiny white tank that bordered on being see-through. He could see the color of her bra, and it was either a very bright red or pink. A couple of other guys checked out the four or five inches of exposed midriff too, but that was different. They were students. They didn't have to worry about what would happen if they exposed their more primal urges. Holden did. So if they looked at the way those low rise white pants clung to her ass, or those two little dimples on her lower back... They weren't risking their job. Or their reputation as being a serious, smart, graduate. Or their hold on their self-control... something that was very, very important to Holden.

He shook his head. "Alright, let's get started here. Doc Martin is at a political conference, he's going to be late. So I get the pleasure of passing out tests and going over them with you. You guys did okay, but only a few got A's and a bunch of you got C's and there were too many D's and F's. We're going to look at why." He walked around the room, handing the tests out. "Jacob Barnes."

Some clean cut prepster raised his hand. "Over here."

"Carlos Hernandez," Holden called out. A wannabe ghetto kid nodded his head. He kept calling out names, wondering which one was going to result in the blonde. "Brittney Jones." He was actually relieved when a slightly thick girl with a ponytail in overly trendy clothes answered. She had failed the test miserably, and he didn't like the idea of "Miss Perfect" being a bimbo- there were enough dumb blondes in the world. Not too mention his seething intolerance for blind stupidity.

"Vera Madison."

"Over here," a female voice said, with the slightest hint of amusement. He turned. Green eyes stared back at him, almost challenging. He swallowed hard, and felt his jaw tighten. He passed her the paper. A hot pink strap slipped off her shoulder. She had actually gotten an 'A' on the test, second highest grade in the class in fact. So she wasn't an idiot... interesting.

Class went by uneventfully. The professor showed up halfway through, and Holden took off to the little room he used as a pseudo-office/storage for Dr. Martin's materials. Almost an hour later there was a knock on the door. "Come in, h said, not looking up from his laptop, annoyed at being disturbed.

"Am I interrupting?" a voice purred. Startled, Holden looked up. Leaning against the door frame, the hot blonde, or apparently, Vera Madison, stood.

"Um, yeah, can I help you?" Holden said, turning in his chair.

"Depends. I think you graded my test incorrectly," she walked over to him. "You see?" she pointed to one of the essay questions. "You wrote that I didn't answer the question. But I did, I explained it entirely," she stood in front of him, leaning against his desk.

"The question asks what your thought on the proposed reform of the Electoral College is, and which Senator you agree with. You gave an alternate proposal, which is not what it asked for," Holden replied.

"That's because I don't agree with either Senator! I don't agree with the Electoral College, at all. So I did say what my thoughts on it were. My thoughts were that it needed to not only be reformed, but done away with completely. I explain that." She stared at him, her face serious.

"Yes, but it's still not what the prompt is asking from you," he said.

"Well the prompt asks a stupid question, one that I don't agree with." She was almost glaring at him now.

He could tell she was only going to keep arguing with him. "I'll tell you what, Miss... Madison? I will make a note to bring this issue up with the Professor, and see if he approves of a slight revision. But I can guarantee that you still are not getting full points, due to your avoidance, however deliberate and explained, of the prompt." Holden told her.

"I can live with that."

She leaned over his desk to grab a red pen, and he got a great view of her ass.Get a grip, he told himself. Meanwhile, his cock twitched to life.Oh shit,he thought, now is not the time for me to feel the effect of months without sex. Why was he reacting to her? He generally didn't physically respond to hot girls; he didn't have a problem attracting or getting them, he just generally wasn't incredibly interested. Maybe it was the way she got pissed off; he had seen a certain fire in her eyes which told him she was good at fighting battles with people. She had made some interesting comments in class too.This is ridiculous.He scooted his chair so he was under the desk a little more in an attempt to hide his ever-growing erection. Not a small guy, it would be obvious if he hit full mast, even in his dark jeans.

She felt him move, "You alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, of course" he responded, showing his annoyance. She handed him the red pen. "What is this for?" he asked.

"You said you were going to make a note of it," she said tauntingly. He took it from her, and quickly scribbled across a post-it note. "Don't forget," she said, raising an eyebrow at him.

He felt himself scowling, thoroughly irritated by the girl in front of him. "Done," he said, meaning it to be a dismissal as much as an answer.

"Thanks." She smiled at him sweetly, and walked out. His gaze instinctively fell to her tight little ass, which jiggled oh-so-slightly, as she walked out the door.

He had to get his head on straight; he wasn't supposed to be thinking about this. He needed to remain impersonal, alone, unaffected. It was how he maintained his life. Plus, she was a student to him, even if he was only an assistant professor.

That night he went back to Matt's place for some video games and burgers, just typical guy stuff. Sure, it was a little immature, but he was only 27. It was still time to goof around, and Matt was really the only one he would do it with. Over at his place, they played on the enormous plasma screen TV, which had previously the week before held the football game. Matt's parents were loaded, and fortunately for him, they had asked him to partake in the family business, which was an investment company of considerable size. He was 25, and living in a wicked pad.

"So, what are the chances that I could convince you to go to a huge ass benefit deal with me?" Matt asked

"A what?" Holden was busy focusing on making his character throw fireballs at Matt's.

"A benefit deal. You know. Where a ton of people pay a lot of money to dress up and eat fancy food and supposedly all the cash goes to kids with cancer or some shit." Matt threw an Ice Shield back at Holden's mage.

"Damn it! So, you mean a black tie deal?"Time for double retaliation,Holden's fingers working furiously on the controls.

"Yeah, a black tie deal. Argh! No way, I did not know a half dead warrior-mage could do that!" Matt's character had fallen to the ground under the blows.

"Ha, fuckingowned!" Holden exclaimed triumphantly. "Anyways, man, you know I love you. But seriously? Why the fuck would I want to go hang out with a bunch of boring-ass rich people?"

"For the chicks." Matt replied, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Chicks? Like Helen Mirren style chicks?" Holden couldn't help but be dubious. He wasn't exactly the social butterfly type.

"No. Like wannabe playboy bunny type chicks. Like horny-trophy-wives-with-dead-husbands type of chicks." Matt was quite enthusiastic.

"Huh... doesn't sound like my thing." Nonplussed, Holden turned back to his game controller.

"Please man, if you don't go with me no one else will, and I have to go because the parent's company is a big donor or some shit."

"What about that girl that you were seeing, Melissa or whatever her name was...?"

"Ugh no way man, I do not talk to her anymore. That girl was a chick with ISSUES."

"So, you mean she had more than the emotional capacity of a teaspoon?" Holden said wryly.

"No, don't be queer. I mean she was moody and clingy and shit. I hate that. I'm telling you. Come with me, bang some hot ass girls, eat some free food. I got the extra ticket. What have you got to lose?"

Chapter 3

Three days later, Holden found himself in a predicament, he felt he had to go with Matt. But he couldn't muster up the horn-dog sex drive of his best friend. Not that he didn't have a sex drive, it was there. But some plastic-looking over-bleached, fake-breasted idiot didn't sound appealing to him. When he was 21? Sure he would have loved to hit that. Hell, he probably would've even paid, not that he would have had to. But that wasn't who he was anymore. And he couldn't say that he missed it all that much.

He got dressed, wearing black slacks and black button up with a dark red tie, which couldn't hide the dark lines that curved up to his neck. His colleagues were none too thrilled about how the tattoos affected his "professional appearance," but there were no rules against it. They weren't graphic pictures or anything, just designs. He got the first one when he was a teenager, a shadowy teenager with a past he thought he could deal with by etching it into his skin. Mia, the girl who had lived down the street and happened to be a tattoo artist, had done them.Oh, Mia, he thought. But that was a different story. At least he looked halfway decent. Holden brushed his hair out of his eyes, and grabbed a jacket. He got into his jeep and drove to Matt's house, where they would leave together. Probably in Matt's car. His new Corvette was undoubtedly nicer than Holden's jeep, which had seen its fare share of hard driving.

When Holden and Matt got to the large building where the benefit was held, for kids with leukemia he discovered, he noticed the names of the big donors up on the wall of the entrance. He recognized a big law firm, a few doctors, and even the dean of the University. Walking into the large main hall, he could see a jazz band on the stage, large buffet table with all sorts of exotic looking foods, and two bars. There were several rooms off shooting, a couple of which had sofas and chairs, one that held tables and chairs, and one or two more that he couldn't see inside from where he was standing. He was surprised at how many young people there were, it seemed like almost a third of the people them in their twenties to early thirties, and most were female. He could see what Matt meant about this being a good place to score. As he was thinking this, a very voluptuous Latina woman walked past, flashing a smile.

"That's Marty Devon's fourth wife," Matt said in a low voice. "I guess she was the nanny for his latest kid... till he started banging her."

"Christ Matt, how do you know this shit? You sound like a chick, gossiping inanely." Holden scowled, his cynicism flaring.

"Hey man, got to keep up with the news. You have to know who is doable, and who you just can't get caught doing," Matt grinned.

They milled around, grabbing drinks from the bar and talking to various people Matt knew. As they meandered through the crowd, more people arrived; overpaid valet's whisking away their overpriced cars. It looked like all of Parker City's upper crust was here. Suddenly Matt disappeared from Holden's side, weaving through a group of people to go greet someone he apparently knew. Holden strode after him, trying to keep up with his friend's head of short brown hair. When he found Matt a few minutes later, he started to walk up to him. Some people moved out of his line of vision, and Holden realized who Matt was talking to.

Her normally straight hair was slightly curled at the bottom, but not too carefully, giving her that tousled bedroom look. A beaded gold- tan dress clung to her skin, tying behind her neck to cover her breasts in a low 'V', then sweeping down to close at her lower back and flowing down to the floor. A slit ran up the side in the front, ending at right above her knee. She was showing more of her back than anything else, but it was form fitting enough to make her look drop-dead gorgeous without looking too scandalous for the event. A pale gold strapped heel was attached to the smooth looking leg that disappeared up the slit of her dress.So that's why she was at Matt's party. They were of the same level of upper-class.He approached, not sure of how to act, but hiding it behind his usual mask of a hard, calm, aloof exterior.

Holden's gaze shifted to who she was standing with. A buff blonde guy with short hair stood there. He was probably Holden's height, maybe an inch shorter, but with a thicker upper torso. The man looked like he should have been a life size version of a Ken doll; make that Extra-Beefy Quarterback Ken doll. Matt obviously knew him too. As he made the introductions, Vera interjected.

"Oh Mr. Siebel and I know each other." Matt and Vera's escort looked puzzled.

"Um, I'm the Assistant Professor for Government 186," Holden offered as an explanation, feeling uncomfortable.

"Which I take. Mr. Siebel keeps me enthralled with the class."

He swallowed hard. Something about the way she said his name, so formally with a hint of laughter, almost like she was being facetious. But as soon as the conversation had begun, she was already gone, whisked back into the crowd... It was clear she knew many of the people at the event, and someone had gotten her attention. Her escort followed, trying to keep up with her.
